Google also found evidence of " Russan" influence in US election

Well, truth and facts start come out , I just wander what Putin´s useful idiots are gonna say this time? What Trump is gonna do new?

Et tu, Google? Search and ad giant Google has found evidence that Russian agents purchased ads on YouTube, Google Search, Gmail and the company's DoubleClick ad network, unnamed sources have told the Washington Post. That means Russian actors have penetrated all the large Silicon Valley ad firms, as Facebook and Twitter recently revealed similar attacks. However, the Google ads were reportedly not purchased by the same Vladimir Putin-affiliated group that bought ads on Facebook, meaning the problem could be more widespread than thought.

" Google also found evidence of Russian influence in US election

so is russia buying ads on facebook illegal? on google/youtube?

please show me what law they broke *IF* they even did this. i'm curious how that looks on the books.
What difference does that make? Is that how your ethics are decided.... only after you find out if something is illegal or not? that's silly.
makes a big difference.

i'm not condoning any action whatsoever at this point - let's not over analyze what i am saying so you can slide back into defense mode and come at me vs. the issue / topic at hand.

can we buy ads on facebook and target russian propoganda? does facebook T&C's prevent political ads that were violated? google? youtube?

i'm not saying i'm anxious for this to become a huge issue. i *am* saying i can't believe people will fall for anything they read so they kinda deserve it if they read something stupid and go AH HA I TOLD YOU THEY WERE XYZ!!!

to which we all tend to do regardless of who is paying for what ad. more like a pavlovian response than illegal.

so if russia did it - now what? where would we go from there? ban political ads on facebook? ban russian ads on facebook? what?

so before you go attacking my ethics, get to know them first, deal? i'll try to do the same for you.
Track them like political contributions, and force these social media and search providers to track them. First find out how it works and to what degree it is working. This is what terrifies these companies, and why getting this information has been like oulling teeth.

"What to do about it" will become more clear at that time. One suggestion being floated is to consider it to be "in-kind support" for candidates by foreign entities, and prohibit it. Did you know a foreign citizen or entity cannot purchase time on TV for a political ad? While this cyber bullshit is much murkier, that should not prevent is from doing anything at all.
well the entire game has changed. how it's played, how they will play it, how they'll use human behavior against each other. and while i am like "bad russia" for pulling that shit (if they did) i do not pretend for a moment we're not busy doing the same thing. we're either a lot better at hiding it or the russians are not cry babies when they see us do it to them like we seem to be.

*if* that scenario is what is happening that is.

we seem to be bending over backwards to "find" evidence against russia and one things i've learned is if you want to - you will find what you are looking for whether it's there or not.

and that's the "in between" i see us in as a country right now. how much is real? how much is liberal butthurt? then in the end, what do we do to grow up and/or establish policy to try and stop it.

as for tracking political ads, if i take one out myself and say this is just me talking, what good would it do to facebook? they going to censor me and other americans who disagree with them? that would be a much bigger problem. just like russia would want us to have. :)
"We are doing the same thing"

If we can't draw a clear ethical and legal line between domestic and foreign influence, then we should just give up now and stop having elections.

"we seem to be bending over backwards to "find" evidence against russia and one things i've learned is if you want to - you will find what you are looking for whether it's there or not."

No offense, but that is one of the sleazier arguments I have heard in all of this. If only defense lawyers could use this, our jails would be empty.
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so is russia buying ads on facebook illegal? on google/youtube?

please show me what law they broke *IF* they even did this. i'm curious how that looks on the books.
What difference does that make? Is that how your ethics are decided.... only after you find out if something is illegal or not? that's silly.
makes a big difference.

i'm not condoning any action whatsoever at this point - let's not over analyze what i am saying so you can slide back into defense mode and come at me vs. the issue / topic at hand.

can we buy ads on facebook and target russian propoganda? does facebook T&C's prevent political ads that were violated? google? youtube?

i'm not saying i'm anxious for this to become a huge issue. i *am* saying i can't believe people will fall for anything they read so they kinda deserve it if they read something stupid and go AH HA I TOLD YOU THEY WERE XYZ!!!

to which we all tend to do regardless of who is paying for what ad. more like a pavlovian response than illegal.

so if russia did it - now what? where would we go from there? ban political ads on facebook? ban russian ads on facebook? what?

so before you go attacking my ethics, get to know them first, deal? i'll try to do the same for you.
Track them like political contributions, and force these social media and search providers to track them. First find out how it works and to what degree it is working. This is what terrifies these companies, and why getting this information has been like oulling teeth.

