Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Again, dufus, Trump was referring to on-going research. He never told anyone NOT do that research.
The president told them to continue their research. Then he said he was being sarcastic when he said that.

This isn't a complex problem. When the guy in charge tells you to do something, you do it. When he tells you he was kidding about what he told you to do, you stop.
OH so you need a question mark to discern a question.....
Yes I do. And according to the white house, those were not questions.

Here is an example of the president asking something as a question

THE PRESIDENT: I know, but if they’re outside — right — and their hands are exposed to the sun, will that kill it as though it were on a piece of metal or something else?

THE PRESIDENT: If it’s on somebody’s hands, right?
Really....Who at the White House (we capitalize that name BTW) told you those were not questions.
You can't make this shit up.

Trump said at his daily media briefing on Thursday that scientists should explore whether inserting light or disinfectant into the bodies of people infected with the new coronavirus might help them clear the disease.

“Is there a way we can do something like that by injection, inside, or almost a cleaning?,” he said. “It would be interesting to check that.”

Trump's disinfectant idea shocking and dangerous, doctors say
Do you think thats grounds for impeachment?

it was only a passing thought, though admittedly not a very good one

but otoh trump has done a great job pf giving doctors what they need to fight the chinese disease
Where are the tests they need that he said they could get, that he lied about?
We have exceeded the world in testing

besides more testing only makes the lib argument that (btw, how many is it today? I ask because the expected number of deaths keeps going down) we’re all gonna from the chinese disease even weaker
We've exceeded the world in deaths and cases, with not enough tests, Trump lied that we had. Show me with numbers where I am wrong.

A) The USA exceeds in deaths because the USA is reporting more deaths. In some cases deaths blamed on
COVID-19 when they weren't.
B) I track the COVID-19 daily and here this morning look at these numbers:
NOT ONE MSM has explained where the 629,891 cases of 905,333 US cases are.
Subtract the deaths...51,949, subtract the recovered --99,079, subtract hospitalized 124,414 = nearly 70% of the
cases where are they? My point in case you have a 30 second attention span...
Why don't we hear about the MAJORITY of people that are NOT hospitalized?
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View attachment 327760
The most laughable lib claim is that the US deaths exceed china

the communists lie and liberals believe them
Drumpf believed Xi Jinping when he said the virus was no big deal. Drumpf even went so far as to side with China over his on intelligence community. How quickly you fucking fools forget that on 24Jan Drumpf thanked Xi Jinping for his transparency on the virus.
You have no way of knowing what trump did or didnt believe

the US did not have a single death from the chinese disease till late in February

I think trump was being reassured by everyone thstbchina was telling the truth

but now everyone except liberals knows the chinese are liars
Yes! Someone explain to me how this is possible?
A country with 1,438,256,664 people could have only 83,901 cases and 4,636 deaths.
While the USA has 330 million people nearly 1/5th the population BUT over 10 times the cases and 11 times the deaths?
View attachment 327947
China seeded NYC with the virus and the subway tubes were an excellent disbursement method
When you look at how jam packed India is, 500 people on a train designed to carry 150, and they have about zero then it is impossible to think the USA high count has occurred “naturally”
I cant explain the low numbers in india except maybe that its a warm weather climate

America is maybe overcounting chinese virus deaths but its certain that china is lying about theirs
Again, dufus, Trump was referring to on-going research. He never told anyone NOT do that research.
The president told them to continue their research. Then he said he was being sarcastic when he said that.

This isn't a complex problem. When the guy in charge tells you to do something, you do it. When he tells you he was kidding about what he told you to do, you stop.
Do you do everything Trump tells YOU to do skippy.
Moderate tobacco - nicotine actually does have anti parasitic properties. Look up how old time farmers de-loused their chickens.
OH so you need a question mark to discern a question.....
Yes I do. And according to the white house, those were not questions.

Here is an example of the president asking something as a question

THE PRESIDENT: I know, but if they’re outside — right — and their hands are exposed to the sun, will that kill it as though it were on a piece of metal or something else?

THE PRESIDENT: If it’s on somebody’s hands, right?
You idiot, I just posted a question WITHOUT a question mark (?) and you discerned it as a question. :auiqs.jpg:
They should have made the language in this statement a lot simpler, and put Para 2 first. These people are forgetting the audience they are trying to reach--the people who would consider chugging bleach to cure the Virus.
And how many are chugging bleach .......hmmm..........should be a stack of dead bodies by now........

Where are they.........and let's say someone does it and WINS THE DARWIN AWARD.........Trump never said Drink the Morons of the Media are using the gaf to suggest that.

So in fact.......the Media would be to blame if anyone drinks bleach.

Oh.......and the flash light companies are now saying please do not shove flashlights up your will not stop Corona.

OH so you need a question mark to discern a question.....
Yes I do. And according to the white house, those were not questions.

Here is an example of the president asking something as a question

THE PRESIDENT: I know, but if they’re outside — right — and their hands are exposed to the sun, will that kill it as though it were on a piece of metal or something else?

THE PRESIDENT: If it’s on somebody’s hands, right?
Really....Who at the White House (we capitalize that name BTW) told you those were not questions.

The people in charge of compiling, editing, and verifying the accuracy and completeness of official presidential records. They are charged with that responsibility under federal law. And they determined that the president was not asking questions of the doctors.
Inspirational music for the never ending fight with People with TDS.

