Good news! The political long-term strategy of the Republican party has a fatal systemic flaw:

Something else they'll be discussing ...

Go look at the footage of trump being beat up by the prez of Mexico. He's looking down at his shoes and has his usual orange painted face, bright yellow dyed hair and tape on his neck tie as well as that idiotic bobby pin in his hair - and the Mexican prez says nope, not paying for your imaginary wall.

Knowing how badly trump was whupped that day, and knowing (to a great extent) that trump sold out the US to Russia, Pooting will have him for breakfast.

Other countries will as well.

Except for those he just up and decides to bomb.




Another far left drone still using the same religious dogma that cost the election!

But then again what do you expect from these drones that cheered the death of cops!
There is nothing quite like becoming the POTUS to become famous.

Take BHO for example -- he was nothing but a hippy black lawyer from Chicago until he became POTUS.

Same with Slick Willy -- nothing but a redneck lawyer from Arkansas until he became POTUS.

Same with GHW Bush -- just another CIA director.

Same with Jimmy Carter -- nothing but a redneck governor from Georgia until he became POTUS.

On the other hand some of the Presidents were already very famous before taking office --

- Trump

- W Bush at least had name recognition

- Reagan

- Nixon (since he was formerly the VP with Ike)

- JFK (due to PT 109 and his father Joseph Kennedy)

- FDR (a very rich governor of NYS and pro-alcohol anti-prohibition).

Mr. Trump was already famous. Now he is even more famous.

Hopefully Trump will be up to the office he has been elected to and hopefully he will make good decisions that will benefit the Nation more than the rest of the World.

Trump will get his first report card in November 2018.

Won't matter if you love him now or hate him now. Won't matter if you are a cheerleader for him or against him.

I myself do not love him nor hate him.

But I am damn glad Hillary did not get elected.
"Oh damn! Its a conspiracy!"'s simply how history works.


STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
Us winners are writing as we speak....


We all lose with this election.

Hilary did not get elected, so we all win..

The far left is being forced out of power all over the world and we all win!

The far left religion is more dangerous than ISIS and people are realizing it..
What are they thinking?
Are they thinking that the rest of the world isn't taking notes?
Isn't writing books and articles?
Isn't talking about this?
Are they really thinking, they are fooling anyone beyond the ignorant stooges who are already deep down the rabbit-hole?
Are they really thinking that anybody from the rest of mankind is buying their lies?
Are they really thinking that the rest of the world doesn't know about Trump's habit of insulting people?
His obscene narcissism?
His tendency to lie even about things that make no sense to lie about?
His racism?
His incompetence?
Do they really think they are fooling anyone when they claim that Trump is not corrupt?
Do they really think they are fooling anyone when they are trying to bury Comey's sabotage?
Russia's meddling?
Do they really think that Trump's attacks on the free press go about unnoticed?

Here's what they have overlooked:
Their whole spin on Donald Trump means absolutely jack-shit to the rest of mankind, from now until forever.

Everybody on the planet knows the Republican Party of the US for one President: Lincoln.
The Republicans are the Party of Lincoln.
Some 150 years have passed since then and they are still the Party of Lincoln.

The Republican Party is now the Party of Trump.


No matter what the Republicans are spinning and what is written in US history-books:

    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing the corruption of the republican US President Donald Trump.
    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing the shady way the republican US President Donald Trump came into office.
    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing how Russia manipulated the election of the republican US President Donald Trump.
    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing how the Republican party willingly sold out their country to cover up how Russia manipulated the election of the republican US President Donald Trump.
    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing the attacks on the freedom of the press by the Republican Party and the republican US President Donald Trump.

    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing the sexual perversions of the republican US President Donald Trump.


He's famous now.

And so is his family.

Do you know why the first-name "Slobodan" is becoming rare in Serbia? Because nobody wants to name their child after the war-criminal and genocidal mass-murderer Slobodan Milosevic.

Do you think you can find the first-name "Adolf" anywhere in Germany??? Nobody names their child Adolf anymore. And all the streets and places that are named after other famous Adolfs have been renamed to the nick-name "Addi".
The first-name "Adolf" has been wiped out in Germany.

