Goldberg: Could it be that both parties are doomed?

I would LOVE to see the duopoly crash and burn
Fuck em'

Do you belong to any organizations? Moose, Rotary, Red Hats, etc?

Would you like to hear people calling for your organizations to crash and burn?

There is no mandate to belong to a party. You are free to associate with whomever you please.

Leave my party organization alone.
I would LOVE to see the duopoly crash and burn!
Yes, but be careful you (the collective "you," not you personally) do not throw out the baby with the bathwater. It takes some knowing stuff to ably run this country and put up logical laws and policy. So be careful in the purge that good thoughtful minds are still there to do our bidding.
Yea, the people we have now sure know how to do it..
"logical laws"
Like not putting an ice cream cone in your back pocket? :rolleyes:
Could it be that both parties are doomed?

I say--a pox on both their houses..

"The GOP is running as smoothly as a dry Slip 'N Slide made from sandpaper. That the party is as dysfunctional as the human resources department at the Weinstein Company stems from a host of ideological, political and structural problems that are only compounded by the fact that the president grabs the public's attention like a spider monkey running through a church with a lit stick of dynamite.
The Democratic Party, meanwhile, has gotten drunk on the spectacle. And as with many a drunk, it's grown oblivious to its own decrepitude. Like a bitter lush sitting in his own filth amidst a sea of empty bottles, moldering pizza boxes and fried chicken bones, it shouts at the TV and boasts how it could do better.
Donna Brazile, the longtime high-ranking Democratic functionary, was made interim chair of the party shortly before the 2016 election in the wake of revelations that the previous chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, seemed to be playing favorites in the primaries, tilting the scales toward Hillary Clinton and against Bernie Sanders. In an excerpt from her forthcoming book, "Hacks," Brazile reports that Wasserman Schultz wasn't simply partial towards Clinton. She was in fact Clinton's vassal."

"Brazile reports that the party was so hollowed out with debt that Hillary Clinton essentially scooped it up in a distress sale. Wasserman Schultz cut a deal with the Clinton campaign in which Clinton would raise millions ostensibly for the party, particularly at the state level. But those funds were sluiced back into the Clinton campaign coffers in Brooklyn, and the campaign extracted de facto control of the party's messaging and hiring. Team Clinton mocked Sanders as a paranoid dotard for claiming that the Democratic primary system was rigged against him. As it happens, his paranoia didn't go far enough.
It seems axiomatic that any party weak enough to be taken over by Hillary Clinton is not in good health."

"But the important point is that dysfunction isn't zero-sum. Right now, the best argument Republicans have is "we're not Democrats," and the best argument Democrats have is "we're not Republicans." Like two punch-drunk pugilists leaning on each other in the 12th round, if one falls, the other may well fall too.
Everywhere else in America today, disrupters -- Uber, Amazon, etc. -- are dismantling established institutions. Perhaps both political parties are the next institutions to crumble under creative destruction. Or maybe not. But if it happens, no one can say they didn't have it coming."

They are already crashing. The loyal memberships are falling, The "Big Middle" of Indies and 3rd parties and populist movements are rising.

The last 2 choices for Prez were just UNforgivable and INexcusable. The GOP got hijacked by a meglomaniac power whore. And a Meglomaniac power whore literally bought the DNC at salvage prices.

They are completely corrupt and non-productive. The 2 brand name parties HAVE been in decline for awhile now..
It would help if the semi popular third parties we have now would produce some decent people.
Gary Johnson was a borderline retard and Stein enjoyed defacing private property like a radical.

Do you think Trump would have won if he had run third party?
Could it be that both parties are doomed?

I say--a pox on both their houses..

"The GOP is running as smoothly as a dry Slip 'N Slide made from sandpaper. That the party is as dysfunctional as the human resources department at the Weinstein Company stems from a host of ideological, political and structural problems that are only compounded by the fact that the president grabs the public's attention like a spider monkey running through a church with a lit stick of dynamite.
The Democratic Party, meanwhile, has gotten drunk on the spectacle. And as with many a drunk, it's grown oblivious to its own decrepitude. Like a bitter lush sitting in his own filth amidst a sea of empty bottles, moldering pizza boxes and fried chicken bones, it shouts at the TV and boasts how it could do better.
Donna Brazile, the longtime high-ranking Democratic functionary, was made interim chair of the party shortly before the 2016 election in the wake of revelations that the previous chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, seemed to be playing favorites in the primaries, tilting the scales toward Hillary Clinton and against Bernie Sanders. In an excerpt from her forthcoming book, "Hacks," Brazile reports that Wasserman Schultz wasn't simply partial towards Clinton. She was in fact Clinton's vassal."

