Good luck with your future.

you just made his point you spoiled stupid little communist bastard .

Yeah, you can eat shit, cockroach.
get job hippie ... and ill be glad to rip the faggot top knot off your head to make you look more presentable for your first interview !

Lol. Okay, cockroach. BTW: I run two companies and I'd split you in half if you laid a finger on me.
bwaaa haaaa haaa haaaaa dont have the do it yourself mentality to run 2 real companies !! and i would beat your weak wimpy ass till your heart pumped shit !
if you had 2 legit small businesses then why do you support the left ???????because you are lying thats why .or maybe you are a spoiled brat running the family business that you never started and your elders are trying desperately to teach you personal is one of the 2 ...or there is a slight chance you are in the in crowd in a democratic strong hold and you get 1st dibbs on government contracts ..but its nothing that you accomplished on your own merit .
Perfect brainwashed functional moron Dupe of the greedy idiot GOP rich... Democrats are in small business as much as Republicans ditto welfare etcetera etc if you don't count minorities who are discriminated against by GOP racists...
you just made his point you spoiled stupid little communist bastard .

Yeah, you can eat shit, cockroach.
get job hippie ... and ill be glad to rip the faggot top knot off your head to make you look more presentable for your first interview !

Lol. Okay, cockroach. BTW: I run two companies and I'd split you in half if you laid a finger on me.
bwaaa haaaa haaa haaaaa dont have the do it yourself mentality to run 2 real companies !! and i would beat your weak wimpy ass till your heart pumped shit !
if you had 2 legit small businesses then why do you support the left ???????because you are lying thats why .or maybe you are a spoiled brat running the family business that you never started and your elders are trying desperately to teach you personal is one of the 2 ...or there is a slight chance you are in the in crowd in a democratic strong hold and you get 1st dibbs on government contracts ..but its nothing that you accomplished on your own merit .

Maybe you're just another dime-a-dozen partisan idiot, ever think about that? You said I support the left, not I, so you can argue with yourself about that one. I built both businesses from nothing 5 years ago out of blood, sweat, hard work, determination and a motivation to succeed. Don't talk to me about 'merit' or work ethic - I have them in spades. Many employees and 100s of clients later, this 'hippee' pretty much knows your opinion is meritless.

D or R, as long as the economy is humming along, I don't really give a shit. I'm a capitalist, plain and simple. You'd better hope your gaggle of retards running the country don't fuck that up or say hello to your new Democrat overlord in 2020.
Yeah, you can eat shit, cockroach.
get job hippie ... and ill be glad to rip the faggot top knot off your head to make you look more presentable for your first interview !

Lol. Okay, cockroach. BTW: I run two companies and I'd split you in half if you laid a finger on me.
bwaaa haaaa haaa haaaaa dont have the do it yourself mentality to run 2 real companies !! and i would beat your weak wimpy ass till your heart pumped shit !
if you had 2 legit small businesses then why do you support the left ???????because you are lying thats why .or maybe you are a spoiled brat running the family business that you never started and your elders are trying desperately to teach you personal is one of the 2 ...or there is a slight chance you are in the in crowd in a democratic strong hold and you get 1st dibbs on government contracts ..but its nothing that you accomplished on your own merit .

Maybe you're just another dime-a-dozen partisan idiot, ever think about that? You said I support the left, not I, so you can argue with yourself about that one. I built both businesses from nothing 5 years ago out of blood, sweat, hard work, determination and a motivation to succeed. Don't talk to me about 'merit' or work ethic - I have them in spades. Many employees and 100s of clients later, this 'hippee' pretty much knows your opinion is meritless.

D or R, as long as the economy is humming along, I don't really give a shit. I'm a capitalist, plain and simple. You'd better hope your gaggle of retards running the country don't fuck that up or say hello to your new Democrat overlord in 2020.
bwaaaa,haaaaaa, i was right !
Yeah, the lefties have it all figured out. They pass legislation that turns full time work to part time, they beg jobs to go offshore, and then they try to fix it by trying to bump up service wages so that jobs are lost left and right. It is a good things Dems don't care about unemployment, or else they might feel a little guilty about all their 'help'.
I'm not worried. The bow ties are so smart that they can figure out how everyone can get free everything when nobody is working. The future is going to be just great.
I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.

He made an excellent point. Yes, the younger generation is getting screwed by our selfishness and that is not a good thing.

Keep believing that.
You ain't going nowhere as long as you do.
Like Ray said, good luck!

I'm at the end of the path. I'm not looking to go anywhere.
I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.

I told young people to stop voting for retard Dem's and RINO's but did they listen. Now they are stuck with $20 trillion of my generations debt.
I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.

I told young people to stop voting for retard Dem's and RINO's but did they listen. Now they are stuck with $20 trillion of my generations debt.

Because obviously Trump is not continuing to further add to that debt.
The arrow of time proceeds and things that were fixtures in our society fifty years ago are dissolving like castles in the sand on a beach. When I was getting regularly kicked out of a local pizza joint in 1966 for hooliganism you could get a job in the area with great health insurance and a fully funded pension. I ended up in the Steelworker’s union for 20 years and I get a pension check from them like clockwork every month.

