Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.

President Trump is the best president in history, he had an impossible task, and he is succeeding. The UV light was not nonsense, it is in fact backed up science.

Once president Trump is done, he might top the Caesars as a leader.

"President Trump is the best president in history, "

Gimme a break dude. Drumpf is an incompetent, pathetic fuckup.
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.

President Trump is the best president in history, he had an impossible task, and he is succeeding. The UV light was not nonsense, it is in fact backed up science.

Once president Trump is done, he might top the Caesars as a leader.

"President Trump is the best president in history, "

Gimme a break dude. Drumpf is an incompetent, pathetic fuckup.

President Trump is the best president in history. Some of the best and boldest decisions such as finally cancelling immigration.
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.

And of course Obama being a "God" (in his own mind by the way) made no verbal least that the MSM broadcasted loudly, frequently and out of context.
Like where was the MSM when Obama said this on his nomination....
“the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Or where was the MSM when the Editor of Newsweek said this:
The Omniscient Obama... the ...God...
Newsweek editor Evan Thomas brought adulation over President Obama’s Cairo speech to a whole new level on Friday, declaring on MSNBC: "I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.

President Trump is the best president in history, he had an impossible task, and he is succeeding. The UV light was not nonsense, it is in fact backed up science.

Once president Trump is done, he might top the Caesars as a leader.

"President Trump is the best president in history, "

Gimme a break dude. Drumpf is an incompetent, pathetic fuckup.

President Trump is the best president in history. Some of the best and boldest decisions such as finally cancelling immigration.
Forgive me. He may indeed be the best president in history but........ thats only to inbred recessives that chew hay while they mud wrestle pigs.
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?

He did not say anyone should inject or swallow disinfectants.

You were lied to, own up to it.
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?

Sorry but I think most people are intelligent enough NOT to go out and swill a pint of bleach!
I can't believe YOU believe President Trump thought you could drink bleach and be ok?
Really you believe that about Trump?
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

View attachment 327785

We'll, "we" as well as "you", didn't know that he was being sarcastic. Which means he wasn't talking about anything. He made an idiot out of us all on Thursday. And you still haven't figured it out. Lol!

That fucking POS 45 was doing what he always does when he cannot find someone else to blame, he lied his fucking fat white pimpled ass off.

These dump as dog shit followers of der GroppenFuhrer continue to believe each and everyone of his now over 18,000 lies. They lap that shit up.
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?
To him its a sign of weakness to be clear. This is why he will never be a leader. He is small and I dont just mean physically. He has all the signs of someone that was bullied as a kid or abused by his father and made to feel inadequate. He is vindictive and vicious and demands people cater to him. He cant attract other strong leaders to work with him. He can only attract yes men looking for a free ride.
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

View attachment 327785

We'll, "we" as well as "you", didn't know that he was being sarcastic. Which means he wasn't talking about anything. He made an idiot out of us all on Thursday. And you still haven't figured it out. Lol!

That fucking POS 45 was doing what he always does when he cannot find someone else to blame, he lied his fucking fat white pimpled ass off.

These dump as dog shit followers of der GroppenFuhrer continue to believe each and everyone of his now over 18,000 lies. They lap that shit up.

And of course you lapped up these statements, probably told people about them didn't you?

When Obama said on his nomination....
the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
The Omniscient Obama... the ...God...
Newsweek editor Evan Thomas brought adulation over President Obama’s Cairo speech to a whole new level on Friday, declaring on MSNBC: "I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."

I bet you believe Obama is a god right?
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?
To him its a sign of weakness to be clear. This is why he will never be a leader. He is small and I dont just mean physically. He has all the signs of someone that was bullied as a kid or abused by his father and made to feel inadequate. He is vindictive and vicious and demands people cater to him. He cant attract other strong leaders to work with him. He can only attract yes men looking for a free ride.

President Trump is over 6 feet tall - far taller than Biden.

Big man in every way. Next time you may want to try to substantiate something based on facts, small man.
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?