"Brazile reports that the party was so hollowed out with debt that Hillary Clinton essentially scooped it up in a distress sale. Wasserman Schultz cut a deal with the Clinton campaign in which Clinton would raise millions ostensibly for the party, particularly at the state level. But those funds were sluiced back into the Clinton campaign coffers in Brooklyn, and the campaign extracted de facto control of the party's messaging and hiring. Team Clinton mocked Sanders as a paranoid dotard for claiming that the Democratic primary system was rigged against him. As it happens, his paranoia didn't go far enough.
It seems axiomatic that any party weak enough to be taken over by Hillary Clinton is not in good health."

"But the important point is that dysfunction isn't zero-sum. Right now, the best argument Republicans have is "we're not Democrats," and the best argument Democrats have is "we're not Republicans." Like two punch-drunk pugilists leaning on each other in the 12th round, if one falls, the other may well fall too.
Everywhere else in America today, disrupters -- Uber, Amazon, etc. -- are dismantling established institutions. Perhaps both political parties are the next institutions to crumble under creative destruction. Or maybe not. But if it happens, no one can say they didn't have it coming."

They are already crashing. The loyal memberships are falling, The "Big Middle" of Indies and 3rd parties and populist movements are rising.

The last 2 choices for Prez were just UNforgivable and INexcusable. The GOP got hijacked by a meglomaniac power whore. And a Meglomaniac power whore literally bought the DNC at salvage prices.

They are completely corrupt and non-productive. The 2 brand name parties HAVE been in decline for awhile now..
It would help if the semi popular third parties we have now would produce some decent people.
Gary Johnson was a borderline retard and Stein enjoyed defacing private property like a radical.

Do you think Trump would have won if he had run third party?
No. I did say above "decent people" :D
Could it be that both parties are doomed?

I say--a pox on both their houses..

"The GOP is running as smoothly as a dry Slip 'N Slide made from sandpaper. That the party is as dysfunctional as the human resources department at the Weinstein Company stems from a host of ideological, political and structural problems that are only compounded by the fact that the president grabs the public's attention like a spider monkey running through a church with a lit stick of dynamite.
The Democratic Party, meanwhile, has gotten drunk on the spectacle. And as with many a drunk, it's grown oblivious to its own decrepitude. Like a bitter lush sitting in his own filth amidst a sea of empty bottles, moldering pizza boxes and fried chicken bones, it shouts at the TV and boasts how it could do better.
Donna Brazile, the longtime high-ranking Democratic functionary, was made interim chair of the party shortly before the 2016 election in the wake of revelations that the previous chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, seemed to be playing favorites in the primaries, tilting the scales toward Hillary Clinton and against Bernie Sanders. In an excerpt from her forthcoming book, "Hacks," Brazile reports that Wasserman Schultz wasn't simply partial towards Clinton. She was in fact Clinton's vassal."

"Brazile reports that the party was so hollowed out with debt that Hillary Clinton essentially scooped it up in a distress sale. Wasserman Schultz cut a deal with the Clinton campaign in which Clinton would raise millions ostensibly for the party, particularly at the state level. But those funds were sluiced back into the Clinton campaign coffers in Brooklyn, and the campaign extracted de facto control of the party's messaging and hiring. Team Clinton mocked Sanders as a paranoid dotard for claiming that the Democratic primary system was rigged against him. As it happens, his paranoia didn't go far enough.
It seems axiomatic that any party weak enough to be taken over by Hillary Clinton is not in good health."

"But the important point is that dysfunction isn't zero-sum. Right now, the best argument Republicans have is "we're not Democrats," and the best argument Democrats have is "we're not Republicans." Like two punch-drunk pugilists leaning on each other in the 12th round, if one falls, the other may well fall too.
Everywhere else in America today, disrupters -- Uber, Amazon, etc. -- are dismantling established institutions. Perhaps both political parties are the next institutions to crumble under creative destruction. Or maybe not. But if it happens, no one can say they didn't have it coming."

They are already crashing. The loyal memberships are falling, The "Big Middle" of Indies and 3rd parties and populist movements are rising.

The last 2 choices for Prez were just UNforgivable and INexcusable. The GOP got hijacked by a meglomaniac power whore. And a Meglomaniac power whore literally bought the DNC at salvage prices.

They are completely corrupt and non-productive. The 2 brand name parties HAVE been in decline for awhile now..
It would help if the semi popular third parties we have now would produce some decent people.
Gary Johnson was a borderline retard and Stein enjoyed defacing private property like a radical.

