Good Samaritan Knifed Trying To Stop Gay Attack

How pathetic. I suppose that a Black person better not be seen with a White person in some parts of town or he might get assaulted. If he doesn’t want to get hurt, the interracial couple simply best stay away. If girls gon’t want to get sexually assaulted, they better not dress in sexy cloths. People should be free to announce anything that they want to announce without the fear of being physically attacked. I guess that your message is, “go back into the closet and you won’t get hurt.”

Hey, Jahova’s Witnesses better look out. Shut up and stay away from my door or you can imagine what I’ll do to you.

LOL! Not that I agree with what you say, but I just had a Jehovah's Witness come to my front door! :D I'll send the next one your way! ;)
Why would the government need to do anything about them? All we're asking is we that we don't promote their sick ways.
If anything, we're asking that the government not do anything about them. Not give them special rights, not recognize their marriages.

There is no link. There is no secondary agreed upon premise. Please explain your reasoning that because gays might have been abuse as children it follows that allowing gay marriage would be to promote gay sex and that we should not allow gay marriage.
There is no link. There is no secondary agreed upon premise. Please explain your reasoning that because gays might have been abuse as children it follows that allowing gay marriage would be to promote gay sex and that we should not allow gay marriage.

The reasoning for why gays are gays is completely separate from whether or not we as a society should condone their actions. If you want a link, google it yourself. I, on the other hand am entitled to my own opinion about it. If not abused when young, something must of happened to make any individual turn queer. Even if the homosexual urge comes naturally to some people, its still not an excuse to promote it. Murder is also an urge that naturally comes to some people, it doesn't make it moral.
The reasoning for why gays are gays is completely separate from whether or not we as a society should condone their actions. If you want a link, google it yourself. I, on the other hand am entitled to my own opinion about it. If not abused when young, something must of happened to make any individual turn queer. Even if the homosexual urge comes naturally to some people, its still not an excuse to promote it. Murder is also an urge that naturally comes to some people, it doesn't make it moral.

Each person has his own socio-political philosophy. My view is more libertarian with respect to this topic. In general and under informed mutual consent, adult human beings should be free to do as they please as long as they don’t interfere with the freedoms of others. People, in general, don’t consent to be murdered. People of the same sex do consent to enter into loving committed relationships.

Okay. People, even conservatives, supposedly oppose violence against gays. I guess that I believe that. It should have been left at that. I was just appalled at Gunny’s little addition that The point is, you chose to announce the fact that you are gay. There are consequences for that…If he doesn't broadcast his deviant behavior, he removes himself from the target list.…And if you're so big a fool that you think your rights are going to protect you from a baseball bat to the head, and you choose to go where you know you don't belong and aren't wanted, then you are just as responsible for the asskicking you take as the moron who kicks your ass because YOU enabled the idiot.

I have an announcement to make on behalf of Gunny to all gay people:

If you keep your mouth shut and hide in your house, you won’t get hurt. If you step outside and let people know that you are gay, then you are asking to get beat up and you are also to blame for the beating that you receive.

Please tell me that you don’t share this “gag order” view.

Please tell me that you don’t share this “gag order” view.
I'm for freedom of speech. That means if someone feels the need to tell me that they are gay, then I feel the need to tell them that I really don't care, just don't tell me that it is natural, normal, not a sin, and they don't have a predilection to molest children, because those would all be lies, and I don't appreciate being lied to.
I'm for freedom of speech. That means if someone feels the need to tell me that they are gay, then I feel the need to tell them that I really don't care, just don't tell me that it is natural, normal, not a sin, and they don't have a predilection to molest children, because those would all be lies, and I don't appreciate being lied to.[/QUOTE]

That is a cute reply. Freedom of speech includes the freedom to give wrong and irrelevant information. It also includes the freedom to give information to which other people disagree. Suppose that someone lies to you. Do you then think that if the one telling the lie is beaten up, the liar is equally to blame for the attack? Anyway, the issue about whether or not homosexuality is normal is still in debate and is often an irrelevant issue. Sin implies the existence of God. That is highly in debate and the issue of whether or not homosexual behavior is a sin is often irrelevant. Also, there is debate over whether or not gays have a predilection to molest children. According to you, I might have told lies. If you physically assault me, am I equally to blame for your physical assault against me?
.....[1]Suppose that someone lies to you. Do you then think that if the one telling the lie is beaten up, the liar is equally to blame for the attack? [2]Anyway, the issue about whether or not homosexuality is normal is still in debate and is often an irrelevant issue. [3]Sin implies the existence of God. That is highly in debate and the issue of whether or not homosexual behavior is a sin is often irrelevant. [4]Also, there is debate over whether or not gays have a predilection to molest children. …..