Sorry but I think most people are intelligent enough NOT to go out and swill a pint of bleach!
I can't believe YOU believe President Trump thought you could drink bleach and be ok?
Really you believe that about Trump?
Thats the problem. True leaders dont just think about most people and they never assume. They should be thinking about all people and be very clear. He doesnt seem to have an issue with being clear when he talks to people like they are idiots.
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?
To him its a sign of weakness to be clear. This is why he will never be a leader. He is small and I dont just mean physically. He has all the signs of someone that was bullied as a kid or abused by his father and made to feel inadequate. He is vindictive and vicious and demands people cater to him. He cant attract other strong leaders to work with him. He can only attract yes men looking for a free ride.

President Trump is over 6 feet tall - far taller than Biden.

Big man in every way. Next time you may want to try to substantiate something based on facts, small man.
He's a big fat idiot. And he's lost his way.
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.

President Trump is the best president in history, he had an impossible task, and he is succeeding. The UV light was not nonsense, it is in fact backed up science.

Once president Trump is done, he might top the Caesars as a leader.

"President Trump is the best president in history, "

Gimme a break dude. Drumpf is an incompetent, pathetic fuckup.

President Trump is the best president in history. Some of the best and boldest decisions such as finally cancelling immigration.
instead of cool aid try some clorox
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

View attachment 327785

We'll, "we" as well as "you", didn't know that he was being sarcastic. Which means he wasn't talking about anything. He made an idiot out of us all on Thursday. And you still haven't figured it out. Lol!

That fucking POS 45 was doing what he always does when he cannot find someone else to blame, he lied his fucking fat white pimpled ass off.

These dump as dog shit followers of der GroppenFuhrer continue to believe each and everyone of his now over 18,000 lies. They lap that shit up.

And of course you lapped up these statements, probably told people about them didn't you?

When Obama said on his nomination....
the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
The Omniscient Obama... the ...God...
Newsweek editor Evan Thomas brought adulation over President Obama’s Cairo speech to a whole new level on Friday, declaring on MSNBC: "I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."

I bet you believe Obama is a god right?

Well we do know Obama never advised anyone to drink aquarium cleaner and inject themselves with Lysol.
Last edited:
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?

He did not say anyone should inject or swallow disinfectants.

You were lied to, own up to it.
I know he didn't. This is a long thread, but if you were to look at my posts, you'd see I never said he did.
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?

He did not say anyone should inject or swallow disinfectants.

You were lied to, own up to it.

No You're The Damn Liar.

You might try removing that brown shit stain from around mouth, which you get from fastening you mouth to the asshole of fuckwad 45
trump: *says something vaguely medical*

leftists: *are all suddenly medical experts:

Hey, Trump said oxygen is good for you. Obviously, he's wrong. You all know what do to!

45 has zero medical experience and is advising people Lysol. I am NOT a medical professional, but even I know better than that.
The media is telling you Trump said to ingest disinfectants.

The media is lying to you.
No, Trump is telling us about injecting disinfectants into the body. He's on video talking about that if you're interested?

I never listen listen to lowlife lying 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Piece of Shit. He has no right or purpose of right to tell anyone to inject, ingest or inhale disinfectants. He is killing people, he is murdering people and fuck him for doing so.
Take a Midol, sugar.

drama queen 2.jpg
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?
To him its a sign of weakness to be clear. This is why he will never be a leader. He is small and I dont just mean physically. He has all the signs of someone that was bullied as a kid or abused by his father and made to feel inadequate. He is vindictive and vicious and demands people cater to him. He cant attract other strong leaders to work with him. He can only attract yes men looking for a free ride.

President Trump is over 6 feet tall - far taller than Biden.

Big man in every way. Next time you may want to try to substantiate something based on facts, small man.
Small as in little hands and small minded.
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?
To him its a sign of weakness to be clear. This is why he will never be a leader. He is small and I dont just mean physically. He has all the signs of someone that was bullied as a kid or abused by his father and made to feel inadequate. He is vindictive and vicious and demands people cater to him. He cant attract other strong leaders to work with him. He can only attract yes men looking for a free ride.

No actually to be clear... Trump assumes people in that room and a vast majority of Americans are smart enough
not to drink bleach. It evidently is true for most people, but for the MSM and people that believe the MSM maybe don't have any common sense. Really you believe Trump wanted Americans to drink bleach? Either Trump underestimated people like you and the MSM or you just hate Trump. Admit it! That's ok. Keep digging the hole deeper for intelligent discussions disappearing with people like you that truly think Trump meant for you to drink bleach!
Wow... I guess he over estimated the intelligence of people like you and the MSM! Truly sad.

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