Goodbye Muslim Ban

It always was a "suggestion" wasn't it? Maybe lefties are so used to having a president act like a freaking monarch that they don't realize that the president doesn't have the power to issue an edict like that without the advice and consent of congress.
Bull. The uproar was over a thoughtless, absurd policy proposal. That is not something insignificant, when it comes from a front runner in a primary campaign. Now he's backing away from it like the dishonorable politician that he is. A cheap and typical politician. Again, who cares? All I care about are people like you who rush in to defend the indefensible. You're the danger, not Trump. He doesn't deserve your support any more than any other of these worthless bastards, and you can't see that. Your real enemy is political corruption, and if you think Trump is going to be a corruption fighter, let alone a successful corruption fighter, you're sadly mistaken. Corruption is bi-partisan. That's where your anger should be directed.

Yo, I need to respond to a TOTAL IDIOT! The Vote is for a Republican? Not A Democrat Socialist Crook? You Get It Yet? What a Total Ass!!!

We Need To Do This To Communist!!!
Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?

Yo, a little advice? Elvis Presley would ""KICK OBAMA`S ASS,"" so don`t compare a real "Man" to a FAG!!! Obama needs to be thrown in JAIL like Hillary Clinton! So get your asinine quotes in order of the LAW!!!! You must be a Fag like Obama!!!

View attachment 74624
Hmmn, no. Young Elvis was a gentle soul. Obama was not. Advantage Obama. Old Elvis got more aggressive, but he also got fat. Obama is a lean, mean, drone fighting man. Death is his gym buddy. Elvis would get one punch in and collapse with a coronary. But Elvis was the much greater man. A true immortal.

Trump is the true rent-boy. He says one thing one day, then when he's told to abandon that position cause it's too unpopular, he does. Your Hero!! What low standards you have. That's not a hero to me, to me a hero is someone who doesn't abandon his positions. POWs are heroes. Cowards who run away when their country calls, that's not a hero to me.

Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders? And you`re wrong about Elvis, he would put Obama in his grave quick!!!

View attachment 74631
Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders?
I don't care who anybody chooses to support in this disgusting mess of an election. I only care about people deluding themselves. Trump is a piece of garbage, without any redeeming qualities whatsoever. I would say the same about Hillary. All that remains is the machines they represent. Two disgusting, corrupt machines, without any real commitment to principles. That's the problem, and Trump is not the solution. Neither is Hillary. All I care about in this election is the Supreme Court. I'm certainly not so deluded as to excuse someone when they abandon a cornerstone of their campaign.

Trump supporters were too dumb to recognize hate-mongering absurdity when Trump proposed his "ban", and they're still too deluded to recognize that they've now been shafted by "The Donald" who has clearly abandoned the idea. They have decided to afford him "teflon" status, for no reason whatsoever. Why?

You are the one lying about the ban. It was not permanent EVER. It came with the word "until".

You are a typical left wing loon. Lie about what someone has said and then bash what you've made up. It's sickening.

Hear that? Now a ban isn't a ban if it contains the word "until". :rofl:

That's like saying black ball players were never banned from MLB because Jackie Robinson existed in the future.
Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?

Yo, a little advice? Elvis Presley would ""KICK OBAMA`S ASS,"" so don`t compare a real "Man" to a FAG!!! Obama needs to be thrown in JAIL like Hillary Clinton! So get your asinine quotes in order of the LAW!!!! You must be a Fag like Obama!!!

View attachment 74624
Hmmn, no. Young Elvis was a gentle soul. Obama was not. Advantage Obama. Old Elvis got more aggressive, but he also got fat. Obama is a lean, mean, drone fighting man. Death is his gym buddy. Elvis would get one punch in and collapse with a coronary. But Elvis was the much greater man. A true immortal.

Trump is the true rent-boy. He says one thing one day, then when he's told to abandon that position cause it's too unpopular, he does. Your Hero!! What low standards you have. That's not a hero to me, to me a hero is someone who doesn't abandon his positions. POWs are heroes. Cowards who run away when their country calls, that's not a hero to me.

Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders? And you`re wrong about Elvis, he would put Obama in his grave quick!!!