"What to do about it" will become more clear at that time. One suggestion being floated is to consider it to be "in-kind support" for candidates by foreign entities, and prohibit it. Did you know a foreign citizen or entity cannot purchase time on TV for a political ad? While this cyber bullshit is much murkier, that should not prevent is from doing anything at all.
well the entire game has changed. how it's played, how they will play it, how they'll use human behavior against each other. and while i am like "bad russia" for pulling that shit (if they did) i do not pretend for a moment we're not busy doing the same thing. we're either a lot better at hiding it or the russians are not cry babies when they see us do it to them like we seem to be.

*if* that scenario is what is happening that is.

we seem to be bending over backwards to "find" evidence against russia and one things i've learned is if you want to - you will find what you are looking for whether it's there or not.

and that's the "in between" i see us in as a country right now. how much is real? how much is liberal butthurt? then in the end, what do we do to grow up and/or establish policy to try and stop it.

as for tracking political ads, if i take one out myself and say this is just me talking, what good would it do to facebook? they going to censor me and other americans who disagree with them? that would be a much bigger problem. just like russia would want us to have. :)
"We are doing the same thing"

If we can't draw a clear line between domestic and foreign influence, then we should just give up now and stop having elections.
do you believe we are or are *NOT* interfering with other countries elections?

i'm not disagreeing with you on this - but i'm not going to follow along on a topic jump that only avoids answering the questions we're actually all asking.

as for my "crummy defense" response from you - i realize that. but i also realize in which context you're taking it.

if it is my job to be neutral and find whatever i can then yes. you dive in and you LOOK for evidence one way or another.

if you hate someone with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns and wish them bodily harm on fridays, are you going to be objective when you look for something, or are you going to FIND SOMETHING anyway?

huge difference in how you interpret what i said.
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Russia is attempting to use democracy against the west. Russia is our enemy and we must stop them.

I'm fine with Russia helping us defeat Hillary.

that makes you a traitor.
not if you already thought hillary was the traitor to the constitution.

hillary doesn't have a special counsel with upwards of 20 specialized agents investigating her. or several senate & house investigations looking into that very thing either.

i am 100% sure yo will love this pro - putler troll´s MEME
What difference does that make? Is that how your ethics are decided.... only after you find out if something is illegal or not? that's silly.
makes a big difference.

i'm not condoning any action whatsoever at this point - let's not over analyze what i am saying so you can slide back into defense mode and come at me vs. the issue / topic at hand.

can we buy ads on facebook and target russian propoganda? does facebook T&C's prevent political ads that were violated? google? youtube?

i'm not saying i'm anxious for this to become a huge issue. i *am* saying i can't believe people will fall for anything they read so they kinda deserve it if they read something stupid and go AH HA I TOLD YOU THEY WERE XYZ!!!

to which we all tend to do regardless of who is paying for what ad. more like a pavlovian response than illegal.

so if russia did it - now what? where would we go from there? ban political ads on facebook? ban russian ads on facebook? what?

so before you go attacking my ethics, get to know them first, deal? i'll try to do the same for you.
Track them like political contributions, and force these social media and search providers to track them. First find out how it works and to what degree it is working. This is what terrifies these companies, and why getting this information has been like oulling teeth.

"What to do about it" will become more clear at that time. One suggestion being floated is to consider it to be "in-kind support" for candidates by foreign entities, and prohibit it. Did you know a foreign citizen or entity cannot purchase time on TV for a political ad? While this cyber bullshit is much murkier, that should not prevent is from doing anything at all.
well the entire game has changed. how it's played, how they will play it, how they'll use human behavior against each other. and while i am like "bad russia" for pulling that shit (if they did) i do not pretend for a moment we're not busy doing the same thing. we're either a lot better at hiding it or the russians are not cry babies when they see us do it to them like we seem to be.

