Goldberg: Trump Victory Tour is a Micro-Aggression


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Well, she said it was threatening and menacing to nonTrump supporters. So we have come full circle from the strong free speech movements of the 1960s to limitations on speech of it offends anyone, then to what we have now where you cant even do something totally normal and routine because it might make some idiot feel threatened.

Fuck it; I dont give a shit what these kinds of idiots think/feel/piss themselves over. They try to manipulate the rest of us with their fake offense and insecurity.

Fuck them.

Seriously, just fuck them.

Slate's Michelle Goldberg: Trump Victory Tour 'Menacing and Threatening' to Non-Trump Supporters - Breitbart

She concluded that Trump will “turn our country into a racist police state.”

This is what a bunch of irrational, ignorant, stupid ass crybaby morons the liberals have turned their whole movement into.

Bernie Sanders, I wish you God's Speed because you are the only hope the Democrats have to not go extinct.
One college said that the act of voting for Trump is an act of violence. Those suspected of voting for Trump, including police, be barred from campus.
Libtards are the biggest assholes on the planet! See what drugs do to yer mind?
Libtards are the biggest assholes on the planet! See what drugs do to yer mind?
Yeah, the libtards are losing, which is why they have to resort to voter intimidation and "free speech" that allows them to punish anyone that dares to disagree with them.
Well, she said it was threatening and menacing to nonTrump supporters. So we have come full circle from the strong free speech movements of the 1960s to limitations on speech of it offends anyone, then to what we have now where you cant even do something totally normal and routine because it might make some idiot feel threatened.

Fuck it; I dont give a shit what these kinds of idiots think/feel/piss themselves over. They try to manipulate the rest of us with their fake offense and insecurity.

Fuck them.

Seriously, just fuck them.

Slate's Michelle Goldberg: Trump Victory Tour 'Menacing and Threatening' to Non-Trump Supporters - Breitbart

She concluded that Trump will “turn our country into a racist police state.”

This is what a bunch of irrational, ignorant, stupid ass crybaby morons the liberals have turned their whole movement into.

Bernie Sanders, I wish you God's Speed because you are the only hope the Democrats have to not go extinct.
thankfully your kind are dying off in America so no one other then bitter uneducated rubes care about it, it is your types lash hurrah in America

“He’s evidently appealing to deep feelings of anger, fear, frustration, hopelessness, probably among sectors like those that are seeing an increase in mortality, something unheard of apart from war and catastrophe,”

Donald Trump Is Winning Because White America Is Dying | The Huffington Post
If this is threatening, can you imagine what the next 4 years will be like for the fucking bed-wetters.

these people are so thin-skinned I can't believe you can't see their organs and shit.

look, here come a couple now....

If this is threatening, can you imagine what the next 4 years will be like for the fucking bed-wetters.

these people are so thin-skinned I can't believe you can't see their organs and shit.

look, here come a couple now....

Sometimes I water my beard for my country when I think what Obama has done to it.
If this is threatening, can you imagine what the next 4 years will be like for the fucking bed-wetters.

these people are so thin-skinned I can't believe you can't see their organs and shit.

look, here come a couple now....

Sometimes I water my beard for my country when I think what Obama has done to it.

I getcha. At first when Trump won and they started their wailing I figured it would blow over and enjoyed watching their disbelief and horror that their march toward their little Libber-Reich had been thwarted.

Then it didn't go away, but spun on. And on. And on. And on.

And now we have silly crap like this and it's occurring to me that this is not a temporary grief-like reaction, but a deeper-seated crybaby gene or something that has been bred into these whiners and I've gone from laughing at them to thinking they're just fucking pathetic.

Then I think "shit, these sniveling morons are half the country" and, yeah, I'm right there with you.
I've said for year's, that eventually these people will claim just being a Republican is a hate crime. They are certifiable.
Well, she said it was threatening and menacing to nonTrump supporters. So we have come full circle from the strong free speech movements of the 1960s to limitations on speech of it offends anyone, then to what we have now where you cant even do something totally normal and routine because it might make some idiot feel threatened.

Fuck it; I dont give a shit what these kinds of idiots think/feel/piss themselves over. They try to manipulate the rest of us with their fake offense and insecurity.

Fuck them.

Seriously, just fuck them.

Slate's Michelle Goldberg: Trump Victory Tour 'Menacing and Threatening' to Non-Trump Supporters - Breitbart

She concluded that Trump will “turn our country into a racist police state.”

This is what a bunch of irrational, ignorant, stupid ass crybaby morons the liberals have turned their whole movement into.

Bernie Sanders, I wish you God's Speed because you are the only hope the Democrats have to not go extinct.
They are trying to stifle certain groups freedom of speech. I'm sure you've noticed that Liberals believe they can say whatever they want.

I hope that fruitloop, old Communist becomes the dominant voice in the Democratic party. The Blue Dogs will never vote Democrat again and most of the fence sitters will do the same. That guy is straight up batshit crazy.
This is what a bunch of irrational, ignorant, stupid ass crybaby morons the liberals have turned their whole movement into.
thankfully your kind are dying off in America so no one other then bitter uneducated rubes care about it, it is your types lash hurrah in America
Your obsession with the deaths of those who dare to disagree with you is pretty creepy.

Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Sadists
Actually, that is pretty mild for a Stalinist like Guano.


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