Google also found evidence of " Russan" influence in US election

BS of a traitor, usa last election got under hybrid warfare attack, do you understand it?

Timothy Snyder: The Russian Military Tactic of 'Reverse Asymmetrical Warfare' in Ukraine"

Russia's 'New Way of War'? Asymmetric warfare and the Ukraine ...
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15 jan. 2015 - A NATO Defence Committee Report entitled “Towards the Next ... The idea of creating a doctrine for asymmetric warfare is problematic.
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ...
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The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ... his boot at the UN, and everyone in the world, primarily in the United States, NATO, thought.
The Russian military's view on the utility of force: the adoption of a ...
The Russian military’s view on the utility of force: the adoption of a strategy of non-violent asymmetric warfare...
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17 feb. 2017 - By Dr. Rod Thornton Russian military thinking seems to have reached the point ... Asymmetric warfare, of course, and in a nutshell, is a method of warfare ... Putin understood that efforts to try and match NATO's military power, ...

So stating a fact makes you a traitor?

You do realize that you and all the other snowflakes have gone totally over the edge with this Russian shit, don't you?

yes you are all traitors, who cover your traitor souls with rightist ideology here, FBI, CIA, THE Congress , NATO, UK, France , etc. provide tons of information about Putler´s asymmetrical war against USA/West BUT you guys still blame Hilary for emails. then tell everybody how you love your country

both video from 2014

Yes we still blame Hillary. What you are bringing up is making her and Obama sound even more incompetent (if that is even possible).

She and Obama knew Putin was attacking other governments and still put national security information on a private unsecured server.

a simple question to you, Putler´s hybrid attacks on the USA, is an act of war or not?

No. They have never been considered to be an act of war. The U.S. does the same thing to numerous other countries, including Russia.

I SEE you are one of those Putin´s useful idiots, who blames victims (USA in this case) for everything

Putin has found his perfect 'useful idiots' - The Washington Post -
17 maj 2017 - If Putin's aim was to destroy the credibility of the American political ... he has found a perfect partner in Trump, the quintessential “useful idiot” ...
true, but it's not likely that any significant number of legal, but not-eligible-to-vote residents are risking a crime by voting. You can't just check a box and then be registered to vote, if you are undocumented.

You're not familiar with the Motor Voter law, are you?
I am indeed. But you still have to be here legally, with documents, to be registered to vote in Florida. This does not necessarily mean you are a citizen.
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"Oh yeah they did, and so did Facebook and the others, and they didn't care because no legal action was taken against them and it was their moolah."

Hmm, maybe, but not so sure they knew it in real time. Seems like they know more than they have revealed, but I think they found it via audit, not real-time reports.
Then they're a bunch of idiots, because I found plenty of that type of stuff just looking at the internet during that time, which seemed pretty obvious, and I certainly do not have the resources they do.
"Then they're a bunch of idiots, because I found plenty of that type of stuff just looking at the internet during that time,"

No you didn't. You found nothing that could be tied to Russians, by ruling out other sources. Come on, man.
There were obvious Russian trolls on youtube, as well as obvious Russian propaganda videos in various languages. Also Facebook.

Don't ask me for IP addresses.
okay, but sayng "there were some" is not the same as being able to document lots of them. And they weren't really trying to do so, anyway. why would they? they are private corporations, unbound by any law to do so.
again, if there were ads, they were bought. and the person buying would have a past and identity. so again, take your libturd smoke to some other venue.
Right and, when those companies go looking in their records, they find the Russian-paid propaganda. What, exactly, is confusing you about this?
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Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries and its total crickets, Russia buys $100k in ads attacking hildebeest and liberals freak out.
"Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries"

Shameless lie, though Trump's campaign was found to be soliciting illegal donations from foreign nationals.

Absolutely true you hack, he ducked under the reporting laws by keeping the donation amounts small.
I'm not sure any were accepted or donated, but soliciting them is illegal:
Donald Trump Is Illegally Soliciting Money from Foreign Nationals to Fund His Presidential Campaign

Donald Trump keeps asking foreign leaders for money. The latest: Vicente Fox.

Foreign Politicians to Donald Trump: Stop Begging Us for Money
if it is illegal then why isn't he indicted? Let me tell you, cause it's fake news. but you don't care I get it.
"if it is illegal then why isn't he indicted?"

Well, for one, it's the Trump campaign organization that would be charged, not Trump himself. Secondly, the GOP controls the FEC. Their reasoning was that it was not proven that the campaign actually accepted any foreign money (which is laughable, as that would have to be the result of an investigation that these liars never performed), and that the campaign took "some measures" to stop the foreign solicitation.

