Gone- But Not Forgotten

Times change. Churchill was a helluva man.

No, not really..

He helped Stalin, and the Soviets in Lend-Lease, Tehran Conference, Yalta Conference, and Potsdam Conference.

His admin bombed Dresden killing some 25,000 + civilians.

He even took resources from India, while allowing 3 million to starve to death in the 1943 Bengali famine.

He put the Mau Mau in camps in Kenya.

"He helped Stalin, and the Soviets in Lend-Lease"


Have you ever read a book????

Lend-lease was Stalin's idea, and sent to FDR via Stalin's man, Armand Hammer.

"The millionaire industrialist, Armand Hammer played a key role in laying the foundations of Lend-Lease. As a dyed-in-the-wool collaborator of Lenin´s and Stalin’s in procuring Western, especially American, assistance in the industrialization of the USSR..... in November 1940 Armand Hammer met with FDR in the White House. He and the president discussed the idea of developing American military assistance to Britain, the Neutrality Act and Roosevelt’s campaign promises not to embroil the United States in the European war to the contrary. Roosevelt thereupon suggested to Hammer that he discuss this plan with Harry Hopkins. Hopkins twice traveled to New York City, Hammer´s base of operations, to discuss this idea with officials and businessmen there.http://justice4germans.com/2013/07/...-arm-and-hammer-hammer-and-sickle-connection/

Harry Hopkins, of course, was Stalin's spy living in the White House.
Times change. Churchill was a helluva man.

No, not really..

He helped Stalin, and the Soviets in Lend-Lease, Tehran Conference, Yalta Conference, and Potsdam Conference.

His admin bombed Dresden killing some 25,000 + civilians.

He even took resources from India, while allowing 3 million to starve to death in the 1943 Bengali famine.

He put the Mau Mau in camps in Kenya.

"He helped Stalin, and the Soviets in Lend-Lease"


Have you ever read a book????

Lend-lease was Stalin's idea, and sent to FDR via Stalin's man, Armand Hammer.

"The millionaire industrialist, Armand Hammer played a key role in laying the foundations of Lend-Lease. As a dyed-in-the-wool collaborator of Lenin´s and Stalin’s in procuring Western, especially American, assistance in the industrialization of the USSR..... in November 1940 Armand Hammer met with FDR in the White House. He and the president discussed the idea of developing American military assistance to Britain, the Neutrality Act and Roosevelt’s campaign promises not to embroil the United States in the European war to the contrary. Roosevelt thereupon suggested to Hammer that he discuss this plan with Harry Hopkins. Hopkins twice traveled to New York City, Hammer´s base of operations, to discuss this idea with officials and businessmen there.http://justice4germans.com/2013/07/...-arm-and-hammer-hammer-and-sickle-connection/

Harry Hopkins, of course, was Stalin's spy living in the White House.

Churchill had done the same as FDR.

Did Russia Really Go It Alone? How Lend-Lease Helped the Soviets Defeat the Germans

Particularly important for the Soviets in late 1941 were British-supplied tanks and aircraft. American contributions of the time were far fewer. In fact, for a brief period during December 1941, the relative importance of British aid increased well beyond levels planned by the Allies as a result of American reaction to the outbreak of war with Japan; some American equipment destined for the Soviet Union was actually unloaded from merchant vessels and provided to American forces instead.

Even aid that might seem like a drop in the bucket in the larger context of Soviet production for the war played a crucial role in filling gaps at important moments during this period. At a time when Soviet industry was in disarray—many of their industrial plants were destroyed or captured by the advancing Nazi troops or in the process of evacuation east—battlefield losses of specific equipment approached or even exceeded the rate at which Soviet domestic production could replace them during this crucial period. Under these circumstances even small quantities of aid took on far greater significance.

According to research by a team of Soviet historians, the Soviet Union lost a staggering 20,500 tanks from June 22 to December 31, 1941. At the end of November 1941, only 670 Soviet tanks were available to defend Moscow—that is, in the recently formed Kalinin, Western, and Southwestern Fronts. Only 205 of these tanks were heavy or medium types, and most of their strength was concentrated in the Western Front, with the Kalinin Front having only two tank battalions (67 tanks) and the Southwestern Front two tank brigades (30 tanks).

Given the disruption to Soviet production and Red Army losses, the Soviet Union was understandably eager to put British armor into action as soon as possible. According to Biriukov’s service diary, the first 20 British tanks arrived at the Soviet tank training school in Kazan on October 28, 1941, at which point a further 120 tanks were unloaded at the port of Archangel in northern Russia. Courses on the British tanks for Soviet crews started during November as the first tanks, with British assistance, were being assembled from their in-transit states and undergoing testing by Soviet specialists.

