Goodbye Cuomo!

"A Marist poll conducted the night of the report showed that 63 percent of registered voters in New York said Cuomo should resign. Fifty-nine percent said he should be impeached should resignation not happen. Within 24 hours, many of the governor’s staunchest supporters had publicly condemned him. Reports and rumors, meanwhile, swirled of efforts among those in his inner circle to persuade Cuomo to abandon his full-throated defense — as laid out in a widely-panned pre-recorded video statement — and step down."
Let's run a comparison on this, shall we?
Bill Clinton....impeached and never elected for anything ever again
Al Franken...resigned
Andrew Cuomo...resigned

Roy Moore - supported by Alabama GOP to run for Senator...endorsed by Republican President
Matt Gaetz - supported by GOP, friends and endorsed by Former Republican President
Donald Trump - elected President (once), still supported by GOP

This isn't speculation. This isn't "what if". This is actual recent of both party's stand.

Your president is a documented sexual predator and pedophile.
Cuomo lost the battle, but he will win the war, my friends!

Cuomo recognizes the banner Democrats carry is more important than the person who carries that banner!
Donald Trump is the only New Yorker whose political career is over

not Cuomo! NOT CUOMO!
despite it's liberal veneer, NY is a state full of ethnic tensions (Italians are thought of as "dirty" and "ignorant", for example)...can Hochul manage that?

Queens for example has Jewish neighborhoods, Puerto Rican neighborhoods, Mexican there's tension!
Let's run a comparison on this, shall we?
Bill Clinton....impeached and never elected for anything ever again
Al Franken...resigned
Andrew Cuomo...resigned

Roy Moore - supported by Alabama GOP to run for Senator...endorsed by Republican President
Matt Gaetz - supported by GOP, friends and endorsed by Former Republican President
Donald Trump - elected President (once), still supported by GOP

This isn't speculation. This isn't "what if". This is actual recent of both party's stand.
Is Biden resigning soon?
You would rather he stayed? It was personal indiscretion, by a public official. Who is surprised, he was doing it, at this point, or hasn't heard about it? How long would you like it to be some sort of news? Does the rest of the country really care, as they would if it was their own governor?
Don't feel bad. There will still be lawsuits (certainly) and possible legal charges. Lots of time, politicians avoid legal charges by leaving quietly. Don't worry though, you will still be able to get your Cuomo news "fix". Feel free to laugh and point from Cleveland for as long as you like.
You are close to my age, this had to play out, but will not make a change in many people's lives but his. You have seen Kennedy's Bay of Pigs, political assassinations of Kennedy, Kennedy, Martin Luther King, a War in Vietnam, Nixon going to the dark side and resigning, attempted assassination of Ron the father and holy ghost, Bill's Monicagate, the misrepresented, packaged and sold war in the Middle East that killed gobs of our son, daughters for nothing, not to mention the ones in those countries, and of course the various scandals and illegal, anti-constitution/democracy crap from Kingthug Donnie. Are you sure you can work up much enthusiasm for this thing, dude?
trump cultists are totally con-fused right now.
Now watch Trumpers go from not knowing who the fuck Kathy Hochul is to suddenly claiming she is the leader of Antifa/BLM acting on orders from China....

But relax Trumpers.....she will not be the person to watch in the 2022 governor's race.......
Their inherent misogyny will rear its INCEL head.
This was a "Me Too" thing, and he deserved it. Nobody rushed to save Al Frankin when he was called out. There were individual registered republican (decidedly minority) that indeed acknowledge Donnie's crap, but mostly the cult closed ranks to protect him, because he is all they have left, and you can't have a self poisoning Kool Aide Cult without a cult leader.
Especially the so-called Religious Right.

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