Gary Johnson was just too humble. He's not a meglomaniac like Trump or Hillary. And the public THINKS leadership is all about bragging and feeling entitled. He's a BIT retarded on National issues -- BUT

1) He's been correct on Foreign Policy, especially our too many interventions in the Mid East.
2) He ran New Mexico for 8 years and left it BETTER OFF with just simple principles and basic convictions.
3) He's absolutely solid on Civil Liberties. ALL OF THEM. And would seriously reform the surveillance programs and justice reform.
4) Only candidate that puts ending corp/govt collusion as a top priority. THAT is source of most of the corruption in the Swamp..

Humble is good. Apologizing for your gaffes is good. Do you prefer mad delirious tweeting at 4AM to double down on your LAST gaffe?? :rofl:

Bottom line -- Ticket SHOULD have been reversed. Should have been Weld on top. But that could never be sold at a Libertarian convention.
Could it be that both parties are doomed?

I say--a pox on both their houses..

"The GOP is running as smoothly as a dry Slip 'N Slide made from sandpaper. That the party is as dysfunctional as the human resources department at the Weinstein Company stems from a host of ideological, political and structural problems that are only compounded by the fact that the president grabs the public's attention like a spider monkey running through a church with a lit stick of dynamite.
The Democratic Party, meanwhile, has gotten drunk on the spectacle. And as with many a drunk, it's grown oblivious to its own decrepitude. Like a bitter lush sitting in his own filth amidst a sea of empty bottles, moldering pizza boxes and fried chicken bones, it shouts at the TV and boasts how it could do better.
Donna Brazile, the longtime high-ranking Democratic functionary, was made interim chair of the party shortly before the 2016 election in the wake of revelations that the previous chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, seemed to be playing favorites in the primaries, tilting the scales toward Hillary Clinton and against Bernie Sanders. In an excerpt from her forthcoming book, "Hacks," Brazile reports that Wasserman Schultz wasn't simply partial towards Clinton. She was in fact Clinton's vassal."

"Brazile reports that the party was so hollowed out with debt that Hillary Clinton essentially scooped it up in a distress sale. Wasserman Schultz cut a deal with the Clinton campaign in which Clinton would raise millions ostensibly for the party, particularly at the state level. But those funds were sluiced back into the Clinton campaign coffers in Brooklyn, and the campaign extracted de facto control of the party's messaging and hiring. Team Clinton mocked Sanders as a paranoid dotard for claiming that the Democratic primary system was rigged against him. As it happens, his paranoia didn't go far enough.
It seems axiomatic that any party weak enough to be taken over by Hillary Clinton is not in good health."

"But the important point is that dysfunction isn't zero-sum. Right now, the best argument Republicans have is "we're not Democrats," and the best argument Democrats have is "we're not Republicans." Like two punch-drunk pugilists leaning on each other in the 12th round, if one falls, the other may well fall too.
Everywhere else in America today, disrupters -- Uber, Amazon, etc. -- are dismantling established institutions. Perhaps both political parties are the next institutions to crumble under creative destruction. Or maybe not. But if it happens, no one can say they didn't have it coming."

They are already crashing. The loyal memberships are falling, The "Big Middle" of Indies and 3rd parties and populist movements are rising.

The last 2 choices for Prez were just UNforgivable and INexcusable. The GOP got hijacked by a meglomaniac power whore. And a Meglomaniac power whore literally bought the DNC at salvage prices.

They are completely corrupt and non-productive. The 2 brand name parties HAVE been in decline for awhile now..
It would help if the semi popular third parties we have now would produce some decent people.
Gary Johnson was a borderline retard and Stein enjoyed defacing private property like a radical.

Gary Johnson was just too humble. He's not a meglomaniac like Trump or Hillary. And the public THINKS leadership is all about bragging and feeling entitled. He's a BIT retarded on National issues -- BUT

1) He's been correct on Foreign Policy, especially our too many interventions in the Mid East.
2) He ran New Mexico for 8 years and left it BETTER OFF with just simple principles and basic convictions.
3) He's absolutely solid on Civil Liberties. ALL OF THEM. And would seriously reform the surveillance programs and justice reform.
4) Only candidate that puts ending corp/govt collusion as a top priority. THAT is source of most of the corruption in the Swamp..

