Good Samaritan Knifed Trying To Stop Gay Attack


Senior Member
Jan 16, 2006
(San Diego, California) A 50 year old man who came to the aid of a teenager being gay bashed on a San Diego Trolley was slashed with a knife.

Police say that the Trolley was traveling ;through the Encanto neighborhood when a man in his mid 30's began making homophobic remarks to the teen. The man then punched the young man in the face.

When the older passenger attempted to intervene and prevent the teenager from further attack the assailant pulled a knife and slashed the 50 year old.

The attacker escaped when the Trolley made its next stop.

Bother victims were treated at the scene and did not need hospitalization.

The incident points to a wider problem of gay bashing.

Last month three men accused of vicious attacks on men leaving San Diego's gay pride festival last July were handed lengthy prison terms. A fourth person, a minor boy, was sentenced to a teen facility.

Six men were attacked as they left Balboa Park where San Diego's gay pride was being held on July 29. The victims were taunted with homophobic remarks then beaten.

At least two of the victims were struck by a baseball bat. One victim required reconstructive surgery on his face after being struck nearly a dozen times with an aluminum bat. Another victim received a non life threatening stab wound.

All the accused were charged with hate crimes.

The attacks came a week after California's Attorney General released a report showing one-in-five hate crimes in the state was perpetrated against members of the LGBT community.

In San Francisco police have beefed up patrols in the Castro following three attacks and rapes of gay men.

An FBI report report released Tuesday shows that hate crimes against gays and lesbians accounted for the third largest number of bias crimes in the country last year.

While some states, like California have hate crime laws that include gays and lesbians, they are not protected under federal hate laws.

Legislation that would have included crimes against gays and lesbians in federal hate crime laws passed the House but was dropped in the Senate in May.
If this isn't in the right thread, please move it :)

I also cut out some of the (story) crap for y'all, but the link itself will contain them.
Three points:

1)Whoever is responsible for this should be jailed. I have no problem disagreeing with homosexuality and the gay agenda (If i did, i wouldn to oppose it so passionately). But when it comes to attacking people, youve gone too far. win the debate in the marketplace of ideas. not at the end of a knife.

2)Concerning the following line:

Police say that the Trolley was traveling ;through the Encanto neighborhood when a man in his mid 30's began making homophobic remarks to the teen. The man then punched the young man in the face.

maybe im wrong, but it doesnt really sound like the guy was that afraid of gays if he attacked him. Why do people insist on using the world homophobic wrong? I dont see any fear. just aggression.

3)also about this line:

In San Francisco police have beefed up patrols in the Castro following three attacks and rapes of gay men.

How exactly are these gay men being raped? If they are being raped in the traditional sense, how is this a problem with gay bashing? The only people could rape them is another man and they are raped by another man, then that man is gay. its a gay on gay crime. How is this hate against gays? Tragedy yes, but hate motivated?

Sadly, i think we are going to see alot more violence against alot of different communities soon. We have had a peaceful few decades, but peace times dont last forever. We are going to see society fall apart.
The only people could rape them is another man and they are raped by another man, then that man is gay. its a gay on gay crime. How is this hate against gays?

Be ready for the token "men who rape men aren't Gay, they are rapists! Rape is about CONTROL anyway!"

I don't condone violence against queers, at all. Not on any day.

But homo's make people ill. The act is so disgusting, that some people feel that if the queers are going to flaunt their sickness so blatantly right up on in people's faces, then they're all but asking for whatever follows.

There were reasons why fags used to be "in the closet", and getting their asses kicked if they didn't was one of them.
As for the homophobic remarks and the such, this is from a gay site :p
Coming from a "gay pride" parade, please.:eek:

I don't know people, but, if that "isn't in your face", I don't know what is.

I had a gay man working for me as a store manager in the construction trades. This guy would get so worked up over these "gay pride" parade's in S.F. , that he would start to become violent. He felt these little demostartions did more to hurt the status of gays in the community, than any other activity that pro-active gays did. Oh, it also bothered him to see Gay's "parading" down the street holding hands and "acting out".

But, to the point of the thread, beating up gays is, in my book, like beating up women, just makes you a complete ass hole, due NO RESPECT.

Hope they get locked up with some really horny guy's, that will make them their "queens". A lesson well learned.
Back about 20 years ago two guys I knew got beat up badly in Boston. Totally unrelated, about a year or so apart. One got beat up because he was queer, and the other got beat up during a drug deal gone bad. They were both nice people, I liked them both, and I hate both of their sins. Neither one deserved what they got, but both were directly responsible. They should have taken what happened as a warning sign that their lives were not taking a good direction, but neither one cured himself of his sickness.
Back about 20 years ago two guys I knew got beat up badly in Boston. Totally unrelated, about a year or so apart. One got beat up because he was queer, and the other got beat up during a drug deal gone bad. They were both nice people, I liked them both, and I hate both of their sins. Neither one deserved what they got, but both were directly responsible. They should have taken what happened as a warning sign that their lives were not taking a good direction, but neither one cured himself of his sickness.
Nice backwards ass logic, at least in regards to the first person.
Nice backwards ass logic, at least in regards to the first person.

