Good Summary of Scumbag McCain and Douchebag Paul Ryan's Collusion with Crooked Hillary!


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
HILLARYious the anti-Trump mentals were so sad at the McCain dead body events to further attack our democracy.

HILLARYious the anti-Trump mentals were so sad at the McCain dead body events to further attack our democracy.

How dare a pissant like you attack McCain!

Mccain is a scumbag who is burning in hell, unless he repented at the end and Christ had mercy on him.

He, was a fucking scumbag, and so are you. You fucking moronic scumbag.

Way to not comment on the factual information though. Then again, you are a fucking worldly hypnotized scumbag.
HILLARYious the anti-Trump mentals were so sad at the McCain dead body events to further attack our democracy.

How dare a pissant like you attack McCain!

Mccain is a scumbag who is burning in hell, unless he repented at the end and Christ had mercy on him.

He, was a fucking scumbag, and so are you. You fucking moronic scumbag.

Way to not comment on the factual information though. Then again, you are a fucking worldly hypnotized scumbag.

Hah! You wouldn't know a fact if it wiggled up your ass! You will crawl on your knees thru cracked glass for the world's biggest liar and support his bots like snouter to the point of absurdity, adding your own pitiful invective. McCain at least stood up like a man, not some sniveling flunkie.
HILLARYious the anti-Trump mentals were so sad at the McCain dead body events to further attack our democracy.

How dare a pissant like you attack McCain!

Mccain is a scumbag who is burning in hell, unless he repented at the end and Christ had mercy on him.

He, was a fucking scumbag, and so are you. You fucking moronic scumbag.

Way to not comment on the factual information though. Then again, you are a fucking worldly hypnotized scumbag.

Hah! You wouldn't know a fact if it wiggled up your ass! You will crawl on your knees thru cracked glass for the world's biggest liar and support his bots like snouter to the point of absurdity, adding your own pitiful invective. McCain at least stood up like a man, not some sniveling flunkie.

A fact like a person with a pecker and balls is a man? Or a person with boobs but a pecker and balls is still a man? That is a FACT, yet your side is so mentally ill, you believe that cum giver is a woman...
HILLARYious the anti-Trump mentals were so sad at the McCain dead body events to further attack our democracy.

How dare a pissant like you attack McCain!

Mccain is a scumbag who is burning in hell, unless he repented at the end and Christ had mercy on him.

He, was a fucking scumbag, and so are you. You fucking moronic scumbag.

Way to not comment on the factual information though. Then again, you are a fucking worldly hypnotized scumbag.

Hah! You wouldn't know a fact if it wiggled up your ass! You will crawl on your knees thru cracked glass for the world's biggest liar and support his bots like snouter to the point of absurdity, adding your own pitiful invective. McCain at least stood up like a man, not some sniveling flunkie.

A fact like a person with a pecker and balls is a man? Or a person with boobs but a pecker and balls is still a man? That is a FACT, yet your side is so mentally ill, you believe that cum giver is a woman...

This thread is about republicans electing scumbags. You're off subject.
HILLARYious the anti-Trump mentals were so sad at the McCain dead body events to further attack our democracy.

How dare a pissant like you attack McCain!

Mccain is a scumbag who is burning in hell, unless he repented at the end and Christ had mercy on him.

He, was a fucking scumbag, and so are you. You fucking moronic scumbag.

Way to not comment on the factual information though. Then again, you are a fucking worldly hypnotized scumbag.

Hah! You wouldn't know a fact if it wiggled up your ass! You will crawl on your knees thru cracked glass for the world's biggest liar and support his bots like snouter to the point of absurdity, adding your own pitiful invective. McCain at least stood up like a man, not some sniveling flunkie.

A fact like a person with a pecker and balls is a man? Or a person with boobs but a pecker and balls is still a man? That is a FACT, yet your side is so mentally ill, you believe that cum giver is a woman...