The tanks reached the front lines with extraordinary speed. Extrapolating from available statistics, researchers estimate that British-supplied tanks made up 30 to 40 percent of the entire heavy and medium tank strength of Soviet forces before Moscow at the beginning of December 1941, and certainly made up a significant proportion of tanks available as reinforcements at this critical point in the fighting. By the end of 1941 Britain had delivered 466 tanks out of the 750 promised.

The British Military Mission to Moscow noted that by December 9, about ninety British tanks had already been in action with Soviet forces. The first of these units to have seen action seems to have been the 138th Independent Tank Battalion (with twenty-one British tanks), which was involved in stemming the advance of German units in the region of the Volga Reservoir to the north of Moscow in late November. In fact the British intercepted German communications indicating that German forces had first come in contact with British tanks on the Eastern front on November 26, 1941.

The exploits of the British-equipped 136th Independent Tank Battalion are perhaps the most widely noted in the archives. It was part of a scratch operational group of the Western Front consisting of the 18th Rifle Brigade, two ski battalions, the 5th and 20th Tank Brigades, and the 140th Independent Tank Battalion. The 136th Independent Tank Battalion was combined with the latter to produce a tank group of only twenty-one tanks, which was to operate with the two ski battalions against German forces advancing to the west of Moscow in early December. Other largely British-equipped tank units in action with the Western Front from early December were the 131st Independent Tank Brigade, which fought to the east of Tula, south of Moscow, and 146th Tank Brigade, in the region of Kriukovo to the immediate west of the Soviet capital.
Times change. Churchill was a helluva man.

No, not really..

He helped Stalin, and the Soviets in Lend-Lease, Tehran Conference, Yalta Conference, and Potsdam Conference.

His admin bombed Dresden killing some 25,000 + civilians.

He even took resources from India, while allowing 3 million to starve to death in the 1943 Bengali famine.

He put the Mau Mau in camps in Kenya.

"He helped Stalin, and the Soviets in Lend-Lease"


Have you ever read a book????

Lend-lease was Stalin's idea, and sent to FDR via Stalin's man, Armand Hammer.

"The millionaire industrialist, Armand Hammer played a key role in laying the foundations of Lend-Lease. As a dyed-in-the-wool collaborator of Lenin´s and Stalin’s in procuring Western, especially American, assistance in the industrialization of the USSR..... in November 1940 Armand Hammer met with FDR in the White House. He and the president discussed the idea of developing American military assistance to Britain, the Neutrality Act and Roosevelt’s campaign promises not to embroil the United States in the European war to the contrary. Roosevelt thereupon suggested to Hammer that he discuss this plan with Harry Hopkins. Hopkins twice traveled to New York City, Hammer´s base of operations, to discuss this idea with officials and businessmen there.http://justice4germans.com/2013/07/...-arm-and-hammer-hammer-and-sickle-connection/

Harry Hopkins, of course, was Stalin's spy living in the White House.

Churchill had done the same as FDR.

Did Russia Really Go It Alone? How Lend-Lease Helped the Soviets Defeat the Germans

Particularly important for the Soviets in late 1941 were British-supplied tanks and aircraft. American contributions of the time were far fewer. In fact, for a brief period during December 1941, the relative importance of British aid increased well beyond levels planned by the Allies as a result of American reaction to the outbreak of war with Japan; some American equipment destined for the Soviet Union was actually unloaded from merchant vessels and provided to American forces instead.

Even aid that might seem like a drop in the bucket in the larger context of Soviet production for the war played a crucial role in filling gaps at important moments during this period. At a time when Soviet industry was in disarray—many of their industrial plants were destroyed or captured by the advancing Nazi troops or in the process of evacuation east—battlefield losses of specific equipment approached or even exceeded the rate at which Soviet domestic production could replace them during this crucial period. Under these circumstances even small quantities of aid took on far greater significance.

According to research by a team of Soviet historians, the Soviet Union lost a staggering 20,500 tanks from June 22 to December 31, 1941. At the end of November 1941, only 670 Soviet tanks were available to defend Moscow—that is, in the recently formed Kalinin, Western, and Southwestern Fronts. Only 205 of these tanks were heavy or medium types, and most of their strength was concentrated in the Western Front, with the Kalinin Front having only two tank battalions (67 tanks) and the Southwestern Front two tank brigades (30 tanks).

