Goodbye Cuomo!

He's probably thinking,"I only molested women, Biden molests little girls and he gets to stay."
Interesting accusation. Provide proof.
"it's clear: people do not want blacks in their neighborhoods" - Cuomo back when he was HUD Secretary under Bill Clinton, as quoted in Cuomo's autobiography
the proximity to power at a young age is what drew Cuomo to politics

it's all his life. he doesn't have anything else. so now, what is he gonna do?
when a female candidate beat Mario Cuomo in a race for Lt Governor, Mario attributed it to the "feminist fervor engulfing NY"

like father like son, because you are sexist, you are done!
Is Cuomo allowed to stay in the Governor’s mansion because of the eviction moratorium?
Nope...he is in the wrong party. He'd have been welcomed with open arms by the trump worshippers. Cut from the same cloth.
You deceive yourself, doll. Sexual assault and stealing the votes of millions of American voters not to mention a vice president helping himself to a billion dollars of Foreign aid to a beleaguered third world country are on the same level in Hades.

Now how many lefties here will apologize for fully supporting this creep the last year plus?
I clicked on REPLY to Surada and your ignorance did not show on the screen. Hers did.

If you knew anything about context, that would have been apparent. But your misplaced sense of inflated ego blinds you, as is the case with all Leftists.
You didn't give any names. Just a failed petition. I don't think there ever was any real support for Cuomo to run for president. But, keep trying, maybe you'll come up with something valid.

The reply was to Surada. You are not intelligent enough to understand that obvious fact.
But you're always quick to respond regardless of how little you contribute, if anything at all.


Take it easy on her.

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