Golden State Killer Caught. Sadistic serial killer.

The Latest: DNA leads to California serial killer from 1970s - news+ -

California authorities say DNA in two 1978 killings in Sacramento led to the arrest of a man suspected of being a serial killer tied to dozens of slayings and sexual assaults in the 1970s and '80s.

A law enforcement official has identified a suspected California serial killer as 72-year-old Joseph James DeAngelo, a former police officer.

The official confirmed the identity on condition of anonymity before an official news conference planned for noon Wednesday.

Armed with a gun, the masked rapist would break into homes while single women or couples were sleeping. He would tie up the man and pile dishes on his back, then rape the woman while threatening to kill them both if the dishes tumbled.


This is great news. He supposedly had a little dick.
A cop...wonder if he had cover.

Even if he didn't, his knowledge of police procedures and patrol schedules would make his crimes easier to commit and hide.
The Latest: DNA leads to California serial killer from 1970s - news+ -

California authorities say DNA in two 1978 killings in Sacramento led to the arrest of a man suspected of being a serial killer tied to dozens of slayings and sexual assaults in the 1970s and '80s.

A law enforcement official has identified a suspected California serial killer as 72-year-old Joseph James DeAngelo, a former police officer.

The official confirmed the identity on condition of anonymity before an official news conference planned for noon Wednesday.

Armed with a gun, the masked rapist would break into homes while single women or couples were sleeping. He would tie up the man and pile dishes on his back, then rape the woman while threatening to kill them both if the dishes tumbled.


This is great news. He supposedly had a little dick.
And an ex cop...
The Latest: DNA leads to California serial killer from 1970s - news+ -

California authorities say DNA in two 1978 killings in Sacramento led to the arrest of a man suspected of being a serial killer tied to dozens of slayings and sexual assaults in the 1970s and '80s.

A law enforcement official has identified a suspected California serial killer as 72-year-old Joseph James DeAngelo, a former police officer.

The official confirmed the identity on condition of anonymity before an official news conference planned for noon Wednesday.

Armed with a gun, the masked rapist would break into homes while single women or couples were sleeping. He would tie up the man and pile dishes on his back, then rape the woman while threatening to kill them both if the dishes tumbled.


This is great news. He supposedly had a little dick.
And an ex cop...
Do fucking liberals like you ever have a fucking cogent point?
I hope he is the one...but it is innocent until proven guilty.

I will feel better when/if he is convicted.

They have him on the DNA, so it's him.

Jeez...why bother with the trial...why not lynch him now?

Have you personally seen the DNA evidence? Or do you just blindly believe whatever the authorities tell you because you want to believe it?

I am not believing anything the police say for one second about pending criminal cases until it is proven in court.

Once again, I hope this is the guy. But the basis for the American legal system is innocence until proven guilty.

And this guy is presumed innocent until he is proven guilty in court.
Wow this is huge news. I never thought they would catch this guy. He committed a staggering amount of crimes and was extremely devious.

He would use stolen bicycles for quick stealthy mobility to and from his crimes, would break multiple entrances/exits into a house before he even entered so he had multiple avenues of escape, would plan before his crimes extensively by surveiling houses and placing "wrong number" calls to learn victims schedules, etc. He would pile dishes on the subdued male so if they tried to escape he could hear them while having free range of the house to steal belongings, rape the female, and have a quick meal in the kitchen. He was almost caught and escaped multiple times.

One of the most notorious serial criminals that wasn't caught despite a ton of effort to do so for years. He alledgedly made taunting and threatening phone calls even years after his crimes, until at least 2001. Here is some of the calls, creepy as hell:


This guy is an extremely evil person. Thank god he has been caught, hopefully his many victims get some measure of peace. The details of his crimes are almost hard to believe, like they were made up.
Visalia Ransacker - Wikipedia
Golden State Killer - Wikipedia

There are some good articles I have read in the past that go more in depth about it. One in particular is really good by a female author I cant remember at the moment. I'm going to try and dig it up. It really can't be understated the amount of damage to people this asshole caused.