View attachment 74631
Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders?
I don't care who anybody chooses to support in this disgusting mess of an election. I only care about people deluding themselves. Trump is a piece of garbage, without any redeeming qualities whatsoever. I would say the same about Hillary. All that remains is the machines they represent. Two disgusting, corrupt machines, without any real commitment to principles. That's the problem, and Trump is not the solution. Neither is Hillary. All I care about in this election is the Supreme Court. I'm certainly not so deluded as to excuse someone when they abandon a cornerstone of their campaign.

Trump supporters were too dumb to recognize hate-mongering absurdity when Trump proposed his "ban", and they're still too deluded to recognize that they've now been shafted by "The Donald" who has clearly abandoned the idea. They have decided to afford him "teflon" status, for no reason whatsoever. Why?

You are the one lying about the ban. It was not permanent EVER. It came with the word "until".

You are a typical left wing loon. Lie about what someone has said and then bash what you've made up. It's sickening.
Oh yeah, it's sickening. The whole world recoiled in horror from this pathetic jingoistic, xenophobic vomit, but it's just me. Just me and the rest of the 90% of the world that you don't like. Permanent. Who the hell ever used the word permanent? Trump's proposed "temporary" ban of all non-US citizens of Muslim faith from entering the US was the single stupidest policy proposal I have ever heard expressed by anyone in public life, and that includes Lyndon Freaking Larouche. Now, of course, he has abandoned it, because he's had smart people tell him that if he doesn't leave it in the dust he can kiss the White House goodbye. He's counting on your hatred making you blind to the scam he's pulling. I guess he's right. The enemy is government corruption, which is bi-partisan. Try hating that for once.
This is some kind of auto-post, isn't it? Word hash?
I guess your answer is that you keep your racist party name.
Are you an American? Is English your native language? Your first post was really an attempt at constructing sentences in English? Cause it was a really poor attempt. Would you care to try again, because I cannot see the point of attempting to communicate with someone who is incapable of expressing coherent thought.
This is some kind of auto-post, isn't it? Word hash?
I guess your answer is that you keep your racist party name.
Are you an American? Is English your native language? Your first post was really an attempt at constructing sentences in English? Cause it was a really poor attempt. Would you care to try again, because I cannot see the point of attempting to communicate with someone who is incapable of expressing coherent thought.

The irony impaired far left is at it again!

Seriously you can not make this stuff up!
Yo, a little advice? Elvis Presley would ""KICK OBAMA`S ASS,"" so don`t compare a real "Man" to a FAG!!! Obama needs to be thrown in JAIL like Hillary Clinton! So get your asinine quotes in order of the LAW!!!! You must be a Fag like Obama!!!

View attachment 74624
Hmmn, no. Young Elvis was a gentle soul. Obama was not. Advantage Obama. Old Elvis got more aggressive, but he also got fat. Obama is a lean, mean, drone fighting man. Death is his gym buddy. Elvis would get one punch in and collapse with a coronary. But Elvis was the much greater man. A true immortal.

Trump is the true rent-boy. He says one thing one day, then when he's told to abandon that position cause it's too unpopular, he does. Your Hero!! What low standards you have. That's not a hero to me, to me a hero is someone who doesn't abandon his positions. POWs are heroes. Cowards who run away when their country calls, that's not a hero to me.

Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders? And you`re wrong about Elvis, he would put Obama in his grave quick!!!

View attachment 74631
Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders?
I don't care who anybody chooses to support in this disgusting mess of an election. I only care about people deluding themselves. Trump is a piece of garbage, without any redeeming qualities whatsoever. I would say the same about Hillary. All that remains is the machines they represent. Two disgusting, corrupt machines, without any real commitment to principles. That's the problem, and Trump is not the solution. Neither is Hillary. All I care about in this election is the Supreme Court. I'm certainly not so deluded as to excuse someone when they abandon a cornerstone of their campaign.

Trump supporters were too dumb to recognize hate-mongering absurdity when Trump proposed his "ban", and they're still too deluded to recognize that they've now been shafted by "The Donald" who has clearly abandoned the idea. They have decided to afford him "teflon" status, for no reason whatsoever. Why?

You are the one lying about the ban. It was not permanent EVER. It came with the word "until".

