Google also found evidence of " Russan" influence in US election

Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries and its total crickets, Russia buys $100k in ads attacking hildebeest and liberals freak out.
"Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries"

Shameless lie, though Trump's campaign was found to be soliciting illegal donations from foreign nationals.

Absolutely true you hack, he ducked under the reporting laws by keeping the donation amounts small.
I'm not sure any were accepted or donated, but soliciting them is illegal:
Donald Trump Is Illegally Soliciting Money from Foreign Nationals to Fund His Presidential Campaign

Donald Trump keeps asking foreign leaders for money. The latest: Vicente Fox.

Foreign Politicians to Donald Trump: Stop Begging Us for Money


why you guys allays talk about Hilary? was Google reporting that a gang of troll - criminals (like the fancy bear) use google platforms for pro- Hilary trolling?

Fancy Bear - Wikipedia
Fancy Bear - Wikipedia

Fancy Bear is a cyber espionage group. Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has said with a medium level of confidence that it is associated with the Russian military ...
all pure bulshit, but you're too naive to know this.
We won Hillary lost that's all that matters.
whats about well planed frontal foreign attack on the USA´s most important STATE institution ?

What if Putin's real "well planed frontal foreign attack on the USA´s most important STATE institution" is all of this "collusion conspiracy" and Mueller "investigation"?

This isn't Putin's first rodeo if he wanted to really interfere with our electon he could and he would never get caught (for awhile at least). His big master plan was to buy ads against a candidate who had no chance of winning? Hacking into a server with no security that everyone was hacking?

Democrats and liberals are the real puppets of Putin.

ummm.... france & denmark found out that russia was attempting to hack into their elections too. putin isn't as smart as he should be. he was banking on trump to come thru for him with lifting sanctions... to start with. how did that work out for ol' vlad?
+ Germany, Estonia, UK, CIA, FBI, NATO, etc. only paid trolls, useful idiots can say today that there are no evidence
so all countries interfere in elections. so does the US.
Russia is attempting to use democracy against the west. Russia is our enemy and we must stop them.

I'm fine with Russia helping us defeat Hillary.

that makes you a traitor.
not if you already thought hillary was the traitor to the constitution.

hillary doesn't have a special counsel with upwards of 20 specialized agents investigating her. or several senate & house investigations looking into that very thing either.

how do you know?
We won Hillary lost that's all that matters.
whats about well planed frontal foreign attack on the USA´s most important STATE institution ?

What if Putin's real "well planed frontal foreign attack on the USA´s most important STATE institution" is all of this "collusion conspiracy" and Mueller "investigation"?

This isn't Putin's first rodeo if he wanted to really interfere with our electon he could and he would never get caught (for awhile at least). His big master plan was to buy ads against a candidate who had no chance of winning? Hacking into a server with no security that everyone was hacking?

Democrats and liberals are the real puppets of Putin.

ummm.... france & denmark found out that russia was attempting to hack into their elections too. putin isn't as smart as he should be. he was banking on trump to come thru for him with lifting sanctions... to start with. how did that work out for ol' vlad?
+ Germany, Estonia, UK, CIA, FBI, NATO, etc. only paid trolls, useful idiots can say today that there are no evidence
so all countries interfere in elections. so does the US.

BS of a traitor, usa last election got under hybrid warfare attack, do you understand it?

Timothy Snyder: The Russian Military Tactic of 'Reverse Asymmetrical Warfare' in Ukraine"

Russia's 'New Way of War'? Asymmetric warfare and the Ukraine ...
Översätt den här sidan
15 jan. 2015 - A NATO Defence Committee Report entitled “Towards the Next ... The idea of creating a doctrine for asymmetric warfare is problematic.
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ...
Översätt den här sidan
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ... his boot at the UN, and everyone in the world, primarily in the United States, NATO, thought.
The Russian military's view on the utility of force: the adoption of a ...
The Russian military’s view on the utility of force: the adoption of a strategy of non-violent asymmetric warfare...
Översätt den här sidan
17 feb. 2017 - By Dr. Rod Thornton Russian military thinking seems to have reached the point ... Asymmetric warfare, of course, and in a nutshell, is a method of warfare ... Putin understood that efforts to try and match NATO's military power, ...
Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries and its total crickets, Russia buys $100k in ads attacking hildebeest and liberals freak out.
"Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries"

Shameless lie, though Trump's campaign was found to be soliciting illegal donations from foreign nationals.