*if* that scenario is what is happening that is.

we seem to be bending over backwards to "find" evidence against russia and one things i've learned is if you want to - you will find what you are looking for whether it's there or not.

and that's the "in between" i see us in as a country right now. how much is real? how much is liberal butthurt? then in the end, what do we do to grow up and/or establish policy to try and stop it.

as for tracking political ads, if i take one out myself and say this is just me talking, what good would it do to facebook? they going to censor me and other americans who disagree with them? that would be a much bigger problem. just like russia would want us to have. :)
"We are doing the same thing"

If we can't draw a clear line between domestic and foreign influence, then we should just give up now and stop having elections.
do you believe we are or are *NOT* interfering with other countries elections?

i'm not disagreeing with you on this - but i'm not going to follow along on a topic jump that only avoids answering the questions we're actually all asking.

as for my "crummy defense" response from you - i realize that. but i also realize in which context you're taking it.

if it is my job to be neutral and find whatever i can then yes. you dive in and you LOOK for evidence one way or another.

if you hate someone with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns and wish them bodily harm on fridays, are you going to be objective when you look for something, or are you going to FIND SOMETHING anyway?

huge difference in how you interpret what i said.
"do you believe we are or are *NOT* interfering with other countries elections?"

the way Russia meddled in ours? NO, I do not. And, even i f this fantasy were 100% true.. remind me... which side are we on?
"you dive in and you LOOK for evidence one way or another."

and if you already know the crime has been committed, and who committed it (as we DO), then you can target your investigation.
makes a big difference.

i'm not condoning any action whatsoever at this point - let's not over analyze what i am saying so you can slide back into defense mode and come at me vs. the issue / topic at hand.

can we buy ads on facebook and target russian propoganda? does facebook T&C's prevent political ads that were violated? google? youtube?

i'm not saying i'm anxious for this to become a huge issue. i *am* saying i can't believe people will fall for anything they read so they kinda deserve it if they read something stupid and go AH HA I TOLD YOU THEY WERE XYZ!!!

to which we all tend to do regardless of who is paying for what ad. more like a pavlovian response than illegal.

so if russia did it - now what? where would we go from there? ban political ads on facebook? ban russian ads on facebook? what?

so before you go attacking my ethics, get to know them first, deal? i'll try to do the same for you.
Track them like political contributions, and force these social media and search providers to track them. First find out how it works and to what degree it is working. This is what terrifies these companies, and why getting this information has been like oulling teeth.

"What to do about it" will become more clear at that time. One suggestion being floated is to consider it to be "in-kind support" for candidates by foreign entities, and prohibit it. Did you know a foreign citizen or entity cannot purchase time on TV for a political ad? While this cyber bullshit is much murkier, that should not prevent is from doing anything at all.
well the entire game has changed. how it's played, how they will play it, how they'll use human behavior against each other. and while i am like "bad russia" for pulling that shit (if they did) i do not pretend for a moment we're not busy doing the same thing. we're either a lot better at hiding it or the russians are not cry babies when they see us do it to them like we seem to be.

*if* that scenario is what is happening that is.

we seem to be bending over backwards to "find" evidence against russia and one things i've learned is if you want to - you will find what you are looking for whether it's there or not.

and that's the "in between" i see us in as a country right now. how much is real? how much is liberal butthurt? then in the end, what do we do to grow up and/or establish policy to try and stop it.

as for tracking political ads, if i take one out myself and say this is just me talking, what good would it do to facebook? they going to censor me and other americans who disagree with them? that would be a much bigger problem. just like russia would want us to have. :)
"We are doing the same thing"

If we can't draw a clear line between domestic and foreign influence, then we should just give up now and stop having elections.
do you believe we are or are *NOT* interfering with other countries elections?

i'm not disagreeing with you on this - but i'm not going to follow along on a topic jump that only avoids answering the questions we're actually all asking.

as for my "crummy defense" response from you - i realize that. but i also realize in which context you're taking it.

if it is my job to be neutral and find whatever i can then yes. you dive in and you LOOK for evidence one way or another.

if you hate someone with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns and wish them bodily harm on fridays, are you going to be objective when you look for something, or are you going to FIND SOMETHING anyway?

huge difference in how you interpret what i said.
"do you believe we are or are *NOT* interfering with other countries elections?"

the way Russia meddled in ours? NO, I do not. And, even i f this fantasy were 100% true.. remind me... which side are we on?
"you dive in and you LOOK for evidence one way or another."

and if you already know the crime has been committed, and who committed it (as we DO), then you can target your investigation.
dunno. if we're pushing to globalization who's side would i be on? should i be on? but i'm not so all i'm trying to do now is establish the rules under which games like this are played by all players. you seem to want to slap on some pom poms and go EVEN IF WE ARE DOING IT SO - IT"S RUSSIA!!! and that's why we're in this mess. hypocrisy.

so what is it? are we going to establish how the game is played by all players and if we're guilty of what we're bitching about, or are you going to wave your pom poms at me and cry out YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN?

just let me know where this train is going so i can figure out if i want to get off of it now.
We won Hillary lost that's all that matters.
whats about well planed frontal foreign attack on the USA´s most important STATE institution ?
If it's so damn important why is expecting people to PROVE THEY ARE AMERICANS BEFORE THEY VOTE such a bad thing with you idiots?