At the time this Visalia Ransacker was operating in the same vacinity as the Golden State Killer, could be the same man Joseph James DeAngelo, but they have no DNA of the Visalia Ransacker, but the police photo illustration looks more like DeAngelo than the police photo illustration of the Golden State Killer.

Visalia Ransacker:


Joseph James DeAngelo as a younger man:


The Golden State Killer:


I know and may never be proven but it is extremely likely it is the same person, the similarities are basically a perfect match.

There is likely a trail of crimes before those documented as well, most less severe like simple burglaries and peeping tom. This is a guy that broke into a shed and stole stuff then returned again and broke into the house, or would simply watch women through a window. He actually returned to places even when police were staking out an area looking for him. Extremely brazen and he likely had plenty of practice before his crimes escalated in severity.

The weird thing is he was always stealing stuff but never really took the most valuable things and would take coins or odd objects of trivial value. He did this for sport.
The Latest: DNA leads to California serial killer from 1970s - news+ -

California authorities say DNA in two 1978 killings in Sacramento led to the arrest of a man suspected of being a serial killer tied to dozens of slayings and sexual assaults in the 1970s and '80s.

A law enforcement official has identified a suspected California serial killer as 72-year-old Joseph James DeAngelo, a former police officer.

The official confirmed the identity on condition of anonymity before an official news conference planned for noon Wednesday.

Armed with a gun, the masked rapist would break into homes while single women or couples were sleeping. He would tie up the man and pile dishes on his back, then rape the woman while threatening to kill them both if the dishes tumbled.


This is great news. He supposedly had a little dick.
And an ex cop...
Do fucking liberals like you ever have a fucking cogent point?
Yeah you are a piece of shit...Nothing new even you know it...I guess you hate semi-quotes from the story, frickin' prig...
I hope he is the one...but it is innocent until proven guilty.

I will feel better when/if he is convicted.

They have him on the DNA, so it's him.

Jeez...why bother with the trial...why not lynch him now?

Have you personally seen the DNA evidence? Or do you just blindly believe whatever the authorities tell you because you want to believe it?

I am not believing anything the police say for one second about pending criminal cases until it is proven in court.

Once again, I hope this is the guy. But the basis for the American legal system is innocence until proven guilty.

And this guy is presumed innocent until he is proven guilty in court.
Innocent till proven guilty is a courtroom term ONLY moron. Anyone can express OPINIONS of guilt outside of court.

Do any of you pathetic liberals actually break your arms from patting yourselves on your little backs?

Typical know it all left wing condescending ass.
The Latest: DNA leads to California serial killer from 1970s - news+ -

California authorities say DNA in two 1978 killings in Sacramento led to the arrest of a man suspected of being a serial killer tied to dozens of slayings and sexual assaults in the 1970s and '80s.

A law enforcement official has identified a suspected California serial killer as 72-year-old Joseph James DeAngelo, a former police officer.

The official confirmed the identity on condition of anonymity before an official news conference planned for noon Wednesday.

Armed with a gun, the masked rapist would break into homes while single women or couples were sleeping. He would tie up the man and pile dishes on his back, then rape the woman while threatening to kill them both if the dishes tumbled.


This is great news. He supposedly had a little dick.
A cop...wonder if he had cover.

I am sure there have been a few other serial killers and mass rapists who were either police officers or some type of law enforcement, there was one I saw a documentary about but I cannot remember his name, not sure if he was a serial killer or just a mass rapist but he was in law enforcement and he targeted his victims in the middle of the night by going to their house saying he had got a report of a prowler and was just checking around and then he would rape them in their own house, he was caught after several years and was sent to prison.

Profile of a Serial Killer: Dennis Rader, the BTK Strangler

This one has never been caught The Zodiac Killer, not a police officer though, the murders in the 1960s and into the mid 1970s, his last letter to the police was in 1974 and no more murders, this suggesting that the perpetrator either died around the mid-1970s and/or was arrested and incarcerated for an unrelated crime to The Zodiac Murders.