Absolutely true you hack, he ducked under the reporting laws by keeping the donation amounts small.
I'm not sure any were accepted or donated, but soliciting them is illegal:
Donald Trump Is Illegally Soliciting Money from Foreign Nationals to Fund His Presidential Campaign

Donald Trump keeps asking foreign leaders for money. The latest: Vicente Fox.

Foreign Politicians to Donald Trump: Stop Begging Us for Money


Yes, spot on! Hillary Clinton, with her amazing powers of persuasion, talked the legion of Americans and foreigners into all of those arms deals, because foreign countries gave to her foundation, without a penny making it into her pockets.

Seems legit. If you dont actually think about it.
great. yet trump has done much less than this meme shows and yet you attack him non-stop, but this must be wrong because...well because you say so.

so lets just dig a little.

Hacked emails show extent of foreign government donations to Clinton Foundation
love this line:
According to an email sent to Clinton Foundation officials, the ambassador to Qatar requested a meeting with former president Bill Clinton in 2012, apparently so that he could present a $1 million check that Qatar had promised in honor of Clinton’s birthday in 2011.

wish i could get million dollar checks for my birthday. but nothing suspicious here, right? i won't bore you with going on and on with other examples because you'd just bypass them as me being mean and digging up lies to upset you. but tell me, if any of these people were giving the same amounts to a "trump foundation" would you then say all is still good or go nuts cause LOOK - THERE!???
Well, truth and facts start come out , I just wander what Putin´s useful idiots are gonna say this time? What Trump is gonna do new?

Et tu, Google? Search and ad giant Google has found evidence that Russian agents purchased ads on YouTube, Google Search, Gmail and the company's DoubleClick ad network, unnamed sources have told the Washington Post. That means Russian actors have penetrated all the large Silicon Valley ad firms, as Facebook and Twitter recently revealed similar attacks. However, the Google ads were reportedly not purchased by the same Vladimir Putin-affiliated group that bought ads on Facebook, meaning the problem could be more widespread than thought.

" Google also found evidence of Russian influence in US election


What does this have to do with Trump?
whats about well planed frontal foreign attack on the USA´s most important STATE institution ?

What if Putin's real "well planed frontal foreign attack on the USA´s most important STATE institution" is all of this "collusion conspiracy" and Mueller "investigation"?

This isn't Putin's first rodeo if he wanted to really interfere with our electon he could and he would never get caught (for awhile at least). His big master plan was to buy ads against a candidate who had no chance of winning? Hacking into a server with no security that everyone was hacking?

Democrats and liberals are the real puppets of Putin.

ummm.... france & denmark found out that russia was attempting to hack into their elections too. putin isn't as smart as he should be. he was banking on trump to come thru for him with lifting sanctions... to start with. how did that work out for ol' vlad?
+ Germany, Estonia, UK, CIA, FBI, NATO, etc. only paid trolls, useful idiots can say today that there are no evidence
so all countries interfere in elections. so does the US.

BS of a traitor, usa last election got under hybrid warfare attack, do you understand it?

Timothy Snyder: The Russian Military Tactic of 'Reverse Asymmetrical Warfare' in Ukraine"

Russia's 'New Way of War'? Asymmetric warfare and the Ukraine ...
Översätt den här sidan
15 jan. 2015 - A NATO Defence Committee Report entitled “Towards the Next ... The idea of creating a doctrine for asymmetric warfare is problematic.
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ...
Översätt den här sidan
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ... his boot at the UN, and everyone in the world, primarily in the United States, NATO, thought.
The Russian military's view on the utility of force: the adoption of a ...
The Russian military’s view on the utility of force: the adoption of a strategy of non-violent asymmetric warfare...
Översätt den här sidan
17 feb. 2017 - By Dr. Rod Thornton Russian military thinking seems to have reached the point ... Asymmetric warfare, of course, and in a nutshell, is a method of warfare ... Putin understood that efforts to try and match NATO's military power, ...

I love Wikileaks.
whats about well planed frontal foreign attack on the USA´s most important STATE institution ?

What if Putin's real "well planed frontal foreign attack on the USA´s most important STATE institution" is all of this "collusion conspiracy" and Mueller "investigation"?