Given the disruption to Soviet production and Red Army losses, the Soviet Union was understandably eager to put British armor into action as soon as possible. According to Biriukov’s service diary, the first 20 British tanks arrived at the Soviet tank training school in Kazan on October 28, 1941, at which point a further 120 tanks were unloaded at the port of Archangel in northern Russia. Courses on the British tanks for Soviet crews started during November as the first tanks, with British assistance, were being assembled from their in-transit states and undergoing testing by Soviet specialists.

The tanks reached the front lines with extraordinary speed. Extrapolating from available statistics, researchers estimate that British-supplied tanks made up 30 to 40 percent of the entire heavy and medium tank strength of Soviet forces before Moscow at the beginning of December 1941, and certainly made up a significant proportion of tanks available as reinforcements at this critical point in the fighting. By the end of 1941 Britain had delivered 466 tanks out of the 750 promised.

The British Military Mission to Moscow noted that by December 9, about ninety British tanks had already been in action with Soviet forces. The first of these units to have seen action seems to have been the 138th Independent Tank Battalion (with twenty-one British tanks), which was involved in stemming the advance of German units in the region of the Volga Reservoir to the north of Moscow in late November. In fact the British intercepted German communications indicating that German forces had first come in contact with British tanks on the Eastern front on November 26, 1941.

The exploits of the British-equipped 136th Independent Tank Battalion are perhaps the most widely noted in the archives. It was part of a scratch operational group of the Western Front consisting of the 18th Rifle Brigade, two ski battalions, the 5th and 20th Tank Brigades, and the 140th Independent Tank Battalion. The 136th Independent Tank Battalion was combined with the latter to produce a tank group of only twenty-one tanks, which was to operate with the two ski battalions against German forces advancing to the west of Moscow in early December. Other largely British-equipped tank units in action with the Western Front from early December were the 131st Independent Tank Brigade, which fought to the east of Tula, south of Moscow, and 146th Tank Brigade, in the region of Kriukovo to the immediate west of the Soviet capital.

I appreciate you posting that.
Stalin sent word to FDR to begin Lend-Lease, and FDR put the pressure on Churchill.

But.....there was never any chance that the Germans would defeat Stalin.


Here are the facts:
.. when Operation Barbarossa started on June 22, 1941, the available (German) supplies of fuel, tires, spare parts etc., were only good enough for about two months.....

Stalin, in fact, had been supplying resources to Hitler.

The Wehrmacht continued to advance, albeit very slowly, and by mid-November some units found themselves at only 30 kilometers from the capital. But the troops were now totally exhausted, and running out of supplies. Their commanders knew that it was simply impossible to take Moscow.
Hitler s Failed Blitzkrieg against the Soviet Union. The Battle of Moscow and Stalingrad Turning Point of World War II Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
72 Years Ago, December 1941: Turning Point of World War II
'The Victory of the Red Army in front of Moscow was a Major Break'…
by Jacques Pauwels

By attacking in June, Hitler had planned to avoid Russia's three greatest generals....December, January, and February.
He didn't.

So....once one recognizes that Stalin was going to be the winner.....
....why did FDR send him supplies that the Allies could have used?

The schools hide the truth to shield FDR from richly deserved contumely.

Same reason so many universities eschew teaching the French Revolution....students might recognize that it gave birth to every totalitarian revolution in modern times.

"....realistically middle sized Germany could not defeat the much larger Ussr in the long term. Germany would have eventually surrendered to the western allies to prevent total occupation by the USSR ..."
So did the Red Army really singlehandedly defeat the Third Reich Stuff I Done Wrote - The Michael A. Charles Online Presence (comment)

"Between June 22, 1941, and January 31, 1942, the Germans had lost 6,000 airplanes and more than 3,200 tanks and similar vehicles; and no less than 918,000 men had been killed, wounded, or gone missing in action, amounting to 28.7 percent of the average strength of the army, namely, 3,2 million men.[33]

(In the Soviet Union, Germany would lose no less than 10 million of its total 13.5 million men killed, wounded, or taken prisoner during the entire war; and the Red Army would end up claiming credit for 90 per cent of all Germans killed in the Second World War.)
Clive Ponting, 'Armageddon: The Second World War,' p. 130; Stephen E. Ambrose 'Americans at War,' p. 72. ”

All FDR cared about was his BFF Stalin.
Not America, not American troops.
7. “An Appeaser Is One Who Feeds a Crocodile, Hoping It Will Eat Him Last”- Churchill

One would have imagined that the Brits would have learned the lesson from Franklin Roosevelt’s pal, Chamberlain. Instead, the British public has, largely, thrown in the towel.

