Goodbye Muslim Ban

Are you an American? Is English your native language? Your first post was really an attempt at constructing sentences in English? Cause it was a really poor attempt. Would you care to try again, because I cannot see the point of attempting to communicate with someone who is incapable of expressing coherent thought.
Projecting and detracting is your only tactic for ignoring your racist party which means you run from accountability. This is the democratic way, blame and bash Bush but remember democrats contained ISIS.

Obviously using a troll insult as in "lack of education" does nothing for your adolescent grammar school response. Its like throwing a tantrum when you don't have substantial intelligent presentation skills.
No, seriously. This has nothing to do with the subject at hand. Your language skills are atrocious. I don't say this to insult you. Someone else is suggesting that I am missing some hidden irony here. If so, then yes, I am missing the irony. If not, whether you are a native English speaker or not, your original post was completely incomprehensible. Do you see me saying this to anyone else? Whatever. Goodbye.

Do you have any particular qualification for harping on this?
I dislike you, but here's what he said.

Sorry hypocrites, the KKK clowns has abandoned you. Why would anyone stay with a racist history party name the KKK Democrat party but reject only the confederate racist flag? Its disgusting to me. Hate history filled rhetoric legacy name just like your confederate flag which you abandon but hold on to racist name.

Perhaps you would care to translate, genius? Show us your "qualifications"? Tell us, is this, what, White Ebonics? Whonics? The ramblings of the ignorant white boys class?

How come your quotes have no names on them? Who posted this?
It always was a "suggestion" wasn't it? Maybe lefties are so used to having a president act like a freaking monarch that they don't realize that the president doesn't have the power to issue an edict like that without the advice and consent of congress.
Bull. The uproar was over a thoughtless, absurd policy proposal.


a plan or suggestion, especially a formal or written one, put forward for consideration by others.

  1. ənˈtɪl/
    preposition & conjunction
    1. up to (the point in time or the event mentioned).
      synonyms: till, up to, up till, up until, as late as, up to the time of/that, until such time as
Wow, what a completely pointless defense. He's just a freaking political candidate, he's not being canonized. If you support someone for president they become perfect in your eyes? Why? Donald duped people into supporting him by saying he'd ban the towelheads, and now he's clearly taken his pledge back. Dance if you must, but I just don't see who you think you're impressing. The Immortan Donald? He's not going to witness your spirited defense of his infallibility.

Of all the people to believe is perfect. Donald Trump.
Whoa dude!
You yourself said it was a proposal, and a proposal is a suggestion, just as he stated.
Why are you getting your knickers in such a wad?
Sure, it's just the presidency. Why should that be worth anything?
Are you an American? Is English your native language? Your first post was really an attempt at constructing sentences in English? Cause it was a really poor attempt. Would you care to try again, because I cannot see the point of attempting to communicate with someone who is incapable of expressing coherent thought.
Projecting and detracting is your only tactic for ignoring your racist party which means you run from accountability. This is the democratic way, blame and bash Bush but remember democrats contained ISIS.

Obviously using a troll insult as in "lack of education" does nothing for your adolescent grammar school response. Its like throwing a tantrum when you don't have substantial intelligent presentation skills.
No, seriously. This has nothing to do with the subject at hand. Your language skills are atrocious. I don't say this to insult you. Someone else is suggesting that I am missing some hidden irony here. If so, then yes, I am missing the irony. If not, whether you are a native English speaker or not, your original post was completely incomprehensible. Do you see me saying this to anyone else? Whatever. Goodbye.

Do you have any particular qualification for harping on this?
I dislike you, but here's what he said.

Sorry hypocrites, the KKK clowns has abandoned you. Why would anyone stay with a racist history party name the KKK Democrat party but reject only the confederate racist flag? Its disgusting to me. Hate history filled rhetoric legacy name just like your confederate flag which you abandon but hold on to racist name.

Perhaps you would care to translate, genius? Show us your "qualifications"? Tell us, is this, what, White Ebonics? Whonics? The ramblings of the ignorant white boys class?

How come your quotes have no names on them? Who posted this?
Put down the bong. Trump said that there had to be a temporary restriction of immigrating Muslims until DHS figured out what they were doing. There was never a ban on Muslims.
Trump called for a "complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States".

That's a ban, tard.

And now he is backing away from it. Just like everything else.