I know why. Because you don't actually give a fuck about the integrity of the election and just want to find a scapegoat for your loss.

Suck it up like an adult and find a better candidate.
Notice the absence of a response? I try to hammer in nails in one hit at work like this!
Track them like political contributions, and force these social media and search providers to track them. First find out how it works and to what degree it is working. This is what terrifies these companies, and why getting this information has been like oulling teeth.

"What to do about it" will become more clear at that time. One suggestion being floated is to consider it to be "in-kind support" for candidates by foreign entities, and prohibit it. Did you know a foreign citizen or entity cannot purchase time on TV for a political ad? While this cyber bullshit is much murkier, that should not prevent is from doing anything at all.
well the entire game has changed. how it's played, how they will play it, how they'll use human behavior against each other. and while i am like "bad russia" for pulling that shit (if they did) i do not pretend for a moment we're not busy doing the same thing. we're either a lot better at hiding it or the russians are not cry babies when they see us do it to them like we seem to be.

*if* that scenario is what is happening that is.

we seem to be bending over backwards to "find" evidence against russia and one things i've learned is if you want to - you will find what you are looking for whether it's there or not.

and that's the "in between" i see us in as a country right now. how much is real? how much is liberal butthurt? then in the end, what do we do to grow up and/or establish policy to try and stop it.

as for tracking political ads, if i take one out myself and say this is just me talking, what good would it do to facebook? they going to censor me and other americans who disagree with them? that would be a much bigger problem. just like russia would want us to have. :)
"We are doing the same thing"

If we can't draw a clear line between domestic and foreign influence, then we should just give up now and stop having elections.
do you believe we are or are *NOT* interfering with other countries elections?

i'm not disagreeing with you on this - but i'm not going to follow along on a topic jump that only avoids answering the questions we're actually all asking.

as for my "crummy defense" response from you - i realize that. but i also realize in which context you're taking it.

if it is my job to be neutral and find whatever i can then yes. you dive in and you LOOK for evidence one way or another.

if you hate someone with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns and wish them bodily harm on fridays, are you going to be objective when you look for something, or are you going to FIND SOMETHING anyway?

huge difference in how you interpret what i said.
"do you believe we are or are *NOT* interfering with other countries elections?"

the way Russia meddled in ours? NO, I do not. And, even i f this fantasy were 100% true.. remind me... which side are we on?
"you dive in and you LOOK for evidence one way or another."

and if you already know the crime has been committed, and who committed it (as we DO), then you can target your investigation.
dunno. if we're pushing to globalization who's side would i be on? should i be on? but i'm not so all i'm trying to do now is establish the rules under which games like this are played by all players. you seem to want to slap on some pom poms and go EVEN IF WE ARE DOING IT SO - IT"S RUSSIA!!! and that's why we're in this mess. hypocrisy.

so what is it? are we going to establish how the game is played by all players and if we're guilty of what we're bitching about, or are you going to wave your pom poms at me and cry out YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN?

just let me know where this train is going to i can figure out if i want to get off of it now.
" but i'm not so all i'm trying to do now is establish the rules under which games like this are played by all players. "

hahaha... okay, and good luck in your noble folly, sir. I think I'll remain focused on what is best for our democracy. Not that i would eschew your rules, but I have to say --- this goofiness by you is certainly one of the more inventive and whimsical ways I've seen people try to convince other people not to care about the Russian meddling. I will award you one point for creativity. :)
well the entire game has changed. how it's played, how they will play it, how they'll use human behavior against each other. and while i am like "bad russia" for pulling that shit (if they did) i do not pretend for a moment we're not busy doing the same thing. we're either a lot better at hiding it or the russians are not cry babies when they see us do it to them like we seem to be.

