Google also found evidence of " Russan" influence in US election

How do you know he wanted that?

"It's common knowledge" means you don't know jack.
How do I know Putin wants to weaken NATO? That's always been an over-arching goal for Putin. It's not a secret. You can read his own words and watch him invade ex-Soviet territory. Yes, it's common knowledge, all tantrums aside.

It's the reason Putin is fomenting natonalism in Europe, too. he wants to weaken the collective western influence, both economically and militarily, shifting the balance that has kept a relative peace since WW II. What part of this do you disagree with?
In other words, you have no actual proof. It's just one of those "everyone knows yada yada yada" things.

It's bullshit, in other words.

Even if that is what Putin wants, and even if Russia did what you claim, that doesn't make Trump builty of anything, and it doesn't make him "illigitimate."
Proof? Of course we have proof, in Putin's own words and actions. Not sure what your deal is, attack poodle.

but, since you are so obviously very smart, let's hear why you think Putin is meddling in the elections of the west, fomenting right-wing nationalism. I'm sure this will be adorable.

same reasons we meddle in the elections of the rest of the world---to further the interests of our countries. Don't be so fricken naïve.
What, weirdo? I said exactly that. And Putin's over-arching interest is to weaken the west militarily and economically, chiefly using his own energy resources and olicies and weakening NATO. You basically just agreed with me. Unless you know of some magical Russian interests relevant to this that elude me.

Trump wants to strengthen our military and for NATO to start spending more on defense. Why would Putin want that? If he wants to weaken the US economically, then he would have supported Hillary. She's the one promising spending like there's no tomorrow, not Trump.
How do you know he wanted that?

"It's common knowledge" means you don't know jack.
How do I know Putin wants to weaken NATO? That's always been an over-arching goal for Putin. It's not a secret. You can read his own words and watch him invade ex-Soviet territory. Yes, it's common knowledge, all tantrums aside.

It's the reason Putin is fomenting natonalism in Europe, too. he wants to weaken the collective western influence, both economically and militarily, shifting the balance that has kept a relative peace since WW II. What part of this do you disagree with?
In other words, you have no actual proof. It's just one of those "everyone knows yada yada yada" things.

It's bullshit, in other words.

Even if that is what Putin wants, and even if Russia did what you claim, that doesn't make Trump builty of anything, and it doesn't make him "illigitimate."
Proof? Of course we have proof, in Putin's own words and actions. Not sure what your deal is, attack poodle.

but, since you are so obviously very smart, let's hear why you think Putin is meddling in the elections of the west, fomenting right-wing nationalism. I'm sure this will be adorable.

same reasons we meddle in the elections of the rest of the world---to further the interests of our countries. Don't be so fricken naïve.
What, weirdo? I said exactly that. And Putin's over-arching interest is to weaken the west militarily and economically, chiefly using his own energy resources and olicies and weakening NATO. You basically just agreed with me. Unless you know of some magical Russian interests relevant to this that elude me.

Putin wants Mother Russia to be a superpower again, and he wants to get the band back together. this is not a secret.

those goals would have been much easier if Hillary had won. He had tons of blackmail material on her and bubba.

so, once again, your claim that he wanted Trump is disproven by a simple logic test.
Softball question...he wanted a nationalist who would ultimately weaken NATO. And if Hillary had won anyway, he wanted to undermine the US presence on the foreign stage by fomenting chaos and infighting.

This question's answer was common knowledge, I thought.

How do you know he wanted that?

"It's common knowledge" means you don't know jack.
How do I know Putin wants to weaken NATO? That's always been an over-arching goal for Putin. It's not a secret. You can read his own words and watch him invade ex-Soviet territory. Yes, it's common knowledge, all tantrums aside.

It's the reason Putin is fomenting natonalism in Europe, too. he wants to weaken the collective western influence, both economically and militarily, shifting the balance that has kept a relative peace since WW II. What part of this do you disagree with?
In other words, you have no actual proof. It's just one of those "everyone knows yada yada yada" things.

It's bullshit, in other words.