1. I don’t think violence is called for if someone lies, unless the lie causes severe consequences, like “Sure, you’ve got plenty of room. Just back on in…”. That person should get an ass kickin’. One could argue that the consequences of telling someone the lie that homosexuality is not a sin can set up far more severe consequences, like an eternity in hell. In such case, best to let Satan do the ass kickin’.
2. Not much of a debate, as behavior around the 1 percentile is certainly abnormal by any competent statistician.
3. I’m not going to debate the existence of God with a closed minded atheist. That being said, do you also deny the existence of The Bible? Because that document clearly states that homosexuality is a sin. Whether or not you believe in God has no effect on that simple fact. The fact that homosexuality is a sin is completely relevant, as I’ve pointed out in item 1 above.
4. You can debate that all you want, but the facts are quite clear on that one as well. Even if they are not, why take the chance with children’s safety? After all, the debate is still out on Global Warming, and therefore I prefer to err on the side of caution and promote clean energy, like nuclear power. Isn’t the safety of children important enough to err in their favor?
...Sin implies the existence of God. That is highly in debate...

Belief in God is hardly "highly in debate":

"These are some of the results of a survey by Harris Interactive® based on a nationwide sample of 2,306 adults surveyed online between September 16 and 23, 2003.

Belief in God and Attendance of Religious Services

This survey found that 79% of Americans believe there is a God, and that 66% are absolutely certain this is true. Only 9% do not believe in God, while a further 12% are not sure."
This reminds me of a video. It showed a gay man merely standing in his front yard and watering his lawn. A neighbor walks onto his yard, walks right up to the gay guy, and starts punching him. Have any of you seen the video? I guess that the gay guy didn’t belong outside in his own yard. He was not wanted there. He was just as responsible for the ass kicking that he received. LOL.

One thing I can always count on .... an absurd and irrelevant attempt at comparing apples-n-oranges from YOU.

That aside, if you are standing in your front yard completely nude, are you arrested for PUBLIC nudity? Yes you are (this is where you nod your head).

Recently, the US Supreme Court has invalidated laws concerning homosexual conduct within the privacy of one's own home.

The legal precedents of what is public and what is private are clearly set.

Meaning: flaunting your idiocy in your front yard for all the neighbors and any passers-by to see is just as public as flaunting your idiocy on a tram.

I of course didn't really expect YOU to get anything that involves personal accountability. You have proven time and again that it's a concept far and above your ability to comprehend.
I’m not going to debate the existence of God with a closed minded atheist. That being said, do you also deny the existence of The Bible? Because that document clearly states that homosexuality is a sin. Whether or not you believe in God has no effect on that simple fact. The fact that homosexuality is a sin is completely relevant, as I’ve pointed out in item 1 above.

The existence of God isn't relevant to the relevance of the Bible? You're off your rocker lady!
Belief in God is hardly "highly in debate":

"These are some of the results of a survey by Harris Interactive® based on a nationwide sample of 2,306 adults surveyed online between September 16 and 23, 2003.

Belief in God and Attendance of Religious Services

This survey found that 79% of Americans believe there is a God, and that 66% are absolutely certain this is true. Only 9% do not believe in God, while a further 12% are not sure."
No, Abbey, he wasn't talking about a belief in God. He's talking about the existance of God.
No, Abbey, he wasn't talking about a belief in God. He's talking about the existance of God.

K, think about it. How could the existence of God be "highly in debate", when an overwhelming majority of Americans believe in Him? It may be highly in debate in certain atheistic/secular circles, but that is a very small group.

It's like saying Amish farming practices are highly in debate. That may be so in Amish communities, and to the Amish it may seem like everyone is debating it, but outside of their community, for the vast majority of Americans, it's not an issue.
No, Abbey, he wasn't talking about a belief in God. He's talking about the existance of God.

What mattskramer is doing, is assuming that the rest of the world stands for and believes in nothing because THAT is the only thing he DOES stand for ...nothing.

In this for-instance, he is assuming that because the existence of God is debatable to him, then it's debatable to all just because he thinks so. Extreme arrogance is a trait of the pseudo-intelectually elite.
K, think about it. How could the existence of God be "highly in debate", when an overwhelming majority of Americans believe in Him? It may be highly in debate in certain atheistic/secular circles, but that is a very small group.

It's like saying Amish farming practices are highly in debate. That may be so in Amish communities, and to the Amish it may seem like everyone is debating it, but outside of their community, for the vast majority of Americans, it's not an issue.
I understand what he's saying and doing. I believe there is a god out there, but the existance of any god is hard pressed to be found. Personally, it took a Catholic benediction to prove to me any god existed.
I understand what he's saying and doing. I believe there is a god out there, but the existance of any god is hard pressed to be found. Personally, it took a Catholic benediction to prove to me any god existed.

Yet you defend his baseless statement against facts presented. Smooth move, junior.

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