This isn't Putin's first rodeo if he wanted to really interfere with our electon he could and he would never get caught (for awhile at least). His big master plan was to buy ads against a candidate who had no chance of winning? Hacking into a server with no security that everyone was hacking?

Democrats and liberals are the real puppets of Putin.

ummm.... france & denmark found out that russia was attempting to hack into their elections too. putin isn't as smart as he should be. he was banking on trump to come thru for him with lifting sanctions... to start with. how did that work out for ol' vlad?
+ Germany, Estonia, UK, CIA, FBI, NATO, etc. only paid trolls, useful idiots can say today that there are no evidence
so all countries interfere in elections. so does the US.

BS of a traitor, usa last election got under hybrid warfare attack, do you understand it?

Timothy Snyder: The Russian Military Tactic of 'Reverse Asymmetrical Warfare' in Ukraine"

Russia's 'New Way of War'? Asymmetric warfare and the Ukraine ...
Översätt den här sidan
15 jan. 2015 - A NATO Defence Committee Report entitled “Towards the Next ... The idea of creating a doctrine for asymmetric warfare is problematic.
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ...
Översätt den här sidan
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ... his boot at the UN, and everyone in the world, primarily in the United States, NATO, thought.
The Russian military's view on the utility of force: the adoption of a ...
The Russian military’s view on the utility of force: the adoption of a strategy of non-violent asymmetric warfare...
Översätt den här sidan
17 feb. 2017 - By Dr. Rod Thornton Russian military thinking seems to have reached the point ... Asymmetric warfare, of course, and in a nutshell, is a method of warfare ... Putin understood that efforts to try and match NATO's military power, ...

So stating a fact makes you a traitor?

You do realize that you and all the other snowflakes have gone totally over the edge with this Russian shit, don't you?
What if Putin's real "well planed frontal foreign attack on the USA´s most important STATE institution" is all of this "collusion conspiracy" and Mueller "investigation"?

This isn't Putin's first rodeo if he wanted to really interfere with our electon he could and he would never get caught (for awhile at least). His big master plan was to buy ads against a candidate who had no chance of winning? Hacking into a server with no security that everyone was hacking?

Democrats and liberals are the real puppets of Putin.

ummm.... france & denmark found out that russia was attempting to hack into their elections too. putin isn't as smart as he should be. he was banking on trump to come thru for him with lifting sanctions... to start with. how did that work out for ol' vlad?
+ Germany, Estonia, UK, CIA, FBI, NATO, etc. only paid trolls, useful idiots can say today that there are no evidence
so all countries interfere in elections. so does the US.

BS of a traitor, usa last election got under hybrid warfare attack, do you understand it?

Timothy Snyder: The Russian Military Tactic of 'Reverse Asymmetrical Warfare' in Ukraine"

Russia's 'New Way of War'? Asymmetric warfare and the Ukraine ...
Översätt den här sidan
15 jan. 2015 - A NATO Defence Committee Report entitled “Towards the Next ... The idea of creating a doctrine for asymmetric warfare is problematic.
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ...
Översätt den här sidan
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ... his boot at the UN, and everyone in the world, primarily in the United States, NATO, thought.
The Russian military's view on the utility of force: the adoption of a ...
The Russian military’s view on the utility of force: the adoption of a strategy of non-violent asymmetric warfare...
Översätt den här sidan
17 feb. 2017 - By Dr. Rod Thornton Russian military thinking seems to have reached the point ... Asymmetric warfare, of course, and in a nutshell, is a method of warfare ... Putin understood that efforts to try and match NATO's military power, ...

So stating a fact makes you a traitor?

You do realize that you and all the other snowflakes have gone totally over the edge with this Russian shit, don't you?

yes you are all traitors, who cover your traitor souls with rightist ideology here, FBI, CIA, THE Congress , NATO, UK, France , etc. provide tons of information about Putler´s asymmetrical war against USA/West BUT you guys still blame Hilary for emails. then tell everybody how you love your country

both video from 2014

ummm.... france & denmark found out that russia was attempting to hack into their elections too. putin isn't as smart as he should be. he was banking on trump to come thru for him with lifting sanctions... to start with. how did that work out for ol' vlad?
+ Germany, Estonia, UK, CIA, FBI, NATO, etc. only paid trolls, useful idiots can say today that there are no evidence
so all countries interfere in elections. so does the US.

