Good luck with your future.

I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.

He made an excellent point. Yes, the younger generation is getting screwed by our selfishness and that is not a good thing.

Keep believing that.
You ain't going nowhere as long as you do.
Like Ray said, good luck!
I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.
you just made his point you spoiled stupid little communist bastard .

Yeah, you can eat shit, cockroach.
I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.
you just made his point you spoiled stupid little communist bastard .

Yeah, you can eat shit, cockroach.
get job hippie ... and ill be glad to rip the faggot top knot off your head to make you look more presentable for your first interview !
It’s almost as if the entire purpose of the human experiment here on planet Earth was to make sure that the “Boomer” generation had the best of everything.

You act as if it was handed to us.
It wasn't.
If it had been, we'd be already in Stalinist-type bondage by now.
Boomers made sure that it didn't happen..
The arrow of time proceeds and things that were fixtures in our society fifty years ago are dissolving like castles in the sand on a beach. When I was getting regularly kicked out of a local pizza joint in 1966 for hooliganism you could get a job in the area with great health insurance and a fully funded pension. I ended up in the Steelworker’s union for 20 years and I get a pension check from them like clockwork every month.

Then I got a job at a local non-union industry that offered a pension and I get a check from them though in the late 1990’s we had a mass meeting and the company announced that it was going to steal the pensions of younger employees. (I and some others were grandfathered in).The company like much of American industry wanted to participate in globalization and open up plants where pensions were not even the dictionary of the common people and environmental controls consisted of dumping chemicals from buckets into a river.

Since I have been employed since 1962 when I was 15 I get nice Social Security check to go along with the two other pensions. I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

The people leading your country have betrayed you in so many ways that our democracy is at risk. That’s why they are trying to replace you with invited illegal immigrants that will predictably vote them into office while you get addicted to drugs, can’t afford to raise a family and end up in a miserable revolving door of marginalized anti-white racist serfdom. This is your future as Republicans and Democrats have decided so.

The loser in the last presidential election committed so many crimes against the United States that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were petty criminals by comparison. But there are so many fools among you that those crimes go unpunished. Human intelligence has not dropped so something else is going on and this may be the doom of all free democracies. You are selfish and want a central authority to make things fair for you.

America was founded on escaping central authority but the people holding that authority see it differently. Good luck.
You started out so well, but you don't seem to realize that the GOP of garbage propaganda, give away to the rich and screw everybody else has been in charge the last 35 years. and Hillary has been investigated so many times and nothing has been found but garbage propaganda, super duper. What happened to innocent until proven guilty or anything like it? The GOP is the swamp and has never been worse than under reaganism the last 35 years...
The arrow of time proceeds and things that were fixtures in our society fifty years ago are dissolving like castles in the sand on a beach. When I was getting regularly kicked out of a local pizza joint in 1966 for hooliganism you could get a job in the area with great health insurance and a fully funded pension. I ended up in the Steelworker’s union for 20 years and I get a pension check from them like clockwork every month.

Then I got a job at a local non-union industry that offered a pension and I get a check from them though in the late 1990’s we had a mass meeting and the company announced that it was going to steal the pensions of younger employees. (I and some others were grandfathered in).The company like much of American industry wanted to participate in globalization and open up plants where pensions were not even the dictionary of the common people and environmental controls consisted of dumping chemicals from buckets into a river.

Since I have been employed since 1962 when I was 15 I get nice Social Security check to go along with the two other pensions. I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

The people leading your country have betrayed you in so many ways that our democracy is at risk. That’s why they are trying to replace you with invited illegal immigrants that will predictably vote them into office while you get addicted to drugs, can’t afford to raise a family and end up in a miserable revolving door of marginalized anti-white racist serfdom. This is your future as Republicans and Democrats have decided so.

The loser in the last presidential election committed so many crimes against the United States that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were petty criminals by comparison. But there are so many fools among you that those crimes go unpunished. Human intelligence has not dropped so something else is going on and this may be the doom of all free democracies. You are selfish and want a central authority to make things fair for you.

America was founded on escaping central authority but the people holding that authority see it differently. Good luck.
You started out so well, but you don't seem to realize that the GOP of garbage propaganda, give away to the rich and screw everybody else has been in charge the last 35 years. and Hillary has been investigated so many times and nothing has been found but garbage propaganda, super duper. What happened to innocent until proven guilty or anything like it? The GOP is the swamp and has never been worse than under reaganism the last 35 years...

That's why you are a fool. They're all in on it. Why do you think Trump got elected?
The arrow of time proceeds and things that were fixtures in our society fifty years ago are dissolving like castles in the sand on a beach. When I was getting regularly kicked out of a local pizza joint in 1966 for hooliganism you could get a job in the area with great health insurance and a fully funded pension. I ended up in the Steelworker’s union for 20 years and I get a pension check from them like clockwork every month.

