GOOD NEWS! After Hillary’s Nasty-Dishonest DNC Speech Trump Announces “I’m Taking Off the Gloves”

Gateway Pundit ^ | July 29, 2016 | Jim Hoft

Donald Trump held another sold out rally today after the Democratic convention. This time the Republican candidate told the crowd he’s changing his tactics and taking off the gloves.

The crowd was chanting “lock her up” again at lawbreaker Hillary Clinton.

Trump answered his supporters.

“I was saying let’s just beat her on November 8th, but you know what? You know what? I’m starting to agree with you. I’m telling you. You know it’s interesting every time I mention her everyone screams, “Lock her up! Lock her up!” And you know what I do? I’ve been nice. But after watching that performance last night, such lies, I don’t have to be so nice anymore. I’m taking the gloves off!!!!!



Taking the gloves off. What gloves are those? The rubber gloves that Ivanka insists he wear when they 'play doctor'?
Why would you think anyone is going to believe Trump now. He's revealed himself as a complete lunatic, totally lacking in self control. His behavior has raised the question as whether he can be trusted with a national security briefing that nominees typically receive after the convention.

Clinton baited the trap in the convention and Trump fell for it. She's going to do again, and Trump is going fall for it because he has no self control. There no limits to what he might do to protect his rather sensitive ego.
If you seriously believe any of that bullshit then you are an idiot, and if not of course you are a liar.

'Rebranding' is part of Trumps professional specialization and he has done it to 16 previous competitors in this election cycle, but keep on sucking your own dick thinking he cant do it to Hillary the Queen Bitch.


I like your thinking! He should go ahead and call her the "Queen Bitch" on national TV.

Of course he would never do that.

What Trump would do is prove she eats dog food, fucks hounds and rolls in the dirt and fleas and let people draw their own conclusions, idiot.

Pardon me! Naturally you improved the language and constructed the perfect lines for him to go with. I can't wait to see the look on everyone's face.

Just share a picture of yourself with everyone on this coming November 9th, jack ass.

Name's Sean, not Jack.
Yes, I think it's important that our Presidential campaigns come as close as possible to resembling junior high school boys' locker rooms.
Trump relies on nasty. Trump supporters lap up his nastiness like hounds lap up gravy. Trump is short on specific policies, ideas, dignity and nuance. The world according to Trump and his challenged followers is a black and white place, devoid of nuance. While all mature people have found that the devil lays in the details, Trump offers up the devil himself,, eschewing the gray areas, the details.

His message is one of fear, distrust, isolation and xenophobia. While this tact appeals to the fearful, the suspicious, the haters, it falls short of appeal for the majority of mature, thinking voters. Trump disdains minorities, women, foreigners and thoughtful Americans. He can, indeed, be baited by the smallest provocations. He dishes out his vitriol and threatens lawsuits the way Mr. Burns of The Simpsons threatens to 'release the hounds'.

He is going to take off the gloves? Fine. The more evidence he proffers that he lacks the temper,net, the character, the dignity to be President, the easier it will be for the American electorate to reject him this November.

It's amazing how you people can listen to the Hildabeast and actually not hear the hate
Taking off the gloves is fine. Only problem with it I have is if the Democrats bait Trump into being far too reactive rather than proactive.
Trump relies on nasty. Trump supporters lap up his nastiness like hounds lap up gravy. Trump is short on specific policies, ideas, dignity and nuance. The world according to Trump and his challenged followers is a black and white place, devoid of nuance. While all mature people have found that the devil lays in the details, Trump offers up the devil himself,, eschewing the gray areas, the details.

His message is one of fear, distrust, isolation and xenophobia. While this tact appeals to the fearful, the suspicious, the haters, it falls short of appeal for the majority of mature, thinking voters. Trump disdains minorities, women, foreigners and thoughtful Americans. He can, indeed, be baited by the smallest provocations. He dishes out his vitriol and threatens lawsuits the way Mr. Burns of The Simpsons threatens to 'release the hounds'.

He is going to take off the gloves? Fine. The more evidence he proffers that he lacks the temper,net, the character, the dignity to be President, the easier it will be for the American electorate to reject him this November.

It's amazing how you people can listen to the Hildabeast and actually not hear the hate
Hate for whom? Donald Trump? Hell yes, we hear the hate. We hear it from both sides.