BS of a traitor, usa last election got under hybrid warfare attack, do you understand it?

Timothy Snyder: The Russian Military Tactic of 'Reverse Asymmetrical Warfare' in Ukraine"

Russia's 'New Way of War'? Asymmetric warfare and the Ukraine ...
Översätt den här sidan
15 jan. 2015 - A NATO Defence Committee Report entitled “Towards the Next ... The idea of creating a doctrine for asymmetric warfare is problematic.
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ...
Översätt den här sidan
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ... his boot at the UN, and everyone in the world, primarily in the United States, NATO, thought.
The Russian military's view on the utility of force: the adoption of a ...
The Russian military’s view on the utility of force: the adoption of a strategy of non-violent asymmetric warfare...
Översätt den här sidan
17 feb. 2017 - By Dr. Rod Thornton Russian military thinking seems to have reached the point ... Asymmetric warfare, of course, and in a nutshell, is a method of warfare ... Putin understood that efforts to try and match NATO's military power, ...

So stating a fact makes you a traitor?

You do realize that you and all the other snowflakes have gone totally over the edge with this Russian shit, don't you?

yes you are all traitors, who cover your traitor souls with rightist ideology here, FBI, CIA, THE Congress , NATO, UK, France , etc. provide tons of information about Putler´s asymmetrical war against USA/West BUT you guys still blame Hilary for emails. then tell everybody how you love your country

both video from 2014

You're a brain damaged lunatic. Russia isn't doing anything it hasn't done since the Russian revolution. The Soviet Union under the communists was 1000 times more of a threat than Russia is today, but douche bags like you made excuses for everything they did. Your ilk defended all the Soviet spies infiltrated into our government. You defended Roosevelt and Truman who had 100s of Soviet spies populating sensative positions in the government. Anyone who criticized that was accused of "McCarthyism." Now you think we are supposed to believe that you are actually concerned about the security of this country?

Do you actually think we don't know that this entire Russia collusion hoax is just a scam you use to attack Trump? It's pure partisan politics, and nothing more. Those who push it are douche bags if the highest caliber.
Last edited:
ummm.... france & denmark found out that russia was attempting to hack into their elections too. putin isn't as smart as he should be. he was banking on trump to come thru for him with lifting sanctions... to start with. how did that work out for ol' vlad?
+ Germany, Estonia, UK, CIA, FBI, NATO, etc. only paid trolls, useful idiots can say today that there are no evidence
so all countries interfere in elections. so does the US.

BS of a traitor, usa last election got under hybrid warfare attack, do you understand it?

Timothy Snyder: The Russian Military Tactic of 'Reverse Asymmetrical Warfare' in Ukraine"

Russia's 'New Way of War'? Asymmetric warfare and the Ukraine ...
Översätt den här sidan
15 jan. 2015 - A NATO Defence Committee Report entitled “Towards the Next ... The idea of creating a doctrine for asymmetric warfare is problematic.
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ...
Översätt den här sidan
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ... his boot at the UN, and everyone in the world, primarily in the United States, NATO, thought.
The Russian military's view on the utility of force: the adoption of a ...
The Russian military’s view on the utility of force: the adoption of a strategy of non-violent asymmetric warfare...
Översätt den här sidan
17 feb. 2017 - By Dr. Rod Thornton Russian military thinking seems to have reached the point ... Asymmetric warfare, of course, and in a nutshell, is a method of warfare ... Putin understood that efforts to try and match NATO's military power, ...

So stating a fact makes you a traitor?

You do realize that you and all the other snowflakes have gone totally over the edge with this Russian shit, don't you?

yes you are all traitors, who cover your traitor souls with rightist ideology here, FBI, CIA, THE Congress , NATO, UK, France , etc. provide tons of information about Putler´s asymmetrical war against USA/West BUT you guys still blame Hilary for emails. then tell everybody how you love your country

both video from 2014

Yes we still blame Hillary. What you are bringing up is making her and Obama sound even more incompetent (if that is even possible).

She and Obama knew Putin was attacking other governments and still put national security information on a private unsecured server.
+ Germany, Estonia, UK, CIA, FBI, NATO, etc. only paid trolls, useful idiots can say today that there are no evidence
so all countries interfere in elections. so does the US.