On the Sunday after the London bombings, the parish priest of the church that stands a few yards away from where the number 30 bus was blown up in Russell Square delivered a sermon in which, having urged his congregation to rejoice in the capital's rich diversity of cultures, traditions, ethnic groups and faiths, he added: "There is one small practical thing that we can all do. We can name the people who did these things as criminals or terrorists. We must not name them as Muslims."
'Call them criminals, terrorists but don't call them Muslims'

Such is the 'religion' of the English.

“The reaction of these churchmen was typical. The first instinct of many British clerics was to empathize and agonize not with the victims of the atrocity but with the community of the faith in whose name it had been committed—and to deny that religion had had anything to do with it at all. Melanie Phillips

8. Does the attitude of appeasement sound familiar?

Obama “told you that radical Islamist terrorism does not stem from ideology.” Pompeo, at site of Obama's address to Muslim world, rebukes his legacy: 'Age of self-inflicted American shame is over'

Obama: ‘We’ are to blame, not Islamic terrorism, for massacrehttps://nypost.com/2016/06/12/obama-says-we-are-to-blame-not-islamic-terrorism-for-orlando-massacre/

“Isis is not about Islam, says Obama”
Subscribe to read | Financial Times

One can understand this coming from the Muslim President.....but the English?????
I invoke Godwin's Law, so you lose the argument without even one rebuttal. Nice going NorthKoreaChic.

Waaaaait Taz No Fair!
Can't call "Godwin's Law" before I even had a chance to add
my blah blah blah that can outdo PoliticalChic from the left.

Ropey declared her a cultural Marxist which is different from Hitler.
You need to coin a new rule for PC, who believes in Justinian Code.
Pontificating from the Bench where none may question her Divine Right to Rule.

PoliticalChic on that note:
YES I totally agree that we do owe to our English and European heritage
the basis of common laws made separate from church authority. Our
Bill of Rights established with the Constitution are the equivalent of
Moses establishing written laws in the Bible for the church, while these
laws were given to establish rules for government under the state.

HOWEVER the whole issue of Justinian Code and Judicial rule has become
another SECULAR SUBSTITUTE for Divine Right to Rule of Kings. Precedents
set by political BELIEFS are NO DIFFERENT from those set by Religious Beliefs.

Now we've created POLITICAL RELIGIONS based on Kritocracy or Rule by Judges.
Sorry PC but this is NOT a good precedent to set.
It overtakes any check and balance that should be on the Judiciary.

We need to go back to reconnecting people with legislative representation
and authority to make laws by CONSENT of the GOVERNED not by Judicial Rule!

As for our ailing and hijacked Judicial system run amok by private interests
from money to the Legal Professional lobbies and associations that determine
relations between lawyers, judges and elections/campaigns, we need to go back
to TEACHING people how to REDRESS GRIEVANCES by mediation and consensus.

NOT by depending on Judicial Rule to make decisions FOR US.

(How am I doing Taz? Which of us is the Marxist or Hitler
to be struck down for posting walls of text in violation of ADD?)

Do I hear a "TLDR?" from the Jury?
Israel wanted to be smack dab in the center of the ME. Also Britain wanted them there to guard the Suez Canal.

Israel has been threatening Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria since their inception.

This man is the reason the ME is in shambles: BIBI, Iran didn't start this BIBI did.

Israel is merely defending themselves from Arab aggressors.....and because of this you think THEY are the reason the ME is in a shambles.
Not the warlike Muslim hords that out number them 100 to 1 and refuse to turn the other cheek and live in peace with their neighbors. It's Da Jews that caused it.

The ME in shambles is nothing new. For the proximate cause of the
massive shit which is the middle east---remember this name---
UMAR IBN KHATTAB (now rotting in hell) This dog is to muhummad the rapist of medina as is Constantine (the pile of shit)----to Jesus of Nazareth. (innocent Pharisee victim of roman barbarity)
Both Umar and Constantine founded the genocide of hundreds of millions. Today, Umar's filth prevails
I invoke Godwin's Law, so you lose the argument without even one rebuttal. Nice going NorthKoreaChic.

Waaaaait Taz No Fair!
Can't call "Godwin's Law" before I even had a chance to add
my blah blah blah that can outdo PoliticalChic from the left.