In other words, your GOP boys whitewashed it. Go look it up yourself, instead of flailing in ignorance and demanding everyone else explain it to you.
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so Putler´s hybrid war on the USA is just 1) hacking DNC servers 2) Buying Facebook ads. this your understanding of MUSCOVITE ASYMMETRICAL WARFARE , RIGHT?

Please enlighten me on what Putin is doing that is so different than what many other countries do regularly?

I SEE you are one of those Putin´s useful idiots, who blames victims (USA in this case) for everything

Putin has found his perfect 'useful idiots' - The Washington Post -
17 maj 2017 - If Putin's aim was to destroy the credibility of the American political ... he has found a perfect partner in Trump, the quintessential “useful idiot” ...

I am blaming two individuals Obama and Hillary. They are the victims the same way a gangbanger who gets shot by another gangbanger is.

The USA is the victim of Hillary and Obama for not stopping her from running the "Elect Hillary for President" campaign from the State Department.

The anger that liberals feel is that you think that Hillary had a shot in Hell of winning. She had none.

She lost two primaries where Democrats choose an inexperienced man who had only ever campaigned out side of being in academics. Then they choose the Crypt Keeper who acts like he is having a panic attack.

The most amount of positive passion Hillary was ever able to drumb up is "I don't wish she would die a painful death". In fact Hillary could be shot dead in broad daylight and no one including Bill would care the person would probably never be arrested because no one cares.
Then they're a bunch of idiots, because I found plenty of that type of stuff just looking at the internet during that time, which seemed pretty obvious, and I certainly do not have the resources they do.
"Then they're a bunch of idiots, because I found plenty of that type of stuff just looking at the internet during that time,"

No you didn't. You found nothing that could be tied to Russians, by ruling out other sources. Come on, man.
There were obvious Russian trolls on youtube, as well as obvious Russian propaganda videos in various languages. Also Facebook.

Don't ask me for IP addresses.
okay, but sayng "there were some" is not the same as being able to document lots of them. And they weren't really trying to do so, anyway. why would they? they are private corporations, unbound by any law to do so.
again, if there were ads, they were bought. and the person buying would have a past and identity. so again, take your libturd smoke to some other venue.
Right and, when those companies go looking in their records, they find the Russian-paid propaganda. What, exactly, is confusing you about this?
I agree, and they knew it when it was purchased and ran it. thanks,
Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries and its total crickets, Russia buys $100k in ads attacking hildebeest and liberals freak out.
"Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries"

Shameless lie, though Trump's campaign was found to be soliciting illegal donations from foreign nationals.

Absolutely true you hack, he ducked under the reporting laws by keeping the donation amounts small.
I'm not sure any were accepted or donated, but soliciting them is illegal:
Donald Trump Is Illegally Soliciting Money from Foreign Nationals to Fund His Presidential Campaign

Donald Trump keeps asking foreign leaders for money. The latest: Vicente Fox.

Foreign Politicians to Donald Trump: Stop Begging Us for Money
if it is illegal then why isn't he indicted? Let me tell you, cause it's fake news. but you don't care I get it.
"if it is illegal then why isn't he indicted?"

Well, for one, it's the Trump campaign organization that would be charged, not Trump himself. Secondly, the GOP controls the FEC. Their reasoning was that it was not proven that the campaign actually accepted any foreign money (which is laughable, as that would have to be the result of an investigation that these liars never performed), and that the campaign took "some measures" to stop the foreign solicitation.

In other words, your GOP boys whitewashed it. Go look it up yourself, instead of flailing in ignorance and demanding everyone else explain it to you.
whoa, you said he committed a crime, he is the one that would be indicted right? I don't know how someone indicts a campaign, it isn't a person. you're fked up dude. LOL
"Then they're a bunch of idiots, because I found plenty of that type of stuff just looking at the internet during that time,"

No you didn't. You found nothing that could be tied to Russians, by ruling out other sources. Come on, man.
There were obvious Russian trolls on youtube, as well as obvious Russian propaganda videos in various languages. Also Facebook.

Don't ask me for IP addresses.
okay, but sayng "there were some" is not the same as being able to document lots of them. And they weren't really trying to do so, anyway. why would they? they are private corporations, unbound by any law to do so.
again, if there were ads, they were bought. and the person buying would have a past and identity. so again, take your libturd smoke to some other venue.
Right and, when those companies go looking in their records, they find the Russian-paid propaganda. What, exactly, is confusing you about this?
I agree, and they knew it when it was purchased and ran it. thanks,
Maybe, maybe not. We don't know. That's one thing the investigators will look at. And, even so, it would not have been illegal. This is going to require new legislation.
"Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries"

Shameless lie, though Trump's campaign was found to be soliciting illegal donations from foreign nationals.