BS of a traitor, usa last election got under hybrid warfare attack, do you understand it?

Timothy Snyder: The Russian Military Tactic of 'Reverse Asymmetrical Warfare' in Ukraine"

Russia's 'New Way of War'? Asymmetric warfare and the Ukraine ...
Översätt den här sidan
15 jan. 2015 - A NATO Defence Committee Report entitled “Towards the Next ... The idea of creating a doctrine for asymmetric warfare is problematic.
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ...
Översätt den här sidan
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ... his boot at the UN, and everyone in the world, primarily in the United States, NATO, thought.
The Russian military's view on the utility of force: the adoption of a ...
The Russian military’s view on the utility of force: the adoption of a strategy of non-violent asymmetric warfare...
Översätt den här sidan
17 feb. 2017 - By Dr. Rod Thornton Russian military thinking seems to have reached the point ... Asymmetric warfare, of course, and in a nutshell, is a method of warfare ... Putin understood that efforts to try and match NATO's military power, ...

So stating a fact makes you a traitor?

You do realize that you and all the other snowflakes have gone totally over the edge with this Russian shit, don't you?

yes you are all traitors, who cover your traitor souls with rightist ideology here, FBI, CIA, THE Congress , NATO, UK, France , etc. provide tons of information about Putler´s asymmetrical war against USA/West BUT you guys still blame Hilary for emails. then tell everybody how you love your country

both video from 2014

You're a brain damaged lunatic. Russia isn't doing anything it hasn't done since the Russian revolution. .

you are 1) from Olgino 2) a "useful idiot" (a juridical term )


+ Germany, Estonia, UK, CIA, FBI, NATO, etc. only paid trolls, useful idiots can say today that there are no evidence
so all countries interfere in elections. so does the US.

BS of a traitor, usa last election got under hybrid warfare attack, do you understand it?

Timothy Snyder: The Russian Military Tactic of 'Reverse Asymmetrical Warfare' in Ukraine"

Russia's 'New Way of War'? Asymmetric warfare and the Ukraine ...
Översätt den här sidan
15 jan. 2015 - A NATO Defence Committee Report entitled “Towards the Next ... The idea of creating a doctrine for asymmetric warfare is problematic.
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ...
Översätt den här sidan
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ... his boot at the UN, and everyone in the world, primarily in the United States, NATO, thought.
The Russian military's view on the utility of force: the adoption of a ...
The Russian military’s view on the utility of force: the adoption of a strategy of non-violent asymmetric warfare...
Översätt den här sidan
17 feb. 2017 - By Dr. Rod Thornton Russian military thinking seems to have reached the point ... Asymmetric warfare, of course, and in a nutshell, is a method of warfare ... Putin understood that efforts to try and match NATO's military power, ...

So stating a fact makes you a traitor?

You do realize that you and all the other snowflakes have gone totally over the edge with this Russian shit, don't you?

yes you are all traitors, who cover your traitor souls with rightist ideology here, FBI, CIA, THE Congress , NATO, UK, France , etc. provide tons of information about Putler´s asymmetrical war against USA/West BUT you guys still blame Hilary for emails. then tell everybody how you love your country

both video from 2014

Yes we still blame Hillary. What you are bringing up is making her and Obama sound even more incompetent (if that is even possible).

She and Obama knew Putin was attacking other governments and still put national security information on a private unsecured server.

a simple question to you, Putler´s hybrid attacks on the USA, is an act of war or not?
What if Putin's real "well planed frontal foreign attack on the USA´s most important STATE institution" is all of this "collusion conspiracy" and Mueller "investigation"?

This isn't Putin's first rodeo if he wanted to really interfere with our electon he could and he would never get caught (for awhile at least). His big master plan was to buy ads against a candidate who had no chance of winning? Hacking into a server with no security that everyone was hacking?

Democrats and liberals are the real puppets of Putin.

ummm.... france & denmark found out that russia was attempting to hack into their elections too. putin isn't as smart as he should be. he was banking on trump to come thru for him with lifting sanctions... to start with. how did that work out for ol' vlad?
+ Germany, Estonia, UK, CIA, FBI, NATO, etc. only paid trolls, useful idiots can say today that there are no evidence
so all countries interfere in elections. so does the US.

BS of a traitor, usa last election got under hybrid warfare attack, do you understand it?