You win, andaronjim! You're a far better low down slimer. Do you practice in front of a mirror?
Yet it was Marco Rubio who actually started the steel dossier as opposition research against Donald Trump. You left him out of it? Why?
This thread is about republicans electing scumbags. You're off subject.
I too apologize, bulldog for going ballistic. It's just that this malice towards McCain, a real Republican I admired but did not vote for, by fakers and tweet-eaters with a banana republic agenda of suppression of our ideal values and traditions gets my dander up. No excuse for childish behavior, I know. Mea culpa!
This thread is about republicans electing scumbags. You're off subject.
I too apologize, bulldog for going ballistic. It's just that this malice towards McCain, a real Republican I admired but did not vote for, by fakers and tweet-eaters with a banana republic agenda of suppression of our ideal values and traditions gets my dander up. No excuse for childish behavior, I know. Mea culpa!

I'm impressed with your remark. I don't see that too often here, Well done.
HILLARYious the anti-Trump mentals were so sad at the McCain dead body events to further attack our democracy.

How dare a pissant like you attack McCain!

Mccain is a scumbag who is burning in hell, unless he repented at the end and Christ had mercy on him.

He, was a fucking scumbag, and so are you. You fucking moronic scumbag.

Way to not comment on the factual information though. Then again, you are a fucking worldly hypnotized scumbag.

Hah! You wouldn't know a fact if it wiggled up your ass! You will crawl on your knees thru cracked glass for the world's biggest liar and support his bots like snouter to the point of absurdity, adding your own pitiful invective. McCain at least stood up like a man, not some sniveling flunkie.

A fact like a person with a pecker and balls is a man? Or a person with boobs but a pecker and balls is still a man? That is a FACT, yet your side is so mentally ill, you believe that cum giver is a woman...

You win, andaronjim! You're a far better low down slimer. Do you practice in front of a mirror?

Just showing how your "FACTS" are such Marxist bullshit. Then you have to call me a name. Two can play at it now. You fucking worthless excrement.

It cracks me up when people still keep saying crooked Hillary. Especially after she’s been vetted for 30 years with Republicans trying to find something, anything to find her guilty of. And failing miserably.

And here you have Trump in less than two years having real investigations by other Republicans closing in on him from every side.
Imagine what’s going to happen when Democrats take over the house.

Kellyanne Conway said that it’s time for Robert Mueller to put up or shut up. Only he hasn’t said anything. He’s let all his talking happen in court through indictments and felony convictions.
This thread is about republicans electing scumbags. You're off subject.
I too apologize, bulldog for going ballistic. It's just that this malice towards McCain, a real Republican I admired but did not vote for, by fakers and tweet-eaters with a banana republic agenda of suppression of our ideal values and traditions gets my dander up. No excuse for childish behavior, I know. Mea culpa!
McCain was a dick of the largest magnitude who was so established that he reached across the aisle and fucked all of US with his McCain/Feingold act that put limits on the 1st amendment, which you adore so much. Then when John (the songbird) McCain ran up against the 1/2 white faggot from Illinois, all you liberals voted against McCain, so like the good little racists that you are, you voted for the other guy because of his SKIN COLOR. Go fuck yourself tard, you arent worth the effort anymore to have a discussion with.

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site

Oh yeah, when he fucked US , then he would run behind his military service and hide like a liberal pussy I know him well of.
This thread is about republicans electing scumbags. You're off subject.
I too apologize, bulldog for going ballistic. It's just that this malice towards McCain, a real Republican I admired but did not vote for, by fakers and tweet-eaters with a banana republic agenda of suppression of our ideal values and traditions gets my dander up. No excuse for childish behavior, I know. Mea culpa!
McCain was a dick of the largest magnitude who was so established that he reached across the aisle and fucked all of US with his McCain/Feingold act that put limits on the 1st amendment, which you adore so much. Then when John (the songbird) McCain ran up against the 1/2 white faggot from Illinois, all you liberals voted against McCain, so like the good little racists that you are, you voted for the other guy because of his SKIN COLOR. Go fuck yourself tard, you arent worth the effort anymore to have a discussion with.

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site

Oh yeah, when he fucked US , then he would run behind his military service and hide like a liberal pussy I know him well of.

So Androgynous Jim, what you're saying, is that right wingers elected someone who didn't share your goofy goals. Whose fault do you think that is?
HILLARYious the anti-Trump mentals were so sad at the McCain dead body events to further attack our democracy.

