Goodbye Muslim Ban

His interview with Sean Hannity is on in the background and I heard the "just a suggestion" comment. He also said the wall will stop the flow of drugs. Remember the 2004 election when people were freaking out about "flip flopping"? There were people handing out actual flip flops at the Republican convention. It doesn't appear to worry them too much these days.

Where's the flip flop? And of course the wall would severely restrict the rampant drug trade.
Take your pick. Abortion, guns, taxes, "...a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.." There are probably others. He seems to be saying what people want to hear at any given time. Which is fine for a politician, but he is running as the outsider, non-politico, anti business as usual candidate.

It might slow down a tiny bit of the drug flow if they came over the border in pack mules or something.
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Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?

He had his fingers crossed at "just a suggestion". :laugh:
There was never a ban on Muslims.

And we have always been at war with Eastasia.
It always was a "suggestion" wasn't it? Maybe lefties are so used to having a president act like a freaking monarch that they don't realize that the president doesn't have the power to issue an edict like that without the advice and consent of congress.
Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?

Yo, a little advice? Elvis Presley would ""KICK OBAMA`S ASS,"" so don`t compare a real "Man" to a FAG!!! Obama needs to be thrown in JAIL like Hillary Clinton! So get your asinine quotes in order of the LAW!!!! You must be a Fag like Obama!!!

View attachment 74624
Hmmn, no. Young Elvis was a gentle soul. Obama was not. Advantage Obama. Old Elvis got more aggressive, but he also got fat. Obama is a lean, mean, drone fighting man. Death is his gym buddy. Elvis would get one punch in and collapse with a coronary. But Elvis was the much greater man. A true immortal.

Trump is the true rent-boy. He says one thing one day, then when he's told to abandon that position cause it's too unpopular, he does. Your Hero!! What low standards you have. That's not a hero to me, to me a hero is someone who doesn't abandon his positions. POWs are heroes. Cowards who run away when their country calls, that's not a hero to me.

Oh please have you seen the fem Obama try to throw a baseball? Elvis would have gave the fool a beating and Obama would have run home to his momma crying.
LOL, they didn't play baseball in Indonesia. BBall and golf are his games. I'll give Elvis the edge in the middle period. Vegas, but before he got fat, when he was studying martial arts and shooting up TVs.
Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?

Yo, a little advice? Elvis Presley would ""KICK OBAMA`S ASS,"" so don`t compare a real "Man" to a FAG!!! Obama needs to be thrown in JAIL like Hillary Clinton! So get your asinine quotes in order of the LAW!!!! You must be a Fag like Obama!!!

View attachment 74624
Hmmn, no. Young Elvis was a gentle soul. Obama was not. Advantage Obama. Old Elvis got more aggressive, but he also got fat. Obama is a lean, mean, drone fighting man. Death is his gym buddy. Elvis would get one punch in and collapse with a coronary. But Elvis was the much greater man. A true immortal.

Trump is the true rent-boy. He says one thing one day, then when he's told to abandon that position cause it's too unpopular, he does. Your Hero!! What low standards you have. That's not a hero to me, to me a hero is someone who doesn't abandon his positions. POWs are heroes. Cowards who run away when their country calls, that's not a hero to me.

Oh please have you seen the fem Obama try to throw a baseball? Elvis would have gave the fool a beating and Obama would have run home to his momma crying.
LOL, they didn't play baseball in Indonesia. BBall and golf are his games. I'll give Elvis the edge in the middle period. Vegas, but before he got fat, when he was studying martial arts and shooting up TVs.

Yo, I`LL Take Elvis Fat Against A FAG, anyday!!!

It always was a "suggestion" wasn't it? Maybe lefties are so used to having a president act like a freaking monarch that they don't realize that the president doesn't have the power to issue an edict like that without the advice and consent of congress.

Maybe Rump is so stupid he doesn't realize it.

Said he was gonna "open up" libel laws too. Both of those directly spit in the face of the First Amendment, and the first thing, literally the first thing a POTUS does is swear to preserve, protect and defend the very document he's been making a mockery of.

Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?

Put down the bong. Trump said that there had to be a temporary restriction of immigrating Muslims until DHS figured out what they were doing. There was never a ban on Muslims.
It was an official statement from the leading candidate for the Republican nomination. It got quite a bit of attention, but now you're apparently claiming it never occurred?


If you can't acknowledge this as a backing away from his previously stated position, you are utterly and completely dishonest. Why? Who do you think you're fooling?

It was temporary. Plain and simple. Here's the quote.

The Republican frontrunner demands a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.”

The key word here is until. That means temporary. Not permanent like every asshole left wing liberal whack job tried to play it. And there's good reason for it. The vetting has to be extraordinarily in depth considering the current state of terrorism being exported from the ME.

Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?

Put down the bong. Trump said that there had to be a temporary restriction of immigrating Muslims until DHS figured out what they were doing. There was never a ban on Muslims.
It was an official statement from the leading candidate for the Republican nomination. It got quite a bit of attention, but now you're apparently claiming it never occurred?


If you can't acknowledge this as a backing away from his previously stated position, you are utterly and completely dishonest. Why? Who do you think you're fooling?

It was temporary. Plain and simple. Here's the quote.

The Republican frontrunner demands a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.”

The key word here is until. That means temporary. Not permanent like every asshole left wing liberal whack job tried to play it. And there's good reason for it. The vetting has to be extraordinarily in depth considering the current state of terrorism being exported from the ME.

TD -- are you wearing SCUBA gear?

Because you're swimming deep in DeNial.
Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?

Put down the bong. Trump said that there had to be a temporary restriction of immigrating Muslims until DHS figured out what they were doing. There was never a ban on Muslims.
It was an official statement from the leading candidate for the Republican nomination. It got quite a bit of attention, but now you're apparently claiming it never occurred?


If you can't acknowledge this as a backing away from his previously stated position, you are utterly and completely dishonest. Why? Who do you think you're fooling?

It was temporary. Plain and simple. Here's the quote.

The Republican frontrunner demands a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.”

The key word here is until. That means temporary. Not permanent like every asshole left wing liberal whack job tried to play it. And there's good reason for it. The vetting has to be extraordinarily in depth considering the current state of terrorism being exported from the ME.

TD -- are you wearing SCUBA gear?

Because you're swimming deep in DeNial.

I put up the quote. BTW we're only taking in serious refugee families. Even our very liberal new government isn't buying into the bullshit of young Sunni men needing residence here. Families only.

NO single men. And this is under Trudeau. Even he's smart enough to understand the terror issue.

Canada to turn away single men as part of Syrian refugee resettlement plan
Details will be announced Tuesday but radio reports indicate country will accept only whole families, lone women or children from 1 December

Canada to turn away single men as part of Syrian refugee resettlement plan
Last edited:
Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?

Put down the bong. Trump said that there had to be a temporary restriction of immigrating Muslims until DHS figured out what they were doing. There was never a ban on Muslims.
It was an official statement from the leading candidate for the Republican nomination. It got quite a bit of attention, but now you're apparently claiming it never occurred?


If you can't acknowledge this as a backing away from his previously stated position, you are utterly and completely dishonest. Why? Who do you think you're fooling?

It was temporary. Plain and simple. Here's the quote.

The Republican frontrunner demands a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.”

The key word here is until. That means temporary. Not permanent like every asshole left wing liberal whack job tried to play it. And there's good reason for it. The vetting has to be extraordinarily in depth considering the current state of terrorism being exported from the ME.

TD -- are you wearing SCUBA gear?

Because you're swimming deep in DeNial.

The top of her bong sticks out of the water. She breathes through the bowl.
Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?

Yo, a little advice? Elvis Presley would ""KICK OBAMA`S ASS,"" so don`t compare a real "Man" to a FAG!!! Obama needs to be thrown in JAIL like Hillary Clinton! So get your asinine quotes in order of the LAW!!!! You must be a Fag like Obama!!!

View attachment 74624
Hmmn, no. Young Elvis was a gentle soul. Obama was not. Advantage Obama. Old Elvis got more aggressive, but he also got fat. Obama is a lean, mean, drone fighting man. Death is his gym buddy. Elvis would get one punch in and collapse with a coronary. But Elvis was the much greater man. A true immortal.

Trump is the true rent-boy. He says one thing one day, then when he's told to abandon that position cause it's too unpopular, he does. Your Hero!! What low standards you have. That's not a hero to me, to me a hero is someone who doesn't abandon his positions. POWs are heroes. Cowards who run away when their country calls, that's not a hero to me.

Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders? And you`re wrong about Elvis, he would put Obama in his grave quick!!!

View attachment 74631
Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders?
I don't care who anybody chooses to support in this disgusting mess of an election. I only care about people deluding themselves. Trump is a piece of garbage, without any redeeming qualities whatsoever. I would say the same about Hillary. All that remains is the machines they represent. Two disgusting, corrupt machines, without any real commitment to principles. That's the problem, and Trump is not the solution. Neither is Hillary. All I care about in this election is the Supreme Court. I'm certainly not so deluded as to excuse someone when they abandon a cornerstone of their campaign.

Trump supporters were too dumb to recognize hate-mongering absurdity when Trump proposed his "ban", and they're still too deluded to recognize that they've now been shafted by "The Donald" who has clearly abandoned the idea. They have decided to afford him "teflon" status, for no reason whatsoever. Why?
Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?