Even if that is what Putin wants, and even if Russia did what you claim, that doesn't make Trump builty of anything, and it doesn't make him "illigitimate."
Proof? Of course we have proof, in Putin's own words and actions. Not sure what your deal is, attack poodle.

but, since you are so obviously very smart, let's hear why you think Putin is meddling in the elections of the west, fomenting right-wing nationalism. I'm sure this will be adorable.

Putin is fomenting right wing nationalism? I think that's the last thing Putin would want. You're just making stuff up again.
No, that's exactly what Putin wants, because he despises western alliance and organization. He despises NATO and the EU. So, he wants to foment nationalism, in the hopes that the residents of these countries will back away from these agreements and/or weaken them. yep, as it turns out, you really are "Putin's kind of guy".
How do you know he wanted that?

"It's common knowledge" means you don't know jack.
How do I know Putin wants to weaken NATO? That's always been an over-arching goal for Putin. It's not a secret. You can read his own words and watch him invade ex-Soviet territory. Yes, it's common knowledge, all tantrums aside.

It's the reason Putin is fomenting natonalism in Europe, too. he wants to weaken the collective western influence, both economically and militarily, shifting the balance that has kept a relative peace since WW II. What part of this do you disagree with?
In other words, you have no actual proof. It's just one of those "everyone knows yada yada yada" things.

It's bullshit, in other words.

Even if that is what Putin wants, and even if Russia did what you claim, that doesn't make Trump builty of anything, and it doesn't make him "illigitimate."
Proof? Of course we have proof, in Putin's own words and actions. Not sure what your deal is, attack poodle.

but, since you are so obviously very smart, let's hear why you think Putin is meddling in the elections of the west, fomenting right-wing nationalism. I'm sure this will be adorable.

Putin is fomenting right wing nationalism? I think that's the last thing Putin would want. You're just making stuff up again.
No, that's exactly what Putin wants, because he despises western alliance and organization. He despises NATO and the EU. So, he wants to foment nationalism, in the hopes that the residents of these countries will back away from these agreements and/or weaken them. yep, as it turns out, you really are "Putin's kind of guy".

Here we go with the insinuations of treason. You just unmasked yourself as a douche bag. Don't expect police treatment in the future.
Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries and its total crickets, Russia buys $100k in ads attacking hildebeest and liberals freak out.
"Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries"

Shameless lie, though Trump's campaign was found to be soliciting illegal donations from foreign nationals.

Absolutely true you hack, he ducked under the reporting laws by keeping the donation amounts small.
I'm not sure any were accepted or donated, but soliciting them is illegal:
Donald Trump Is Illegally Soliciting Money from Foreign Nationals to Fund His Presidential Campaign

Donald Trump keeps asking foreign leaders for money. The latest: Vicente Fox.

Foreign Politicians to Donald Trump: Stop Begging Us for Money


a foundation is not a political campaign. nice try.... doesn't fly.
Dude, Google itself didn't even know it was happening. This is all investigation in retrospect.
Oh yeah they did, and so did Facebook and the others, and they didn't care because no legal action was taken against them and it was their moolah. They always underestimate the money and influence before they're forced to reveal the truth, if you've been following this.

When did advertising by a foreign county become illegal?

i am not sure if it is on its face.... however if there was a deal between americans on the campaign & foreign agents conspiring to target certain demographics --- that sounds like a bozo no-no. oopsie............
Twelve pages with 112 posts and not a single one concerning the core issue.

For the Progressives here who WANT BADLY to ignore and forget that issue, it was a FALSE CLAIM that the Trump campaign colluded (new word for most) with the Russian government to manipulate our election.

Allow me to remind you too, which again you are working diligently to deflect the topic from, is that fact that there has been NO, NONE, ZIP, NADA, proof of any sort that there was any collusion, whatsoever. Period!

So now Progressives have jumped on another horse which means nothing...WHATSOEVER. Russia may have bought ads on our social media. Really? Excuse me Progressives, this has been going on, around the world since elections began. The only new thing is Social Media!

there is no such thing as collusion... it's called 'conspiracy'. guess what? nothing will be revealed until the investigations are over & intel turns into enough 'hard evidence' to bring forth articles of impeachment.
We won Hillary lost that's all that matters.
whats about well planed frontal foreign attack on the USA´s most important STATE institution ?