Timothy Snyder: The Russian Military Tactic of 'Reverse Asymmetrical Warfare' in Ukraine"

Russia's 'New Way of War'? Asymmetric warfare and the Ukraine ...
Översätt den här sidan
15 jan. 2015 - A NATO Defence Committee Report entitled “Towards the Next ... The idea of creating a doctrine for asymmetric warfare is problematic.
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ...
Översätt den här sidan
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ... his boot at the UN, and everyone in the world, primarily in the United States, NATO, thought.
The Russian military's view on the utility of force: the adoption of a ...
The Russian military’s view on the utility of force: the adoption of a strategy of non-violent asymmetric warfare...
Översätt den här sidan
17 feb. 2017 - By Dr. Rod Thornton Russian military thinking seems to have reached the point ... Asymmetric warfare, of course, and in a nutshell, is a method of warfare ... Putin understood that efforts to try and match NATO's military power, ...

I love Wikileaks.

good for you, whats about "Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies"?
so all countries interfere in elections. so does the US.

BS of a traitor, usa last election got under hybrid warfare attack, do you understand it?

Timothy Snyder: The Russian Military Tactic of 'Reverse Asymmetrical Warfare' in Ukraine"

Russia's 'New Way of War'? Asymmetric warfare and the Ukraine ...
Översätt den här sidan
15 jan. 2015 - A NATO Defence Committee Report entitled “Towards the Next ... The idea of creating a doctrine for asymmetric warfare is problematic.
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ...
Översätt den här sidan
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ... his boot at the UN, and everyone in the world, primarily in the United States, NATO, thought.
The Russian military's view on the utility of force: the adoption of a ...
The Russian military’s view on the utility of force: the adoption of a strategy of non-violent asymmetric warfare...
Översätt den här sidan
17 feb. 2017 - By Dr. Rod Thornton Russian military thinking seems to have reached the point ... Asymmetric warfare, of course, and in a nutshell, is a method of warfare ... Putin understood that efforts to try and match NATO's military power, ...

So stating a fact makes you a traitor?

You do realize that you and all the other snowflakes have gone totally over the edge with this Russian shit, don't you?

yes you are all traitors, who cover your traitor souls with rightist ideology here, FBI, CIA, THE Congress , NATO, UK, France , etc. provide tons of information about Putler´s asymmetrical war against USA/West BUT you guys still blame Hilary for emails. then tell everybody how you love your country

both video from 2014

You're a brain damaged lunatic. Russia isn't doing anything it hasn't done since the Russian revolution. .

you are 1) from Olgino 2) a "useful idiot" (a juridical term )



Democrats were the ones who made excuses for Stalin and the Soviet Union, douche bag, not Republicans. Walter Duranty, who served as the Moscow Bureau Chief of The New York Times, said the Soviet Union was a paradise. In 1932 Duranty received a Pulitzer Prize for a series of reports about the Soviet Union, 11 of them published in June 1931. He was criticized for his subsequent denial of widespread famine (1932–33) in the USSR, most particularly the mass starvation in Ukraine. Years later, there were calls to revoke his Pulitzer; The New York Times, which submitted his works for the prize in 1932, wrote that his later articles denying the famine constituted "some of the worst reporting to appear in this newspaper."

The lying hasn't stopped since.
ummm.... france & denmark found out that russia was attempting to hack into their elections too. putin isn't as smart as he should be. he was banking on trump to come thru for him with lifting sanctions... to start with. how did that work out for ol' vlad?
+ Germany, Estonia, UK, CIA, FBI, NATO, etc. only paid trolls, useful idiots can say today that there are no evidence
so all countries interfere in elections. so does the US.

BS of a traitor, usa last election got under hybrid warfare attack, do you understand it?

Timothy Snyder: The Russian Military Tactic of 'Reverse Asymmetrical Warfare' in Ukraine"

Russia's 'New Way of War'? Asymmetric warfare and the Ukraine ...
Översätt den här sidan
15 jan. 2015 - A NATO Defence Committee Report entitled “Towards the Next ... The idea of creating a doctrine for asymmetric warfare is problematic.
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ...
Översätt den här sidan
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ... his boot at the UN, and everyone in the world, primarily in the United States, NATO, thought.
The Russian military's view on the utility of force: the adoption of a ...
The Russian military’s view on the utility of force: the adoption of a strategy of non-violent asymmetric warfare...
Översätt den här sidan
17 feb. 2017 - By Dr. Rod Thornton Russian military thinking seems to have reached the point ... Asymmetric warfare, of course, and in a nutshell, is a method of warfare ... Putin understood that efforts to try and match NATO's military power, ...