Humble is good. Apologizing for your gaffes is good. Do you prefer mad delirious tweeting at 4AM to double down on your LAST gaffe?? :rofl:

Bottom line -- Ticket SHOULD have been reversed. Should have been Weld on top. But that could never be sold at a Libertarian convention.
When i said "borderline retard" i wasnt talking about his beliefs. I was talking about him, period lol


BTW, Foreign policy? "whats an allepo?" Lol
Sorry, i like to pick, my man :D
I would LOVE to see the duopoly crash and burn
Fuck em'

Do you belong to any organizations? Moose, Rotary, Red Hats, etc?

Would you like to hear people calling for your organizations to crash and burn?

There is no mandate to belong to a party. You are free to associate with whomever you please.

Leave my party organization alone.
I would LOVE to see the duopoly crash and burn!
Yes, but be careful you (the collective "you," not you personally) do not throw out the baby with the bathwater. It takes some knowing stuff to ably run this country and put up logical laws and policy. So be careful in the purge that good thoughtful minds are still there to do our bidding.

Name some for me. Because if the Noah Flood occurred tomorrow and I had an Ark, I can only name 3 or 4 people on Capitol Hill I'd take aboard. The manual for running this country AIN'T in Congress. They can barely run their Post Office/Barber Shop..
At least you admit that Hillary is a POS. I can't fault you for your choice. Can you for mine? Did either of us really have a choice? We were handed two shit burgers and had to choose which one was less smelly.

True........and I chose the proverbial "lesser of two evils"....Corrupt BUT competent, Hillary (my choice), versus inept, narcissistic and thin-skinned Trump (your choice.)
That young cat that was in the L debates? I liked him. He was a damn firecracker. Peterson maybe?
Austin Petersen. Yes. He came in second to Gary "Feel The" Johnson.

Not that I give a rat fuck what celebrities think or do, but i have heard that he was endorsed by Clint Eastwood and Kurt Russell.
Could it be that both parties are doomed?

I say--a pox on both their houses..

"The GOP is running as smoothly as a dry Slip 'N Slide made from sandpaper. That the party is as dysfunctional as the human resources department at the Weinstein Company stems from a host of ideological, political and structural problems that are only compounded by the fact that the president grabs the public's attention like a spider monkey running through a church with a lit stick of dynamite.
The Democratic Party, meanwhile, has gotten drunk on the spectacle. And as with many a drunk, it's grown oblivious to its own decrepitude. Like a bitter lush sitting in his own filth amidst a sea of empty bottles, moldering pizza boxes and fried chicken bones, it shouts at the TV and boasts how it could do better.
Donna Brazile, the longtime high-ranking Democratic functionary, was made interim chair of the party shortly before the 2016 election in the wake of revelations that the previous chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, seemed to be playing favorites in the primaries, tilting the scales toward Hillary Clinton and against Bernie Sanders. In an excerpt from her forthcoming book, "Hacks," Brazile reports that Wasserman Schultz wasn't simply partial towards Clinton. She was in fact Clinton's vassal."

"Brazile reports that the party was so hollowed out with debt that Hillary Clinton essentially scooped it up in a distress sale. Wasserman Schultz cut a deal with the Clinton campaign in which Clinton would raise millions ostensibly for the party, particularly at the state level. But those funds were sluiced back into the Clinton campaign coffers in Brooklyn, and the campaign extracted de facto control of the party's messaging and hiring. Team Clinton mocked Sanders as a paranoid dotard for claiming that the Democratic primary system was rigged against him. As it happens, his paranoia didn't go far enough.
It seems axiomatic that any party weak enough to be taken over by Hillary Clinton is not in good health."

"But the important point is that dysfunction isn't zero-sum. Right now, the best argument Republicans have is "we're not Democrats," and the best argument Democrats have is "we're not Republicans." Like two punch-drunk pugilists leaning on each other in the 12th round, if one falls, the other may well fall too.
Everywhere else in America today, disrupters -- Uber, Amazon, etc. -- are dismantling established institutions. Perhaps both political parties are the next institutions to crumble under creative destruction. Or maybe not. But if it happens, no one can say they didn't have it coming."

They are already crashing. The loyal memberships are falling, The "Big Middle" of Indies and 3rd parties and populist movements are rising.

The last 2 choices for Prez were just UNforgivable and INexcusable. The GOP got hijacked by a meglomaniac power whore. And a Meglomaniac power whore literally bought the DNC at salvage prices.

They are completely corrupt and non-productive. The 2 brand name parties HAVE been in decline for awhile now..
It would help if the semi popular third parties we have now would produce some decent people.
Gary Johnson was a borderline retard and Stein enjoyed defacing private property like a radical.

