'Good Night, Pa'

I think never Trumper republicans made the difference, and they smashed the red tsunami, in to a ripple.....

It's just a guess, but seems likely...?
Yes, I agree. It is indeed funny that you voted -- and cheated -- to pay more for gas and food. We'll see you losers out here in America when you have destroyed your own shitholes and are starving.

It'll be fun.

We in the red states will be waiting.


Last night the people of Pa (supposedly) voted to elect a cognitively impaired candidate, John 'Biden 2.0' Fetterman.

The Republicans could have run a better candidate, but, still, WTF?

I guess after watching Joe Biden everyday stumbling around, needing help getting off stages, having a hard time processing info, and veing a human gaffe reel Pa said, 'We gotta get us our own one o' them.'

Or maybe its a 'basement' attraction thing.

Whatever the case, good luck with your chosen elected official, Pa. Better you than me.

I guess the answer is finally clear. Globalists who want to own America do best when they can control drooling, mindless internal puppets instead of real thinking intelligent people.
Will trump still run if dems keep the Senate?

Ron DeSantis put on a good show, he got the Hispanics to vote for him in Florida, and beat a dem, more than any of Trump selected candidates that trump rallied for..... Without Trump's campaign help!

So to me, even losing the House slightly, these amazing results for democrats not being wiped out in this midterm, is a referendum on Trump......perhaps vs DeSantis, and DeSantis seems to be in position to give trump, a run for his money in a 2024 primary.

Trump won't run if he thinks he could lose again, and the election deniers that he chose to illegally give him a win, lose.....Imho!
Trust me when I tell you, as a resident of PA, neither of tonight's election winners represents the will of the people of Pennsylvania. EVERYWHERE you look and everywhere you go people are vociferously republican. Now, I'm not talking about the bookend cities of Philly and Pittsburg. I am talking everywhere else, in-between and up and down. Everyone we know, listen to, talk to in rural PA votes republican. Yards everywhere all filled with vote republican signs. There's no way in hell the majority of PA residents voted for Fetterman and Shapiro—unless they're not counting votes from all rural areas.
Are mail in ballots still a thing there?
I will have no sympathy for any Pennsylvanian who voted for Fetterman - and who is then viciously attacked while taking a walk outside or waiting for a train. He/she voted to let criminal thugs back onto the streets to attack innocent people.
Will trump still run if dems keep the Senate?

Ron DeSantis put on a good show, he got the Hispanics to vote for him in Florida, and beat a dem, more than any of Trump selected candidates that trump rallied for..... Without Trump's campaign help!

So to me, even losing the House slightly, these amazing results for democrats not being wiped out in this midterm, is a referendum on Trump......perhaps vs DeSantis, and DeSantis seems to be in position to give trump, a run for his money in a 2024 primary.

Trump won't run if he thinks he could lose again, and the election deniers that he chose to illegally give him a win, lose.....Imho!
It certainly is not the tsunami I expected after the last 2 dismal years.
Perhaps Biden and his Marxist Dems’ threats that if Republicans win there were never be another election, we would be on the brink of Nazi Germany, and that we would arrest and kill children convinced just enough gullible and useful idiots to vote for the Dem.
Perhaps Biden and his Marxist Dems’ threats that if Republicans win there were never be another election, we would be on the brink of Nazi Germany, and that we would arrest and kill children convinced just enough gullible and useful idiots to vote for the Dem.

It seems you guys never accept elections unless you win... so there's probably something to that.
But still, nothing. I've been arguing for a very long time that if you want to win, you have to run someone the people can support.

Looking at polling a majority of people said Oz was NOT a Pennsylvanian. How could the Republicans not find a single Pennsylvanian to run?
/----/ How could the democrats not find a candidate who hadn't stroked out?
Anyway, you get the leadership you deserve.

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