Good times-a-coming-coming, good times are coming


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Typically, I'm an optimistic pessimist and sometimes vice-versa- it may be an age thang since younger people I talk with don't seem as concerned with what many see coming, but, the age thang offers a different perspective based on more seat time, as it were, and a very clear view in the rear view mirror of life- I became a Big Picture critic about 13 years ago, which is when I started paying attention, politically. Prior to that I had always called myself being a Republican- then I had my eyes opened- (read my signature line, I live it) - thank you Obama and Romney- not a dimes worth of difference outside certain parts of their rhetoric- that intrigued me and I started looking at History in the Big Picture manner- (past the rhetoric) - in the past 13 or so years I've connected a lot of dots (with various helpful sources) and some common sense and concluded with; Follow the money, see the agenda- and determined it ain't rocket science and doesn't require an esoteric understanding. It does, however, require an open mind- with anything other than an open mind a conclusion (analysis) is subjective- Period. Subjective renders superficial analysis- it ain't rocket science-

To that end here we have some pretty bleak thinking-
You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet: The Worst Is Yet to Come

If that picture isn't enough invitation to initiate reading a little my points are validated.
Typically, I'm an optimistic pessimist and sometimes vice-versa- it may be an age thang since younger people I talk with don't seem as concerned with what many see coming, but, the age thang offers a different perspective based on more seat time, as it were, and a very clear view in the rear view mirror of life- I became a Big Picture critic about 13 years ago, which is when I started paying attention, politically. Prior to that I had always called myself being a Republican- then I had my eyes opened- (read my signature line, I live it) - thank you Obama and Romney- not a dimes worth of difference outside certain parts of their rhetoric- that intrigued me and I started looking at History in the Big Picture manner- (past the rhetoric) - in the past 13 or so years I've connected a lot of dots (with various helpful sources) and some common sense and concluded with; Follow the money, see the agenda- and determined it ain't rocket science and doesn't require an esoteric understanding. It does, however, require an open mind- with anything other than an open mind a conclusion (analysis) is subjective- Period. Subjective renders superficial analysis- it ain't rocket science-

To that end here we have some pretty bleak thinking-
You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet: The Worst Is Yet to Come
View attachment 436781

If that picture isn't enough invitation to initiate reading a little my points are validated.
We aren't talking about nuanced differences between the Parties. Democrats have corrupted our TV media, control the social media giants, and have propagandists throughout pro sports and entertainment. Career politicians in both parties are definitely a problem, but it isn't the biggest problem we face. We are totally divided, the Democrats are taking over and the Chinese wolf is at the door.
Typically, I'm an optimistic pessimist and sometimes vice-versa- it may be an age thang since younger people I talk with don't seem as concerned with what many see coming, but, the age thang offers a different perspective based on more seat time, as it were, and a very clear view in the rear view mirror of life- I became a Big Picture critic about 13 years ago, which is when I started paying attention, politically. Prior to that I had always called myself being a Republican- then I had my eyes opened- (read my signature line, I live it) - thank you Obama and Romney- not a dimes worth of difference outside certain parts of their rhetoric- that intrigued me and I started looking at History in the Big Picture manner- (past the rhetoric) - in the past 13 or so years I've connected a lot of dots (with various helpful sources) and some common sense and concluded with; Follow the money, see the agenda- and determined it ain't rocket science and doesn't require an esoteric understanding. It does, however, require an open mind- with anything other than an open mind a conclusion (analysis) is subjective- Period. Subjective renders superficial analysis- it ain't rocket science-

To that end here we have some pretty bleak thinking-
You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet: The Worst Is Yet to Come
View attachment 436781

If that picture isn't enough invitation to initiate reading a little my points are validated.
All you described was the swamp that trump tried to drain. There over 70 million voters out there who recognize that distinction. You left them out of your analysis.
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it isn't the biggest problem we face. We are totally divided, the Democrats are taking over and the Chinese wolf is at the door.
No, Russians are hiding under your bed- :rolleyes:

I wonder, if it's possible, to get message board posters to read links- this thread, and most others I post say it ain't- will someone, anyone, prove me wrong?