Gary Johnson was just too humble. He's not a meglomaniac like Trump or Hillary. And the public THINKS leadership is all about bragging and feeling entitled. He's a BIT retarded on National issues -- BUT

1) He's been correct on Foreign Policy, especially our too many interventions in the Mid East.
2) He ran New Mexico for 8 years and left it BETTER OFF with just simple principles and basic convictions.
3) He's absolutely solid on Civil Liberties. ALL OF THEM. And would seriously reform the surveillance programs and justice reform.
4) Only candidate that puts ending corp/govt collusion as a top priority. THAT is source of most of the corruption in the Swamp..

Humble is good. Apologizing for your gaffes is good. Do you prefer mad delirious tweeting at 4AM to double down on your LAST gaffe?? :rofl:

Bottom line -- Ticket SHOULD have been reversed. Should have been Weld on top. But that could never be sold at a Libertarian convention.
When i said "borderline retard" i wasnt talking about his beliefs. I was talking about him, period lol


BTW, Foreign policy? "whats an allepo?" Lol
Sorry, i like to pick, my man :D

Not necessary to be reserved and unreachable like the HildeBeast. That doesn't work either. We need to talk this out, because APPARENTLY you think making daily headlines by FLAMING your competition with cutesy little knicknames and sound bites is preferable to self deprecation and humility.

I'll take the humility every time. You got to get the media involved somehow. If you DON'T go low -- your options are limited.

One thing you have to understand is 3rd parties, especially the LParty LOSE when they start attacking one Brand Name party or the other. Because the media will SKEWER you for being "on one side or the other" -- when you're not. We WANT the demise of the 2 party system. Ought to be a FOUR party system with REAL choices. And we don't WANT power. Don't WANT to add to the stupid Tribal sniping. We WANT a better deal on problem solving and fixing things that are corrupt and broken.

When you're NOT arrogant and NOT simply fixated on GAINING POWER, USING POWER, and RETAINING that power --- It takes some getting used to.. We'll get there.
I would LOVE to see the duopoly crash and burn
Fuck em'

Do you belong to any organizations? Moose, Rotary, Red Hats, etc?

Would you like to hear people calling for your organizations to crash and burn?

There is no mandate to belong to a party. You are free to associate with whomever you please.

Leave my party organization alone.
I would LOVE to see the duopoly crash and burn!
Yes, but be careful you (the collective "you," not you personally) do not throw out the baby with the bathwater. It takes some knowing stuff to ably run this country and put up logical laws and policy. So be careful in the purge that good thoughtful minds are still there to do our bidding.

Name some for me. Because if the Noah Flood occurred tomorrow and I had an Ark, I can only name 3 or 4 people on Capitol Hill I'd take aboard. The manual for running this country AIN'T in Congress. They can barely run their Post Office/Barber Shop..
I watch CSPAN sometimes and hear the words coming straight from the horses' mouths, and I hear them interviewed on issues they have specialized in on their subcommittees, and a good number of them are more knowledgeable than you think. If you or I or TN were somehow magically transported to D.C. and plopped into the chair of a Congresscritter, we would be humbled by what we don't know.
Tearing down is okay if you've got a plan for building something better.
Could it be that both parties are doomed?

I say--a pox on both their houses..

"The GOP is running as smoothly as a dry Slip 'N Slide made from sandpaper. That the party is as dysfunctional as the human resources department at the Weinstein Company stems from a host of ideological, political and structural problems that are only compounded by the fact that the president grabs the public's attention like a spider monkey running through a church with a lit stick of dynamite.
The Democratic Party, meanwhile, has gotten drunk on the spectacle. And as with many a drunk, it's grown oblivious to its own decrepitude. Like a bitter lush sitting in his own filth amidst a sea of empty bottles, moldering pizza boxes and fried chicken bones, it shouts at the TV and boasts how it could do better.
Donna Brazile, the longtime high-ranking Democratic functionary, was made interim chair of the party shortly before the 2016 election in the wake of revelations that the previous chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, seemed to be playing favorites in the primaries, tilting the scales toward Hillary Clinton and against Bernie Sanders. In an excerpt from her forthcoming book, "Hacks," Brazile reports that Wasserman Schultz wasn't simply partial towards Clinton. She was in fact Clinton's vassal."