Ropey declared her a cultural Marxist which is different from Hitler.
You need to coin a new rule for PC, who believes in Justinian Code.
Pontificating from the Bench where none may question her Divine Right to Rule.

PoliticalChic on that note:
YES I totally agree that we do owe to our English and European heritage
the basis of common laws made separate from church authority. Our
Bill of Rights established with the Constitution are the equivalent of
Moses establishing written laws in the Bible for the church, while these
laws were given to establish rules for government under the state.

HOWEVER the whole issue of Justinian Code and Judicial rule has become
another SECULAR SUBSTITUTE for Divine Right to Rule of Kings. Precedents
set by political BELIEFS are NO DIFFERENT from those set by Religious Beliefs.

Now we've created POLITICAL RELIGIONS based on Kritocracy or Rule by Judges.
Sorry PC but this is NOT a good precedent to set.
It overtakes any check and balance that should be on the Judiciary.

We need to go back to reconnecting people with legislative representation
and authority to make laws by CONSENT of the GOVERNED not by Judicial Rule!

As for our ailing and hijacked Judicial system run amok by private interests
from money to the Legal Professional lobbies and associations that determine
relations between lawyers, judges and elections/campaigns, we need to go back
to TEACHING people how to REDRESS GRIEVANCES by mediation and consensus.

NOT by depending on Judicial Rule to make decisions FOR US.

(How am I doing Taz? Which of us is the Marxist or Hitler
to be struck down for posting walls of text in violation of ADD?)

Do I hear a "TLDR?" from the Jury?

I believe you totally misread what I posted.


1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]
I invoke Godwin's Law, so you lose the argument without even one rebuttal. Nice going NorthKoreaChic.
Frau Braun still mourns the day the Nazis lost
The Nazis didn't lose.
They just switched parties.
Now they're Democrats.
So not Hair Trump?
I invoke Godwin's Law, so you lose the argument without even one rebuttal. Nice going NorthKoreaChic.

Waaaaait Taz No Fair!
Can't call "Godwin's Law" before I even had a chance to add
my blah blah blah that can outdo PoliticalChic from the left.

Ropey declared her a cultural Marxist which is different from Hitler.
You need to coin a new rule for PC, who believes in Justinian Code.
Pontificating from the Bench where none may question her Divine Right to Rule.

PoliticalChic on that note:
YES I totally agree that we do owe to our English and European heritage
the basis of common laws made separate from church authority. Our
Bill of Rights established with the Constitution are the equivalent of
Moses establishing written laws in the Bible for the church, while these
laws were given to establish rules for government under the state.

HOWEVER the whole issue of Justinian Code and Judicial rule has become
another SECULAR SUBSTITUTE for Divine Right to Rule of Kings. Precedents
set by political BELIEFS are NO DIFFERENT from those set by Religious Beliefs.

Now we've created POLITICAL RELIGIONS based on Kritocracy or Rule by Judges.
Sorry PC but this is NOT a good precedent to set.
It overtakes any check and balance that should be on the Judiciary.

We need to go back to reconnecting people with legislative representation
and authority to make laws by CONSENT of the GOVERNED not by Judicial Rule!

As for our ailing and hijacked Judicial system run amok by private interests
from money to the Legal Professional lobbies and associations that determine
relations between lawyers, judges and elections/campaigns, we need to go back
to TEACHING people how to REDRESS GRIEVANCES by mediation and consensus.

NOT by depending on Judicial Rule to make decisions FOR US.

(How am I doing Taz? Which of us is the Marxist or Hitler
to be struck down for posting walls of text in violation of ADD?)

Do I hear a "TLDR?" from the Jury?

I believe you totally misread what I posted.


1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]
You mean she misread what you copy&pasted.
I invoke Godwin's Law, so you lose the argument without even one rebuttal. Nice going NorthKoreaChic.
Frau Braun still mourns the day the Nazis lost
The Nazis didn't lose.
They just switched parties.
Now they're Democrats.

Nazis, Communists, Democrats......distinctions without difference.

These were listed as the aims of the communist party, (CPUSA) after the war, and, to an almost 100% extent, they the same as today's Liberals/Progressives/Democrats.

1. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

2. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.

3. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

4. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

5. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

6. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

7. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

8. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

10. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

11. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

12. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

13. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

Now....wouldn't an honest appraisal agree that all or almost all are clearly the aims and direction of Democrats/Liberals/Progressive leaders?

I got 'em from a website of declared communist goals...