What if Putin's real "well planed frontal foreign attack on the USA´s most important STATE institution" is all of this "collusion conspiracy" and Mueller "investigation"?

This isn't Putin's first rodeo if he wanted to really interfere with our electon he could and he would never get caught (for awhile at least). His big master plan was to buy ads against a candidate who had no chance of winning? Hacking into a server with no security that everyone was hacking?

Democrats and liberals are the real puppets of Putin.

ummm.... france & denmark found out that russia was attempting to hack into their elections too. putin isn't as smart as he should be. he was banking on trump to come thru for him with lifting sanctions... to start with. how did that work out for ol' vlad?
well that should tell you something, but you aren't smart enough to know what that is.

actually putey poot fucked up big time. they didn't bank on president moron to moronic.
Russia is attempting to use democracy against the west. Russia is our enemy and we must stop them.

I'm fine with Russia helping us defeat Hillary.

that makes you a traitor.
how? nothing illegal with that.

really? what does it being illegal have anything to do with being a traitor. i bet you hold your hand over your heart for the flag too.


+1. why all those traitors do it so easily ? why they hate free world /usa so mush? cos they are total losers? why they in-love with Putler`?
Russia is attempting to use democracy against the west. Russia is our enemy and we must stop them.

I'm fine with Russia helping us defeat Hillary.

that makes you a traitor.
not if you already thought hillary was the traitor to the constitution.

hillary doesn't have a special counsel with upwards of 20 specialized agents investigating her. or several senate & house investigations looking into that very thing either.

on your part to even bother replying.
how do you know?

oh good god. with all the benghaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii investigations rw nutjobs salivated over in hopes they can hang the ol' gal on.... you don't think that would have come out by now? man- that was a sad attempt at replying- why did you even bother?
So, Russia influenced our election by leaking (through wikileaks) the truth about the corruption within and between the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media.

So tell us, why is the truth a bad thing? Why shouldn't the American voters have access to the truth?

Next, why would Putin prefer someone he could not control (trump), over someone he could blackmail for 4 years (Clinton)?
Softball question...he wanted a nationalist who would ultimately weaken NATO. And if Hillary had won anyway, he wanted to undermine the US presence on the foreign stage by fomenting chaos and infighting.

This question's answer was common knowledge, I thought.

How do you know he wanted that?

"It's common knowledge" means you don't know jack.

the only thing russia has going for it is oil. he wanted the sanctions lifted & then forge ahead with the exxon deal to drill baby drill. he has been crippled because of the sanctions & pootey poot banked on trump coming thru for him.

Well, truth and facts start come out , I just wander what Putin´s useful idiots are gonna say this time? What Trump is gonna do new?

Et tu, Google? Search and ad giant Google has found evidence that Russian agents purchased ads on YouTube, Google Search, Gmail and the company's DoubleClick ad network, unnamed sources have told the Washington Post. That means Russian actors have penetrated all the large Silicon Valley ad firms, as Facebook and Twitter recently revealed similar attacks. However, the Google ads were reportedly not purchased by the same Vladimir Putin-affiliated group that bought ads on Facebook, meaning the problem could be more widespread than thought.

" Google also found evidence of Russian influence in US election


Damning emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman did not come from Russian hackers and the claim is being made to "delegitimize" Donald Trump, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told Fox News' Sean Hannity in an exclusive interview.Assange: Russian government not the source of WikiLeaks emails

I'm fine with Russia helping us defeat Hillary.

that makes you a traitor.
not if you already thought hillary was the traitor to the constitution.

hillary doesn't have a special counsel with upwards of 20 specialized agents investigating her. or several senate & house investigations looking into that very thing either.

on your part to even bother replying.
how do you know?

oh good god. with all the benghaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii investigations rw nutjobs salivated over in hopes they can hang the ol' gal on.... you don't think that would have come out by now? man- that was a sad attempt at replying- why did you even bother?
funny how you fks think you have first hand knowledge of everything in our government. dude, get over yourself.
Russia is attempting to use democracy against the west. Russia is our enemy and we must stop them.