Zodiac Killer - Wikipedia

Serial killers do not just decide to stop, they have a pathological compulsion to kill, even if they want to stop they cannot because the compulsion overpowers them, the only way a serial killer stops is if they are forcibly stopped either because they die or they are arrested and incarcerated, these are the only two ways that serial killers are stopped from killing.

That is correct.

The Zodiac Killer has never been caught. Probly he is dead by now, these people never stop until caught or dead.
Wow, and it only took the powers that be 40 years to find him.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I wonder what else the guy was given the ability to do all these years.
I hope he is the one...but it is innocent until proven guilty.

I will feel better when/if he is convicted.

They have him on the DNA, so it's him.

Jeez...why bother with the trial...why not lynch him now?

Have you personally seen the DNA evidence? Or do you just blindly believe whatever the authorities tell you because you want to believe it?

I am not believing anything the police say for one second about pending criminal cases until it is proven in court.

Once again, I hope this is the guy. But the basis for the American legal system is innocence until proven guilty.

And this guy is presumed innocent until he is proven guilty in court.
Innocent till proven guilty is a courtroom term ONLY moron. Anyone can express OPINIONS of guilt outside of court.

My IQ is 125. That makes me - undoubtedly (based on your posts) - smarter then you pal.


where exactly did I say ANYTHING about people cannot believe whatever they wish?

Lucy Hamilton did not say she 'believed' it was him (which I would have been fine with). She said 'They have him on the DNA, so it's him.'

She made a matter-of-fact statement...not an opinion.

My guess is that you do not fully understand the difference.

Do any of you pathetic liberals actually break your arms from patting yourselves on your little backs?

Typical know it all left wing condescending ass.

And I am an independent. Not a liberal or a conservative.

Of course, I am assuming someone such as yourself sees the world only in black-and-white. Thus, you see everyone as either lib or con.

Typical of people with lower intelligence (not that you necessarily are one of them...LOL).
Wow, and it only took the powers that be 40 years to find him.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I wonder what else the guy was given the ability to do all these years.

It's a miracle he is still alive to tell the story.

Better late than never,. surely.
This is great news. He supposedly had a little dick.

I guess not all Italians are packing meat..
how ya doing, Sob?

SHIT.. I honestly thought you got taken out in one of the attacks on ISIS.

Kind of a pity, really....
Sob is my bud and now he won't even reply to me

So, you're an Italian meat-man, or an Italian no meat-man like DeAngelo?
The Latest: DNA leads to California serial killer from 1970s - news+ -

California authorities say DNA in two 1978 killings in Sacramento led to the arrest of a man suspected of being a serial killer tied to dozens of slayings and sexual assaults in the 1970s and '80s.

A law enforcement official has identified a suspected California serial killer as 72-year-old Joseph James DeAngelo, a former police officer.

The official confirmed the identity on condition of anonymity before an official news conference planned for noon Wednesday.

Armed with a gun, the masked rapist would break into homes while single women or couples were sleeping. He would tie up the man and pile dishes on his back, then rape the woman while threatening to kill them both if the dishes tumbled.


This is great news. He supposedly had a little dick.
A cop...wonder if he had cover.

I am sure there have been a few other serial killers and mass rapists who were either police officers or some type of law enforcement, there was one I saw a documentary about but I cannot remember his name, not sure if he was a serial killer or just a mass rapist but he was in law enforcement and he targeted his victims in the middle of the night by going to their house saying he had got a report of a prowler and was just checking around and then he would rape them in their own house, he was caught after several years and was sent to prison.
..Ken Bianchi--one of the Hillside Stranglers wanted to be one--he did drive arounds with the LAPD..they even questioned him on the murders
he was a security guard though
Kenneth Bianchi - Wikipedia
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Jerry Brown will send him a voter's registration card.
The Democratic Party is very proud that they register convicted robbers, rapist and murderers to vote, because that's the kind of cretins who vote Democrat.

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