You are a typical left wing loon. Lie about what someone has said and then bash what you've made up. It's sickening.
Oh yeah, it's sickening. The whole world recoiled in horror from this pathetic jingoistic, xenophobic vomit, but it's just me. Just me and the rest of the 90% of the world that you don't like. Permanent. Who the hell ever used the word permanent? Trump's proposed "temporary" ban of all non-US citizens of Muslim faith from entering the US was the single stupidest policy proposal I have ever heard expressed by anyone in public life, and that includes Lyndon Freaking Larouche. Now, of course, he has abandoned it, because he's had smart people tell him that if he doesn't leave it in the dust he can kiss the White House goodbye. He's counting on your hatred making you blind to the scam he's pulling. I guess he's right. The enemy is government corruption, which is bi-partisan. Try hating that for once.

Yo, sounds like you wish to stick your head in the sand? That is fine, most idiot Socialist Democrats do that! But hey? I`m Voting Republican, like the majority of Americans are, and they do mean business!! Take a look at your wannabe Coon Boy in the Gay House? He stuck it to you Tiny Puppets, HAHAHA! You know what? I`m Loving This!!! You Tiny Brain Idiots have been used and abused, and you can`t say a DAMN THING, Loving It!!! Yo, keep being Mini Puppets, you will die a sad person!!! GO TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?

Yo, a little advice? Elvis Presley would ""KICK OBAMA`S ASS,"" so don`t compare a real "Man" to a FAG!!! Obama needs to be thrown in JAIL like Hillary Clinton! So get your asinine quotes in order of the LAW!!!! You must be a Fag like Obama!!!

View attachment 74624
Hmmn, no. Young Elvis was a gentle soul. Obama was not. Advantage Obama. Old Elvis got more aggressive, but he also got fat. Obama is a lean, mean, drone fighting man. Death is his gym buddy. Elvis would get one punch in and collapse with a coronary. But Elvis was the much greater man. A true immortal.

Trump is the true rent-boy. He says one thing one day, then when he's told to abandon that position cause it's too unpopular, he does. Your Hero!! What low standards you have. That's not a hero to me, to me a hero is someone who doesn't abandon his positions. POWs are heroes. Cowards who run away when their country calls, that's not a hero to me.

Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders? And you`re wrong about Elvis, he would put Obama in his grave quick!!!

View attachment 74631
Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders?
I don't care who anybody chooses to support in this disgusting mess of an election. I only care about people deluding themselves. Trump is a piece of garbage, without any redeeming qualities whatsoever. I would say the same about Hillary. All that remains is the machines they represent. Two disgusting, corrupt machines, without any real commitment to principles. That's the problem, and Trump is not the solution. Neither is Hillary. All I care about in this election is the Supreme Court. I'm certainly not so deluded as to excuse someone when they abandon a cornerstone of their campaign.

Trump supporters were too dumb to recognize hate-mongering absurdity when Trump proposed his "ban", and they're still too deluded to recognize that they've now been shafted by "The Donald" who has clearly abandoned the idea. They have decided to afford him "teflon" status, for no reason whatsoever. Why?

Okay. Neither is the solution, for the sake of argument. Which non-solution do you want?
I don't really know what means. Maybe the solution is before us. Maybe there has been progress made in this election cycle.

What's everyone missing? That Trump is irrelevant. Trump is a vulture who came along and feasted on the corpse of the Republican party. The party died when their constituents declared themselves to have been betrayed by the Republican establishment. Trump is an afterthought. A nail in the coffin.

So the Republican base is angry. About what, exactly? At whom, exactly? Apparently the Democrats are also angry, and are a bit more coherent about it, imo. Bernie is articulating a few ideas, income inequality, campaign finance corruption, which are definitely things that people should be angry about. Both are problems which both parties bear blame for making worse. What would be great, for me, is if people on both sides of the political divide would wake up to the bi-partisan nature of corruption. Then everyone could be on the same page about something, and find an effective focus for the anger we're all feeling.
Are you an American? Is English your native language? Your first post was really an attempt at constructing sentences in English? Cause it was a really poor attempt. Would you care to try again, because I cannot see the point of attempting to communicate with someone who is incapable of expressing coherent thought.
Projecting and detracting is your only tactic for ignoring your racist party which means you run from accountability. This is the democratic way, blame and bash Bush but remember democrats contained ISIS.