Then I got a job at a local non-union industry that offered a pension and I get a check from them though in the late 1990’s we had a mass meeting and the company announced that it was going to steal the pensions of younger employees. (I and some others were grandfathered in).The company like much of American industry wanted to participate in globalization and open up plants where pensions were not even the dictionary of the common people and environmental controls consisted of dumping chemicals from buckets into a river.

Since I have been employed since 1962 when I was 15 I get nice Social Security check to go along with the two other pensions. I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

The people leading your country have betrayed you in so many ways that our democracy is at risk. That’s why they are trying to replace you with invited illegal immigrants that will predictably vote them into office while you get addicted to drugs, can’t afford to raise a family and end up in a miserable revolving door of marginalized anti-white racist serfdom. This is your future as Republicans and Democrats have decided so.

The loser in the last presidential election committed so many crimes against the United States that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were petty criminals by comparison. But there are so many fools among you that those crimes go unpunished. Human intelligence has not dropped so something else is going on and this may be the doom of all free democracies. You are selfish and want a central authority to make things fair for you.

America was founded on escaping central authority but the people holding that authority see it differently. Good luck.
Ray, the future of America is bleak.
Eventually the Democrats will have permanent control due to mass immigration.
Obama proved that the Dems are totally lawless.
They will appoint judges who will ignore the constitution.
They will enslave the middle class taxpayers to failed socialist policies.
First the wealthy will leave, then the upper middle class and then the middle class.
We see how the middle class already flees the Democrat run cities and states.
Eventually they will have to flee the whole country to escape the Democrats.
America will be like a combination of Venezuela and Iran.
The arrow of time proceeds and things that were fixtures in our society fifty years ago are dissolving like castles in the sand on a beach. When I was getting regularly kicked out of a local pizza joint in 1966 for hooliganism you could get a job in the area with great health insurance and a fully funded pension. I ended up in the Steelworker’s union for 20 years and I get a pension check from them like clockwork every month.

Then I got a job at a local non-union industry that offered a pension and I get a check from them though in the late 1990’s we had a mass meeting and the company announced that it was going to steal the pensions of younger employees. (I and some others were grandfathered in).The company like much of American industry wanted to participate in globalization and open up plants where pensions were not even the dictionary of the common people and environmental controls consisted of dumping chemicals from buckets into a river.

Since I have been employed since 1962 when I was 15 I get nice Social Security check to go along with the two other pensions. I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

The people leading your country have betrayed you in so many ways that our democracy is at risk. That’s why they are trying to replace you with invited illegal immigrants that will predictably vote them into office while you get addicted to drugs, can’t afford to raise a family and end up in a miserable revolving door of marginalized anti-white racist serfdom. This is your future as Republicans and Democrats have decided so.

The loser in the last presidential election committed so many crimes against the United States that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were petty criminals by comparison. But there are so many fools among you that those crimes go unpunished. Human intelligence has not dropped so something else is going on and this may be the doom of all free democracies. You are selfish and want a central authority to make things fair for you.

America was founded on escaping central authority but the people holding that authority see it differently. Good luck.
Ray, the future of America is bleak.
Eventually the Democrats will have permanent control due to mass immigration.
Obama proved that the Dems are totally lawless.
They will appoint judges who will ignore the constitution.
They will enslave the middle class taxpayers to failed socialist policies.
First the wealthy will leave, then the upper middle class and then the middle class.
We see how the middle class already flees the Democrat run cities and states.
Eventually they will have to flee the whole country to escape the Democrats.
America will be like a combination of Venezuela and Iran.

Where are they going to "flee" to? France? Germany? Maybe Russia or China?
The arrow of time proceeds and things that were fixtures in our society fifty years ago are dissolving like castles in the sand on a beach. When I was getting regularly kicked out of a local pizza joint in 1966 for hooliganism you could get a job in the area with great health insurance and a fully funded pension. I ended up in the Steelworker’s union for 20 years and I get a pension check from them like clockwork every month.

Then I got a job at a local non-union industry that offered a pension and I get a check from them though in the late 1990’s we had a mass meeting and the company announced that it was going to steal the pensions of younger employees. (I and some others were grandfathered in).The company like much of American industry wanted to participate in globalization and open up plants where pensions were not even the dictionary of the common people and environmental controls consisted of dumping chemicals from buckets into a river.

Since I have been employed since 1962 when I was 15 I get nice Social Security check to go along with the two other pensions. I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

The people leading your country have betrayed you in so many ways that our democracy is at risk. That’s why they are trying to replace you with invited illegal immigrants that will predictably vote them into office while you get addicted to drugs, can’t afford to raise a family and end up in a miserable revolving door of marginalized anti-white racist serfdom. This is your future as Republicans and Democrats have decided so.

The loser in the last presidential election committed so many crimes against the United States that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were petty criminals by comparison. But there are so many fools among you that those crimes go unpunished. Human intelligence has not dropped so something else is going on and this may be the doom of all free democracies. You are selfish and want a central authority to make things fair for you.

