Good debate?

The debate showed what happens when you get a disciplined, well run event moderated by mature intelligent professionals who understand their role -- the problem is it also makes for a dull debate that isn't being talked about much today and clearly will do nothing to upset the status quo in the polls..
Kasich and Bush: Stick a fork in both of them. Rubio will be the voice of the Republican establishment. I don't care for him, but he is far far better than either Bush or Kasich. Both of them should give way and let Christie back on the main stage.. The undercard should just give up now

The undercard showed just how far they are from prime time.

Are you a neoconservative?

Rubio and Fiorina are clearly shills for the war monger set of the Republican Party. Even Trump has enough sense not to speak loudly, and seems to have considered all the consequences of saber-rattling and brinkmanship - Rubio and Fiorina are dangerous choices.

Of course Trump can't elaborate on the cost to find, detain and legally deport millions of those in our country who entered illegally or stayed beyond their allotted time.

Consider the cost to find and detain them alone. The the cost to hire US Attorney's to prosecute them, Administrative Law Judges to conduct the hearing and attorneys to represent those detained. The cost to house dependents who, by the 14th Amendment, may be US citizens. Others were correct, Trumps plan is unplanned and way too costly.

It remains my opinion that the next republican debate open with this:

It remains my opinion that the next republican debate open with this:

Democrats and Republicans open with the same song?

Good choice

Your post isn't clever or thoughtful or even funny. There are serious reasons why the dozen or so wannabee nominees have been deemed clowns, and not to over think it, we've yet to see a real person stand up and stand out from the crowd.

We hear platitudes, warmed over from the past two presidential nomination competitions! Here are refreshers:

Republican Party presidential debates, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Republican Party presidential debates, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, which was the greater series of debates, and what new (LOL) ideas have the current iteration of clowns offered?
as long as the morons think it was good I'm happy. Now they have the opportunity to pick a candidate that can't possibly win, and totally reject anyone that can. Just step aside and let the inbreds fight it out until they've shown the country how inept they are at leadership, and how good they are at self destruction.
While I fully realize and concede that Rand Paul has absolutely zero chance, I must say that I agree with both he and Donald concerning establishing a no-fly zone in Syria. Syria is a sovereign nation with Assad as its leader. Putin was invited into the Syrian nation by Assad. The United States has no right to establishing a no-fly zone anywhere over any foreign nation. What is the purpose? To provoke a fight between a Russian and an American aircraft? Really?
Thank ya GEEEEEZUS !!!

Now the little kids can STFU for a week or so, and sort out all those morons they have to pick from.

Winner last night?

Hillary by a landslide.


Hillary got destroyed last night. Ted Cruz came out the clear winner.

A Cruz victory in a debate is a victory for Hillary as well. The longer the pretenders are treated like contenders... the better it is for the Democrats.
Im a swing voter ... Clinton impressed me when she handed congress their ass for 11 hours , a Republican has yet to swing me their way and impress me about ANYTHING no matter how simple.

Clinton. Winner.
You planning on taking Jake Starkey's dishonest spot? Don't bother. Jake is so much better than you
Thank ya GEEEEEZUS !!!

Now the little kids can STFU for a week or so, and sort out all those morons they have to pick from.

Winner last night?

Hillary by a landslide.


Hillary got destroyed last night. Ted Cruz came out the clear winner.

A Cruz victory in a debate is a victory for Hillary as well. The longer the pretenders are treated like contenders... the better it is for the Democrats.

You need all the help you can get. You offer nothing.
"Consider the cost to find and detain them alone."

The cost alone would be prohibitive.

And likely dumped on local criminal justice systems; local courts, local prosecutors, local public defenders, local investigators, local jails, local health services and local taxpayers.

Trump and the rest of the clowns claim to be fiscally conservative, and yet prove to be fiscally irresponsible.
Kasich and Bush: Stick a fork in both of them. Rubio will be the voice of the Republican establishment. I don't care for him, but he is far far better than either Bush or Kasich. Both of them should give way and let Christie back on the main stage.. The undercard should just give up now

The undercard showed just how far they are from prime time.

Are you a neoconservative?

Rubio and Fiorina are clearly shills for the war monger set of the Republican Party. Even Trump has enough sense not to speak loudly, and seems to have considered all the consequences of saber-rattling and brinkmanship - Rubio and Fiorina are dangerous choices.

Of course Trump can't elaborate on the cost to find, detain and legally deport millions of those in our country who entered illegally or stayed beyond their allotted time.

Consider the cost to find and detain them alone. The the cost to hire US Attorney's to prosecute them, Administrative Law Judges to conduct the hearing and attorneys to represent those detained. The cost to house dependents who, by the 14th Amendment, may be US citizens. Others were correct, Trumps plan is unplanned and way too costly.

It remains my opinion that the next republican debate open with this:

It remains my opinion that the next republican debate open with this:

Democrats and Republicans open with the same song?

Good choice

Your post isn't clever or thoughtful or even funny. There are serious reasons why the dozen or so wannabee nominees have been deemed clowns, and not to over think it, we've yet to see a real person stand up and stand out from the crowd.

We hear platitudes, warmed over from the past two presidential nomination competitions! Here are refreshers:

Republican Party presidential debates, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Republican Party presidential debates, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, which was the greater series of debates, and what new (LOL) ideas have the current iteration of clowns offered?

Your post isn't clever or thoughtful or even funny

It wasn't meant to be funny.

I consider the candidates on both sides to be clowns.

Next year, for the first time in 40 years, I may stay home election day.

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