Absolutely true you hack, he ducked under the reporting laws by keeping the donation amounts small.
I'm not sure any were accepted or donated, but soliciting them is illegal:
Donald Trump Is Illegally Soliciting Money from Foreign Nationals to Fund His Presidential Campaign

Donald Trump keeps asking foreign leaders for money. The latest: Vicente Fox.

Foreign Politicians to Donald Trump: Stop Begging Us for Money
if it is illegal then why isn't he indicted? Let me tell you, cause it's fake news. but you don't care I get it.
"if it is illegal then why isn't he indicted?"

Well, for one, it's the Trump campaign organization that would be charged, not Trump himself. Secondly, the GOP controls the FEC. Their reasoning was that it was not proven that the campaign actually accepted any foreign money (which is laughable, as that would have to be the result of an investigation that these liars never performed), and that the campaign took "some measures" to stop the foreign solicitation.

In other words, your GOP boys whitewashed it. Go look it up yourself, instead of flailing in ignorance and demanding everyone else explain it to you.
whoa, you said he committed a crime, he is the one that would be indicted right? I don't know how someone indicts a campaign, it isn't a person. you're fked up dude. LOL
"I don't know how someone indicts a campaign"

And..... we're all supposed to say, "Well hey, if THIS expert doesn't get it, then something's wrong, here!"??

You know, instead of sitting here stroking yourself and demanding everyone spoonfeed you, you can actually go find the complaint filed against the Trump campaign with the FEC. It's public record.
So, Russia influenced our election by leaking (through wikileaks) the truth about the corruption within and between the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media.

So tell us, why is the truth a bad thing? Why shouldn't the American voters have access to the truth?

Next, why would Putin prefer someone he could not control (trump), over someone he could blackmail for 4 years (Clinton)?
So, Russia influenced our election by leaking (through wikileaks) the truth about the corruption within and between the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media.

So tell us, why is the truth a bad thing? Why shouldn't the American voters have access to the truth?

Next, why would Putin prefer someone he could not control (trump), over someone he could blackmail for 4 years (Clinton)?
Softball question...he wanted a nationalist who would ultimately weaken NATO. And if Hillary had won anyway, he wanted to undermine the US presence on the foreign stage by fomenting chaos and infighting.

This question's answer was common knowledge, I thought.
So stating a fact makes you a traitor?

You do realize that you and all the other snowflakes have gone totally over the edge with this Russian shit, don't you?
yes you are all traitors, who cover your traitor souls with rightist ideology here, FBI, CIA, THE Congress , NATO, UK, France , etc. provide tons of information about Putler´s asymmetrical war against USA/West BUT you guys still blame Hilary for emails. then tell everybody how you love your country

both video from 2014

Yes we still blame Hillary. What you are bringing up is making her and Obama sound even more incompetent (if that is even possible).

She and Obama knew Putin was attacking other governments and still put national security information on a private unsecured server.

a simple question to you, Putler´s hybrid attacks on the USA, is an act of war or not?

No. They have never been considered to be an act of war. The U.S. does the same thing to numerous other countries, including Russia.

I SEE you are one of those Putin´s useful idiots, who blames victims (USA in this case) for everything

Putin has found his perfect 'useful idiots' - The Washington Post -
17 maj 2017 - If Putin's aim was to destroy the credibility of the American political ... he has found a perfect partner in Trump, the quintessential “useful idiot” ...

Only a fool believes that USA isn't guilty of exactly all the same kind of shit.
So, Russia influenced our election by leaking (through wikileaks) the truth about the corruption within and between the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media.

So tell us, why is the truth a bad thing? Why shouldn't the American voters have access to the truth?

Next, why would Putin prefer someone he could not control (trump), over someone he could blackmail for 4 years (Clinton)?
Softball question...he wanted a nationalist who would ultimately weaken NATO. And if Hillary had won anyway, he wanted to undermine the US presence on the foreign stage by fomenting chaos and infighting.

This question's answer was common knowledge, I thought.

How do you know he wanted that?

"It's common knowledge" means you don't know jack.
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So, Russia influenced our election by leaking (through wikileaks) the truth about the corruption within and between the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media.

So tell us, why is the truth a bad thing? Why shouldn't the American voters have access to the truth?

Next, why would Putin prefer someone he could not control (trump), over someone he could blackmail for 4 years (Clinton)?
Softball question...he wanted a nationalist who would ultimately weaken NATO. And if Hillary had won anyway, he wanted to undermine the US presence on the foreign stage by fomenting chaos and infighting.

