Goodbye Cuomo!

Its fine that Cuomo is resigning, but the next step is Prosecution. Until he is doing time in Attica- along with Sheldon Whitehouse who has confessed to belonging to a White Supremacist outfit- justice isn't done yet by a long shot.
trump isn't my President. Yours, not mine. And you love you some sexual predator.

1. Donald Trump isn't anybody's president right now.
You can't get anything right.
2. The women Donald Trump cavorted with did not file charges against him. It was "consensual," that description you used so liberally with Bill Clinton when he was getting blow jobs from a young subordinate in the Oval Office. You screamed he should stay because it was "consensual."
You were hypocrites not to apply that to President Trump whose indiscretions did NOT take place in the Oval Office and were NOT with a youthful young woman, much less a victim such as Paula Jones or Kathleen Willey.
Of sexual predators, there are none to compare to Democrats and their beloved homosexual predators who victimize innocent children by the tens of thousands. Take the Boy Scouts for one example. Then too there are Leftist teachers across America molesting students.
Not that you give a damn.
This was a "Me Too" thing, and he deserved it. Nobody rushed to save Al Frankin when he was called out. There were individual registered republican (decidedly minority) that indeed acknowledge Donnie's crap, but mostly the cult closed ranks to protect him, because he is all they have left, and you can't have a self poisoning Kool Aide Cult without a cult leader.
so, Al franken.

then a dive to "donnies shit"

that it?
1. Donald Trump isn't anybody's president right now.
You can't get anything right.
2. The women Donald Trump cavorted with did not file charges against him. It was "consensual," that description you used so liberally with Bill Clinton when he was getting blow jobs from a young subordinate in the Oval Office. You screamed he should stay because it was "consensual."
You were hypocrites not to apply that to President Trump whose indiscretions did NOT take place in the Oval Office and were NOT with a youthful young woman, much less a victim such as Paula Jones or Kathleen Willey.
Of sexual predators, there are none to compare to Democrats and their beloved homosexual predators who victimize innocent children by the tens of thousands. Take the Boy Scouts for one example. Then too there are Leftist teachers across America molesting students.
Not that you give a damn.
Trump having consensual sex with numerous women is somehow worse than Cuomo using his position to fondle and harass young women who hated it.
Cause that is how deep the left's commitment is to women.
Too bad they couldn’t take Trumps ass out of office when he was the clown in charge.

It was ok for Trump, but not for anyone else. Frustrating!
He is just going to run again.

I always thought NYC should secede from NY... (That was Norman Mailer's platform when he ran for mayor in 1969)

i wonder if Cuomo agrees!
What I don't understand is the timing. Two days ago, he was professing his innocence and vowing to fight until the end. What has changed since then?

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