Goodbye Cuomo!

Cuomo threatened to withhold Covid vaccines from folks who are not loyal to him....just to give you an idea what a sleaze he is
Cuomo has 3 daughters. he was known to show up at their dorm room unannounced frequently...i wonder if there's anything to that
I say screw it, let the Dems run their next presidential campaign as who they really are: CUOMO/WEINER '24! with Spitzer as NYC Mayor!
so, Al franken.

then a dive to "donnies shit"

that it?
Well, I skipped the republican "Wide Stance" guy who lost his next election. I skipped the Senate page boys candle (of course that was back in the days the Senators of parties worked together and included repugnant and demoncrap. No need to bother with Newsom out in California, they may vote him out on recall, but who cares? He's over 2,000 miles away. Did you have a favorite? This stuff does not stay in the new forever, unless you try to overthrow the government, and we have only had one that did that.
Well, I skipped the republican "Wide Stance" guy who lost his next election. I skipped the Senate page boys candle (of course that was back in the days the Senators of parties worked together and included repugnant and demoncrap. No need to bother with Newsom out in California, they may vote him out on recall, but who cares? He's over 2,000 miles away. Did you have a favorite? This stuff does not stay in the new forever, unless you try to overthrow the government, and we have only had one that did that.
It was a simple question.

You said dems are good at calling out their own.

You give me Al Franken and Trump bashing as examples. Twice.

And have yet to back up your own claim.
It was a simple question.

You said dems are good at calling out their own.

You give me Al Franken and Trump bashing as examples. Twice.

And have yet to back up your own claim.
Right. Both good examples, where the Dems did not rally round their, but the Reptile cult protected theirs. What are you looking for, a research back in history? Do your own. I don't keep up with this crap closely after it is resolved or goes away. You consider this stuff earth shaking? I am just glad the New York Dems, dealt with theirs effectively.
Hey Cuomo

It is a problem if his replacement is just as bad.... It is just like riding the merry go round no matter which horse you hop on the ride is the same and you go around in circles and keep up ending in the same place with your pockets short a few more dollars after being taken for a ride…
It is a problem if his replacement is just as bad.... It is just like riding the merry go round no matter which horse you hop on the ride is the same and you go around in circles and keep up ending in the same place with your pockets short a few more dollars after being taken for a ride…

Stop throwing cold water on our fun! We're bitch-slapping Democrats and they really deserve it.
It is a problem if his replacement is just as bad.... It is just like riding the merry go round no matter which horse you hop on the ride is the same and you go around in circles and keep up ending in the same place with your pockets short a few more dollars after being taken for a ride…
Yes, what will replace Cuomo will be much scarier because these new leftist-Marxists only care about overthrowing America and all it stands for. Think Al Sharpton or even AOC.

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