I love Wikileaks.

good for you, whats about "Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies"?

I just know that the DNC never denied what was leaked !! what a great company.
BS of a traitor, usa last election got under hybrid warfare attack, do you understand it?

Timothy Snyder: The Russian Military Tactic of 'Reverse Asymmetrical Warfare' in Ukraine"

Russia's 'New Way of War'? Asymmetric warfare and the Ukraine ...
Översätt den här sidan
15 jan. 2015 - A NATO Defence Committee Report entitled “Towards the Next ... The idea of creating a doctrine for asymmetric warfare is problematic.
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ...
Översätt den här sidan
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ... his boot at the UN, and everyone in the world, primarily in the United States, NATO, thought.
The Russian military's view on the utility of force: the adoption of a ...
The Russian military’s view on the utility of force: the adoption of a strategy of non-violent asymmetric warfare...
Översätt den här sidan
17 feb. 2017 - By Dr. Rod Thornton Russian military thinking seems to have reached the point ... Asymmetric warfare, of course, and in a nutshell, is a method of warfare ... Putin understood that efforts to try and match NATO's military power, ...

So stating a fact makes you a traitor?

You do realize that you and all the other snowflakes have gone totally over the edge with this Russian shit, don't you?

yes you are all traitors, who cover your traitor souls with rightist ideology here, FBI, CIA, THE Congress , NATO, UK, France , etc. provide tons of information about Putler´s asymmetrical war against USA/West BUT you guys still blame Hilary for emails. then tell everybody how you love your country

both video from 2014

You're a brain damaged lunatic. Russia isn't doing anything it hasn't done since the Russian revolution. .

you are 1) from Olgino 2) a "useful idiot" (a juridical term )



Democrats where the ones who made excuses for Stalin and the Soviet Union, douche bag, not Republicans. Walter Duranty, who served as the Moscow Bureau Chief of The New York Times, said the Soviet Union was a paradise. The lying hasn't stopped since.

he's a trolling hack.
so all countries interfere in elections. so does the US.

BS of a traitor, usa last election got under hybrid warfare attack, do you understand it?

Timothy Snyder: The Russian Military Tactic of 'Reverse Asymmetrical Warfare' in Ukraine"

Russia's 'New Way of War'? Asymmetric warfare and the Ukraine ...
Översätt den här sidan
15 jan. 2015 - A NATO Defence Committee Report entitled “Towards the Next ... The idea of creating a doctrine for asymmetric warfare is problematic.
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ...
Översätt den här sidan
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ... his boot at the UN, and everyone in the world, primarily in the United States, NATO, thought.
The Russian military's view on the utility of force: the adoption of a ...
The Russian military’s view on the utility of force: the adoption of a strategy of non-violent asymmetric warfare...
Översätt den här sidan
17 feb. 2017 - By Dr. Rod Thornton Russian military thinking seems to have reached the point ... Asymmetric warfare, of course, and in a nutshell, is a method of warfare ... Putin understood that efforts to try and match NATO's military power, ...

So stating a fact makes you a traitor?

You do realize that you and all the other snowflakes have gone totally over the edge with this Russian shit, don't you?

yes you are all traitors, who cover your traitor souls with rightist ideology here, FBI, CIA, THE Congress , NATO, UK, France , etc. provide tons of information about Putler´s asymmetrical war against USA/West BUT you guys still blame Hilary for emails. then tell everybody how you love your country

both video from 2014

Yes we still blame Hillary. What you are bringing up is making her and Obama sound even more incompetent (if that is even possible).

She and Obama knew Putin was attacking other governments and still put national security information on a private unsecured server.

a simple question to you, Putler´s hybrid attacks on the USA, is an act of war or not?

No. They have never been considered to be an act of war. The U.S. does the same thing to numerous other countries, including Russia.
so all countries interfere in elections. so does the US.

BS of a traitor, usa last election got under hybrid warfare attack, do you understand it?