Obviously using a troll insult as in "lack of education" does nothing for your adolescent grammar school response. Its like throwing a tantrum when you don't have substantial intelligent presentation skills.
Yo, a little advice? Elvis Presley would ""KICK OBAMA`S ASS,"" so don`t compare a real "Man" to a FAG!!! Obama needs to be thrown in JAIL like Hillary Clinton! So get your asinine quotes in order of the LAW!!!! You must be a Fag like Obama!!!

View attachment 74624
Hmmn, no. Young Elvis was a gentle soul. Obama was not. Advantage Obama. Old Elvis got more aggressive, but he also got fat. Obama is a lean, mean, drone fighting man. Death is his gym buddy. Elvis would get one punch in and collapse with a coronary. But Elvis was the much greater man. A true immortal.

Trump is the true rent-boy. He says one thing one day, then when he's told to abandon that position cause it's too unpopular, he does. Your Hero!! What low standards you have. That's not a hero to me, to me a hero is someone who doesn't abandon his positions. POWs are heroes. Cowards who run away when their country calls, that's not a hero to me.

Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders? And you`re wrong about Elvis, he would put Obama in his grave quick!!!

View attachment 74631
Yo, If not Republican? Than Who? Tell me your sad story about Clinton and Sanders?
I don't care who anybody chooses to support in this disgusting mess of an election. I only care about people deluding themselves. Trump is a piece of garbage, without any redeeming qualities whatsoever. I would say the same about Hillary. All that remains is the machines they represent. Two disgusting, corrupt machines, without any real commitment to principles. That's the problem, and Trump is not the solution. Neither is Hillary. All I care about in this election is the Supreme Court. I'm certainly not so deluded as to excuse someone when they abandon a cornerstone of their campaign.

Trump supporters were too dumb to recognize hate-mongering absurdity when Trump proposed his "ban", and they're still too deluded to recognize that they've now been shafted by "The Donald" who has clearly abandoned the idea. They have decided to afford him "teflon" status, for no reason whatsoever. Why?

Okay. Neither is the solution, for the sake of argument. Which non-solution do you want?
I don't really know what means. Maybe the solution is before us. Maybe there has been progress made in this election cycle.

What's everyone missing? That Trump is irrelevant. Trump is a vulture who came along and feasted on the corpse of the Republican party. The party died when their constituents declared themselves to have been betrayed by the Republican establishment. Trump is an afterthought. A nail in the coffin.

So the Republican base is angry. About what, exactly? At whom, exactly? Apparently the Democrats are also angry, and are a bit more coherent about it, imo. Bernie is articulating a few ideas, income inequality, campaign finance corruption, which are definitely things that people should be angry about. Both are problems which both parties bear blame for making worse. What would be great, for me, is if people on both sides of the political divide would wake up to the bi-partisan nature of corruption. Then everyone could be on the same page about something, and find an effective focus for the anger we're all feeling.

Yo, how about drafting your pussy ass? Maybe make a MAN out of you? That way, you don`t want everything handed to you? Yes, the Draft is needed, BIG-TIME! No More Black Lives Matter, No More Occupy Wall Street, or any of the GIVE ME PROTESTERS!!! George Soros Would Die OUT!!! If The U.S. Government had a HALF OF BRAIN? They would bring back the DRAFT! Make Men out of the "Mini Socialist Democrats" sitting on the sidelines? Yes, this is Fact!!!!

Are you an American? Is English your native language? Your first post was really an attempt at constructing sentences in English? Cause it was a really poor attempt. Would you care to try again, because I cannot see the point of attempting to communicate with someone who is incapable of expressing coherent thought.
Projecting and detracting is your only tactic for ignoring your racist party which means you run from accountability. This is the democratic way, blame and bash Bush but remember democrats contained ISIS.