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

10 planks of Communist manifesto

Communist Manifesto 10 Planks
I invoke Godwin's Law, so you lose the argument without even one rebuttal. Nice going NorthKoreaChic.
Frau Braun still mourns the day the Nazis lost
The Nazis didn't lose.
They just switched parties.
Now they're Democrats.

Nazis, Communists, Democrats......distinctions without difference.

These were listed as the aims of the communist party, (CPUSA) after the war, and, to an almost 100% extent, they the same as today's Liberals/Progressives/Democrats.

1. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

2. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.

3. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

4. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

5. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

6. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

7. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

8. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

10. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

11. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

12. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

13. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

Now....wouldn't an honest appraisal agree that all or almost all are clearly the aims and direction of Democrats/Liberals/Progressive leaders?

I got 'em from a website of declared communist goals...

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

10 planks of Communist manifesto

Communist Manifesto 10 Planks
It's amazing how NKChic has nothing but non-stop copy&paste. Can she not think for herself?
I invoke Godwin's Law, so you lose the argument without even one rebuttal. Nice going NorthKoreaChic.

Waaaaait Taz No Fair!
Can't call "Godwin's Law" before I even had a chance to add
my blah blah blah that can outdo PoliticalChic from the left.

Ropey declared her a cultural Marxist which is different from Hitler.
You need to coin a new rule for PC, who believes in Justinian Code.
Pontificating from the Bench where none may question her Divine Right to Rule.

PoliticalChic on that note:
YES I totally agree that we do owe to our English and European heritage
the basis of common laws made separate from church authority. Our
Bill of Rights established with the Constitution are the equivalent of
Moses establishing written laws in the Bible for the church, while these
laws were given to establish rules for government under the state.

HOWEVER the whole issue of Justinian Code and Judicial rule has become
another SECULAR SUBSTITUTE for Divine Right to Rule of Kings. Precedents
set by political BELIEFS are NO DIFFERENT from those set by Religious Beliefs.

Now we've created POLITICAL RELIGIONS based on Kritocracy or Rule by Judges.
Sorry PC but this is NOT a good precedent to set.
It overtakes any check and balance that should be on the Judiciary.

We need to go back to reconnecting people with legislative representation
and authority to make laws by CONSENT of the GOVERNED not by Judicial Rule!

As for our ailing and hijacked Judicial system run amok by private interests
from money to the Legal Professional lobbies and associations that determine
relations between lawyers, judges and elections/campaigns, we need to go back
to TEACHING people how to REDRESS GRIEVANCES by mediation and consensus.

NOT by depending on Judicial Rule to make decisions FOR US.

(How am I doing Taz? Which of us is the Marxist or Hitler
to be struck down for posting walls of text in violation of ADD?)

Do I hear a "TLDR?" from the Jury?

I believe you totally misread what I posted.


1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]

Dear PoliticalChic
Would you agree that part of the political abuses we face in this country
are due to JUDICIAL ACTIVISM and legislating from the Bench?

Where did this come from, can't you also blame the abuse of
judicial power on the system of law that set it up in the first place?
I invoke Godwin's Law, so you lose the argument without even one rebuttal. Nice going NorthKoreaChic.

Waaaaait Taz No Fair!
Can't call "Godwin's Law" before I even had a chance to add
my blah blah blah that can outdo PoliticalChic from the left.

Ropey declared her a cultural Marxist which is different from Hitler.
You need to coin a new rule for PC, who believes in Justinian Code.
Pontificating from the Bench where none may question her Divine Right to Rule.

PoliticalChic on that note:
YES I totally agree that we do owe to our English and European heritage
the basis of common laws made separate from church authority. Our
Bill of Rights established with the Constitution are the equivalent of
Moses establishing written laws in the Bible for the church, while these
laws were given to establish rules for government under the state.

HOWEVER the whole issue of Justinian Code and Judicial rule has become
another SECULAR SUBSTITUTE for Divine Right to Rule of Kings. Precedents
set by political BELIEFS are NO DIFFERENT from those set by Religious Beliefs.

Now we've created POLITICAL RELIGIONS based on Kritocracy or Rule by Judges.
Sorry PC but this is NOT a good precedent to set.
It overtakes any check and balance that should be on the Judiciary.

We need to go back to reconnecting people with legislative representation
and authority to make laws by CONSENT of the GOVERNED not by Judicial Rule!

As for our ailing and hijacked Judicial system run amok by private interests
from money to the Legal Professional lobbies and associations that determine
relations between lawyers, judges and elections/campaigns, we need to go back
to TEACHING people how to REDRESS GRIEVANCES by mediation and consensus.