Takes a strong person and a whole lot of Barf bags
I guess the good thing that will come out of this is that Drumpf is showing the world what an utterly incompetent fuckup he is. I also heard they are shutting his silly ass down at the briefings. Good. The less bullshit that comes out of the retarded fuckers mouth the more people that will survive this pandemic.
Why do all you leftists sound like pre-menstrual 14-year-old girls?
Probably because thats all you can attract.
Been married for 29 years this year.

But it's telling that your first thought runs to pedophilia.
Youre the one that brought up pre-menstrual 14 year old girls not me. :)

Youre blow up doll doesnt count.
I brought them up because that's what you sound like.

Don't like it being pointed out?

Then grow the fuck up.
Why would you know what a 14 year old girl sounds like? No I dont like you talking about 14 year old girls. I'm pretty sure youre way too old for them.
I raised two daughters, you retard.

So, in summary, I tell you to grow up, and your reaction is NO I DONT WANT TO YOU CANT MAKE ME NEENER NEENER

Run along, boy.
So did I but I didnt hang around playing house with them when they were 14.

I didnt ask you what you told me. I asked you to stop talking about 14 year old girls. It makes me uncomfortable.
Well, given that your first thought when anyone mentions young teenage girls is PEDOPHILIA!!, yes, it's no wonder you're uncomfortable.
Youre the only one that said anything about being a pedo. I told you to stop talking about 14 year old girls. Get your ass back on topic son.
You creep me out.
I guess the good thing that will come out of this is that Drumpf is showing the world what an utterly incompetent fuckup he is. I also heard they are shutting his silly ass down at the briefings. Good. The less bullshit that comes out of the retarded fuckers mouth the more people that will survive this pandemic.
Why do all you leftists sound like pre-menstrual 14-year-old girls?
Probably because thats all you can attract.
Been married for 29 years this year.

But it's telling that your first thought runs to pedophilia.
Youre the one that brought up pre-menstrual 14 year old girls not me. :)

Youre blow up doll doesnt count.
I brought them up because that's what you sound like.

Don't like it being pointed out?

Then grow the fuck up.
Why would you know what a 14 year old girl sounds like? No I dont like you talking about 14 year old girls. I'm pretty sure youre way too old for them.
I raised two daughters, you retard.

So, in summary, I tell you to grow up, and your reaction is NO I DONT WANT TO YOU CANT MAKE ME NEENER NEENER

Run along, boy.
So did I but I didnt hang around playing house with them when they were 14.

I didnt ask you what you told me. I asked you to stop talking about 14 year old girls. It makes me uncomfortable.
Well, given that your first thought when anyone mentions young teenage girls is PEDOPHILIA!!, yes, it's no wonder you're uncomfortable.
Youre the only one that said anything about being a pedo. I told you to stop talking about 14 year old girls. Get your ass back on topic son.
You creep me out.
You creep me out. Now get your ass back on topic.
I guess the good thing that will come out of this is that Drumpf is showing the world what an utterly incompetent fuckup he is. I also heard they are shutting his silly ass down at the briefings. Good. The less bullshit that comes out of the retarded fuckers mouth the more people that will survive this pandemic.
Why do all you leftists sound like pre-menstrual 14-year-old girls?
Probably because thats all you can attract.
Been married for 29 years this year.

But it's telling that your first thought runs to pedophilia.
Youre the one that brought up pre-menstrual 14 year old girls not me. :)

Youre blow up doll doesnt count.
I brought them up because that's what you sound like.

Don't like it being pointed out?

Then grow the fuck up.
Why would you know what a 14 year old girl sounds like? No I dont like you talking about 14 year old girls. I'm pretty sure youre way too old for them.
I raised two daughters, you retard.

So, in summary, I tell you to grow up, and your reaction is NO I DONT WANT TO YOU CANT MAKE ME NEENER NEENER

Run along, boy.
So did I but I didnt hang around playing house with them when they were 14.

I didnt ask you what you told me. I asked you to stop talking about 14 year old girls. It makes me uncomfortable.
Well, given that your first thought when anyone mentions young teenage girls is PEDOPHILIA!!, yes, it's no wonder you're uncomfortable.
Youre the only one that said anything about being a pedo. I told you to stop talking about 14 year old girls. Get your ass back on topic son.
You creep me out.
You creep me out. Now get your ass back on topic.
I see you haven't yet come to terms with your fundamental powerlessness. The sooner you realize no one has to obey your orders...well, I don't have any idea what would come next. You're always going to feel entitled to people obeying you.

Not gonna happen, though.
OH so you need a question mark to discern a question.....
Yes I do. And according to the white house, those were not questions.

Here is an example of the president asking something as a question

THE PRESIDENT: I know, but if they’re outside — right — and their hands are exposed to the sun, will that kill it as though it were on a piece of metal or something else?

THE PRESIDENT: If it’s on somebody’s hands, right?
Really....Who at the White House (we capitalize that name BTW) told you those were not questions.

The people in charge of compiling, editing, and verifying the accuracy and completeness of official presidential records. They are charged with that responsibility under federal law. And they determined that the president was not asking questions of the doctors.

Yes they do every damned day..............every word.

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