*if* that scenario is what is happening that is.

we seem to be bending over backwards to "find" evidence against russia and one things i've learned is if you want to - you will find what you are looking for whether it's there or not.

and that's the "in between" i see us in as a country right now. how much is real? how much is liberal butthurt? then in the end, what do we do to grow up and/or establish policy to try and stop it.

as for tracking political ads, if i take one out myself and say this is just me talking, what good would it do to facebook? they going to censor me and other americans who disagree with them? that would be a much bigger problem. just like russia would want us to have. :)
"We are doing the same thing"

If we can't draw a clear line between domestic and foreign influence, then we should just give up now and stop having elections.
do you believe we are or are *NOT* interfering with other countries elections?

i'm not disagreeing with you on this - but i'm not going to follow along on a topic jump that only avoids answering the questions we're actually all asking.

as for my "crummy defense" response from you - i realize that. but i also realize in which context you're taking it.

if it is my job to be neutral and find whatever i can then yes. you dive in and you LOOK for evidence one way or another.

if you hate someone with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns and wish them bodily harm on fridays, are you going to be objective when you look for something, or are you going to FIND SOMETHING anyway?

huge difference in how you interpret what i said.
"do you believe we are or are *NOT* interfering with other countries elections?"

the way Russia meddled in ours? NO, I do not. And, even i f this fantasy were 100% true.. remind me... which side are we on?
"you dive in and you LOOK for evidence one way or another."

and if you already know the crime has been committed, and who committed it (as we DO), then you can target your investigation.
dunno. if we're pushing to globalization who's side would i be on? should i be on? but i'm not so all i'm trying to do now is establish the rules under which games like this are played by all players. you seem to want to slap on some pom poms and go EVEN IF WE ARE DOING IT SO - IT"S RUSSIA!!! and that's why we're in this mess. hypocrisy.

so what is it? are we going to establish how the game is played by all players and if we're guilty of what we're bitching about, or are you going to wave your pom poms at me and cry out YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN?

just let me know where this train is going to i can figure out if i want to get off of it now.
" but i'm not so all i'm trying to do now is establish the rules under which games like this are played by all players. "

hahaha... okay, and good luck in your noble folly, sir. I think I'll remain focused on what is best for our democracy. Not that i would eschew your rules, but I have to say --- this goofiness by you is certainly one of the more inventive and whimsical ways I've seen people try to convince other people not to care about the Russian meddling. I will award you one point for creativity. :)
didn't say i didn't care.

you lose 10 points for putting words in my mouth and another 20 for running away from a discussion.

toot toot. i'm off this train.
well the entire game has changed. how it's played, how they will play it, how they'll use human behavior against each other. and while i am like "bad russia" for pulling that shit (if they did) i do not pretend for a moment we're not busy doing the same thing. we're either a lot better at hiding it or the russians are not cry babies when they see us do it to them like we seem to be.

*if* that scenario is what is happening that is.

we seem to be bending over backwards to "find" evidence against russia and one things i've learned is if you want to - you will find what you are looking for whether it's there or not.

and that's the "in between" i see us in as a country right now. how much is real? how much is liberal butthurt? then in the end, what do we do to grow up and/or establish policy to try and stop it.

as for tracking political ads, if i take one out myself and say this is just me talking, what good would it do to facebook? they going to censor me and other americans who disagree with them? that would be a much bigger problem. just like russia would want us to have. :)
"We are doing the same thing"

If we can't draw a clear line between domestic and foreign influence, then we should just give up now and stop having elections.
do you believe we are or are *NOT* interfering with other countries elections?

i'm not disagreeing with you on this - but i'm not going to follow along on a topic jump that only avoids answering the questions we're actually all asking.

as for my "crummy defense" response from you - i realize that. but i also realize in which context you're taking it.

if it is my job to be neutral and find whatever i can then yes. you dive in and you LOOK for evidence one way or another.

if you hate someone with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns and wish them bodily harm on fridays, are you going to be objective when you look for something, or are you going to FIND SOMETHING anyway?

huge difference in how you interpret what i said.
"do you believe we are or are *NOT* interfering with other countries elections?"

the way Russia meddled in ours? NO, I do not. And, even i f this fantasy were 100% true.. remind me... which side are we on?
"you dive in and you LOOK for evidence one way or another."

and if you already know the crime has been committed, and who committed it (as we DO), then you can target your investigation.
dunno. if we're pushing to globalization who's side would i be on? should i be on? but i'm not so all i'm trying to do now is establish the rules under which games like this are played by all players. you seem to want to slap on some pom poms and go EVEN IF WE ARE DOING IT SO - IT"S RUSSIA!!! and that's why we're in this mess. hypocrisy.

