Goodbye Cuomo!

If Hochul doesn’t remove Rob Mujica, and people like him, that will leave Cuomo’s loyalists in charge.

The ghost of Andrew Cuomo is going to be in control

In a reform fantasy world, she would come in and dismiss absolutely everybody and put into place independent-minded ethical professional folks, but that’s just not going to happen … It’s not like there’s a roster of generals she can just unthaw from a freezer and put in place
THREE STOOGES: New York's last three governors — all Democrats — left on a walk of shame.

Andrew Cuomo is responsible for Andrew Cuomo, he can't blame anyone else!
Who will replace Cuomo is not the point, as we all know, New York is under communist tyranny, they are all scum really, so yes, the replacement will probably be another POS.

In my opinion, the point is that the Granny Killer, that criminal Cuomo- that killed knowingly, thousands of innocent, elderly people, Cuomo The Monster is gone. :clap:
I must admit that his demise is disappointing. I was hoping for a "walk of shame" through a a mob of frenzied relatives of the Nursing Home victims.


Falling victim to #metoo #melietoo is a tad...disappointing. Is he really guilty of THAT????

THREE STOOGES: New York's last three governors — all Democrats — left on a walk of shame.

Andrew Cuomo is responsible for Andrew Cuomo, he can't blame anyone else!
#mettoo or #melietoo....THAT is the question. Something just says that it is WRONG to convict by accusation and the media frenzy. Of course he should have gone for his "Killing Fields" in aged care homes. THAT would have been JUSTICE. ......IF GUILTY!!

here’s the truth that’s hard to say aloud: if the New York governor had not been a sex pest, he likely would have gotten away with hiding thousands of people’s deaths in nursing homes and shielding his health care industry donors from any liability ... all while profiting off a $5 million book deal and being venerated by liberals and corporate media outlets as a shining star.
skillful politicians turn failure into opportunity

since Cuomo's failure is BOUNDLESS, Kathy Hochul's opportunity is BOUNDLESS!

I just hope Biden isn't looking in at this post because, know........, his urges.
Cuomo is a typical NY Democrat. he worships at the altar of big government.

and his replacement Hochul is even nuttier, it seems
That is a truly stupid statement to make since the Cuomo family has been democrat for many DECADES!

28 to go
Yes, they have been.....that's why I said he's in the wrong part for his behavior. DO try to keep up, hun.
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Until that girl said something, Weiner was the heavy favorite to be mayor of NYC. Imagine him and Cuomo at state functions.
Weiner. Good example. Dems kicked him out too....and when he tried to run for office again, he was rejected. You Righties would vote for him if he had an (R) after his name.
And here we see the difference between democrats and republicans. Trump was accused by over 20 women of these same things while republicans excused and defended him.
He refuses to give a DNA sample to "prove his innocence". What is he afraid of?
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