Yo, a little advice? Elvis Presley would ""KICK OBAMA`S ASS,"" so don`t compare a real "Man" to a FAG!!! Obama needs to be thrown in JAIL like Hillary Clinton! So get your asinine quotes in order of the LAW!!!! You must be a Fag like Obama!!!

View attachment 74624
Hmmn, no. Young Elvis was a gentle soul. Obama was not. Advantage Obama. Old Elvis got more aggressive, but he also got fat. Obama is a lean, mean, drone fighting man. Death is his gym buddy. Elvis would get one punch in and collapse with a coronary. But Elvis was the much greater man. A true immortal.

Trump is the true rent-boy. He says one thing one day, then when he's told to abandon that position cause it's too unpopular, he does. Your Hero!! What low standards you have. That's not a hero to me, to me a hero is someone who doesn't abandon his positions. POWs are heroes. Cowards who run away when their country calls, that's not a hero to me.

Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders? And you`re wrong about Elvis, he would put Obama in his grave quick!!!

View attachment 74631
Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders?
I don't care who anybody chooses to support in this disgusting mess of an election. I only care about people deluding themselves. Trump is a piece of garbage, without any redeeming qualities whatsoever. I would say the same about Hillary. All that remains is the machines they represent. Two disgusting, corrupt machines, without any real commitment to principles. That's the problem, and Trump is not the solution. Neither is Hillary. All I care about in this election is the Supreme Court. I'm certainly not so deluded as to excuse someone when they abandon a cornerstone of their campaign.

Trump supporters were too dumb to recognize hate-mongering absurdity when Trump proposed his "ban", and they're still too deluded to recognize that they've now been shafted by "The Donald" who has clearly abandoned the idea. They have decided to afford him "teflon" status, for no reason whatsoever. Why?

Okay. Neither is the solution, for the sake of argument. Which non-solution do you want?
Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?

Yo, a little advice? Elvis Presley would ""KICK OBAMA`S ASS,"" so don`t compare a real "Man" to a FAG!!! Obama needs to be thrown in JAIL like Hillary Clinton! So get your asinine quotes in order of the LAW!!!! You must be a Fag like Obama!!!

View attachment 74624
Hmmn, no. Young Elvis was a gentle soul. Obama was not. Advantage Obama. Old Elvis got more aggressive, but he also got fat. Obama is a lean, mean, drone fighting man. Death is his gym buddy. Elvis would get one punch in and collapse with a coronary. But Elvis was the much greater man. A true immortal.

Trump is the true rent-boy. He says one thing one day, then when he's told to abandon that position cause it's too unpopular, he does. Your Hero!! What low standards you have. That's not a hero to me, to me a hero is someone who doesn't abandon his positions. POWs are heroes. Cowards who run away when their country calls, that's not a hero to me.

Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders? And you`re wrong about Elvis, he would put Obama in his grave quick!!!

View attachment 74631
Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders?
I don't care who anybody chooses to support in this disgusting mess of an election. I only care about people deluding themselves. Trump is a piece of garbage, without any redeeming qualities whatsoever. I would say the same about Hillary. All that remains is the machines they represent. Two disgusting, corrupt machines, without any real commitment to principles. That's the problem, and Trump is not the solution. Neither is Hillary. All I care about in this election is the Supreme Court. I'm certainly not so deluded as to excuse someone when they abandon a cornerstone of their campaign.

Trump supporters were too dumb to recognize hate-mongering absurdity when Trump proposed his "ban", and they're still too deluded to recognize that they've now been shafted by "The Donald" who has clearly abandoned the idea. They have decided to afford him "teflon" status, for no reason whatsoever. Why?

Yo, My Vote Is Republican? Why You Ask? Supreme Court!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?

Yo, a little advice? Elvis Presley would ""KICK OBAMA`S ASS,"" so don`t compare a real "Man" to a FAG!!! Obama needs to be thrown in JAIL like Hillary Clinton! So get your asinine quotes in order of the LAW!!!! You must be a Fag like Obama!!!

View attachment 74624
Hmmn, no. Young Elvis was a gentle soul. Obama was not. Advantage Obama. Old Elvis got more aggressive, but he also got fat. Obama is a lean, mean, drone fighting man. Death is his gym buddy. Elvis would get one punch in and collapse with a coronary. But Elvis was the much greater man. A true immortal.

Trump is the true rent-boy. He says one thing one day, then when he's told to abandon that position cause it's too unpopular, he does. Your Hero!! What low standards you have. That's not a hero to me, to me a hero is someone who doesn't abandon his positions. POWs are heroes. Cowards who run away when their country calls, that's not a hero to me.

Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders? And you`re wrong about Elvis, he would put Obama in his grave quick!!!

View attachment 74631
Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders?
I don't care who anybody chooses to support in this disgusting mess of an election. I only care about people deluding themselves. Trump is a piece of garbage, without any redeeming qualities whatsoever. I would say the same about Hillary. All that remains is the machines they represent. Two disgusting, corrupt machines, without any real commitment to principles. That's the problem, and Trump is not the solution. Neither is Hillary. All I care about in this election is the Supreme Court. I'm certainly not so deluded as to excuse someone when they abandon a cornerstone of their campaign.

Trump supporters were too dumb to recognize hate-mongering absurdity when Trump proposed his "ban", and they're still too deluded to recognize that they've now been shafted by "The Donald" who has clearly abandoned the idea. They have decided to afford him "teflon" status, for no reason whatsoever. Why?

You are the one lying about the ban. It was not permanent EVER. It came with the word "until".

You are a typical left wing loon. Lie about what someone has said and then bash what you've made up. It's sickening.
Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?

Yo, a little advice? Elvis Presley would ""KICK OBAMA`S ASS,"" so don`t compare a real "Man" to a FAG!!! Obama needs to be thrown in JAIL like Hillary Clinton! So get your asinine quotes in order of the LAW!!!! You must be a Fag like Obama!!!

View attachment 74624
Hmmn, no. Young Elvis was a gentle soul. Obama was not. Advantage Obama. Old Elvis got more aggressive, but he also got fat. Obama is a lean, mean, drone fighting man. Death is his gym buddy. Elvis would get one punch in and collapse with a coronary. But Elvis was the much greater man. A true immortal.

Trump is the true rent-boy. He says one thing one day, then when he's told to abandon that position cause it's too unpopular, he does. Your Hero!! What low standards you have. That's not a hero to me, to me a hero is someone who doesn't abandon his positions. POWs are heroes. Cowards who run away when their country calls, that's not a hero to me.

Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders? And you`re wrong about Elvis, he would put Obama in his grave quick!!!

View attachment 74631
Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders?
I don't care who anybody chooses to support in this disgusting mess of an election. I only care about people deluding themselves. Trump is a piece of garbage, without any redeeming qualities whatsoever. I would say the same about Hillary. All that remains is the machines they represent. Two disgusting, corrupt machines, without any real commitment to principles. That's the problem, and Trump is not the solution. Neither is Hillary. All I care about in this election is the Supreme Court. I'm certainly not so deluded as to excuse someone when they abandon a cornerstone of their campaign.

Trump supporters were too dumb to recognize hate-mongering absurdity when Trump proposed his "ban", and they're still too deluded to recognize that they've now been shafted by "The Donald" who has clearly abandoned the idea. They have decided to afford him "teflon" status, for no reason whatsoever. Why?

Okay. Neither is the solution, for the sake of argument. Which non-solution do you want?

Yo, you IDIOTS sound like when you went to VOTE for FAG OBAMA!!!

It always was a "suggestion" wasn't it? Maybe lefties are so used to having a president act like a freaking monarch that they don't realize that the president doesn't have the power to issue an edict like that without the advice and consent of congress.
Bull. The uproar was over a thoughtless, absurd policy proposal. That is not something insignificant, when it comes from a front runner in a primary campaign. Now he's backing away from it like the dishonorable politician that he is. A cheap and typical politician. Again, who cares? All I care about are people like you who rush in to defend the indefensible. You're the danger, not Trump. He doesn't deserve your support any more than any other of these worthless bastards, and you can't see that. Your real enemy is political corruption, and if you think Trump is going to be a corruption fighter, let alone a successful corruption fighter, you're sadly mistaken. Corruption is bi-partisan. That's where your anger should be directed.
It always was a "suggestion" wasn't it? Maybe lefties are so used to having a president act like a freaking monarch that they don't realize that the president doesn't have the power to issue an edict like that without the advice and consent of congress.
Bull. The uproar was over a thoughtless, absurd policy proposal. That is not something insignificant, when it comes from a front runner in a primary campaign. Now he's backing away from it like the dishonorable politician that he is. A cheap and typical politician. Again, who cares? All I care about are people like you who rush in to defend the indefensible. You're the danger, not Trump. He doesn't deserve your support any more than any other of these worthless bastards, and you can't see that. Your real enemy is political corruption, and if you think Trump is going to be a corruption fighter, let alone a successful corruption fighter, you're sadly mistaken. Corruption is bi-partisan. That's where your anger should be directed.

Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

This from one that voted for worse than Bush twice and is going to vote for Hilary, yet another worse than Bush vote..

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