Good luck with your future.

I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.

I told young people to stop voting for retard Dem's and RINO's but did they listen. Now they are stuck with $20 trillion of my generations debt.

Young people tend to support social policies. Hence, they tend to be liberal. You aren't going to change decades of precedence.

Young people are stupid morons. Young people want their student loan debt forgiven, so why don't they ask the colleges and universities for the money back?
I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.

I told young people to stop voting for retard Dem's and RINO's but did they listen. Now they are stuck with $20 trillion of my generations debt.

Young people tend to support social policies. Hence, they tend to be liberal. You aren't going to change decades of precedence.

Young people are stupid morons. Young people want their student loan debt forgiven, so why don't they ask the colleges and universities for the money back?

Yes, we already know you're an asshole towards the youth. But the universities may end up doing just that.
I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.

I told young people to stop voting for retard Dem's and RINO's but did they listen. Now they are stuck with $20 trillion of my generations debt.

Young people tend to support social policies. Hence, they tend to be liberal. You aren't going to change decades of precedence.

Young people are stupid morons. Young people want their student loan debt forgiven, so why don't they ask the colleges and universities for the money back?

Yes, we already know you're an asshole towards the youth. But the universities may end up doing just that.

Its not my fault they are stupid mush brains who vote in lockstep with the very parasites who enslaved them to student loans the size of a home mortgage.
Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.

I told young people to stop voting for retard Dem's and RINO's but did they listen. Now they are stuck with $20 trillion of my generations debt.

Young people tend to support social policies. Hence, they tend to be liberal. You aren't going to change decades of precedence.

Young people are stupid morons. Young people want their student loan debt forgiven, so why don't they ask the colleges and universities for the money back?

Yes, we already know you're an asshole towards the youth. But the universities may end up doing just that.

Its not my fault they are stupid mush brains who vote in lockstep with the very parasites who enslaved them to student loans the size of a home mortgage.

Yes, yes. Nothing but salutations and rainbows from you.
The arrow of time proceeds and things that were fixtures in our society fifty years ago are dissolving like castles in the sand on a beach. When I was getting regularly kicked out of a local pizza joint in 1966 for hooliganism you could get a job in the area with great health insurance and a fully funded pension. I ended up in the Steelworker’s union for 20 years and I get a pension check from them like clockwork every month.

Then I got a job at a local non-union industry that offered a pension and I get a check from them though in the late 1990’s we had a mass meeting and the company announced that it was going to steal the pensions of younger employees. (I and some others were grandfathered in).The company like much of American industry wanted to participate in globalization and open up plants where pensions were not even the dictionary of the common people and environmental controls consisted of dumping chemicals from buckets into a river.

Since I have been employed since 1962 when I was 15 I get nice Social Security check to go along with the two other pensions. I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

The people leading your country have betrayed you in so many ways that our democracy is at risk. That’s why they are trying to replace you with invited illegal immigrants that will predictably vote them into office while you get addicted to drugs, can’t afford to raise a family and end up in a miserable revolving door of marginalized anti-white racist serfdom. This is your future as Republicans and Democrats have decided so.

The loser in the last presidential election committed so many crimes against the United States that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were petty criminals by comparison. But there are so many fools among you that those crimes go unpunished. Human intelligence has not dropped so something else is going on and this may be the doom of all free democracies. You are selfish and want a central authority to make things fair for you.

America was founded on escaping central authority but the people holding that authority see it differently. Good luck.

You’re right about one thing (finally). Trump—the guy who got fewer votes—is a criminal.

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