Goodbye Cuomo!

Now watch Trumpers go from not knowing who the fuck Kathy Hochul is to suddenly claiming she is the leader of Antifa/BLM acting on orders from China....

But relax Trumpers.....she will not be the person to watch in the 2022 governor's race.......

It's not much of a stretch knowing that pretty much all DemoKKKrats, but NY DemoKKrats in particular, are evil.
Nice fantasy. Cuomo was a HUGE star in the DemoKKKrat party for decades. He was praised and endorsed by every major national DemoKKKrat and their media felchers throughout the pandemic. You're not going to live this one down quickly or easily.
Let's run a comparison on this, shall we?
Bill Clinton....impeached and never elected for anything ever again
Al Franken...resigned
Andrew Cuomo...resigned

Roy Moore - supported by Alabama GOP to run for Senator...endorsed by Republican President
Matt Gaetz - supported by GOP, friends and endorsed by Former Republican President
Donald Trump - elected President (once), still supported by GOP

This isn't speculation. This isn't "what if". This is actual recent of both party's stand.
I would think the op would be crying now throwing chairs at the wall in anger the fact he worships the actions of the dem criminals like cuomo and Obama.Newsom is going to be next. :yes_text12: Hopefully whitmere after thst.
'Gov Cuomo, can you demonstrate for us how you grabbed her boob?'

- 'Yeah, THIS.....'

We'll have to see if he pardons anyone.....let's save this post.
Don't worry. All posts here are archived.

Save anything you want. My being wrong will prove nothing. You're being right will also prove nothing.
especially given the environment today.
The environment today allows him to make decisions that any reasonably intelligent human being would have refused to make. His choices led to the deaths of how many? 10-12 thousand elderly New Yorkers who were totally defenseless? He's being booted because of being a sexual assaulter rather than because he CHOSE to endanger thousands of the most vulnerable among us. He and every other politician that enabled him to do this and escape consequences should suffer a Karmic fate that people would shudder from, even a thousand years from now. These people are power-mad, arrogant, and quickly losing ALL moral boundaries.
You responded to my post, moron. Read your own message.

I for one, am glad he resigned.
I clicked on REPLY to Surada and your ignorance did not show on the screen. Hers did.

If you knew anything about context, that would have been apparent. But your misplaced sense of inflated ego blinds you, as is the case with all Leftists.
Just who have they "called out"?
This was a "Me Too" thing, and he deserved it. Nobody rushed to save Al Frankin when he was called out. There were individual registered republican (decidedly minority) that indeed acknowledge Donnie's crap, but mostly the cult closed ranks to protect him, because he is all they have left, and you can't have a self poisoning Kool Aide Cult without a cult leader.

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