In lieu of that, take a gander at the below (from another thread) opinion- and tell me where I'm wrong. Since people prefer to give an opinion, not really related to the OT- I'll lead a charge now- that doesn't mean you can't read the link and form a cogent response if you have it in you though-

Wow! Polichic, let me start by saying; I'm a southern gentleman and don't like being harsh to the fairer sex, or animals, or little kids- and this is an address to EVERYONE, not just polichic, so, I'll be polite until someone is impolite to me, then, all's fair in love and war- the first thing that came to mind when I saw the words "inveterate pessimist" was; be the change you want to see-

Polichic, you sow seeds of discord- the others who argue with you are no better- that leads me to believe, that's what you want- all of you-

Being the change you want to see, begins with, intellectual honesty. That requires looking at, (and if possible, presenting), all the evidence- if not, the analysis is subjective- a subjective analysis can lead to a pessimistic POV-

MO, America was lost before the ink was dry on the constitution- that is, if freedom and liberty are key. The anti-federalist writings explained why- the concept of America is a wonderful concept, but, men (people) being what they are there was not enough accountability (punishment) for disregarding the rules- and BOTH sides do that- always have and always will-

Several years ago, I came up with a saying; when havoc is created, chaos ensues and catastrophe is inevitable- that is a natural chain of events. So, when was the havoc created? It could be (and historians will assign a time line like they always do), 1776- since men had always been ruled over and "America" (at least the concept of self governing) was not the norm- outside the norm creates havoc (as we've seen with Trumps personality)- it's been chaotic in this Country (even before we were such) ever since in a political tussle-

Not one thing will change inside a persons head (or heart) until they decide they want a change- it's like any personal issue- there is only one person in this world you can change- look in the mirror- be the change you want to see- nothing, absolutely nothing happens without Individual Effort- intellectual honesty has to be the foundation built on- seeds of discord bear the fruit of discord- it's the natural occurrence- forced or coerced is doomed to failure because either/or is immoral-

Typically, I'm an optimistic pessimist and sometimes vice-versa- it may be an age thang since younger people I talk with don't seem as concerned with what many see coming, but, the age thang offers a different perspective based on more seat time, as it were, and a very clear view in the rear view mirror of life- I became a Big Picture critic about 13 years ago, which is when I started paying attention, politically. Prior to that I had always called myself being a Republican- then I had my eyes opened- (read my signature line, I live it) - thank you Obama and Romney- not a dimes worth of difference outside certain parts of their rhetoric- that intrigued me and I started looking at History in the Big Picture manner- (past the rhetoric) - in the past 13 or so years I've connected a lot of dots (with various helpful sources) and some common sense and concluded with; Follow the money, see the agenda- and determined it ain't rocket science and doesn't require an esoteric understanding. It does, however, require an open mind- with anything other than an open mind a conclusion (analysis) is subjective- Period. Subjective renders superficial analysis- it ain't rocket science-

To that end here we have some pretty bleak thinking-
You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet: The Worst Is Yet to Come
View attachment 436781

If that picture isn't enough invitation to initiate reading a little my points are validated.
You havent been paying attention to anything but social media sites, clearly. Here is Bidens platform. Read up on it

Below is Trumps platform:
Trump Released No Platform
Typically, I'm an optimistic pessimist and sometimes vice-versa- it may be an age thang since younger people I talk with don't seem as concerned with what many see coming, but, the age thang offers a different perspective based on more seat time, as it were, and a very clear view in the rear view mirror of life- I became a Big Picture critic about 13 years ago, which is when I started paying attention, politically. Prior to that I had always called myself being a Republican- then I had my eyes opened- (read my signature line, I live it) - thank you Obama and Romney- not a dimes worth of difference outside certain parts of their rhetoric- that intrigued me and I started looking at History in the Big Picture manner- (past the rhetoric) - in the past 13 or so years I've connected a lot of dots (with various helpful sources) and some common sense and concluded with; Follow the money, see the agenda- and determined it ain't rocket science and doesn't require an esoteric understanding. It does, however, require an open mind- with anything other than an open mind a conclusion (analysis) is subjective- Period. Subjective renders superficial analysis- it ain't rocket science-

