Good Question Col Peters


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
Yeah...why did we ATTACK empty buildings in the dead of night? Why not hit them when they were filled with leaders/workers? It appears we were trying to limit ISIS casualties? Any other explanation? It's not as if we were afraid of being observed.

Check your local listings for the Hannity show.
yep , exactly Deltex . Also , why aren't the buildings totally destroyed , totally leveled to rubble . Once again these pinprick bombings are surgical while they should be massive bombings !!
I don't think these chaps just wasted millions of dollars of munitions for nothing.

I have confidence they know what they're doing, and how to do it.

And has been stated... "this is only the beginning".
what'd they bomb other than building Moonglow . I know they got some trucks in the week or so before this new bombings [big deal] . Peters , I'm sure that he knows whats going on better than me and most on this board .
Yeah...why did we ATTACK empty buildings in the dead of night? Why not hit them when they were filled with leaders/workers? It appears we were trying to limit ISIS casualties? Any other explanation? It's not as if we were afraid of being observed.

Check your local listings for the Hannity show.
The dead of nite has always been a good time to strike.
Yeah...why did we ATTACK empty buildings in the dead of night? Why not hit them when they were filled with leaders/workers? It appears we were trying to limit ISIS casualties? Any other explanation? It's not as if we were afraid of being observed.

Check your local listings for the Hannity show.
The dead of nite has always been a good time to strike.
Not anymore.

We now have the ability to know when a radar is locked on us and the ability to thwart a radar guided ground to air missile. We went in with f22's.....not stealths.....could have been just as safe and effective in the middle of the day. Furthermore, our technology allows our GPS loadouts to hit with precision from 30,000 feet.

No need to do it in the dead of night....unless you are looking to minimize casualties of the enemy.
what'd they bomb other than building Moonglow . I know they got some trucks in the week or so before this new bombings [big deal] . Peters , I'm sure that he knows whats going on better than me and most on this board .

Do you people just biotch about every little thing in life??

Military officials said they attacked Khorasan training camps, a munitions production center, a communications building and other sites
U.S. military leaders Strikes in Syria are just the start of a prolonged campaign - The Washington Post

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