NOT by depending on Judicial Rule to make decisions FOR US.

(How am I doing Taz? Which of us is the Marxist or Hitler
to be struck down for posting walls of text in violation of ADD?)

Do I hear a "TLDR?" from the Jury?

I believe you totally misread what I posted.


1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]
You mean she misread what you copy&pasted.

I thought PoliticalChic wrote out her own flavor of blah blah blah

PC you don't just copy and paste, didn't we discuss this before?
How much is your editorializing and which parts are citations from other sources?
I invoke Godwin's Law, so you lose the argument without even one rebuttal. Nice going NorthKoreaChic.

Waaaaait Taz No Fair!
Can't call "Godwin's Law" before I even had a chance to add
my blah blah blah that can outdo PoliticalChic from the left.

Ropey declared her a cultural Marxist which is different from Hitler.
You need to coin a new rule for PC, who believes in Justinian Code.
Pontificating from the Bench where none may question her Divine Right to Rule.

PoliticalChic on that note:
YES I totally agree that we do owe to our English and European heritage
the basis of common laws made separate from church authority. Our
Bill of Rights established with the Constitution are the equivalent of
Moses establishing written laws in the Bible for the church, while these
laws were given to establish rules for government under the state.

HOWEVER the whole issue of Justinian Code and Judicial rule has become
another SECULAR SUBSTITUTE for Divine Right to Rule of Kings. Precedents
set by political BELIEFS are NO DIFFERENT from those set by Religious Beliefs.

Now we've created POLITICAL RELIGIONS based on Kritocracy or Rule by Judges.
Sorry PC but this is NOT a good precedent to set.
It overtakes any check and balance that should be on the Judiciary.

We need to go back to reconnecting people with legislative representation
and authority to make laws by CONSENT of the GOVERNED not by Judicial Rule!

As for our ailing and hijacked Judicial system run amok by private interests
from money to the Legal Professional lobbies and associations that determine
relations between lawyers, judges and elections/campaigns, we need to go back
to TEACHING people how to REDRESS GRIEVANCES by mediation and consensus.

NOT by depending on Judicial Rule to make decisions FOR US.

(How am I doing Taz? Which of us is the Marxist or Hitler
to be struck down for posting walls of text in violation of ADD?)

Do I hear a "TLDR?" from the Jury?

I believe you totally misread what I posted.


1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]

Dear PoliticalChic
Would you agree that part of the political abuses we face in this country
are due to JUDICIAL ACTIVISM and legislating from the Bench?

Where did this come from, can't you also blame the abuse of
judicial power on the system of law that set it up in the first place?
$10 says she copy&pastes something.
I invoke Godwin's Law, so you lose the argument without even one rebuttal. Nice going NorthKoreaChic.

Waaaaait Taz No Fair!
Can't call "Godwin's Law" before I even had a chance to add
my blah blah blah that can outdo PoliticalChic from the left.

Ropey declared her a cultural Marxist which is different from Hitler.
You need to coin a new rule for PC, who believes in Justinian Code.
Pontificating from the Bench where none may question her Divine Right to Rule.

PoliticalChic on that note:
YES I totally agree that we do owe to our English and European heritage
the basis of common laws made separate from church authority. Our
Bill of Rights established with the Constitution are the equivalent of
Moses establishing written laws in the Bible for the church, while these
laws were given to establish rules for government under the state.

HOWEVER the whole issue of Justinian Code and Judicial rule has become
another SECULAR SUBSTITUTE for Divine Right to Rule of Kings. Precedents
set by political BELIEFS are NO DIFFERENT from those set by Religious Beliefs.

Now we've created POLITICAL RELIGIONS based on Kritocracy or Rule by Judges.
Sorry PC but this is NOT a good precedent to set.
It overtakes any check and balance that should be on the Judiciary.

We need to go back to reconnecting people with legislative representation
and authority to make laws by CONSENT of the GOVERNED not by Judicial Rule!

As for our ailing and hijacked Judicial system run amok by private interests
from money to the Legal Professional lobbies and associations that determine
relations between lawyers, judges and elections/campaigns, we need to go back
to TEACHING people how to REDRESS GRIEVANCES by mediation and consensus.

NOT by depending on Judicial Rule to make decisions FOR US.

(How am I doing Taz? Which of us is the Marxist or Hitler
to be struck down for posting walls of text in violation of ADD?)

Do I hear a "TLDR?" from the Jury?