Then I got a job at a local non-union industry that offered a pension and I get a check from them though in the late 1990’s we had a mass meeting and the company announced that it was going to steal the pensions of younger employees. (I and some others were grandfathered in).The company like much of American industry wanted to participate in globalization and open up plants where pensions were not even the dictionary of the common people and environmental controls consisted of dumping chemicals from buckets into a river.

Since I have been employed since 1962 when I was 15 I get nice Social Security check to go along with the two other pensions. I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

The people leading your country have betrayed you in so many ways that our democracy is at risk. That’s why they are trying to replace you with invited illegal immigrants that will predictably vote them into office while you get addicted to drugs, can’t afford to raise a family and end up in a miserable revolving door of marginalized anti-white racist serfdom. This is your future as Republicans and Democrats have decided so.

The loser in the last presidential election committed so many crimes against the United States that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were petty criminals by comparison. But there are so many fools among you that those crimes go unpunished. Human intelligence has not dropped so something else is going on and this may be the doom of all free democracies. You are selfish and want a central authority to make things fair for you.

America was founded on escaping central authority but the people holding that authority see it differently. Good luck.
You started out so well, but you don't seem to realize that the GOP of garbage propaganda, give away to the rich and screw everybody else has been in charge the last 35 years. and Hillary has been investigated so many times and nothing has been found but garbage propaganda, super duper. What happened to innocent until proven guilty or anything like it? The GOP is the swamp and has never been worse than under reaganism the last 35 years...

You talk like someone with irreconcilable personal regrets.
Also, I don't wanna hear 'bout them too.
The arrow of time proceeds and things that were fixtures in our society fifty years ago are dissolving like castles in the sand on a beach. When I was getting regularly kicked out of a local pizza joint in 1966 for hooliganism you could get a job in the area with great health insurance and a fully funded pension. I ended up in the Steelworker’s union for 20 years and I get a pension check from them like clockwork every month.

Then I got a job at a local non-union industry that offered a pension and I get a check from them though in the late 1990’s we had a mass meeting and the company announced that it was going to steal the pensions of younger employees. (I and some others were grandfathered in).The company like much of American industry wanted to participate in globalization and open up plants where pensions were not even the dictionary of the common people and environmental controls consisted of dumping chemicals from buckets into a river.

Since I have been employed since 1962 when I was 15 I get nice Social Security check to go along with the two other pensions. I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

The people leading your country have betrayed you in so many ways that our democracy is at risk. That’s why they are trying to replace you with invited illegal immigrants that will predictably vote them into office while you get addicted to drugs, can’t afford to raise a family and end up in a miserable revolving door of marginalized anti-white racist serfdom. This is your future as Republicans and Democrats have decided so.

The loser in the last presidential election committed so many crimes against the United States that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were petty criminals by comparison. But there are so many fools among you that those crimes go unpunished. Human intelligence has not dropped so something else is going on and this may be the doom of all free democracies. You are selfish and want a central authority to make things fair for you.

America was founded on escaping central authority but the people holding that authority see it differently. Good luck.
You started out so well, but you don't seem to realize that the GOP of garbage propaganda, give away to the rich and screw everybody else has been in charge the last 35 years. and Hillary has been investigated so many times and nothing has been found but garbage propaganda, super duper. What happened to innocent until proven guilty or anything like it? The GOP is the swamp and has never been worse than under reaganism the last 35 years...
last i heard nobody from Killarys campaign has been indited over her crimes ....but that will change soon .....interesting that a self proclaimed communist like you defends her !
On behalf of Boomers everywhere I’d like to offer my heartfelt apology to all who came after us.

But our parents, aka The Greatest Generation fucked and had us and the rest was pretty much out of our control.

What were we supposed to do? Not take advantage of a good thing?
I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.
you just made his point you spoiled stupid little communist bastard .

Yeah, you can eat shit, cockroach.
get job hippie ... and ill be glad to rip the faggot top knot off your head to make you look more presentable for your first interview !

Lol. Okay, cockroach. BTW: I run two companies and I'd split you in half if you laid a finger on me.
I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.

Are you pissed that boomers voted in politicians who gave them the best standard of living above any other generation?
I call that lucky or wise, or a combination of both.
The problem is not a certain generation, the problem is the GOP as always and it's gotten even worse. We now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and that is a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Google the only tax graph you need to know. Only garbage propaganda makes this possible.... No sacrifice is too great for regular people to make sure the greedy idiot GOP brainwashing rich don't pay their fair share....
I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.
you just made his point you spoiled stupid little communist bastard .

Yeah, you can eat shit, cockroach.
get job hippie ... and ill be glad to rip the faggot top knot off your head to make you look more presentable for your first interview !