so what is it? are we going to establish how the game is played by all players and if we're guilty of what we're bitching about, or are you going to wave your pom poms at me and cry out YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN?

just let me know where this train is going to i can figure out if i want to get off of it now.
" but i'm not so all i'm trying to do now is establish the rules under which games like this are played by all players. "

hahaha... okay, and good luck in your noble folly, sir. I think I'll remain focused on what is best for our democracy. Not that i would eschew your rules, but I have to say --- this goofiness by you is certainly one of the more inventive and whimsical ways I've seen people try to convince other people not to care about the Russian meddling. I will award you one point for creativity. :)

oh hell- give the dude a cookie too...

for effort. but make it oatmeal.

without raisins.
"We are doing the same thing"

If we can't draw a clear line between domestic and foreign influence, then we should just give up now and stop having elections.
do you believe we are or are *NOT* interfering with other countries elections?

i'm not disagreeing with you on this - but i'm not going to follow along on a topic jump that only avoids answering the questions we're actually all asking.

as for my "crummy defense" response from you - i realize that. but i also realize in which context you're taking it.

if it is my job to be neutral and find whatever i can then yes. you dive in and you LOOK for evidence one way or another.

if you hate someone with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns and wish them bodily harm on fridays, are you going to be objective when you look for something, or are you going to FIND SOMETHING anyway?

huge difference in how you interpret what i said.
"do you believe we are or are *NOT* interfering with other countries elections?"

the way Russia meddled in ours? NO, I do not. And, even i f this fantasy were 100% true.. remind me... which side are we on?
"you dive in and you LOOK for evidence one way or another."

and if you already know the crime has been committed, and who committed it (as we DO), then you can target your investigation.
dunno. if we're pushing to globalization who's side would i be on? should i be on? but i'm not so all i'm trying to do now is establish the rules under which games like this are played by all players. you seem to want to slap on some pom poms and go EVEN IF WE ARE DOING IT SO - IT"S RUSSIA!!! and that's why we're in this mess. hypocrisy.

so what is it? are we going to establish how the game is played by all players and if we're guilty of what we're bitching about, or are you going to wave your pom poms at me and cry out YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN?

just let me know where this train is going to i can figure out if i want to get off of it now.
" but i'm not so all i'm trying to do now is establish the rules under which games like this are played by all players. "

hahaha... okay, and good luck in your noble folly, sir. I think I'll remain focused on what is best for our democracy. Not that i would eschew your rules, but I have to say --- this goofiness by you is certainly one of the more inventive and whimsical ways I've seen people try to convince other people not to care about the Russian meddling. I will award you one point for creativity. :)
didn't say i didn't care.

you lose 10 points for putting words in my mouth and another 20 for running away from a discussion.

toot toot. i'm off this train.
yes, you clearly were arguing that we cannot care about "A", without caring equally about "B". It's there in black and white, for anyone to read. And I responded directly to your points. I didn't run from them. "toot toot"... pass that over here, I want some of what you're having...
do you believe we are or are *NOT* interfering with other countries elections?

i'm not disagreeing with you on this - but i'm not going to follow along on a topic jump that only avoids answering the questions we're actually all asking.

as for my "crummy defense" response from you - i realize that. but i also realize in which context you're taking it.

if it is my job to be neutral and find whatever i can then yes. you dive in and you LOOK for evidence one way or another.

if you hate someone with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns and wish them bodily harm on fridays, are you going to be objective when you look for something, or are you going to FIND SOMETHING anyway?

huge difference in how you interpret what i said.
"do you believe we are or are *NOT* interfering with other countries elections?"

the way Russia meddled in ours? NO, I do not. And, even i f this fantasy were 100% true.. remind me... which side are we on?
"you dive in and you LOOK for evidence one way or another."

and if you already know the crime has been committed, and who committed it (as we DO), then you can target your investigation.
dunno. if we're pushing to globalization who's side would i be on? should i be on? but i'm not so all i'm trying to do now is establish the rules under which games like this are played by all players. you seem to want to slap on some pom poms and go EVEN IF WE ARE DOING IT SO - IT"S RUSSIA!!! and that's why we're in this mess. hypocrisy.

so what is it? are we going to establish how the game is played by all players and if we're guilty of what we're bitching about, or are you going to wave your pom poms at me and cry out YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN?