I believe you totally misread what I posted.


1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]
You mean she misread what you copy&pasted.

I thought PoliticalChic wrote out her own flavor of blah blah blah

PC you don't just copy and paste, didn't we discuss this before?
How much is your editorializing and which parts are citations from other sources?

I provide the link, source and origin of everything I post.

Read more carefully.
I invoke Godwin's Law, so you lose the argument without even one rebuttal. Nice going NorthKoreaChic.

Waaaaait Taz No Fair!
Can't call "Godwin's Law" before I even had a chance to add
my blah blah blah that can outdo PoliticalChic from the left.

Ropey declared her a cultural Marxist which is different from Hitler.
You need to coin a new rule for PC, who believes in Justinian Code.
Pontificating from the Bench where none may question her Divine Right to Rule.

PoliticalChic on that note:
YES I totally agree that we do owe to our English and European heritage
the basis of common laws made separate from church authority. Our
Bill of Rights established with the Constitution are the equivalent of
Moses establishing written laws in the Bible for the church, while these
laws were given to establish rules for government under the state.

HOWEVER the whole issue of Justinian Code and Judicial rule has become
another SECULAR SUBSTITUTE for Divine Right to Rule of Kings. Precedents
set by political BELIEFS are NO DIFFERENT from those set by Religious Beliefs.

Now we've created POLITICAL RELIGIONS based on Kritocracy or Rule by Judges.
Sorry PC but this is NOT a good precedent to set.
It overtakes any check and balance that should be on the Judiciary.

We need to go back to reconnecting people with legislative representation
and authority to make laws by CONSENT of the GOVERNED not by Judicial Rule!

As for our ailing and hijacked Judicial system run amok by private interests
from money to the Legal Professional lobbies and associations that determine
relations between lawyers, judges and elections/campaigns, we need to go back
to TEACHING people how to REDRESS GRIEVANCES by mediation and consensus.

NOT by depending on Judicial Rule to make decisions FOR US.

(How am I doing Taz? Which of us is the Marxist or Hitler
to be struck down for posting walls of text in violation of ADD?)

Do I hear a "TLDR?" from the Jury?

I believe you totally misread what I posted.


1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]
You mean she misread what you copy&pasted.

I thought PoliticalChic wrote out her own flavor of blah blah blah

PC you don't just copy and paste, didn't we discuss this before?
How much is your editorializing and which parts are citations from other sources?

I provide the link, source and origin of everything I post.

Read more carefully.
In other words, it's all copy&paste, and it's always longer than even your posts, em.
9. The British were once a proud and courageous people, proud of their identity and heritage. Something has gone wrong: Liberalism.

The same attitude we saw from earlier Liberals, “Better Red Than Dead,” now applies to Islam vs. Christianity.

“Muhammad taught, and the Quran stresses, that a central tenet of Islam is to convert, enslave or kill the infidel. An infidel is anyone who is not Muslim or, depending on who’s doing the killing, belongs to a different sect of Islam. Those who fall into that elusive, perpetually mute category tagged “moderate Muslim” are also infidels. They’re bad Muslims and so, according to the Quran, not Muslims at all."
Matt Barber - Myth of the ‘Moderate Muslim’

A large segment of the British public has seen the actions of Muslims….and has succumbed to fear and cowardice.

10. “Hand in hand with this progressive negation of British identity has come a systematic repudiation of its values. At the heart of multiculturalism is a radical notion of egalitarianism, in which everyone's culture and lifestyle has equal validity and moral stature. This extreme type of individualism, which replaces objective standards by subjective opinions and feelings, has been translated comprehensively into the moral sphere governing personal behavior.

Morality has been privatized, so that instead of asking the question "what is right?" the individual now asks "what is right for me?" After the war, authority was junked in favor of boutique values centered upon self-actualization.

Religion—the restraint on behavior —was substantially replaced by therapy, which diagnosed such restraint as unhealthy repression. The slow death of Christianity in Britain meant a transfer of belief from messianic redemption to a secular Utopia.” Phillips, “Londonistan,” p. 70

“Those who might have thought the Church of England would hold the line as the last redoubt against both the attack upon the West from Islamism and the attack upon its values from within—which has so weakened its defenses against the onslaught from without—are in for a shock. Far from defending the nation at the heart of whose identity and values its own doctrines lie, the Church of England—Britain's established church—has internalized the hatred of the West that defines the shared universe of radical Islamism and the revolutionary left.”
Ibid, p.139

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
Certainly the case with the British public.

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