What about the last-name "Hitler"? They are a whole family! Surely there must be somebody named Hitler out there!
The whole family changed their last-name and "Hitler" has been wiped out from history.

And now ponder this:
The last-name "Trump" will forever be associated with the racism, corruption, tyranny and sexual perversions of US President Donald Trump.


Source: A concerned citizen.
Source: A concerned citizen

and written with a crayon during a full moon.

Can't remember the last time I read so much partisan bullshit in one post.
"Oh damn! Its a conspiracy!"'s simply how history works.


STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
Us winners are writing as we speak....


We all lose with this election.
Just you fascists, Dudley Luddite.....
I'd give this thread a lot more credence, if they hadn't guaranteed the last Republican president was GW Bush in 2008.
What are they thinking?
Are they thinking that the rest of the world isn't taking notes?
Isn't writing books and articles?
Isn't talking about this?
Are they really thinking, they are fooling anyone beyond the ignorant stooges who are already deep down the rabbit-hole?
Are they really thinking that anybody from the rest of mankind is buying their lies?
Are they really thinking that the rest of the world doesn't know about Trump's habit of insulting people?
His obscene narcissism?
His tendency to lie even about things that make no sense to lie about?
His racism?
His incompetence?
Do they really think they are fooling anyone when they claim that Trump is not corrupt?
Do they really think they are fooling anyone when they are trying to bury Comey's sabotage?
Russia's meddling?
Do they really think that Trump's attacks on the free press go about unnoticed?

Here's what they have overlooked:
Their whole spin on Donald Trump means absolutely jack-shit to the rest of mankind, from now until forever.

Everybody on the planet knows the Republican Party of the US for one President: Lincoln.
The Republicans are the Party of Lincoln.
Some 150 years have passed since then and they are still the Party of Lincoln.

The Republican Party is now the Party of Trump.


No matter what the Republicans are spinning and what is written in US history-books:

    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing the corruption of the republican US President Donald Trump.
    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing the shady way the republican US President Donald Trump came into office.
    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing how Russia manipulated the election of the republican US President Donald Trump.
    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing how the Republican party willingly sold out their country to cover up how Russia manipulated the election of the republican US President Donald Trump.
    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing the attacks on the freedom of the press by the Republican Party and the republican US President Donald Trump.

    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing the sexual perversions of the republican US President Donald Trump.


He's famous now.

And so is his family.

Do you know why the first-name "Slobodan" is becoming rare in Serbia? Because nobody wants to name their child after the war-criminal and genocidal mass-murderer Slobodan Milosevic.

Do you think you can find the first-name "Adolf" anywhere in Germany??? Nobody names their child Adolf anymore. And all the streets and places that are named after other famous Adolfs have been renamed to the nick-name "Addi".
The first-name "Adolf" has been wiped out in Germany.

What about the last-name "Hitler"? They are a whole family! Surely there must be somebody named Hitler out there!
The whole family changed their last-name and "Hitler" has been wiped out from history.

And now ponder this:
The last-name "Trump" will forever be associated with the racism, corruption, tyranny and sexual perversions of US President Donald Trump.


Source: A concerned citizen.
He gets an ASTERICK
What are they thinking?
Are they thinking that the rest of the world isn't taking notes?
Isn't writing books and articles?
Isn't talking about this?
Are they really thinking, they are fooling anyone beyond the ignorant stooges who are already deep down the rabbit-hole?
Are they really thinking that anybody from the rest of mankind is buying their lies?
Are they really thinking that the rest of the world doesn't know about Trump's habit of insulting people?
His obscene narcissism?
His tendency to lie even about things that make no sense to lie about?
His racism?
His incompetence?
Do they really think they are fooling anyone when they claim that Trump is not corrupt?
Do they really think they are fooling anyone when they are trying to bury Comey's sabotage?
Russia's meddling?
Do they really think that Trump's attacks on the free press go about unnoticed?

Here's what they have overlooked:
Their whole spin on Donald Trump means absolutely jack-shit to the rest of mankind, from now until forever.