Now that all you rubes handed him the nomination, he's reverting back to type. A limousine liberal.
Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you. Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me

Sorry hypocrites, the KKK clowns has abandoned you. Why would anyone stay with a racist history party name the KKK Democrat party but reject only the confederate racist flag? Its disgusting to me. Hate history filled rhetoric legacy name just like your confederate flag which you abandon but hold on to racist name.

The Klan has never had a political party, Stupid. We've done this to death.
Projecting and detracting is your only tactic for ignoring your racist party which means you run from accountability. This is the democratic way, blame and bash Bush but remember democrats contained ISIS.

Obviously using a troll insult as in "lack of education" does nothing for your adolescent grammar school response. Its like throwing a tantrum when you don't have substantial intelligent presentation skills.
No, seriously. This has nothing to do with the subject at hand. Your language skills are atrocious. I don't say this to insult you. Someone else is suggesting that I am missing some hidden irony here. If so, then yes, I am missing the irony. If not, whether you are a native English speaker or not, your original post was completely incomprehensible. Do you see me saying this to anyone else? Whatever. Goodbye.

Do you have any particular qualification for harping on this?
I dislike you, but here's what he said.

Sorry hypocrites, the KKK clowns has abandoned you. Why would anyone stay with a racist history party name the KKK Democrat party but reject only the confederate racist flag? Its disgusting to me. Hate history filled rhetoric legacy name just like your confederate flag which you abandon but hold on to racist name.

Perhaps you would care to translate, genius? Show us your "qualifications"? Tell us, is this, what, White Ebonics? Whonics? The ramblings of the ignorant white boys class?

Have you considered decaf?
What qualifications do you have to make that suggestion? In fact, what qualifications do you have for any purpose whatsoever?

Hate history filled rhetoric legacy name just like your confederate flag which you abandon but hold on to racist name.

I can see why you love this guy and support him. He knows as much about language as you do.

Spend the rest of your life studying the subject and you still won't manage to know anything near as much about the subject as I do, fool.
No, seriously. This has nothing to do with the subject at hand. Your language skills are atrocious. I don't say this to insult you. Someone else is suggesting that I am missing some hidden irony here. If so, then yes, I am missing the irony. If not, whether you are a native English speaker or not, your original post was completely incomprehensible. Do you see me saying this to anyone else? Whatever. Goodbye.

Do you have any particular qualification for harping on this?
I dislike you, but here's what he said.

Sorry hypocrites, the KKK clowns has abandoned you. Why would anyone stay with a racist history party name the KKK Democrat party but reject only the confederate racist flag? Its disgusting to me. Hate history filled rhetoric legacy name just like your confederate flag which you abandon but hold on to racist name.

Perhaps you would care to translate, genius? Show us your "qualifications"? Tell us, is this, what, White Ebonics? Whonics? The ramblings of the ignorant white boys class?

Have you considered decaf?
What qualifications do you have to make that suggestion? In fact, what qualifications do you have for any purpose whatsoever?

Hate history filled rhetoric legacy name just like your confederate flag which you abandon but hold on to racist name.

I can see why you love this guy and support him. He knows as much about language as you do.

Spend the rest of your life studying the subject and you still won't manage to know anything near as much about the subject as I do, fool.
Really? Here's a good example!!

Sorry hypocrites, the KKK clowns has abandoned you. Why would anyone stay with a racist history party name the KKK Democrat party but reject only the confederate racist flag? Its disgusting to me. Hate history filled rhetoric legacy name just like your confederate flag which you abandon but hold on to racist name.

Please, demonstrate your mastery, clown. Is the above well written, in your astonishingly accomplished opinion? You choose to stick your worthless, scumbag nose into this matter, with nothing but a sneer to justify your sick hatred. Why clown? Of all the worthless idiots I've encountered on this forum, you are the worst. You will win, of course. The witless always do. You have no knowledge of the English tongue. You have chosen to ally yourself with illiteracy. In short, your hate history filled rhetoric legacy name just like your confederate flag which you abandon but hold on to racist name. Now, who can argue with that? Trump 2016!!
Put down the bong. Trump said that there had to be a temporary restriction of immigrating Muslims until DHS figured out what they were doing. There was never a ban on Muslims.

Well no, because he isn't president. He did, however, call for a ban on all muslims coming into the US. Now he is softening that saying "it was just a suggestion". Funny how he never called it a suggestion before he presumably cinched the R nom.

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump called Monday for barringall Muslims from entering the United States.
"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," a campaign press release said.

Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S. -
It always was a "suggestion" wasn't it? Maybe lefties are so used to having a president act like a freaking monarch that they don't realize that the president doesn't have the power to issue an edict like that without the advice and consent of congress.

Presidents have a pen and phone, apparently that's all that's needed.

Thanks obama!
Do you have any particular qualification for harping on this?
I dislike you, but here's what he said.

Sorry hypocrites, the KKK clowns has abandoned you. Why would anyone stay with a racist history party name the KKK Democrat party but reject only the confederate racist flag? Its disgusting to me. Hate history filled rhetoric legacy name just like your confederate flag which you abandon but hold on to racist name.

Perhaps you would care to translate, genius? Show us your "qualifications"? Tell us, is this, what, White Ebonics? Whonics? The ramblings of the ignorant white boys class?

Have you considered decaf?
What qualifications do you have to make that suggestion? In fact, what qualifications do you have for any purpose whatsoever?

Hate history filled rhetoric legacy name just like your confederate flag which you abandon but hold on to racist name.

I can see why you love this guy and support him. He knows as much about language as you do.

Spend the rest of your life studying the subject and you still won't manage to know anything near as much about the subject as I do, fool.
Really? Here's a good example!!

Sorry hypocrites, the KKK clowns has abandoned you. Why would anyone stay with a racist history party name the KKK Democrat party but reject only the confederate racist flag? Its disgusting to me. Hate history filled rhetoric legacy name just like your confederate flag which you abandon but hold on to racist name.

Please, demonstrate your mastery, clown. Is the above well written, in your astonishingly accomplished opinion? You choose to stick your worthless, scumbag nose into this matter, with nothing but a sneer to justify your sick hatred. Why clown? Of all the worthless idiots I've encountered on this forum, you are the worst. You will win, of course. The witless always do. You have no knowledge of the English tongue. You have chosen to ally yourself with illiteracy. In short, your hate history filled rhetoric legacy name just like your confederate flag which you abandon but hold on to racist name. Now, who can argue with that? Trump 2016!!

The quote you are so obsessed with is not mine, dummy.
I dislike you, but here's what he said.

Perhaps you would care to translate, genius? Show us your "qualifications"? Tell us, is this, what, White Ebonics? Whonics? The ramblings of the ignorant white boys class?

Have you considered decaf?
What qualifications do you have to make that suggestion? In fact, what qualifications do you have for any purpose whatsoever?

Hate history filled rhetoric legacy name just like your confederate flag which you abandon but hold on to racist name.

I can see why you love this guy and support him. He knows as much about language as you do.

Spend the rest of your life studying the subject and you still won't manage to know anything near as much about the subject as I do, fool.
Really? Here's a good example!!

Sorry hypocrites, the KKK clowns has abandoned you. Why would anyone stay with a racist history party name the KKK Democrat party but reject only the confederate racist flag? Its disgusting to me. Hate history filled rhetoric legacy name just like your confederate flag which you abandon but hold on to racist name.

Please, demonstrate your mastery, clown. Is the above well written, in your astonishingly accomplished opinion? You choose to stick your worthless, scumbag nose into this matter, with nothing but a sneer to justify your sick hatred. Why clown? Of all the worthless idiots I've encountered on this forum, you are the worst. You will win, of course. The witless always do. You have no knowledge of the English tongue. You have chosen to ally yourself with illiteracy. In short, your hate history filled rhetoric legacy name just like your confederate flag which you abandon but hold on to racist name. Now, who can argue with that? Trump 2016!!

The quote you are so obsessed with is not mine, dummy.
I'm not obsessed by the quote, only by the astonishing stupidity of anyone who would post something that pathetic. It's not language, it's merely an agglomeration of random, unrelated words, topped with a period, as if that makes it a sentence. Then you come along and demonstrate that you're even stupider. What are your qualifications to criticize such fine writing, you ask? You pulled that bullshit before and I replied to you, thinking you were an actual human being. Qualifications! Clown. All you've provided here is 54,000 posts full of complete garbage. Short, spastic, blurts of Tourette-like half thoughts. That's the only qualifications you have to offer. I prefer the racists and other obsessive psychos here to you. At least they're about something. What the fuck are you about, clown? Being universally disrespected? Seeing if you can achieve the lowest post to ratings ratio on this board?
Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?

Muslims are banned in Japan. Guess how many terrorist incidents they are having?

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