Why not in the case of the second person? BOTH people were acting on their urges...they are behaving in a way others didn't like. Neither deserved death or beatings - but BOTH share a common trait:

Lack of Control. An addiction? perhaps? Both need to seek treatment and look to recover from their afflictions.
Why not in the case of the second person? BOTH people were acting on their urges...they are behaving in a way others didn't like. Neither deserved death or beatings - but BOTH share a common trait:

Lack of Control. An addiction? perhaps? Both need to seek treatment and look to recover from their afflictions.
Shit like that is common to drug deals. He shouldn't have been there. I'm not saying either deserved what happened.

I disagree with your second statement, as is predictable, dmp.
Shit like that is common to drug deals. He shouldn't have been there. I'm not saying either deserved what happened.


It was a small buy, just for him. I'd say it is fairly uncommon to lose 20% of your brain matter, and end up in the hospital for two years, with a steel shell to replace a large portion of your skull, all for a low level drug buy, and the guy didn't like the color of his bills.

But what do I know, not being a sensitive gay guy and all?
It was a small buy, just for him. I'd say it is fairly uncommon to lose 20% of your brain matter, and end up in the hospital for two years, with a steel shell to replace a large portion of your skull, all for a low level drug buy, and the guy didn't like the color of his bills.

But what do I know, not being a sensitive gay guy and all?
Your sarcasm doesn't hold up. You didn't specify beforehand if it was a big drug deal or not. That leaves people to make assumptions, y'know?

In minor drug deals, I haven't heard of things getting too out of hand, but then again, one doesn't really hear much about minor drug dealings.
Nice backwards ass logic, at least in regards to the first person.

It appears you put more value on one vs the other.

They both made their choices. For the gay guy, he chose the dirt road instead of his home life: a talented architect and business owner, beautiful wife, three healthy kids, fine tudor home in an upscale neighborhood in an upscale town, first person my parents knew that owned a Caddy, another huge beautiful home on the beach in Kennebunkport Maine.

For the drug addict, he chose the gutter instead of a promising professional career with the Ford Motor Company, big bucks, stock options, a new car of his choice avery 9 months, some very lovely girl friends, the body and mind of a US Marine Sargent, and a large extended family that wished him nothing but sucess.
Your sarcasm doesn't hold up. You didn't specify beforehand if it was a big drug deal or not. That leaves people to make assumptions, y'know?

In minor drug deals, I haven't heard of things getting too out of hand, but then again, one doesn't really hear much about minor drug dealings.

You are the one who made the worst-case assumption. I have no control of how you think.

Why didn't you make a similar assumption about the gay guy?
You are the one who made the worst-case assumption. I have no control of how you think.

Why didn't you make a similar assumption about the gay guy?
What's to say I didn't? Just because I talked about the drug dealer one way doesn't mean anything in terms of what I thought about the gay guy. And you and I both know that people always go with the worse case scenario. It's something we do and something I don't get either.

And you didn't give a real scenario for the gay guy, so there'd be little to no point in me unleashing my imagination. With the drug dealer, you gave me the fact that he was in a deal gone bad. Now, if you said the gay guy was at a bard when it happened, then I would've thought for the worst.
What's to say I didn't? Just because I talked about the drug dealer one way doesn't mean anything in terms of what I thought about the gay guy. And you and I both know that people always go with the worse case scenario. It's something we do and something I don't get either.

And you didn't give a real scenario for the gay guy, so there'd be little to no point in me unleashing my imagination. With the drug dealer, you gave me the fact that he was in a deal gone bad. Now, if you said the gay guy was at a bard when it happened, then I would've thought for the worst.

The gay guy was soliciting sex from a much younger man.
Back about 20 years ago two guys I knew got beat up badly in Boston. Totally unrelated, about a year or so apart. One got beat up because he was queer, and the other got beat up during a drug deal gone bad. They were both nice people, I liked them both, and I hate both of their sins. Neither one deserved what they got, but both were directly responsible. They should have taken what happened as a warning sign that their lives were not taking a good direction, but neither one cured himself of his sickness.

Well said... :beer: :clap:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to glockmail again.

And just to let you in on something glockmail, I don't know if you are aware of this or not, but kag is a queer. Now you know why he loses all sense of understanding when it comes to this subject. His mind is closed to all but what he wants to think.
If this isn't in the right thread, please move it :)

I also cut out some of the (story) crap for y'all, but the link itself will contain them.

Y'know, I by no means agree with using violence; especially, assaulting another person as a means of political protest; HOWEVER, how'd the attacker know this guy was gay? Seems to me this could have been avoided had the gay guy kept what was nobody's business to himself.

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