just let me know where this train is going to i can figure out if i want to get off of it now.
" but i'm not so all i'm trying to do now is establish the rules under which games like this are played by all players. "

hahaha... okay, and good luck in your noble folly, sir. I think I'll remain focused on what is best for our democracy. Not that i would eschew your rules, but I have to say --- this goofiness by you is certainly one of the more inventive and whimsical ways I've seen people try to convince other people not to care about the Russian meddling. I will award you one point for creativity. :)
didn't say i didn't care.

you lose 10 points for putting words in my mouth and another 20 for running away from a discussion.

toot toot. i'm off this train.
yes, you clearly were arguing that we cannot care about "A", without caring equally about "B". It's there in black and white, for anyone to read. And I responded directly to your points. I didn't run from them. "toot toot"... pass that over here, I want some of what you're having...
you ran away when you said i'm just being goofy and awarded me creativity points.

my only point has always been that there still isn't physical proof russia did this.
even if they did - i would imagine we do this shit to each other all the time. if they found a way to troll us - bad us for falling for it. let's learn and not let it happen again.

but let's not pretend we don't do this to them on a regular basis. then when you finally come around and say we 'probably do' you still put a disclaimer on it.

all up there. black n white man.

which ultimately was my point. if trump had not won you'd not give a flying horse turd in a tornado about what they did so this is just you holding onto a bullet with dear life and like i said - if you hate someone, you'll find what you need to keep that hate alive.

all you are doing.

have a nice day. but beware of evil russians lurking on facebook. and youtube. and in the gender neutral restrooms.

and where ever else you need them so you can hate trump.
"do you believe we are or are *NOT* interfering with other countries elections?"

the way Russia meddled in ours? NO, I do not. And, even i f this fantasy were 100% true.. remind me... which side are we on?
"you dive in and you LOOK for evidence one way or another."

and if you already know the crime has been committed, and who committed it (as we DO), then you can target your investigation.
dunno. if we're pushing to globalization who's side would i be on? should i be on? but i'm not so all i'm trying to do now is establish the rules under which games like this are played by all players. you seem to want to slap on some pom poms and go EVEN IF WE ARE DOING IT SO - IT"S RUSSIA!!! and that's why we're in this mess. hypocrisy.

so what is it? are we going to establish how the game is played by all players and if we're guilty of what we're bitching about, or are you going to wave your pom poms at me and cry out YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN?

just let me know where this train is going to i can figure out if i want to get off of it now.
" but i'm not so all i'm trying to do now is establish the rules under which games like this are played by all players. "

hahaha... okay, and good luck in your noble folly, sir. I think I'll remain focused on what is best for our democracy. Not that i would eschew your rules, but I have to say --- this goofiness by you is certainly one of the more inventive and whimsical ways I've seen people try to convince other people not to care about the Russian meddling. I will award you one point for creativity. :)
didn't say i didn't care.

you lose 10 points for putting words in my mouth and another 20 for running away from a discussion.

toot toot. i'm off this train.
yes, you clearly were arguing that we cannot care about "A", without caring equally about "B". It's there in black and white, for anyone to read. And I responded directly to your points. I didn't run from them. "toot toot"... pass that over here, I want some of what you're having...
you ran away when you said i'm just being goofy and awarded me creativity points.

my only point has always been that there still isn't physical proof russia did this.
even if they did - i would imagine we do this shit to each other all the time. if they found a way to troll us - bad us for falling for it. let's learn and not let it happen again.

but let's not pretend we don't do this to them on a regular basis. then when you finally come around and say we 'probably do' you still put a disclaimer on it.

all up there. black n white man.

which ultimately was my point. if trump had not won you'd not give a flying horse turd in a tornado about what they did so this is just you holding onto a bullet with dear life and like i said - if you hate someone, you'll find what you need to keep that hate alive.

all you are doing.

have a nice day. but beware of evil russians lurking on facebook. and youtube. and in the gender neutral restrooms.

and where ever else you need them so you can hate trump.
"my only point has always been that there still isn't physical proof russia did this."

Is that a joke? yes there is, and mountains of it. We specifically know they hacked the DNC and the state Department. We know they hacked State voting databases. We know they spread fake news and amplified existing rumors through social media, search providers, and TV and radio media outlets. We know they paid the people who did this, to do this.

And we know they did so to favor ONE candidate.

And, if your response is going to be, "Oh yeah? Maybe our intelligence services and government officials are all lying. have you PERSONALLY seen this evidence", then don't bother.

"and where ever else you need them so you can hate trump."

