Good News in the fight for 15.

How is $15 per hour unsustainable or overpriced?

Because a Wendy's single burger isn't worth $12 to most Americans. A $15 an hour wage under current conditions will push them to that level. People will simple stop buying.

I do think that it should be a state decision but if the Feds need to set a bar than at least $10-$12. But $7.25 is a joke no matter where you are in the US. Companies like McDonalds have plenty of money to put towards their labor force. Nobody is going broke at the top.

So do you advocate the state (or feds) owning Wendy's directly?
You are a dumb shit. Even at Shari's I pay less than 10 for a fancy burger. Yes, it might involve paying 10% more at McD's and Wendy's, but that is about all.
There were vending machines in temples as early as 215 B.C.E. They vended holy water. London had modern vending machines in 1880. Oh how the wages of that time drove business to do away with jobs and replace people with machines. And it only took a few years after that that everyone was out of a job.

No, they weren't. And the whole argument is as stupid today as it was then.

Holy water anyone?
As usual you're full of shit.
Population growth/the industrial revolution/wars/advances in methods of agriculture and on and fucking on.
There are ZERO quantitative comparisons possible.
Go tell the tens of thousands of soon to be unemployed FF workers the "whole argument is stupid". Where would you like your belongings sent?
Tens of millions? Don't be so silly.

Don't be stupid. If every fast food establishment in the nation cuts 10% of their workers, that is tens of millions.

This will decimate low end workers.

OK. Lets do the math. If 10% of fast food workers is ten's of millions, then that means we have hundreds of millions working in fast food. We currently have a little more than three hundred million people so at least 2/3 of them are fast food workers by your numbers. Do you want to change your claim at all?
Many fast food establishments have just a one percent profit margin. They can't afford wage hikes. Somebody must be fired or replaced by a machine.
I don't know, I sure see a lot of expensive ads flying around all over the place, and I don't see the execs hurting too much In their pocket books. Im not buying that they can't afford to pay their workers a livable wage... That's total BS
As usual you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
80% of FF businesses are franchises.
The average net profit margin across the industry is just over 1%.
Every franchise owner must pay into a fund which is used by the parent corporation to advertise nationally. Every penny of that money spent on national ads.
What we are witnessing is a seismic shift in FF production technology.
The demand for $15 an hour opened the barn door. In the barn has been stored high tech FF production robotics just itching to displace illiterates/dopers/thieves/ dirty punks.
The remaining FF employees are all going to be smart, 'nose down tail up, dependable 'fifty something' employees.
Go into any FF outlet in your community and check out who the employees are.
Heaven forbid if the owners and execs of Wendy's have to lose a point out of their profit share.

Again, you live in a fantasy where Scrooge McDuck swims in a pool of gold coins.

You have no grasp of reality.

rices wouldn't go to $12 a burger because they need to remain competitive im their market.

So they will happily lose money. Figuring that losing a couple of bucks per order will even out, they can make it up with volume, right?

Fast food companies like in and out have shown that they can run a successful business model while taking good care of their employees.

Interesting note that even In&Out was stung by the California hike. Though already starting at a relative high way, $9.60, the jump to $10.50 (and eventually to $15) punishes the Seasoned workers the most. Those who have worked hard for raises are now at minimum. Perhaps the biggest problem is that In&Out workers now make no more than those at Taco Bell or McDonalds. The incentive to work in the high productivity, high stress environment of In&Out has been destroyed.

We are the USA,

But you're working hard to turn it into the USSR.

we hold our country and businesses to higher standards which means we don't allow child labor, sweatshops or companies to pay their employees wages that keeps them under poverty level.

I'd think getting more people on a livable wage and off of welfare would be of interest to you.

The problem is that you are abjectly ignorant. You have no grasp at all of the concepts at play. You don't know what marginal contribution is, no doubt you think EBIT is a cockney wrestler....
Literally thousands of new smart phone apps. Do you think minimum wage increases caused all of that?

Wait what?