Obviously using a troll insult as in "lack of education" does nothing for your adolescent grammar school response. Its like throwing a tantrum when you don't have substantial intelligent presentation skills.
No, seriously. This has nothing to do with the subject at hand. Your language skills are atrocious. I don't say this to insult you. Someone else is suggesting that I am missing some hidden irony here. If so, then yes, I am missing the irony. If not, whether you are a native English speaker or not, your original post was completely incomprehensible. Do you see me saying this to anyone else? Whatever. Goodbye.
As always it is impossible to penetrate the mind of the hyper-partisans. Trump is not the issue. Trump has never been the issue. A stupid electorate is the issue. An electorate far too stupid to realize that their enemy is a bi-partisan corruption that makes government worthless. An electorate far too stupid to realize that their only real hope for power is to put down their self-defeating hyper-partisanship long enough to fight bi-partisan Washington corruption.
No, seriously. This has nothing to do with the subject at hand. Your language skills are atrocious. I don't say this to insult you. Someone else is suggesting that I am missing some hidden irony here. If so, then yes, I am missing the irony. If not, whether you are a native English speaker or not, your original post was completely incomprehensible. Do you see me saying this to anyone else? Whatever. Goodbye.

You're sorry because you have met your match and don't have the wits or intellect to make a plausible case, so you're all smoke and mirrors. You're upset and desperate, that's why you're making personal attacks because you're incapable of defending your rhetoric which I destroyed. Stop showboating for the audience Johnny Cochran wannabe, you wish you had the ability to present a premise, but in hindsight, you're all hot air. Do yourself a favor and flex your chest at the amateurs on here that don't know any better.

Elvis has left the building. Ladies and gentleman Elvis is dead.
Though I have many problems with Trump, the biggest one by far is that I've long felt he simply cannot be trusted, that I can't believe a damn thing he says.
Don is a salesman/flimflam man....Bullshit and bluff are his stock in trade...

I won't deny that, and it's tolerable, albeit despicable, when one is selling used cars and double-wides, but I don't want that to be the modus operandi in a President either.
His interview with Sean Hannity is on in the background and I heard the "just a suggestion" comment. He also said the wall will stop the flow of drugs. Remember the 2004 election when people were freaking out about "flip flopping"? There were people handing out actual flip flops at the Republican convention. It doesn't appear to worry them too much these days.

Where's the flip flop? And of course the wall would severely restrict the rampant drug trade.

You are disgusting........ You were jumping my up and down when he suggested banning Muslims. ................ Please stop........... you are embarrassing yourself.
Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?

Put down the bong. Trump said that there had to be a temporary restriction of immigrating Muslims until DHS figured out what they were doing. There was never a ban on Muslims.

WTH is temporary banning till we figured out what they are doing?
Darn why didn't I think of that? What does it mean temporary?
There is no such thing as temporary till we figure it out. Do you how long that will take to figure out what are the bad Mullins are doing? Does trump even qualified to look at his crystal bowl who and what Muslim to sort it out?
Come on.......... You are smarter than that.
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Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?
That anyone would suggest such a thing is just as idiotic, and just as much a manifestation of bigotry.
Sorry xenophobes, Donald Trump has abandoned you.

Donald Trump: Muslim ban 'just a suggestion' -

Why would anyone stay with this clown? Hate filled rhetoric is disgusting to me, but if you really want to see the US go down the path of being a country that abandons concepts such as due process and illegal search and seizure, Primary Donald was your boy. Now what do you get? Empty hate filled rhetoric, toned down for a general election crowd? An abandonment of treating camel jockeys like camel jockeys? Next thing you know he'll give up on breaking down millions of doors in the dead of night to drag hard-working men and women away from their children. Where's the fun in that? Will he abandon the wall? Awwww, Donny! Where's the fun in that?

Put down the bong. Trump said that there had to be a temporary restriction of immigrating Muslims until DHS figured out what they were doing. There was never a ban on Muslims.
It was an official statement from the leading candidate for the Republican nomination. It got quite a bit of attention, but now you're apparently claiming it never occurred?


If you can't acknowledge this as a backing away from his previously stated position, you are utterly and completely dishonest. Why? Who do you think you're fooling?

It was temporary. Plain and simple. Here's the quote.

The Republican frontrunner demands a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.”

The key word here is until. That means temporary. Not permanent like every asshole left wing liberal whack job tried to play it. And there's good reason for it. The vetting has to be extraordinarily in depth considering the current state of terrorism being exported from the ME.

Yeah right. Just like what just said. UNTIL.............. Our country reps can figure it out. If we can figure it out. Does he even know what and how can someone figure it out? But it sound so nice for his followers like you who believe and love smelling his rotten beans.
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