America was founded on escaping central authority but the people holding that authority see it differently. Good luck.
Ray, the future of America is bleak.
Eventually the Democrats will have permanent control due to mass immigration.
Obama proved that the Dems are totally lawless.
They will appoint judges who will ignore the constitution.
They will enslave the middle class taxpayers to failed socialist policies.
First the wealthy will leave, then the upper middle class and then the middle class.
We see how the middle class already flees the Democrat run cities and states.
Eventually they will have to flee the whole country to escape the Democrats.
America will be like a combination of Venezuela and Iran.

Or, we can vote Trump in 2020!
Thatz the good news!
I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.

I told young people to stop voting for retard Dem's and RINO's but did they listen. Now they are stuck with $20 trillion of my generations debt.

Because obviously Trump is not continuing to further add to that debt.

Dem's passed a spending cuts bill in the House?
I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.

I told young people to stop voting for retard Dem's and RINO's but did they listen. Now they are stuck with $20 trillion of my generations debt.

Because obviously Trump is not continuing to further add to that debt.

Dem's passed a spending cuts bill in the House?

No, just like the GOP didn't in Trump's first two years.

How are we paying for the bail out to corporate farmers? The billions Trump added to the military?

I find it quizzical those who condemn politicians that pay for their programs but not those who do not.
I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.

I told young people to stop voting for retard Dem's and RINO's but did they listen. Now they are stuck with $20 trillion of my generations debt.

Young people tend to support social policies. Hence, they tend to be liberal. You aren't going to change decades of precedence.
You are selfish and want a central authority to make things fair for you.

Nope. i want them all lined up in front of as ditch and shot, along with the generation of f*ckin' fascist pigs who saw fit to hand them down to the current generation

I was lucky to be a Baby Boomer with Jonas Salk and Alexander Fleming leading the way and I took care of myself so I am healthy. You, on the other hand, are in dire straits.

Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.

I told young people to stop voting for retard Dem's and RINO's but did they listen. Now they are stuck with $20 trillion of my generations debt.

Because obviously Trump is not continuing to further add to that debt.

Dem's passed a spending cuts bill in the House?

No, just like the GOP didn't in Trump's first two years.

How are we paying for the bail out to corporate farmers? The billions Trump added to the military?

I find it quizzical those who condemn politicians that pay for their programs but not those who do not.

So you don't want to eat? It is ok, Republicans crap on farmers too. How long would an industry last where you can be ruined if it doesn't rain without a system that deals with the unpredictability of agriculture? As for crapping on the military, that is just a dem thing. It is getting old that Europe can't even defend their tankers. You're equating defense and agriculture to spending that makes lives more inefficient and dependent. Not exactly apples to apples.
You have the socialists (Hickenlooper and Delaney) telling the communists that they are nuts. How bad is it when the socialists say, dang buddy, you're F'ing nuts. Medicare for all would literally close hospitals, and their love for illegal immigration is making everyone's lives so much better. Maybe if they chant racist, racist, racist three times with one eye closed and their tongue sticking out all that horsecrap will suddenly make sense and look like a plan for the future.
Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.

I told young people to stop voting for retard Dem's and RINO's but did they listen. Now they are stuck with $20 trillion of my generations debt.

Because obviously Trump is not continuing to further add to that debt.

Dem's passed a spending cuts bill in the House?

No, just like the GOP didn't in Trump's first two years.

How are we paying for the bail out to corporate farmers? The billions Trump added to the military?

I find it quizzical those who condemn politicians that pay for their programs but not those who do not.

So you don't want to eat? It is ok, Republicans crap on farmers too. How long would an industry last where you can be ruined if it doesn't rain without a system that deals with the unpredictability of agriculture? As for crapping on the military, that is just a dem thing. It is getting old that Europe can't even defend their tankers. You're equating defense and agriculture to spending that makes lives more inefficient and dependent. Not exactly apples to apples.

Both parties are equally responsible for our current agricultural shit show in this country. You know this, right?
Wonderful. Yet another hot take from a boomer (the original 'me' generation of selfish bastards) telling the younger generations how screwed they are because of our own selfish ways. My gawd, how do you people not suffocate on your own hypocrisy? Your generation is responsible for much of the bad stuff happening currently in our political landscape. Most of our greedy, inept politicians are boomers.

So pardon me if I feel your opinion on the matter means less than nothing.

I told young people to stop voting for retard Dem's and RINO's but did they listen. Now they are stuck with $20 trillion of my generations debt.

Because obviously Trump is not continuing to further add to that debt.

Dem's passed a spending cuts bill in the House?

No, just like the GOP didn't in Trump's first two years.

How are we paying for the bail out to corporate farmers? The billions Trump added to the military?

I find it quizzical those who condemn politicians that pay for their programs but not those who do not.

So you don't want to eat? It is ok, Republicans crap on farmers too. How long would an industry last where you can be ruined if it doesn't rain without a system that deals with the unpredictability of agriculture? As for crapping on the military, that is just a dem thing. It is getting old that Europe can't even defend their tankers. You're equating defense and agriculture to spending that makes lives more inefficient and dependent. Not exactly apples to apples.

We are in this mess because the "great negotiator" can't negotiate.

You want to bail them out? Fine but shouldn't we pay for it?

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