'Good Night, Pa'

What's mindblowing to me is that Tom Wolf was seriously disliked by many Dems as well as Republicans. So why would they vote for his right-hand man to represent P.A. for more of the same bullshit that EVERYONE was getting tired of in this state for 8 years?
The cheat states cheated.

The sun rises in the east....

Audit all cheat states.
I can assure you they didn't cheat. I worked the polls in heavily democratic St. Louis county & turnout at my polling station was as heavy as most presidential elections.
Trust me when I tell you, as a resident of PA, neither of tonight's election winners represents the will of the people of Pennsylvania. EVERYWHERE you look and everywhere you go people are vociferously republican. Now, I'm not talking about the bookend cities of Philly and Pittsburg. I am talking everywhere else, in-between and up and down. Everyone we know, listen to, talk to in rural PA votes republican. Yards everywhere all filled with vote republican signs. There's no way in hell the majority of PA residents voted for Fetterman and Shapiro—unless they're not counting votes from all rural areas.
Maybe they are the conservative Republicans of yesteryear, and not all the Trumper, big lie election deniers, and still believe in Democracy? And were willing to hold their nose, vote Dem, to get rid of that debbie downer gorilla on Rs shoulders... called Trump?
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I can assure you they didn't cheat. I worked the polls in heavily democratic St. Louis county & turnout at my polling station was as heavy as most presidential elections.

You cannot possibly know that WED am and hence you are lying.
I get your point. But all Pennsylvanians don’t deserve it.….not the 48% who voted for Oz in an attempt to help stop Biden’s destruction.
/——-/ So, do you think the vote was legitimate? I accept a small margin of error, but I’m talking about massive fraud.
/——-/ So, do you think the vote was legitimate? I accept a small margin of error, but I’m talking about massive fraud.
Yes, the vote was legitimate. But that doesn’t mean that the people who voted for someone so brain-damaged he can’t process language, and wants to release murderers are knowledgeable, intelligent people. They are idiots.
/----/ How could the democrats not find a candidate who hadn't stroked out?
Anyway, you get the leadership you deserve.

I didn't say the Democrats did a good job. To me this election is an example of the electorate saying "you both suck".
I worked the polls there since 2000, so I know what heavy turnout is.
/——-/ I was a Nassau County BOE inspector from 2004 till 2014. I had one special election in Great Neck NY where the number of poll workers outnumbered the voters cast. We had 8 inspections and 7 voters showed up. 15 hour day and I was paid $300.
I guess the answer is finally clear. Globalists who want to own America do best when they can control drooling, mindless internal puppets instead of real thinking intelligent people.
Apparently lefties think owning the opponent is more important than electing competent people to run the government they are ruled by. American voters are complete idiots. Fetterman is a perfect poster child to represent their immature cult mentality too.
Apparently lefties think owning the opponent is more important than electing competent people to run the government they are ruled by. American voters are complete idiots. Fetterman is a perfect poster child to represent their immature cult mentality too.

They are spoiled children who were never taught to respect anything but their own immediate wants and desires.
They are spoiled children who were never taught to respect anything but their own immediate wants and desires.
I know some left wingers who constantly whine about the family court system in Oregon sucking while continuing to vote to keep it status quo. Guess they will never learn …either that or they love being victims.
Fetterman was an awful candidate and the Republicans still lost. Pick better candidates.

The fix was in for Fetterman. Period.

Oz ran a very good race, but the corporate media ran with the lies the Fetterman campaign put out and then covered for his debilitating illness until after hundreds of thousands had early voted.

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