Everybody on the planet knows the Republican Party of the US for one President: Lincoln.
The Republicans are the Party of Lincoln.
Some 150 years have passed since then and they are still the Party of Lincoln.

The Republican Party is now the Party of Trump.


No matter what the Republicans are spinning and what is written in US history-books:

    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing the corruption of the republican US President Donald Trump.
    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing the shady way the republican US President Donald Trump came into office.
    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing how Russia manipulated the election of the republican US President Donald Trump.
    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing how the Republican party willingly sold out their country to cover up how Russia manipulated the election of the republican US President Donald Trump.
    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing the attacks on the freedom of the press by the Republican Party and the republican US President Donald Trump.

    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing the sexual perversions of the republican US President Donald Trump.


He's famous now.

And so is his family.

Do you know why the first-name "Slobodan" is becoming rare in Serbia? Because nobody wants to name their child after the war-criminal and genocidal mass-murderer Slobodan Milosevic.

Do you think you can find the first-name "Adolf" anywhere in Germany??? Nobody names their child Adolf anymore. And all the streets and places that are named after other famous Adolfs have been renamed to the nick-name "Addi".
The first-name "Adolf" has been wiped out in Germany.

What about the last-name "Hitler"? They are a whole family! Surely there must be somebody named Hitler out there!
The whole family changed their last-name and "Hitler" has been wiped out from history.

And now ponder this:
The last-name "Trump" will forever be associated with the racism, corruption, tyranny and sexual perversions of US President Donald Trump.


Source: A concerned citizen.
Your boy lost 990 seats nation wide.
cry me a river.
What are they thinking?
Are they thinking that the rest of the world isn't taking notes?
Isn't writing books and articles?
Isn't talking about this?
Are they really thinking, they are fooling anyone beyond the ignorant stooges who are already deep down the rabbit-hole?
Are they really thinking that anybody from the rest of mankind is buying their lies?
Are they really thinking that the rest of the world doesn't know about Trump's habit of insulting people?
His obscene narcissism?
His tendency to lie even about things that make no sense to lie about?
His racism?
His incompetence?
Do they really think they are fooling anyone when they claim that Trump is not corrupt?
Do they really think they are fooling anyone when they are trying to bury Comey's sabotage?
Russia's meddling?
Do they really think that Trump's attacks on the free press go about unnoticed?

Here's what they have overlooked:
Their whole spin on Donald Trump means absolutely jack-shit to the rest of mankind, from now until forever.

Everybody on the planet knows the Republican Party of the US for one President: Lincoln.
The Republicans are the Party of Lincoln.
Some 150 years have passed since then and they are still the Party of Lincoln.

The Republican Party is now the Party of Trump.


No matter what the Republicans are spinning and what is written in US history-books:

    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing the corruption of the republican US President Donald Trump.
    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing the shady way the republican US President Donald Trump came into office.
    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing how Russia manipulated the election of the republican US President Donald Trump.
    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing how the Republican party willingly sold out their country to cover up how Russia manipulated the election of the republican US President Donald Trump.
    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing the attacks on the freedom of the press by the Republican Party and the republican US President Donald Trump.

    • In 150 years, people in South-America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and Australia will still be discussing the sexual perversions of the republican US President Donald Trump.


He's famous now.

And so is his family.

Do you know why the first-name "Slobodan" is becoming rare in Serbia? Because nobody wants to name their child after the war-criminal and genocidal mass-murderer Slobodan Milosevic.

Do you think you can find the first-name "Adolf" anywhere in Germany??? Nobody names their child Adolf anymore. And all the streets and places that are named after other famous Adolfs have been renamed to the nick-name "Addi".
The first-name "Adolf" has been wiped out in Germany.

What about the last-name "Hitler"? They are a whole family! Surely there must be somebody named Hitler out there!
The whole family changed their last-name and "Hitler" has been wiped out from history.

And now ponder this:
The last-name "Trump" will forever be associated with the racism, corruption, tyranny and sexual perversions of US President Donald Trump.


Source: A concerned citizen.

Amen! Thank you!

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