"Brazile reports that the party was so hollowed out with debt that Hillary Clinton essentially scooped it up in a distress sale. Wasserman Schultz cut a deal with the Clinton campaign in which Clinton would raise millions ostensibly for the party, particularly at the state level. But those funds were sluiced back into the Clinton campaign coffers in Brooklyn, and the campaign extracted de facto control of the party's messaging and hiring. Team Clinton mocked Sanders as a paranoid dotard for claiming that the Democratic primary system was rigged against him. As it happens, his paranoia didn't go far enough.
It seems axiomatic that any party weak enough to be taken over by Hillary Clinton is not in good health."

"But the important point is that dysfunction isn't zero-sum. Right now, the best argument Republicans have is "we're not Democrats," and the best argument Democrats have is "we're not Republicans." Like two punch-drunk pugilists leaning on each other in the 12th round, if one falls, the other may well fall too.
Everywhere else in America today, disrupters -- Uber, Amazon, etc. -- are dismantling established institutions. Perhaps both political parties are the next institutions to crumble under creative destruction. Or maybe not. But if it happens, no one can say they didn't have it coming."

They are already crashing. The loyal memberships are falling, The "Big Middle" of Indies and 3rd parties and populist movements are rising.

The last 2 choices for Prez were just UNforgivable and INexcusable. The GOP got hijacked by a meglomaniac power whore. And a Meglomaniac power whore literally bought the DNC at salvage prices.

They are completely corrupt and non-productive. The 2 brand name parties HAVE been in decline for awhile now..
It would help if the semi popular third parties we have now would produce some decent people.
Gary Johnson was a borderline retard and Stein enjoyed defacing private property like a radical.

Gary Johnson was just too humble. He's not a meglomaniac like Trump or Hillary. And the public THINKS leadership is all about bragging and feeling entitled. He's a BIT retarded on National issues -- BUT

1) He's been correct on Foreign Policy, especially our too many interventions in the Mid East.
2) He ran New Mexico for 8 years and left it BETTER OFF with just simple principles and basic convictions.
3) He's absolutely solid on Civil Liberties. ALL OF THEM. And would seriously reform the surveillance programs and justice reform.
4) Only candidate that puts ending corp/govt collusion as a top priority. THAT is source of most of the corruption in the Swamp..

Humble is good. Apologizing for your gaffes is good. Do you prefer mad delirious tweeting at 4AM to double down on your LAST gaffe?? :rofl:

Bottom line -- Ticket SHOULD have been reversed. Should have been Weld on top. But that could never be sold at a Libertarian convention.
When i said "borderline retard" i wasnt talking about his beliefs. I was talking about him, period lol


BTW, Foreign policy? "whats an allepo?" Lol
Sorry, i like to pick, my man :D

Not necessary to be reserved and unreachable like the HildeBeast. That doesn't work either. We need to talk this out, because APPARENTLY you think making daily headlines by FLAMING your competition with cutesy little knicknames and sound bites is preferable to self deprecation and humility.

I'll take the humility every time. You got to get the media involved somehow. If you DON'T go low -- your options are limited.

One thing you have to understand is 3rd parties, especially the LParty LOSE when they start attacking one Brand Name party or the other. Because the media will SKEWER you for being "on one side or the other" -- when you're not. We WANT the demise of the 2 party system. Ought to be a FOUR party system with REAL choices. And we don't WANT power. Don't WANT to add to the stupid Tribal sniping. We WANT a better deal on problem solving and fixing things that are corrupt and broken.

When you're NOT arrogant and NOT simply fixated on GAINING POWER, USING POWER, and RETAINING that power --- It takes some getting used to.. We'll get there.
Why are you assuming?
Look, i think trump can be pretty funny. He is also not presidential, dumb as hell and completely embarrassing. IDK why you have to assume i am ok with that just because i didnt like johnson either.
I didnt like any of them. The only two i liked dropped before it even got started good. Because they were too sane and collected.
I got behind trump for a couple months, but i dropped him before he even won the nomination.
I had to do a write in AGAIN
I look forward to Austin Peterson BTW :thup:
I would LOVE to see the duopoly crash and burn
Fuck em'

Do you belong to any organizations? Moose, Rotary, Red Hats, etc?

Would you like to hear people calling for your organizations to crash and burn?

There is no mandate to belong to a party. You are free to associate with whomever you please.

Leave my party organization alone.
I would LOVE to see the duopoly crash and burn!
Yes, but be careful you (the collective "you," not you personally) do not throw out the baby with the bathwater. It takes some knowing stuff to ably run this country and put up logical laws and policy. So be careful in the purge that good thoughtful minds are still there to do our bidding.