Timothy Snyder: The Russian Military Tactic of 'Reverse Asymmetrical Warfare' in Ukraine"

Russia's 'New Way of War'? Asymmetric warfare and the Ukraine ...
Översätt den här sidan
15 jan. 2015 - A NATO Defence Committee Report entitled “Towards the Next ... The idea of creating a doctrine for asymmetric warfare is problematic.
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ...
Översätt den här sidan
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ... his boot at the UN, and everyone in the world, primarily in the United States, NATO, thought.
The Russian military's view on the utility of force: the adoption of a ...
The Russian military’s view on the utility of force: the adoption of a strategy of non-violent asymmetric warfare...
Översätt den här sidan
17 feb. 2017 - By Dr. Rod Thornton Russian military thinking seems to have reached the point ... Asymmetric warfare, of course, and in a nutshell, is a method of warfare ... Putin understood that efforts to try and match NATO's military power, ...

So stating a fact makes you a traitor?

You do realize that you and all the other snowflakes have gone totally over the edge with this Russian shit, don't you?

yes you are all traitors, who cover your traitor souls with rightist ideology here, FBI, CIA, THE Congress , NATO, UK, France , etc. provide tons of information about Putler´s asymmetrical war against USA/West BUT you guys still blame Hilary for emails. then tell everybody how you love your country

both video from 2014

Yes we still blame Hillary. What you are bringing up is making her and Obama sound even more incompetent (if that is even possible).

She and Obama knew Putin was attacking other governments and still put national security information on a private unsecured server.

a simple question to you, Putler´s hybrid attacks on the USA, is an act of war or not?

No it's not. Countries interfere on some level in each other's governments. I do think we need to have a decision on where the line is.

Buying Facebook ads is not an act of war. If Russia did hack (and they most likely did) Hillary's the DNC servers what makes you think they were the only ones?

I still think it was a Bernie supporting DNC staffer who gave it to WikiLeaks because Assange said it and he is by far more trust worthy than anyone else who is saying it was Russia.
BS of a traitor, usa last election got under hybrid warfare attack, do you understand it?

Timothy Snyder: The Russian Military Tactic of 'Reverse Asymmetrical Warfare' in Ukraine"

Russia's 'New Way of War'? Asymmetric warfare and the Ukraine ...
Översätt den här sidan
15 jan. 2015 - A NATO Defence Committee Report entitled “Towards the Next ... The idea of creating a doctrine for asymmetric warfare is problematic.
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ...
Översätt den här sidan
The Nuclear Element in Russia's Asymmetric Warfare Strategies ... his boot at the UN, and everyone in the world, primarily in the United States, NATO, thought.
The Russian military's view on the utility of force: the adoption of a ...
The Russian military’s view on the utility of force: the adoption of a strategy of non-violent asymmetric warfare...
Översätt den här sidan
17 feb. 2017 - By Dr. Rod Thornton Russian military thinking seems to have reached the point ... Asymmetric warfare, of course, and in a nutshell, is a method of warfare ... Putin understood that efforts to try and match NATO's military power, ...

So stating a fact makes you a traitor?

You do realize that you and all the other snowflakes have gone totally over the edge with this Russian shit, don't you?

yes you are all traitors, who cover your traitor souls with rightist ideology here, FBI, CIA, THE Congress , NATO, UK, France , etc. provide tons of information about Putler´s asymmetrical war against USA/West BUT you guys still blame Hilary for emails. then tell everybody how you love your country

both video from 2014

Yes we still blame Hillary. What you are bringing up is making her and Obama sound even more incompetent (if that is even possible).

She and Obama knew Putin was attacking other governments and still put national security information on a private unsecured server.

a simple question to you, Putler´s hybrid attacks on the USA, is an act of war or not?

No it's not. Countries interfere on some level in each other's governments. I do think we need to have a decision on where the line is.

Buying Facebook ads is not an act of war. If Russia did hack (and they most likely did) Hillary's the DNC servers what makes you think they were the only ones?

I still think it was a Bernie supporting DNC staffer who gave it to WikiLeaks because Assange said it and he is by far more trust worthy than anyone else who is saying it was Russia.

so Putler´s hybrid war on the USA is just 1) hacking DNC servers 2) Buying Facebook ads. this your understanding of MUSCOVITE ASYMMETRICAL WARFARE , RIGHT?

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