Goodbye Cuomo!

So, when is Biden going to resign? Or, is he too god-like for you to question him?

When are you people going to hold the Traitor accountable for the sexual abuse of 29-Women. When will you people hold the Traitor accountable for the RAPE of two under age girls.

Oh, just so you know. Mr. Biden never abused that girl you are all up about. He was recuperating from surgery and was in V.P. Residence. Both the person who was holding the event AND the girl's family say nothing happened.
will Kathy Hochul keep the Cuomo people in their jobs...or will it be a hostile takeover? we'll see!
Yes, what will replace Cuomo will be much scarier because these new leftist-Marxists only care about overthrowing America and all it stands for. Think Al Sharpton or even AOC.

Who will replace Cuomo is not the point, as we all know, New York is under communist tyranny, they are all scum really, so yes, the replacement will probably be another POS.

In my opinion, the point is that the Granny Killer, that criminal Cuomo- that killed knowingly, thousands of innocent, elderly people, Cuomo The Monster is gone. :clap:
Had to post


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Its good to see the Dems taking decisive action against a predator.
How is that Matt Gaetz thing going on ? I understand that even Marje has dumped him.
Let's open and independent investigation of Gaetz... and another for allegation by Tara Reade against Joe Biden...

Nope...he is in the wrong party. He'd have been welcomed with open arms by the trump worshippers. Cut from the same cloth.

That is a truly stupid statement to make since the Cuomo family has been democrat for many DECADES!

28 to go
Yeah, 14 days is way to long to wait to get rid of that DemonRat.

"better the devil you know than the devil you don't."

Who will be the next Democrat elected Governor of New York State? Sharpton or De Blasio?

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