'Good Night, Pa'

Eh, we'll see how the dust settles, hopefully Republicans take control of the House and get a plus one in the Senate.

It's certainly not as great as I'd hoped for, Democrat states voters insist on continued failures and alas others have to suffer as well but I figure me and mine will be just fine...

Choose better candidates instead of hucksters and loons.
What they voted for is:
No punishment for criminals
paying for heroin dens
no more gas and oil checks
no more gas and oil
legalizing fentanyl
emptying prisons all over the state

Fetterman's base in Philidelphia.

Totally zombified.
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Early voting, particularly as early as they allow it in Pennsylvania is dumb. Then Fetterman finally debated and people saw what a mess he is. Too late! Many had already voted (rubberstamp Democrats mostly).

Blaming Oz is stupid, he ran a good race but as usual, the entire corporate world and not just the MSM was with Fetterman.
Fetterman is dealing with Aphasia which is common among those recovering from a stroke. It affects a person`s ability to find words and form sentences, not their ability to think.
Apparently, Pennsylvania wants a senator from Pennsylvania, not a guy from NJ who owns 8 homes, 2 of which are in Turkey.
Fetterman is dealing with Aphasia which is common among those recovering from a stroke. It affects a person`s ability to find words and form sentences, not their ability to think.
Apparently, Pennsylvania wants a senator from Pennsylvania, not a guy from NJ who owns 8 homes, 2 of which are in Turkey.
Sadly for Fetterman the odds of another stroke are 60% within in the next 5 years, he's a seat warmer and I wish him well.
A British poster on Youtube stated that the Mid-Terms, and this election result in particular, confirm that the U.S and Britain are headed in different directions. Another suggested that the U.S dollar could lose reserve status before the end of this governments term and that in theory, in many ways it has lost this status.

This P.A result in startling to me, no opponent could be so bad to elect someone who is not even healthy and requires a projector to debate. Not even CBC reporters could argue for Fetterman.

The Neo-Cons pulled strings to get rid of RvW to give the Dems a boost, that's for sure. I'm sure they already dumped their U.S currency and holdings before the decision. Imagine what Americas debt is going to be by 2024 and how much more economically dependent you will be? What about your southern border?

These are real issues that will impact the very future of the U.S as a nation, not even as a power in the world but as a nation. If anyone believes the nation-state is going to disappear, I suggest you aren't paying attention to how Americas enemies are consolidating a contrarian view with like minded countries.
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You guys ran a celebrity idiot, and then are surprised he lost?

I'd like you to explain how Fetterman is better.

This result is staggering to me. As one Australian poster said that there seems to always be differences in voter results of mail-ins ONLY in the most extreme alt-left districts. He might have a point, I didn't compare the states. Is it true that mail-in results are so drastically different between parties in particular states?

I know the Cheneys of the world don't care about Americas viable future, it's about power to them. When CBC is giddy this morning while Europeans/Indians are largely unhappy (I think they understand the value in balance of power in the U.S government), it says something.

I expected a saw off in the Senate and a big win in the House for GOP, just from how I've heard from voters. People are literally voting for the same results that have made them poor today and the U.S influence weakened.

I don't know how this is motivating or inspiring, this is insanity and quite puzzling to me. I don't care who people vote for but they need to explain what they are voting for, I'm not buying that they are voting against something or anyone.
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Ahhh... the sweet taste of Conservative tears....

I'd like you to explain how Fetterman is better.

Well, he's not a repulsive slug who spread Covid Misinformation and made money on his TV Show hawking quack cures... that's a start.

This result is staggering to me. As one Australian poster said that there seems to always be differences in voter results of mail-ins ONLY in the most extreme alt-left districts. He might have a point, I didn't compare the states. Is it true that mail-in results are so drastically different between parties in particular states?

Wouldn't know. There are probably less than there were in 2020. The thing is they haven't counted up all the Urban votes in AZ and WI, and the Democrats are also leading in those states.

Urban districts usually report their results last because they have more votes to count. So you get this elation that "Ooooh, the Republicans are winning" when the rural votes come in before the Urban votes crush them with pure numbers.

I know the Cheneys of the world don't care about Americas viable future, it's about power to them. When CBC is giddy this morning while Europeans/Indians are largely unhappy (I think they understand the value in balance of power in the U.S government), it says something.

I would have no problem with "balance of power" if the Republican Party was still relatively sane. What should happen as of this morning is that Republicans should look to Purge the Trump Cult. Candidates who distanced themselves from Trump won. Candidates who embraced Trump appear to be well on their way to losing.

I also think that pollsters might have overcompensated for underestimating Republican strength in 2016 and 2020, which is why so many polls had Oz and Walker and others winning.

I expected a saw off in the Senate and a big win in the House for GOP, just from how I've heard from voters. People are literally voting for the same results that have made them poor today and the U.S influence weakened.

Have they, though? Frankly, the real damage was done in 2020 from Trump's mismanagement of Covid.

I don't know how this is motivating or inspiring, this is insanity and quite puzzling to me. I don't care who people vote for but they need to explain what they are voting for, I'm not buying that they are voting against something or anyone.

I am voting to protect a woman's right to choose.
I am voting to protect the rights of workers against the investor class.
I am voting against the racism, misogyny and homophobia that defines the modern GOP.
The cheat states cheated.

The sun rises in the east....

Audit all cheat states.
Last night the people of Pa (supposedly) voted to elect a cognitively impaired candidate, John 'Biden 2.0' Fetterman.

The Republicans could have run a better candidate, but, still, WTF?

I guess after watching Joe Biden everyday stumbling around, needing help getting off stages, having a hard time processing info, and veing a human gaffe reel Pa said, 'We gotta get us our own one o' them.'

Or maybe its a 'basement' attraction thing.

Whatever the case, good luck with your chosen elected official, Pa. Better you than me.

Stupid people always will cut their noses off, just to spite their faces.....
Fetterman was an awful candidate and the Republicans still lost. Pick better candidates.

Yeah, why run a well spoken doctor when you can run a career politician in a hoodie who just had a stroke.

I don't take glee in his health issues of course, I feel for him, but, in terms of people picking better candidates...

I notice in his acceptance speech, Fetterman didn't mention energy or fracking.
Stupid people always will cut their noses off, just to spite their faces.....

It'll be fun watching them slowly self destruct. Almost as much fun as it's been watching them melt down for seven years.

It's going to be delicious when they start to scream about having to run from their hungry neighbors who have meat cleavers.

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