'Good Night, Pa'

No one wants to hear any more about crime in NYC. NYC voters went 72% for Hokum.

Fence NYC off and leave them to their own devices. And allow the rest of the state to live in Realsville.
The fix was in for Fetterman. Period.

Oz ran a very good race, but the corporate media ran with the lies the Fetterman campaign put out and then covered for his debilitating illness until after hundreds of thousands had early voted.

And here come the excuses.

Here's why Fetterman won. Because for all their flaws, the Democrats haven't been overtaken by crazy. The Republicans have.
No one wants to hear any more about crime in NYC. NYC voters went 72% for Hokum.

Fence NYC off and leave them to their own devices. And allow the rest of the state to live in Realsville.
That idiot in NY is more impressed about touting some lame mantra about “ breaking the glass ceiling” and being “ the first female Gov elected to office”. Than fixing anything in NY…least of all their crime problem.

Democrats are such narcissists.
That idiot in NY is more impressed about touting some lame mantra about “ breaking the glass ceiling” and being “ the first female Gov elected to office”. Than fixing anything in NY…least of all their crime problem.

Democrats are such narcissists.

Crime is only half of what it was in the 1990's, and it has declined from it's Trump Plague highs of 2020.
I know some left wingers who constantly whine about the family court system in Oregon sucking while continuing to vote to keep it status quo. Guess they will never learn …either that or they love being victims.

The latter. They are completely into their victimhood. It's their religion.
And here come the excuses.

Here's why Fetterman won. Because for all their flaws, the Democrats haven't been overtaken by crazy. The Republicans have.

Festerman is a f'ing mess who hid the seriousness of his illness for months, is barely functioning, and has a history of racism, but yeah, he's a Democrat so it's all good.
Last night the people of Pa (supposedly) voted to elect a cognitively impaired candidate, John 'Biden 2.0' Fetterman.

The Republicans could have run a better candidate, but, still, WTF?

I guess after watching Joe Biden everyday stumbling around, needing help getting off stages, having a hard time processing info, and veing a human gaffe reel Pa said, 'We gotta get us our own one o' them.'

Or maybe its a 'basement' attraction thing.

Whatever the case, good luck with your chosen elected official, Pa. Better you than me.

According to Project Veritas there was illegal electioneering in PA.

I never argued he was a good candidate.

See the difference?
So, you are saying that Democrats did not have a better candidate than a mentally handicapped guy with a neck tumor?:dunno:
Last night the people of Pa (supposedly) voted to elect a cognitively impaired candidate, John 'Biden 2.0' Fetterman.

The Republicans could have run a better candidate, but, still, WTF?

I guess after watching Joe Biden everyday stumbling around, needing help getting off stages, having a hard time processing info, and veing a human gaffe reel Pa said, 'We gotta get us our own one o' them.'

Or maybe its a 'basement' attraction thing.

Whatever the case, good luck with your chosen elected official, Pa. Better you than me.

My old state is worse. We gave America the vile Chucky Schumer and damn! They just returned that piece of shit to the Senate. Glad I moved.
So, you are saying that Democrats did not have a better candidate than a mentally handicapped guy with a neck tumor?:dunno:

You would think wouldn't you? He still beat the carpet bagger.
You would think wouldn't you? He still beat the carpet bagger.
Fetterman got 50%, Oz got 47.1%, not exactly a mandate. More like suspicious when you consider Fetterman can't understand anything anyone says without a computer system and a transcriptionist. In the debate Fetterman was an embarassment. The dumb shit said 'good night' instead of 'good evening.' His brain is muddled. Oz walked all over him in the debate and, IMO, gave him too much lee way. Still, he's a Democrat and apparently, Democrats hold political place-holders over what's good for We The People.
My old state is worse. We gave America the vile Chucky Schumer and damn! They just returned that piece of shit to the Senate. Glad I moved.
The Democrat political machine did that. They are heavily funded by the far left and George Soros. Chucky is their bought and paid for mouthpiece. Chucky is a politic animal just like lots of D.C. Democrats. Pelosi is a shining example and so is Joe Biden. Career politicians aging and now becoming more and more irresponsible with the power they clutch with a death grip. (GFY 'toro' aka 'bullshit')

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