None of the above has anything to do with hating trump, or with what your mom had for breakfast. these are all simple facts.
dunno. if we're pushing to globalization who's side would i be on? should i be on? but i'm not so all i'm trying to do now is establish the rules under which games like this are played by all players. you seem to want to slap on some pom poms and go EVEN IF WE ARE DOING IT SO - IT"S RUSSIA!!! and that's why we're in this mess. hypocrisy.

so what is it? are we going to establish how the game is played by all players and if we're guilty of what we're bitching about, or are you going to wave your pom poms at me and cry out YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN?

just let me know where this train is going to i can figure out if i want to get off of it now.
" but i'm not so all i'm trying to do now is establish the rules under which games like this are played by all players. "

hahaha... okay, and good luck in your noble folly, sir. I think I'll remain focused on what is best for our democracy. Not that i would eschew your rules, but I have to say --- this goofiness by you is certainly one of the more inventive and whimsical ways I've seen people try to convince other people not to care about the Russian meddling. I will award you one point for creativity. :)
didn't say i didn't care.

you lose 10 points for putting words in my mouth and another 20 for running away from a discussion.

toot toot. i'm off this train.
yes, you clearly were arguing that we cannot care about "A", without caring equally about "B". It's there in black and white, for anyone to read. And I responded directly to your points. I didn't run from them. "toot toot"... pass that over here, I want some of what you're having...
you ran away when you said i'm just being goofy and awarded me creativity points.

my only point has always been that there still isn't physical proof russia did this.
even if they did - i would imagine we do this shit to each other all the time. if they found a way to troll us - bad us for falling for it. let's learn and not let it happen again.

but let's not pretend we don't do this to them on a regular basis. then when you finally come around and say we 'probably do' you still put a disclaimer on it.

all up there. black n white man.

which ultimately was my point. if trump had not won you'd not give a flying horse turd in a tornado about what they did so this is just you holding onto a bullet with dear life and like i said - if you hate someone, you'll find what you need to keep that hate alive.

all you are doing.

have a nice day. but beware of evil russians lurking on facebook. and youtube. and in the gender neutral restrooms.

and where ever else you need them so you can hate trump.
"my only point has always been that there still isn't physical proof russia did this."

Is that a joke? yes there is, and mountains of it. We specifically know they hacked the DNC and the state Department. We know they hacked State voting databases. We know they spread fake news and amplified existing rumors through social media, search providers, and TV and radio media outlets. We know they paid the people who did this, to do this.

And we know they did so to favor ONE candidate.

And, if your response is going to be, "Oh yeah? Maybe our intelligence services and government officials are all lying. have you PERSONALLY seen this evidence", then don't bother.

"and where ever else you need them so you can hate trump."

None of the above has anything to do with hating trump, or with what your mom had for breakfast. these are all simple facts.

they also manipulated the liddle deplorables into showing up for manufactured protests.

they were so played.
if you are going to answer your questions to me, for me, it really defeats the purpose of conversations.
if you are going to answer your questions to me, for me, it really defeats the purpose of conversations.
I did not do that.... I just gave a conditional statement about one possible response.
well have fun with that cause i don't know how else to talk to someone who says "i didn't do that, i just did that".

kinda pointless.
I clearly did not do that. I clearly said, "IF your response is to ask if I have personally seen the evidence, do not bother".
if you are going to answer your questions to me, for me, it really defeats the purpose of conversations.
I did not do that.... I just gave a conditional statement about one possible response.
well have fun with that cause i don't know how else to talk to someone who says "i didn't do that, i just did that".

kinda pointless.
I clearly did not do that. I clearly said, "IF your response is to ask if I have personally seen the evidence, do not bother".

not bothering at this point. you want to get lost in words and i'm trying to discuss ideas so it's just not working out.
if you are going to answer your questions to me, for me, it really defeats the purpose of conversations.
I did not do that.... I just gave a conditional statement about one possible response.
well have fun with that cause i don't know how else to talk to someone who says "i didn't do that, i just did that".

kinda pointless.
I clearly did not do that. I clearly said, "IF your response is to ask if I have personally seen the evidence, do not bother".

not bothering at this point. you want to get lost in words and i'm trying to discuss ideas so it's just not working out.
Suit yourself. I think anyone who reads our conversation can see you trying to talk about anything but what the Russians did in 2016, even going to far as to make the absurd claim that we have no proof. We'll let your words stand for themselves. Have a nice night.

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