I'm fine with Russia helping us defeat Hillary.

that makes you a traitor.
how? nothing illegal with that.

really? what does it being illegal have anything to do with being a traitor. i bet you hold your hand over your heart for the flag too.


+1. why all those traitors do it so easily ? why they hate free world /usa so mush? cos they are total losers? why they in-love with Putler`?
so you pos
Well, truth and facts start come out , I just wander what Putin´s useful idiots are gonna say this time? What Trump is gonna do new?

Et tu, Google? Search and ad giant Google has found evidence that Russian agents purchased ads on YouTube, Google Search, Gmail and the company's DoubleClick ad network, unnamed sources have told the Washington Post. That means Russian actors have penetrated all the large Silicon Valley ad firms, as Facebook and Twitter recently revealed similar attacks. However, the Google ads were reportedly not purchased by the same Vladimir Putin-affiliated group that bought ads on Facebook, meaning the problem could be more widespread than thought.

" Google also found evidence of Russian influence in US election


Damning emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman did not come from Russian hackers and the claim is being made to "delegitimize" Donald Trump, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told Fox News' Sean Hannity in an exclusive interview.Assange: Russian government not the source of WikiLeaks emails

so you posted propaganda and words of raper Assange as a source ? you must be joking ....

How Russian Propaganda Really Works in the West - Bloomberg

28 nov. 2016 - Russia's state-owned propaganda TV station, RT, launched its English-language channel in 2005. Sputnik, the multilingual Russian ...
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so all countries interfere in elections. so does the US.

Yes, the strange thing about the English language. First, the first word in a sentence is capitalized.

Second, the words "all countries" means...ta da...ALL COUNTRIES.

So your point is?
so you pos
Well, truth and facts start come out , I just wander what Putin´s useful idiots are gonna say this time? What Trump is gonna do new?

Et tu, Google? Search and ad giant Google has found evidence that Russian agents purchased ads on YouTube, Google Search, Gmail and the company's DoubleClick ad network, unnamed sources have told the Washington Post. That means Russian actors have penetrated all the large Silicon Valley ad firms, as Facebook and Twitter recently revealed similar attacks. However, the Google ads were reportedly not purchased by the same Vladimir Putin-affiliated group that bought ads on Facebook, meaning the problem could be more widespread than thought.

" Google also found evidence of Russian influence in US election


Damning emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman did not come from Russian hackers and the claim is being made to "delegitimize" Donald Trump, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told Fox News' Sean Hannity in an exclusive interview.Assange: Russian government not the source of WikiLeaks emails

so you posted propaganda and words of raper Assange as a source ? you must be joking ....

How Russian Propaganda Really Works in the West - Bloomberg

28 nov. 2016 - Russia's state-owned propaganda TV station, RT, launched its English-language channel in 2005. Sputnik, the multilingual Russian ...

I doesn't receive any of my information from none of those nasty ole' lying Hillary's lovers. And doesn't believes a damn word whatever they has reported.

(CNN)Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, an independent who considered his own presidential run this year, will endorse Hillary Clinton and speak at the Democratic National Convention, a senior Clinton official confirmed to CNN. Michael Bloomberg to endorse Hillary Clinton - CNNPolitics

Bloomberg Endorses Obama, Citing Climate Change

US Media as Conduits of Propaganda

And they should investigate this organization that is anti-Putin, that there could be some of the members in his own government that wants Putin out. That they could of had set him up as if he has been involved in hacking into U.S. government computers.

Well, truth and facts start come out , I just wander what Putin´s useful idiots are gonna say this time? What Trump is gonna do new?

Et tu, Google? Search and ad giant Google has found evidence that Russian agents purchased ads on YouTube, Google Search, Gmail and the company's DoubleClick ad network, unnamed sources have told the Washington Post. That means Russian actors have penetrated all the large Silicon Valley ad firms, as Facebook and Twitter recently revealed similar attacks. However, the Google ads were reportedly not purchased by the same Vladimir Putin-affiliated group that bought ads on Facebook, meaning the problem could be more widespread than thought.

" Google also found evidence of Russian influence in US election


Man y'all are still really pissed about that election huh?

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