This question's answer was common knowledge, I thought.

How do you know he wanted that?

"It's common knowledge" means you don't know jack.
How do I know Putin wants to weaken NATO? That's always been an over-arching goal for Putin. It's not a secret. You can read his own words and watch him invade ex-Soviet territory. Yes, it's common knowledge, all tantrums aside.

It's the reason Putin is fomenting natonalism in Europe, too. he wants to weaken the collective western influence, both economically and militarily, shifting the balance that has kept a relative peace since WW II. What part of this do you disagree with?
So, Russia influenced our election by leaking (through wikileaks) the truth about the corruption within and between the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media.

So tell us, why is the truth a bad thing? Why shouldn't the American voters have access to the truth?

Next, why would Putin prefer someone he could not control (trump), over someone he could blackmail for 4 years (Clinton)?
Softball question...he wanted a nationalist who would ultimately weaken NATO. And if Hillary had won anyway, he wanted to undermine the US presence on the foreign stage by fomenting chaos and infighting.

This question's answer was common knowledge, I thought.

How do you know he wanted that?

"It's common knowledge" means you don't know jack.
How do I know Putin wants to weaken NATO? That's always been an over-arching goal for Putin. It's not a secret. You can read his own words and watch him invade ex-Soviet territory. Yes, it's common knowledge, all tantrums aside.

It's the reason Putin is fomenting natonalism in Europe, too. he wants to weaken the collective western influence, both economically and militarily, shifting the balance that has kept a relative peace since WW II. What part of this do you disagree with?
In other words, you have no actual proof. It's just one of those "everyone knows yada yada yada" things.

It's bullshit, in other words.

Even if that is what Putin wants, and even if Russia did what you claim, that doesn't make Trump builty of anything, and it doesn't make him "illigitimate."
So, Russia influenced our election by leaking (through wikileaks) the truth about the corruption within and between the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media.

So tell us, why is the truth a bad thing? Why shouldn't the American voters have access to the truth?

Next, why would Putin prefer someone he could not control (trump), over someone he could blackmail for 4 years (Clinton)?
Softball question...he wanted a nationalist who would ultimately weaken NATO. And if Hillary had won anyway, he wanted to undermine the US presence on the foreign stage by fomenting chaos and infighting.

This question's answer was common knowledge, I thought.

How do you know he wanted that?

"It's common knowledge" means you don't know jack.
How do I know Putin wants to weaken NATO? That's always been an over-arching goal for Putin. It's not a secret. You can read his own words and watch him invade ex-Soviet territory. Yes, it's common knowledge, all tantrums aside.

It's the reason Putin is fomenting natonalism in Europe, too. he wants to weaken the collective western influence, both economically and militarily, shifting the balance that has kept a relative peace since WW II. What part of this do you disagree with?

Putin owned the Clintons. If those were his goals he was 90% there if she had won. Your claims are illogical bullshit.
So, Russia influenced our election by leaking (through wikileaks) the truth about the corruption within and between the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media.

So tell us, why is the truth a bad thing? Why shouldn't the American voters have access to the truth?

Next, why would Putin prefer someone he could not control (trump), over someone he could blackmail for 4 years (Clinton)?
Softball question...he wanted a nationalist who would ultimately weaken NATO. And if Hillary had won anyway, he wanted to undermine the US presence on the foreign stage by fomenting chaos and infighting.

This question's answer was common knowledge, I thought.

How do you know he wanted that?

"It's common knowledge" means you don't know jack.
How do I know Putin wants to weaken NATO? That's always been an over-arching goal for Putin. It's not a secret. You can read his own words and watch him invade ex-Soviet territory. Yes, it's common knowledge, all tantrums aside.

It's the reason Putin is fomenting natonalism in Europe, too. he wants to weaken the collective western influence, both economically and militarily, shifting the balance that has kept a relative peace since WW II. What part of this do you disagree with?
In other words, you have no actual proof. It's just one of those "everyone knows yada yada yada" things.

It's bullshit, in other words.

Even if that is what Putin wants, and even if Russia did what you claim, that doesn't make Trump builty of anything, and it doesn't make him "illigitimate."
Proof? Of course we have proof, in Putin's own words and actions. Not sure what your deal is, attack poodle.

but, since you are so obviously very smart, let's hear why you think Putin is meddling in the elections of the west, fomenting right-wing nationalism. I'm sure this will be adorable.
So, Russia influenced our election by leaking (through wikileaks) the truth about the corruption within and between the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media.

So tell us, why is the truth a bad thing? Why shouldn't the American voters have access to the truth?