Name some for me. Because if the Noah Flood occurred tomorrow and I had an Ark, I can only name 3 or 4 people on Capitol Hill I'd take aboard. The manual for running this country AIN'T in Congress. They can barely run their Post Office/Barber Shop..
I watch CSPAN sometimes and hear the words coming straight from the horses' mouths, and I hear them interviewed on issues they have specialized in on their subcommittees, and a good number of them are more knowledgeable than you think. If you or I or TN were somehow magically transported to D.C. and plopped into the chair of a Congresscritter, we would be humbled by what we don't know.
Tearing down is okay if you've got a plan for building something better.
Of course we would be. And normally i would agree with your premise, but not in this case. The guys we have know do irrational shit. They do corrupt shit. They dont even know how to run programs that have been running for GENERATIONS. They fail at almost EVERYTHING.
Us three could kick washingtons ass. Dont doubt that.
True........and I chose the proverbial "lesser of two evils"....Corrupt BUT competent, Hillary (my choice), versus inept, narcissistic and thin-skinned Trump (your choice.)
I don't disagree with your assessments, and I can't blame you for your choice.

I just could not get over Hillary's willingness to sell us out to the internationalists and her desire to give the "World Court" (with much less regard for individual freedoms) jurisdiction over Americans. I could not get past that.

Another deciding factor was Trump not being an insider. I would have (did) pick him over any other candidate from any other party but several of the libertarian candidates not named Gary Johnson. We've tried the insider bullshit far too long.

The establishment of both major parties wanted to continue the dynasties. They tried to force Hillary or Jeb Bush on us, and were shocked that we had the audacity to reject them.

The American People are getting really tired of the bullshit and Trump (as bad as he may be) is a manifestation of it. It could be worse. Another outsider with less personal achievement and experience could have ran and beat both Trump and Hillary, and we would really be screwed.

money from Goldberg's demographic controls both... has since 1998 when the GOP ceased to be a conservative and patriotic party.
Could it be that both parties are doomed?

I say--a pox on both their houses..

"The GOP is running as smoothly as a dry Slip 'N Slide made from sandpaper. That the party is as dysfunctional as the human resources department at the Weinstein Company stems from a host of ideological, political and structural problems that are only compounded by the fact that the president grabs the public's attention like a spider monkey running through a church with a lit stick of dynamite.
The Democratic Party, meanwhile, has gotten drunk on the spectacle. And as with many a drunk, it's grown oblivious to its own decrepitude. Like a bitter lush sitting in his own filth amidst a sea of empty bottles, moldering pizza boxes and fried chicken bones, it shouts at the TV and boasts how it could do better.
Donna Brazile, the longtime high-ranking Democratic functionary, was made interim chair of the party shortly before the 2016 election in the wake of revelations that the previous chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, seemed to be playing favorites in the primaries, tilting the scales toward Hillary Clinton and against Bernie Sanders. In an excerpt from her forthcoming book, "Hacks," Brazile reports that Wasserman Schultz wasn't simply partial towards Clinton. She was in fact Clinton's vassal."

"Brazile reports that the party was so hollowed out with debt that Hillary Clinton essentially scooped it up in a distress sale. Wasserman Schultz cut a deal with the Clinton campaign in which Clinton would raise millions ostensibly for the party, particularly at the state level. But those funds were sluiced back into the Clinton campaign coffers in Brooklyn, and the campaign extracted de facto control of the party's messaging and hiring. Team Clinton mocked Sanders as a paranoid dotard for claiming that the Democratic primary system was rigged against him. As it happens, his paranoia didn't go far enough.
It seems axiomatic that any party weak enough to be taken over by Hillary Clinton is not in good health."

"But the important point is that dysfunction isn't zero-sum. Right now, the best argument Republicans have is "we're not Democrats," and the best argument Democrats have is "we're not Republicans." Like two punch-drunk pugilists leaning on each other in the 12th round, if one falls, the other may well fall too.
Everywhere else in America today, disrupters -- Uber, Amazon, etc. -- are dismantling established institutions. Perhaps both political parties are the next institutions to crumble under creative destruction. Or maybe not. But if it happens, no one can say they didn't have it coming."

They are already crashing. The loyal memberships are falling, The "Big Middle" of Indies and 3rd parties and populist movements are rising.

The last 2 choices for Prez were just UNforgivable and INexcusable. The GOP got hijacked by a meglomaniac power whore. And a Meglomaniac power whore literally bought the DNC at salvage prices.

They are completely corrupt and non-productive. The 2 brand name parties HAVE been in decline for awhile now..
It would help if the semi popular third parties we have now would produce some decent people.
Gary Johnson was a borderline retard and Stein enjoyed defacing private property like a radical.