Lol. Okay, cockroach. BTW: I run two companies and I'd split you in half if you laid a finger on me.
bwaaa haaaa haaa haaaaa dont have the do it yourself mentality to run 2 real companies !! and i would beat your weak wimpy ass till your heart pumped shit !
The arrow of time proceeds and things that were fixtures in our society fifty years ago are dissolving like castles in the sand on a beach. When I was getting regularly kicked out of a local pizza joint in 1966 for hooliganism you could get a job in the area with great health insurance and a fully funded pension. I ended up in the Steelworker’s union for 20 years and I get a pension check from them like clockwork every month.

Then I got a job at a local non-union industry that offered a pension and I get a check from them though in the late 1990’s we had a mass meeting and the company announced that it was going to steal the pensions of younger employees. (I and some others were grandfathered in).The company like much of American industry wanted to participate in globalization and open up plants where pensions were not even the dictionary of the common people and environmental controls consisted of dumping chemicals from buckets into a river.

Since I have been employed since 1962 when I was 15 I get nice Social Security check to go along with the two other pensions. I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

The people leading your country have betrayed you in so many ways that our democracy is at risk. That’s why they are trying to replace you with invited illegal immigrants that will predictably vote them into office while you get addicted to drugs, can’t afford to raise a family and end up in a miserable revolving door of marginalized anti-white racist serfdom. This is your future as Republicans and Democrats have decided so.

The loser in the last presidential election committed so many crimes against the United States that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were petty criminals by comparison. But there are so many fools among you that those crimes go unpunished. Human intelligence has not dropped so something else is going on and this may be the doom of all free democracies. You are selfish and want a central authority to make things fair for you.

America was founded on escaping central authority but the people holding that authority see it differently. Good luck.
You started out so well, but you don't seem to realize that the GOP of garbage propaganda, give away to the rich and screw everybody else has been in charge the last 35 years. and Hillary has been investigated so many times and nothing has been found but garbage propaganda, super duper. What happened to innocent until proven guilty or anything like it? The GOP is the swamp and has never been worse than under reaganism the last 35 years...

You talk like someone with irreconcilable personal regrets.
Also, I don't wanna hear 'bout them too.

The only regret I have is that I wasn't nicer to my wife when we were young. Luckily she's still with me since 1970. She beats me at Jeopardy now and she never used to. Maybe she was letting me win back then.
I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.

Are you pissed that boomers voted in politicians who gave them the best standard of living above any other generation?
I call that lucky or wise, or a combination of both.
The problem is not a certain generation, the problem is the GOP as always and it's gotten even worse. We now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and that is a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Google the only tax graph you need to know. Only garbage propaganda makes this possible.... No sacrifice is too great for regular people to make sure the greedy idiot GOP brainwashing rich don't pay their fair share....

Speak for yourself.
Socialist-Commie supporters like you, NEVER pay their fair share.
An' that's a fact, Jack!
That's also why 1/2 of all millenials get mommy and daddy to help pay their basic necessities.
Now they want taxpayers to pick up the slack.
And the traitors who want to be president will gladly promise it too them for votes.
The arrow of time proceeds and things that were fixtures in our society fifty years ago are dissolving like castles in the sand on a beach. When I was getting regularly kicked out of a local pizza joint in 1966 for hooliganism you could get a job in the area with great health insurance and a fully funded pension. I ended up in the Steelworker’s union for 20 years and I get a pension check from them like clockwork every month.

Then I got a job at a local non-union industry that offered a pension and I get a check from them though in the late 1990’s we had a mass meeting and the company announced that it was going to steal the pensions of younger employees. (I and some others were grandfathered in).The company like much of American industry wanted to participate in globalization and open up plants where pensions were not even the dictionary of the common people and environmental controls consisted of dumping chemicals from buckets into a river.

Since I have been employed since 1962 when I was 15 I get nice Social Security check to go along with the two other pensions. I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

The people leading your country have betrayed you in so many ways that our democracy is at risk. That’s why they are trying to replace you with invited illegal immigrants that will predictably vote them into office while you get addicted to drugs, can’t afford to raise a family and end up in a miserable revolving door of marginalized anti-white racist serfdom. This is your future as Republicans and Democrats have decided so.

The loser in the last presidential election committed so many crimes against the United States that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were petty criminals by comparison. But there are so many fools among you that those crimes go unpunished. Human intelligence has not dropped so something else is going on and this may be the doom of all free democracies. You are selfish and want a central authority to make things fair for you.

America was founded on escaping central authority but the people holding that authority see it differently. Good luck.
You started out so well, but you don't seem to realize that the GOP of garbage propaganda, give away to the rich and screw everybody else has been in charge the last 35 years. and Hillary has been investigated so many times and nothing has been found but garbage propaganda, super duper. What happened to innocent until proven guilty or anything like it? The GOP is the swamp and has never been worse than under reaganism the last 35 years...