To that end here we have some pretty bleak thinking-
You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet: The Worst Is Yet to Come
View attachment 436781

If that picture isn't enough invitation to initiate reading a little my points are validated.
You havent been paying attention to anything but social media sites, clearly. Here is Bidens platform. Read up on it

Below is Trumps platform:
Trump Released No Platform

Well I saw a list of what that jack ass has planned and it sure isn't anything to brag about. In fact all you dummies that voted for Biden will be regretting it in no time at all.
Typically, I'm an optimistic pessimist and sometimes vice-versa- it may be an age thang since younger people I talk with don't seem as concerned with what many see coming, but, the age thang offers a different perspective based on more seat time, as it were, and a very clear view in the rear view mirror of life- I became a Big Picture critic about 13 years ago, which is when I started paying attention, politically. Prior to that I had always called myself being a Republican- then I had my eyes opened- (read my signature line, I live it) - thank you Obama and Romney- not a dimes worth of difference outside certain parts of their rhetoric- that intrigued me and I started looking at History in the Big Picture manner- (past the rhetoric) - in the past 13 or so years I've connected a lot of dots (with various helpful sources) and some common sense and concluded with; Follow the money, see the agenda- and determined it ain't rocket science and doesn't require an esoteric understanding. It does, however, require an open mind- with anything other than an open mind a conclusion (analysis) is subjective- Period. Subjective renders superficial analysis- it ain't rocket science-

To that end here we have some pretty bleak thinking-
You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet: The Worst Is Yet to Come
View attachment 436781

If that picture isn't enough invitation to initiate reading a little my points are validated.
All you described was the swamp that trump tried to drain. There over 70 million voters out there who recognize that distinction. You left them out of your analysis.
Oh please. Trump didn’t drain shit. He expanded it. Stop with the foolish hero worship. You’re no different than the partisan Democrat.
Typically, I'm an optimistic pessimist and sometimes vice-versa- it may be an age thang since younger people I talk with don't seem as concerned with what many see coming, but, the age thang offers a different perspective based on more seat time, as it were, and a very clear view in the rear view mirror of life- I became a Big Picture critic about 13 years ago, which is when I started paying attention, politically. Prior to that I had always called myself being a Republican- then I had my eyes opened- (read my signature line, I live it) - thank you Obama and Romney- not a dimes worth of difference outside certain parts of their rhetoric- that intrigued me and I started looking at History in the Big Picture manner- (past the rhetoric) - in the past 13 or so years I've connected a lot of dots (with various helpful sources) and some common sense and concluded with; Follow the money, see the agenda- and determined it ain't rocket science and doesn't require an esoteric understanding. It does, however, require an open mind- with anything other than an open mind a conclusion (analysis) is subjective- Period. Subjective renders superficial analysis- it ain't rocket science-

To that end here we have some pretty bleak thinking-
You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet: The Worst Is Yet to Come
View attachment 436781

If that picture isn't enough invitation to initiate reading a little my points are validated.
We should have had a revolution long ago. The American people have lost their way. We are well down the road to tyranny by elite. I fear it’s too late.
Oh please. Trump didn’t drain shit. He expanded it. Stop with the foolish hero worship. You’re no different than the partisan Democrat.
Can you please comment on the article- or my opinion- this ain't a democrat republican thing- geezus-
We should have had a revolution long ago. The American people have lost their way. We are well down the road to tyranny by elite. I fear it’s too late.
Read, the anti- federalist writings- America "lost its way" before the ink was dry on the constitution- if a gov't securing our liberty and sovereignty are the crux of the intent- it's never too late- be the change you want to see-
Leave your space a little better than you found it. Play the hand you were dealt forget what their rules say, you win, when, you live life your own way-

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