How dare a pissant like you attack McCain!

Mccain is a scumbag who is burning in hell, unless he repented at the end and Christ had mercy on him.

He, was a fucking scumbag, and so are you. You fucking moronic scumbag.

Way to not comment on the factual information though. Then again, you are a fucking worldly hypnotized scumbag.

Hah! You wouldn't know a fact if it wiggled up your ass! You will crawl on your knees thru cracked glass for the world's biggest liar and support his bots like snouter to the point of absurdity, adding your own pitiful invective. McCain at least stood up like a man, not some sniveling flunkie.

A fact like a person with a pecker and balls is a man? Or a person with boobs but a pecker and balls is still a man? That is a FACT, yet your side is so mentally ill, you believe that cum giver is a woman...

This thread is about republicans electing scumbags. You're off subject.

So you Agree that leftists are scumbags
This thread is about republicans electing scumbags. You're off subject.
I too apologize, bulldog for going ballistic. It's just that this malice towards McCain, a real Republican I admired but did not vote for, by fakers and tweet-eaters with a banana republic agenda of suppression of our ideal values and traditions gets my dander up. No excuse for childish behavior, I know. Mea culpa!
McCain was a dick of the largest magnitude who was so established that he reached across the aisle and fucked all of US with his McCain/Feingold act that put limits on the 1st amendment, which you adore so much. Then when John (the songbird) McCain ran up against the 1/2 white faggot from Illinois, all you liberals voted against McCain, so like the good little racists that you are, you voted for the other guy because of his SKIN COLOR. Go fuck yourself tard, you arent worth the effort anymore to have a discussion with.

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site

Oh yeah, when he fucked US , then he would run behind his military service and hide like a liberal pussy I know him well of.

So Androgynous Jim, what you're saying, is that right wingers elected someone who didn't share your goofy goals. Whose fault do you think that is?
The politicians that lied about who they were in public!
HILLARYious the anti-Trump mentals were so sad at the McCain dead body events to further attack our democracy.

How dare a pissant like you attack McCain!

Our Liberal friends attacked McCain brutally - when he was running for office in 2008.

Also savaged the Bush Family,and now the Connecticut aristocrats are considered great heroes and patriots.
How dare a pissant like you attack McCain!
Mccain is a scumbag who is burning in hell, unless he repented at the end and Christ had mercy on him.

He, was a fucking scumbag, and so are you. You fucking moronic scumbag.

Way to not comment on the factual information though. Then again, you are a fucking worldly hypnotized scumbag.
Hah! You wouldn't know a fact if it wiggled up your ass! You will crawl on your knees thru cracked glass for the world's biggest liar and support his bots like snouter to the point of absurdity, adding your own pitiful invective. McCain at least stood up like a man, not some sniveling flunkie.
A fact like a person with a pecker and balls is a man? Or a person with boobs but a pecker and balls is still a man? That is a FACT, yet your side is so mentally ill, you believe that cum giver is a woman...

This thread is about republicans electing scumbags. You're off subject.
So you Agree that leftists are scumbags

Only an idiot would think that's what I said, so.....
This thread is about republicans electing scumbags. You're off subject.
I too apologize, bulldog for going ballistic. It's just that this malice towards McCain, a real Republican I admired but did not vote for, by fakers and tweet-eaters with a banana republic agenda of suppression of our ideal values and traditions gets my dander up. No excuse for childish behavior, I know. Mea culpa!
McCain was a dick of the largest magnitude who was so established that he reached across the aisle and fucked all of US with his McCain/Feingold act that put limits on the 1st amendment, which you adore so much. Then when John (the songbird) McCain ran up against the 1/2 white faggot from Illinois, all you liberals voted against McCain, so like the good little racists that you are, you voted for the other guy because of his SKIN COLOR. Go fuck yourself tard, you arent worth the effort anymore to have a discussion with.

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site

Oh yeah, when he fucked US , then he would run behind his military service and hide like a liberal pussy I know him well of.

So Androgynous Jim, what you're saying, is that right wingers elected someone who didn't share your goofy goals. Whose fault do you think that is?
The politicians that lied about who they were in public!

That would have to include Trump. He's always lied.

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