Do you think Trump would have won if he had run third party?
No. I did say above "decent people" :D

Anyone who would be "decent people" would already be a Republican.
No decent person would even attempt to defend the eight years of treason and harm to America that was W's tenure.
Could it be that both parties are doomed?

I say--a pox on both their houses..

"The GOP is running as smoothly as a dry Slip 'N Slide made from sandpaper. That the party is as dysfunctional as the human resources department at the Weinstein Company stems from a host of ideological, political and structural problems that are only compounded by the fact that the president grabs the public's attention like a spider monkey running through a church with a lit stick of dynamite.
The Democratic Party, meanwhile, has gotten drunk on the spectacle. And as with many a drunk, it's grown oblivious to its own decrepitude. Like a bitter lush sitting in his own filth amidst a sea of empty bottles, moldering pizza boxes and fried chicken bones, it shouts at the TV and boasts how it could do better.
Donna Brazile, the longtime high-ranking Democratic functionary, was made interim chair of the party shortly before the 2016 election in the wake of revelations that the previous chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, seemed to be playing favorites in the primaries, tilting the scales toward Hillary Clinton and against Bernie Sanders. In an excerpt from her forthcoming book, "Hacks," Brazile reports that Wasserman Schultz wasn't simply partial towards Clinton. She was in fact Clinton's vassal."

"Brazile reports that the party was so hollowed out with debt that Hillary Clinton essentially scooped it up in a distress sale. Wasserman Schultz cut a deal with the Clinton campaign in which Clinton would raise millions ostensibly for the party, particularly at the state level. But those funds were sluiced back into the Clinton campaign coffers in Brooklyn, and the campaign extracted de facto control of the party's messaging and hiring. Team Clinton mocked Sanders as a paranoid dotard for claiming that the Democratic primary system was rigged against him. As it happens, his paranoia didn't go far enough.
It seems axiomatic that any party weak enough to be taken over by Hillary Clinton is not in good health."

"But the important point is that dysfunction isn't zero-sum. Right now, the best argument Republicans have is "we're not Democrats," and the best argument Democrats have is "we're not Republicans." Like two punch-drunk pugilists leaning on each other in the 12th round, if one falls, the other may well fall too.
Everywhere else in America today, disrupters -- Uber, Amazon, etc. -- are dismantling established institutions. Perhaps both political parties are the next institutions to crumble under creative destruction. Or maybe not. But if it happens, no one can say they didn't have it coming."

They are already crashing. The loyal memberships are falling, The "Big Middle" of Indies and 3rd parties and populist movements are rising.

The last 2 choices for Prez were just UNforgivable and INexcusable. The GOP got hijacked by a meglomaniac power whore. And a Meglomaniac power whore literally bought the DNC at salvage prices.

They are completely corrupt and non-productive. The 2 brand name parties HAVE been in decline for awhile now..
It would help if the semi popular third parties we have now would produce some decent people.
Gary Johnson was a borderline retard and Stein enjoyed defacing private property like a radical.

Do you think Trump would have won if he had run third party?
No. I did say above "decent people" :D

Anyone who would be "decent people" would already be a Republican.
Gary Johnson was just too humble. He's not a meglomaniac like Trump or Hillary. And the public THINKS leadership is all about bragging and feeling entitled. He's a BIT retarded on National issues -- BUT

1) He's been correct on Foreign Policy, especially our too many interventions in the Mid East.
2) He ran New Mexico for 8 years and left it BETTER OFF with just simple principles and basic convictions.
3) He's absolutely solid on Civil Liberties. ALL OF THEM. And would seriously reform the surveillance programs and justice reform.
4) Only candidate that puts ending corp/govt collusion as a top priority. THAT is source of most of the corruption in the Swamp..

Humble is good. Apologizing for your gaffes is good. Do you prefer mad delirious tweeting at 4AM to double down on your LAST gaffe??
Gary Johnson was just not a good candidate. I like most of his stances on issues, but a presidential candidate must have enough moxie to overcome the ignorance of the masses. If he doesn't have that edge, the opponents will portray him as they did Johnson--an inexperienced looney-toon moon bat.

Austin Pedersen had the moxie and demonstrated his critical analysis skills in the debates, but in true Libertarian Party fashion, the worst, most looney-looking candidate wins the primary.

Unfortunately, now Petersen is running as on the Dog-Shit, Anus-Licking, Do-Nothing Pachyderm ticket in the Missouri Senate Race.

If the Ls could stop dancing on their own dicks, they would have a real shot at national success. The incompetence is so glorious, it almost appears deliberate.

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