Good Grief....WHO HID HIS MEDS? Kanye Hysterical in Oval Office

I didn’t like West when he was on the left and don’t like him now. He reminds me of Rodman and Nugent, just a personality I don’t care for.

What I object to is the racial overtones by the left, you can disagree with him, however those calling him an Uncle Tom, shows the racism that lies underneath the surface of the Democratic Party.

He is a Kardashian now

Anything for attention

Give us a break.....


Do you ever post anything related to the thread?

Always!......................... :haha:

Shouldn’t you be playing with your Barbie dolls?

I never owned a barbie doll in my life

you idiot!
Trump once again destroys the liberal narrative, this is really bad news for Dems.

Trump revealed once again that he is a bottomless pit of insecurity and neediness.
The destruction and devastation of northern Florida that was revealed this morning when the media arrived in Panama City should have put Trump foursquare in the middle of a mobilizing for a national emergency.
But instead he decided to do a rally last night and a photo-op with the fucking sociopathic idiot Kanye.
Batting his eyelashes at every fawning rappah' compliment Kanye lavished on him.

You will live snowflake, brush yourself off and go outside and play.
Anyone else watching this?
My god, what a fucking freak.
I've seen manics in action before but he takes the freak out cake.


WF2020 did not mention race once. He simply commented about Kanye's bizarre behavior (even Trump look somewhat mystified)...and it WAS bizarre.

Yet your first thought seemed to be the color of Kanye's skin.

It is clear that you are the racist here (if anyone is)...for it is you who sees people like Kanye as 'black' first - and not as just a person.

So noted.
Shit show 2 clowns...I still think kanye is saner than the orange.
Anyone else watching this?
My god, what a fucking freak.
I've seen manics in action before but he takes the freak out cake.
How dare that Black man have any other thought in his head than Democratic mandated ones. The party should quash these uppity Negros before its to late.
MLK said white liberals can be the biggest obstacle to progress because they are so convinced of their own righteousness

Yes indeed, from C.S. Lewis, a master:

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
Just watched the video.
To use a term used by a philosophy professor in university, it was a genuine "ontological freak-out".
the bad things that black folks do are seen as representative of the group. the good things they do are seen as exceptions to the group.

By whom?

I saw CNN pundits saying Kanye is a negro that never read a book and they were laughing about it.

That is racist and those commentators should apologize.
Ben Shapiro did the same thing when Joe Rogan said that.

The difference is that Ben Shapiro doesn’t claim to be a social justice warrior.
Anyone else watching this?
My god, what a fucking freak.
I've seen manics in action before but he takes the freak out cake.
You realize that all the idiot young people you want to vote grew up idolizing Kanye, right?
No....he's yesterday's news...It's Taylor Swift now.
Young people either like her or hate her and always have.

All her new sales are from older people.

She looks like an idiot now for backing an exposed liar.
Anyone else watching this?
My god, what a fucking freak.
I've seen manics in action before but he takes the freak out cake.

It just astounds me how you people can be in such denial about the circus show that is the White House. It’s so embarrassing. The rest of the world is laughing at us while you idiots are too much of pussies to admit how retarded Trump is.
On CNN, it’s ok to say Kanye is a “negro who hasn’t read a book” and House negro” and “token negro”, but you can’t say “mob” to describe people harassing a senator at dinner with his wife.

Well done, CNN.
Anyone else watching this?
My god, what a fucking freak.
I've seen manics in action before but he takes the freak out cake.


WF2020 did not mention race once. He simply commented about Kanye's bizarre behavior (even Trump look somewhat mystified)...and it WAS bizarre.

Yet your first thought seemed to be the color of Kanye's skin.

It is clear that you are the racist here (if anyone is)...for it is you who sees people like Kanye as 'black' first - and not as just a person.

So noted.

If one is critical of a black person’s politics, are fucking racist, that’s what we have been taught, so we are being consistent.

One says Kanye is a “negro that hasn’t read a book”, that’s racist. That’s what is going on.

You know what’s happening here, don’t be disingenuous.
Anyone else watching this?
My god, what a fucking freak.
I've seen manics in action before but he takes the freak out cake.

It just astounds me how you people can be in such denial about the circus show that is the White House. It’s so embarrassing. The rest of the world is laughing at us while you idiots are too much of pussies to admit how retarded Trump is.

You have a city full of Trump Towers occupying your head 24/7.

On CNN, it’s ok to say Kanye is a “negro who hasn’t read a book” and House negro” and “token negro”, but you can’t say “mob” to describe people harassing a senator at dinner with his wife.

Well done, CNN.

--That boy doesn't know his place

CNN and the minions on the Left. Enlightened, aren't that, our Democrat Overlords? Indeed.
There are more well spoken blacks, such as Candace Owens:
Candace Owens on CNN's smearing of Kanye

Kanye is a multi-millionaire, so for the CNN hosts to challenge his intelligence is racist, and they should be fired.
As of 2018, Kanye West's net worth is $160 million dollars.Jul 23, 2018

(Maxine Waters has a low IQ, not Kanye)
Who hid his meds? Perhaps he took them all.
Is there anything beyond "bipolar"; tri-, quad?
Anyone today who doesn't agree with one side is vilified by that side. "Left" or "right" doesn't seem to change the response. As long as a statement does not toe the line of one or the other side, it is savaged as infernal by that side.

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