Next, why would Putin prefer someone he could not control (trump), over someone he could blackmail for 4 years (Clinton)?
Softball question...he wanted a nationalist who would ultimately weaken NATO. And if Hillary had won anyway, he wanted to undermine the US presence on the foreign stage by fomenting chaos and infighting.

This question's answer was common knowledge, I thought.

How do you know he wanted that?

"It's common knowledge" means you don't know jack.
How do I know Putin wants to weaken NATO? That's always been an over-arching goal for Putin. It's not a secret. You can read his own words and watch him invade ex-Soviet territory. Yes, it's common knowledge, all tantrums aside.

It's the reason Putin is fomenting natonalism in Europe, too. he wants to weaken the collective western influence, both economically and militarily, shifting the balance that has kept a relative peace since WW II. What part of this do you disagree with?
In other words, you have no actual proof. It's just one of those "everyone knows yada yada yada" things.

It's bullshit, in other words.

Even if that is what Putin wants, and even if Russia did what you claim, that doesn't make Trump builty of anything, and it doesn't make him "illigitimate."
Proof? Of course we have proof, in Putin's own words and actions. Not sure what your deal is, attack poodle.

but, since you are so obviously very smart, let's hear why you think Putin is meddling in the elections of the west, fomenting right-wing nationalism. I'm sure this will be adorable.

same reasons we meddle in the elections of the rest of the world---to further the interests of our countries. Don't be so fricken naïve.
Softball question...he wanted a nationalist who would ultimately weaken NATO. And if Hillary had won anyway, he wanted to undermine the US presence on the foreign stage by fomenting chaos and infighting.

This question's answer was common knowledge, I thought.

How do you know he wanted that?

"It's common knowledge" means you don't know jack.
How do I know Putin wants to weaken NATO? That's always been an over-arching goal for Putin. It's not a secret. You can read his own words and watch him invade ex-Soviet territory. Yes, it's common knowledge, all tantrums aside.

It's the reason Putin is fomenting natonalism in Europe, too. he wants to weaken the collective western influence, both economically and militarily, shifting the balance that has kept a relative peace since WW II. What part of this do you disagree with?
In other words, you have no actual proof. It's just one of those "everyone knows yada yada yada" things.

It's bullshit, in other words.

Even if that is what Putin wants, and even if Russia did what you claim, that doesn't make Trump builty of anything, and it doesn't make him "illigitimate."
Proof? Of course we have proof, in Putin's own words and actions. Not sure what your deal is, attack poodle.

but, since you are so obviously very smart, let's hear why you think Putin is meddling in the elections of the west, fomenting right-wing nationalism. I'm sure this will be adorable.

same reasons we meddle in the elections of the rest of the world---to further the interests of our countries. Don't be so fricken naïve.
What, weirdo? I said exactly that. And Putin's over-arching interest is to weaken the west militarily and economically, chiefly using his own energy resources and olicies and weakening NATO. You basically just agreed with me. Unless you know of some magical Russian interests relevant to this that elude me.

Putin wants Mother Russia to be a superpower again, and he wants to get the band back together. this is not a secret.
So, Russia influenced our election by leaking (through wikileaks) the truth about the corruption within and between the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media.

So tell us, why is the truth a bad thing? Why shouldn't the American voters have access to the truth?

Next, why would Putin prefer someone he could not control (trump), over someone he could blackmail for 4 years (Clinton)?
Softball question...he wanted a nationalist who would ultimately weaken NATO. And if Hillary had won anyway, he wanted to undermine the US presence on the foreign stage by fomenting chaos and infighting.

This question's answer was common knowledge, I thought.

How do you know he wanted that?

"It's common knowledge" means you don't know jack.
How do I know Putin wants to weaken NATO? That's always been an over-arching goal for Putin. It's not a secret. You can read his own words and watch him invade ex-Soviet territory. Yes, it's common knowledge, all tantrums aside.

It's the reason Putin is fomenting natonalism in Europe, too. he wants to weaken the collective western influence, both economically and militarily, shifting the balance that has kept a relative peace since WW II. What part of this do you disagree with?
In other words, you have no actual proof. It's just one of those "everyone knows yada yada yada" things.

It's bullshit, in other words.

Even if that is what Putin wants, and even if Russia did what you claim, that doesn't make Trump builty of anything, and it doesn't make him "illigitimate."
Proof? Of course we have proof, in Putin's own words and actions. Not sure what your deal is, attack poodle.

but, since you are so obviously very smart, let's hear why you think Putin is meddling in the elections of the west, fomenting right-wing nationalism. I'm sure this will be adorable.

Putin is fomenting right wing nationalism? I think that's the last thing Putin would want. You're just making stuff up again.

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