Good Old Tennessee book burning!

And you’ve been wrong for a couple of decades now.

‘Both sides’ are in no manner ‘the same.’

Whatever their faults and failings, liberals have not sought to violate the privacy rights of women, the due process rights of immigrants, the equal protection rights of gay Americans, and the voting rights of Americans of color.

Conservatives have.

Whatever their faults and failings, liberals have not attacked our democratic institutions, sought to undermine the political process, and have not exhibited contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

Conservatives have.

‘Both sides’ rhetoric is unmitigated nonsense.

The people you speak of are not Conservatives, there are basically no Conservatives left in this country.

But they do tell me the same thing about your side.
An irrelevant those who believe in man made global warming...kooks who have no idea about truth, reality and facts....

They are in fact representative of the Christian right and conservatives in general – they seek to compel conformity and silence dissent.

Like most conservatives they contrive and propagate lies to attack their political opponents and to advance their hateful agenda.

Indeed, across the country we see conservatives advocating for the banning of books in school libraries for no other reason than being in conflict with wrongheaded conservative dogma and undermining the right’s efforts to vilify and discriminate against gay and transgender Americans and Americans of color.

Conservatives banning books or burning books – there’s very little difference.

A Middle Tennessee pastor held a burning of books and other materials on Wednesday night, citing the church's "biblical right" to "burn ... cultic materials that they deem are a threat to their religious rights and freedoms and belief system."

Nothing to see here folks.... :banana:
Looks like free expression to me. You have a problem with free expression?
The people you speak of are not Conservatives, there are basically no Conservatives left in this country.

But they do tell me the same thing about your side.
The ‘both sides’ argument is clearly a false comparison fallacy.

You’re fine with ‘a plague on both their houses,’ but the idea that liberals and conservatives are ‘the same’ is indeed nonsense.
Looks like free expression to me. You have a problem with free expression?

None at all, plus there is the added benefit we get to laugh our asses off at them.

Reminds me of the people blowing up their Yeti coolers they spend a couple hundred bucks on
The OP’s very thread demonstrates the ‘both sides’ nonsense – conservatives burning books based on lies; conservatives seeking to silence dissent and opposition.

Such is the authoritarian right.

Tsk tsk tsk Jones.

Absolutely nobody takes you serious. Hard cold facts
again....Interesting to see you call Christians kooks who have no idea about truth, reality and facts.
What books did the pastor burn?

I dont know and neither do you

But I suspect they were children's books glorifying homosexuality and transgender freaks
What books did the pastor burn?

I dont know and neither do you

But I suspect they were children's books glorifying homosexuality and transgender freaks

Sorry your google is broken, hope they get it fixed soon.

A right-wing Tennessee pastor held a book burning of “Harry Potter,” “Twilight” and other “demonic” literature Wednesday night.
A kid could get arrested for carrying a Bible into public school these days thanks to the efforts of the crazy left and their minions in the media. The ignorant left seems more concerned about protecting the feelings of confused men in dresses and dykes on bikes than the rights of citizens to choose their own reading material. Burning books and erasing tradition is a concern only when the government is involved. Whatever a Tennessee pastor does is the business of himself and his people. You would think the left had enough on it's plate with inflation and the threat of war than to worry about a pile of books in Tennessee but lefties are easily stirred up by media idiots.
Sorry your google is broken, hope they get it fixed soon.

A right-wing Tennessee pastor held a book burning of “Harry Potter,” “Twilight” and other “demonic” literature Wednesday night.
I know very little about Harry Potter since I havent read the book or seen one of the movies

Ditto for “twilight” whatever that is

But if it deals with witchcraft that is posionous to a pentecostal preacher

almost as much as the Bible is to many libs

I think you are making too much out of this
I know very little about Harry Potter since I havent read the book or seen one of the movies

Ditto for “twilight” whatever that is

But if it deals with witchcraft that is posionous to a pentecostal preacher

almost as much as the Bible is to many libs

I think you are making too much out of this

I did not really make much of it at all.
You started the topic so that you could make much of it

I started the topic because I found it funny. Never said it was the end of the world as we know it

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