So you are under the influence of LSD at this very moment then? :eek:

That was a really poor attempt at a dodge.You're the one who mentioned using a smart phone to order takeout. I ask again, do you think the ability to order over a smart phone was instigated because of wage increases?
Only an idiot would think the move to automation has anything to do with wages.
Then and now....
OK. Lets do the math. If 10% of fast food workers is ten's of millions, then that means we have hundreds of millions working in fast food.

Welcome to the Obama economy.

We currently have a little more than three hundred million people so at least 2/3 of them are fast food workers by your numbers. Do you want to change your claim at all?

There are currently 4.7 million people working fastfood.

So you are happy at putting 470,000 people out of work?

Food and Beverage Serving and Related Workers : Occupational Outlook Handbook: : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Literally thousands of new smart phone apps. Do you think minimum wage increases caused all of that?

Wait what?

So you are under the influence of LSD at this very moment then? :eek:

That was a really poor attempt at a dodge.You're the one who mentioned using a smart phone to order takeout. I ask again, do you think the ability to order over a smart phone was instigated because of wage increases?

It wasn't so much that your post was not related to the subject, it wasn't even related to reality.

I figure you must be tripping - hard.

Say hi to Jim Morrison....
OK. Lets do the math. If 10% of fast food workers is ten's of millions, then that means we have hundreds of millions working in fast food.

Welcome to the Obama economy.

We currently have a little more than three hundred million people so at least 2/3 of them are fast food workers by your numbers. Do you want to change your claim at all?

There are currently 4.7 million people working fastfood.

So you are happy at putting 470,000 people out of work?

Food and Beverage Serving and Related Workers : Occupational Outlook Handbook: : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

So you decided to drop your claim drastically. Good for you. Advances in automation still has nothing to do with wages. This is a field that has been worked on for years and is now taking advantage of many recent developments.
Advances in automation still has nothing to do with wages. This is a field that has been worked on for years and is now taking advantage of many recent developments.
The forced increase in wages makes automation more likely, it isn't rocket science. You're trying to twist it to fit the agenda.

Someday internet trolls will be fully automated too and they will no longer need you.
Simple-minded liberals - "Lets force business to pay people at least $15 an hour and we'll all be rich".

Report: Wendy’s to Roll Out Self-Serve Kiosks by End of 2016

may 13 2016 Wendy’s fast food restaurant chain says it will begin offering self-serve kiosks at its 6,000-plus locations across America, making them available to costumers by the end of 2016.

The fast food giant’s decision to move toward automation comes just as “Fight for $15”–a progressive protest movement, pushing minimum wage hikes–is applying pressure on state governments to raise wages for low-skilled fast food workers.

Last August, Wendy’s CFO Todd Penegor told investors that mandated wage hikes will cause his company to pursue other innovative avenues that could lead to fewer jobs for low-skill workers.
Simple-minded liberals - "Lets force business to pay people at least $15 an hour and we'll all be rich".

Report: Wendy’s to Roll Out Self-Serve Kiosks by End of 2016

may 13 2016 Wendy’s fast food restaurant chain says it will begin offering self-serve kiosks at its 6,000-plus locations across America, making them available to costumers by the end of 2016.

The fast food giant’s decision to move toward automation comes just as “Fight for $15”–a progressive protest movement, pushing minimum wage hikes–is applying pressure on state governments to raise wages for low-skilled fast food workers.

Last August, Wendy’s CFO Todd Penegor told investors that mandated wage hikes will cause his company to pursue other innovative avenues that could lead to fewer jobs for low-skill workers.

They're doing this with the minimum wage at 7.25, not 15.
Hard to find threads about the greed of CEOs who take 20 million dollar bonuses out of a company's bottom line, even when the company is failing Carly Fiorina, but beating up minimum wage workers is how to make a company profitable.

This is how nearly every single violent revolution is initiated. Human beings take crap for only so long and then they go about setting things right on their own. It is one of the standard equations of human history.

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