But hate for the disabled, women, the military, POWs, Muslims, immigrants, Mexicans, the'other'? We hear Donald Trump's hate for them.
Gateway Pundit ^ | July 29, 2016 | Jim Hoft

Donald Trump held another sold out rally today after the Democratic convention. This time the Republican candidate told the crowd he’s changing his tactics and taking off the gloves.

The crowd was chanting “lock her up” again at lawbreaker Hillary Clinton.

Trump answered his supporters.

“I was saying let’s just beat her on November 8th, but you know what? You know what? I’m starting to agree with you. I’m telling you. You know it’s interesting every time I mention her everyone screams, “Lock her up! Lock her up!” And you know what I do? I’ve been nice. But after watching that performance last night, such lies, I don’t have to be so nice anymore. I’m taking the gloves off!!!!!


Tiny gloves to be sure.
GOOD NEWS! After Hillary’s Nasty-Dishonest DNC Speech Trump Announces “I’m Taking Off the Gloves”

Good news for Hillary's ad campaign you mean. There's nothing that worries the GOP more about distancing voters than Trump announcing "I'm taking off the gloves"..

Remember, Trump doesn't need to preach to the choir. He's already got his undying faithful minority swarming around him with blinders on. It's the majority that gets you elected though. So I hardly see how this is "good news!" for the GOP.
Gateway Pundit ^ | July 29, 2016 | Jim Hoft

Donald Trump held another sold out rally today after the Democratic convention. This time the Republican candidate told the crowd he’s changing his tactics and taking off the gloves.

The crowd was chanting “lock her up” again at lawbreaker Hillary Clinton.

Trump answered his supporters.

“I was saying let’s just beat her on November 8th, but you know what? You know what? I’m starting to agree with you. I’m telling you. You know it’s interesting every time I mention her everyone screams, “Lock her up! Lock her up!” And you know what I do? I’ve been nice. But after watching that performance last night, such lies, I don’t have to be so nice anymore. I’m taking the gloves off!!!!!


She quoted Trump again and again. How was that dishonest?
You will find that Drumpf minions consider that to be unfair.
So there's even a more obnoxious version of Trump?

Hard to imagine, isn't it? Scarey.
As a candidate, you're seeing the nice side of Trump. Wait till he threatens Kim Jong-Un or his buddy Putin with nuclear weapons when they disrespect him.
You Dems are so fucking stupid, it really just defies the language to encompass it.

Trump has an opposition research file on Hillary he hasnt even used yet. He will go to the choice juicy bits now and spare nothing of her reputation, her family's public standing nor her last shred of human dignity.

And Hillary brought it all on herself.

Luvin it; rake the bitch through the fires of hell, she deserves every lash and welt.
Like the indictments, eh? Any day now.....any day now...any day now...any day now....
Why would you think anyone is going to believe Trump now. He's revealed himself as a complete lunatic, totally lacking in self control. His behavior has raised the question as whether he can be trusted with a national security briefing that nominees typically receive after the convention.

Clinton baited the trap in the convention and Trump fell for it. She's going to do again, and Trump is going fall for it because he has no self control. There no limits to what he might do to protect his rather sensitive ego.
If you seriously believe any of that bullshit then you are an idiot, and if not of course you are a liar.

'Rebranding' is part of Trumps professional specialization and he has done it to 16 previous competitors in this election cycle, but keep on sucking your own dick thinking he cant do it to Hillary the Queen Bitch.

And he's done it to hundreds if not thousands of other Americans who believed in him the way you do.

Report: Trump has refused to pay hundreds of workers

Lawsuits: Trump Stiffs His Workers

Trump University trial set for November 28
Show up and you can get your picture taken with Trump.

Good that you think you're special. That he wouldn't do it to you. It will mean all that much more when he does. But remember, don't take it to hard. You weren't the first to be taken in by Trump, and you won't be the last.
I am really looking forward to The Donald debating hiLIARy.

It's going to be a HOOT!
50/50 chance he uses some kind of excuse for backing out of debating her......and you will lap it up.
He'll show up for the debates after much protest of unfair treatment because millions of voters who paid little attention to primaries and conventions tune in to the debates. It is often the last chance a nominee will have to capture the voters that are on the fence or voters that are not impressed by either candidate.

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