That's why you are a fool. They're all in on it. Why do you think Trump got elected?
25 years of garbage propaganda against Hillary, 25 years of GOP propaganda misinforming the country, and Russia hacking the DNC server and giving fox/Rush etc and CNN and MSNBC something to talk about 24 hours a day. And big mouth James Comey talking about her investigation but never mentioning the investigation of the Trump campaign and the Russians. I would have liked to see her elected to see what she is actually like LOL. Terrible candidate but maybe a good president as opposed to the other way around with the orange clown...
Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.
you just made his point you spoiled stupid little communist bastard .

Yeah, you can eat shit, cockroach.
get job hippie ... and ill be glad to rip the faggot top knot off your head to make you look more presentable for your first interview !

Lol. Okay, cockroach. BTW: I run two companies and I'd split you in half if you laid a finger on me.
bwaaa haaaa haaa haaaaa dont have the do it yourself mentality to run 2 real companies !! and i would beat your weak wimpy ass till your heart pumped shit !
if you had 2 legit small businesses then why do you support the left ???????because you are lying thats why .or maybe you are a spoiled brat running the family business that you never started and your elders are trying desperately to teach you personal is one of the 2 ...or there is a slight chance you are in the in crowd in a democratic strong hold and you get 1st dibbs on government contracts ..but its nothing that you accomplished on your own merit .
I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.

Are you pissed that boomers voted in politicians who gave them the best standard of living above any other generation?
I call that lucky or wise, or a combination of both.
The problem is not a certain generation, the problem is the GOP as always and it's gotten even worse. We now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and that is a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Google the only tax graph you need to know. Only garbage propaganda makes this possible.... No sacrifice is too great for regular people to make sure the greedy idiot GOP brainwashing rich don't pay their fair share....

Speak for yourself.
Socialist-Commie supporters like you, NEVER pay their fair share.
An' that's a fact, Jack!
Google the only tax graph you need to know, brainwashed functional moron hater doop. If you count all taxes we have a flat tax system, a disgrace. You're totally misinformed.
The arrow of time proceeds and things that were fixtures in our society fifty years ago are dissolving like castles in the sand on a beach. When I was getting regularly kicked out of a local pizza joint in 1966 for hooliganism you could get a job in the area with great health insurance and a fully funded pension. I ended up in the Steelworker’s union for 20 years and I get a pension check from them like clockwork every month.

Then I got a job at a local non-union industry that offered a pension and I get a check from them though in the late 1990’s we had a mass meeting and the company announced that it was going to steal the pensions of younger employees. (I and some others were grandfathered in).The company like much of American industry wanted to participate in globalization and open up plants where pensions were not even the dictionary of the common people and environmental controls consisted of dumping chemicals from buckets into a river.

Since I have been employed since 1962 when I was 15 I get nice Social Security check to go along with the two other pensions. I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

The people leading your country have betrayed you in so many ways that our democracy is at risk. That’s why they are trying to replace you with invited illegal immigrants that will predictably vote them into office while you get addicted to drugs, can’t afford to raise a family and end up in a miserable revolving door of marginalized anti-white racist serfdom. This is your future as Republicans and Democrats have decided so.

The loser in the last presidential election committed so many crimes against the United States that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were petty criminals by comparison. But there are so many fools among you that those crimes go unpunished. Human intelligence has not dropped so something else is going on and this may be the doom of all free democracies. You are selfish and want a central authority to make things fair for you.

America was founded on escaping central authority but the people holding that authority see it differently. Good luck.
You started out so well, but you don't seem to realize that the GOP of garbage propaganda, give away to the rich and screw everybody else has been in charge the last 35 years. and Hillary has been investigated so many times and nothing has been found but garbage propaganda, super duper. What happened to innocent until proven guilty or anything like it? The GOP is the swamp and has never been worse than under reaganism the last 35 years...

You talk like someone with irreconcilable personal regrets.
Also, I don't wanna hear 'bout them too.
Happily retired class of 69. Hillary's crimes don't exist, Russian ones do ditto James Comey, and GOP tax rates dipstick. For 35 years now. Say goodbye to cheap public universities we used to have and upward Mobility, good infrastructure and mainly truth....
That's also why 1/2 of all millenials get mommy and daddy to help pay their basic necessities.
Now they want taxpayers to pick up the slack.
And the traitors who want to be president will gladly promise it too them for votes.

Millenials dupe mom and dad to help pay their rent and cell phone bills so they can run off to Cabo and drink Pacifico and take selfies of themselves catching early surf.
Co-dependent parenting styles equates to raising a generation of parasites.

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