Good Electoral Votes map

This is a good electoral map. The left leaning news pundits keep ignoring it.

There comes a time when you recognize that the reporter is asking nonsense questions to prove a particular point. Then you end the interview because the reporter isn't really asking questions. The reporter is trying to pick a fight.
It's just the math Stephanie....The Mittster still has a long way to go.

So far, so good??

Forty-six percent (46%) of these Swing State voters are now “certain” they will vote for Romney and will not change their minds. Forty percent (40%) are certain they will vote for the president.

In 2008, Obama won these states by a combined margin of 53% to 46%, virtually identical to his national margin.

Daily Swing State Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
It's just the math Stephanie....The Mittster still has a long way to go.

So far, so good??

Forty-six percent (46%) of these Swing State voters are now “certain” they will vote for Romney and will not change their minds. Forty percent (40%) are certain they will vote for the president.

In 2008, Obama won these states by a combined margin of 53% to 46%, virtually identical to his national margin.

Daily Swing State Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Yikes! even Nate Silver's 538 is showing... Oct. 8: A Great Poll for Romney, in Perspective

By NATE SILVER Mitt Romney gained further ground in the FiveThirtyEight forecast on Monday, with his chances of winning the Electoral College increasing to 25.2 percent from 21.6 percent on Sunday.

The change represents a continuation of the recent trend: Mr. Romney’s chances were down to just 13.9 percent immediately in advance of last week’s debate in Denver. He has nearly doubled his chances since then.

But the gains that he made on Monday in particular were all because of a single poll.

We’ll talk about that poll — a Pew Research poll that gave Mr. Romney a 4-point lead among likely voters — in a moment. But let’s first consider the day’s worth of polling without it, which was pretty mixed for Mr. Romney.

The most unfavorable numbers for Mr. Romney came in the national tracking polls published by Gallup and Rasmussen Reports. Both showed the race trending slightly toward President Obama, who increased his lead from 3 points to 5 points in the Gallup poll, and pulled into a tie after having trailed by 2 points in the Rasmussen survey.


Hmmm, ain't that somethin' -- take out the Pew skew and Romney still looks like the burnt toast he was before he lied his ass off during the debate.
Ryan wigged out when a reporter asked him tough questions on guns and taxes.

Lie! Go look at the video.

Paul Ryan Ends Interview After "Strange" Question From Local Reporter | RealClearPolitics

"UPDATE: This post has been updated several times to reflect how Congressman Ryan handled the situation and his decision to end the interview. A previous version of this post noted Ryan walked out, when in fact he did nothing of the sort. Ryan calmly ended the interview after the reporter attempted to put words in the his mouth. Also, WJRT is the ABC affiliate in Flint, Michigan. Previous versions of this post incorrectly reported that WJRT is in Detroit."

Facts are lost on the libtard masses... you know that.

NOt really. ALl I saw was a politician who lost it when he was asked a tough question.

Come on guys, it wasn't like they asked him if he still beats his wife here.
This is where it stands, whether u like it or not. It will change several times before November 6th.
I don't know how anyone would vote for Big Government. They are the last people on earth to trust.
Poor, poor Joey. I wonder how Biden would answer the same question. lol

Well, Biden wouldn't advocate tax cuts for rich people nor think it was the government's job to legislate morality....

Neither will Ryan at the debate, he'll lie just like Romney did. Biden isn't going to go easy on him but he won't be able to stop the little shit from lying his ass off.

Ryan has a bad habit of getting tongue tied at times though. He doesn't know how his handlers want him to respond in every situation.
"In 2008, Joe Biden handled his debate-mate, Sarah Palin, with kid gloves to avoid angering women, which could easily have happened had he lit into her. On Thursday, we are almost certain to see a very different Biden, who is going to be landing as many punches on Paul Ryan as he can."

And Ryan is no Palin. Ryan will be held on manslaughter charges after the debate. It will truly be a crime what he will do to Biden.

Ryan wigged out when a reporter asked him tough questions on guns and taxes.

those are Tough questions? What is a Vice President suppose to do about Taxes and guns?
what's the toughest question asked of Obama, whether or not he would kill Big Bird or what superhero does he see himself?
good grief

Yea, or asking him how he grades himself. The media pretty much let Obama control his PR over the last 4 years.
The more I think about it, the Republicans have a system going since they gave Palin 12 or so questions to memorize and respond to just so she wouldn't look as stupid as she really is. Something Biden might want to consider is going off script and throwing in a couple of comments and questions that will completely throw him off.

He also has to be tough, like he was with Bork.
Poor, poor Joey. I wonder how Biden would answer the same question. lol

Well, Biden wouldn't advocate tax cuts for rich people nor think it was the government's job to legislate morality....

Neither will Ryan at the debate, he'll lie just like Romney did. Biden isn't going to go easy on him but he won't be able to stop the little shit from lying his ass off.

Ryan has a bad habit of getting tongue tied at times though. He doesn't know how his handlers want him to respond in every situation.

I agree. I think this is where Romney screwed up in picking Ryan (whom I have nothing against, I drive through his district a couple times a year.) He really doesn't have the experience at debate and discussion Biden has.

Also, Biden has another advantage that Obama didn't -expectations. The cliche about Biden is that he's gaffe prone and everyone's crazy uncle... which means people will not expecting him to do well. Kind of the same expectation everyone had of Romney in the first debate.

Finally, historically, Vice Presidential debates have been sedate affairs since 1988. Biden didn't really go after Palin because there was no need to. Edwards and Cheney were relatively polite, and it was practically a date between Leiberman and Cheney before that. There's a rumor that there was a Kemp/Gore debate, but I'm starting to think they are just telling us there was one.

Will this be the exception? Stay tuned.

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