Google also found evidence of " Russan" influence in US election

We won Hillary lost that's all that matters.
whats about well planed frontal foreign attack on the USA´s most important STATE institution ?
If it's so damn important why is expecting people to PROVE THEY ARE AMERICANS BEFORE THEY VOTE such a bad thing with you idiots?

I know why. Because you don't actually give a fuck about the integrity of the election and just want to find a scapegoat for your loss.

Suck it up like an adult and find a better candidate.

They did that when they registered.

I don't know about your state but in Florida, with President Bill Clinton's "Motor Voter" law, all you do is check a box saying you're American.
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true, but it's not likely that any significant number of legal, but not-eligible-to-vote residents are risking a crime by voting. You can't just check a box and then be registered to vote, if you are undocumented.
Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries and its total crickets, Russia buys $100k in ads attacking hildebeest and liberals freak out.
"Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries"

Shameless lie, though Trump's campaign was found to be soliciting illegal donations from foreign nationals.

Absolutely true you hack, he ducked under the reporting laws by keeping the donation amounts small.
I'm not sure any were accepted or donated, but soliciting them is illegal:
Donald Trump Is Illegally Soliciting Money from Foreign Nationals to Fund His Presidential Campaign

Donald Trump keeps asking foreign leaders for money. The latest: Vicente Fox.

Foreign Politicians to Donald Trump: Stop Begging Us for Money

Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries and its total crickets, Russia buys $100k in ads attacking hildebeest and liberals freak out.
"Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries"

Shameless lie, though Trump's campaign was found to be soliciting illegal donations from foreign nationals.

Absolutely true you hack, he ducked under the reporting laws by keeping the donation amounts small.
I'm not sure any were accepted or donated, but soliciting them is illegal:
Donald Trump Is Illegally Soliciting Money from Foreign Nationals to Fund His Presidential Campaign

Donald Trump keeps asking foreign leaders for money. The latest: Vicente Fox.

Foreign Politicians to Donald Trump: Stop Begging Us for Money


Yes, spot on! Hillary Clinton, with her amazing powers of persuasion, talked the legion of Americans and foreigners into all of those arms deals, because foreign countries gave to her foundation, without a penny making it into her pockets.

Seems legit. If you dont actually think about it.
We won Hillary lost that's all that matters.
whats about well planed frontal foreign attack on the USA´s most important STATE institution ?

What if Putin's real "well planed frontal foreign attack on the USA´s most important STATE institution" is all of this "collusion conspiracy" and Mueller "investigation"?

This isn't Putin's first rodeo if he wanted to really interfere with our electon he could and he would never get caught (for awhile at least). His big master plan was to buy ads against a candidate who had no chance of winning? Hacking into a server with no security that everyone was hacking?

Democrats and liberals are the real puppets of Putin.

no its much bigger , and its not just USA
Weaponizing Kleptocracy: Putin’s Hybrid Warfare"

I am not sure how other countries election system works, but ours is decentralized for this very reason.

Countries buy and influence policy all the time including the US. So unless we are going to have a World War we need to pick our battles. Sorry I don't want to go to war over Facebook ads.

Should Israel have gone to war with the US when Obama meddled in their electon?
Dude, Google itself didn't even know it was happening. This is all investigation in retrospect.
Oh yeah they did, and so did Facebook and the others, and they didn't care because no legal action was taken against them and it was their moolah. They always underestimate the money and influence before they're forced to reveal the truth, if you've been following this.

When did advertising by a foreign county become illegal?
Dude, Google itself didn't even know it was happening. This is all investigation in retrospect.
Oh yeah they did, and so did Facebook and the others, and they didn't care because no legal action was taken against them and it was their moolah. They always underestimate the money and influence before they're forced to reveal the truth, if you've been following this.

When did advertising by a foreign county become illegal?
On TV? Decades ago. On social media? I'll say 2018.
true, but it's not likely that any significant number of legal, but not-eligible-to-vote residents are risking a crime by voting. You can't just check a box and then be registered to vote, if you are undocumented.

You're not familiar with the Motor Voter law, are you?
Twelve pages with 112 posts and not a single one concerning the core issue.

For the Progressives here who WANT BADLY to ignore and forget that issue, it was a FALSE CLAIM that the Trump campaign colluded (new word for most) with the Russian government to manipulate our election.

Allow me to remind you too, which again you are working diligently to deflect the topic from, is that fact that there has been NO, NONE, ZIP, NADA, proof of any sort that there was any collusion, whatsoever. Period!

So now Progressives have jumped on another horse which means nothing...WHATSOEVER. Russia may have bought ads on our social media. Really? Excuse me Progressives, this has been going on, around the world since elections began. The only new thing is Social Media!
Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries and its total crickets, Russia buys $100k in ads attacking hildebeest and liberals freak out.
"Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries"

Shameless lie, though Trump's campaign was found to be soliciting illegal donations from foreign nationals.

Absolutely true you hack, he ducked under the reporting laws by keeping the donation amounts small.
I'm not sure any were accepted or donated, but soliciting them is illegal:
Donald Trump Is Illegally Soliciting Money from Foreign Nationals to Fund His Presidential Campaign

Donald Trump keeps asking foreign leaders for money. The latest: Vicente Fox.

Foreign Politicians to Donald Trump: Stop Begging Us for Money
if it is illegal then why isn't he indicted? Let me tell you, cause it's fake news. but you don't care I get it.
Dude, Google itself didn't even know it was happening. This is all investigation in retrospect.
Oh yeah they did, and so did Facebook and the others, and they didn't care because no legal action was taken against them and it was their moolah. They always underestimate the money and influence before they're forced to reveal the truth, if you've been following this.
"Oh yeah they did, and so did Facebook and the others, and they didn't care because no legal action was taken against them and it was their moolah."

Hmm, maybe, but not so sure they knew it in real time. Seems like they know more than they have revealed, but I think they found it via audit, not real-time reports.
so wouldn't they have had to pay for the ads? come on, someone knew don't come in here trying to blow libturd smoke up in the air.
Oh yeah they did, and so did Facebook and the others, and they didn't care because no legal action was taken against them and it was their moolah. They always underestimate the money and influence before they're forced to reveal the truth, if you've been following this.
"Oh yeah they did, and so did Facebook and the others, and they didn't care because no legal action was taken against them and it was their moolah."

Hmm, maybe, but not so sure they knew it in real time. Seems like they know more than they have revealed, but I think they found it via audit, not real-time reports.
Then they're a bunch of idiots, because I found plenty of that type of stuff just looking at the internet during that time, which seemed pretty obvious, and I certainly do not have the resources they do.
"Then they're a bunch of idiots, because I found plenty of that type of stuff just looking at the internet during that time,"

No you didn't. You found nothing that could be tied to Russians, by ruling out other sources. Come on, man.
There were obvious Russian trolls on youtube, as well as obvious Russian propaganda videos in various languages. Also Facebook.

Don't ask me for IP addresses.
okay, but sayng "there were some" is not the same as being able to document lots of them. And they weren't really trying to do so, anyway. why would they? they are private corporations, unbound by any law to do so.
again, if there were ads, they were bought. and the person buying would have a past and identity. so again, take your libturd smoke to some other venue.
We won Hillary lost that's all that matters.
whats about well planed frontal foreign attack on the USA´s most important STATE institution ?

What if Putin's real "well planed frontal foreign attack on the USA´s most important STATE institution" is all of this "collusion conspiracy" and Mueller "investigation"?

This isn't Putin's first rodeo if he wanted to really interfere with our electon he could and he would never get caught (for awhile at least). His big master plan was to buy ads against a candidate who had no chance of winning? Hacking into a server with no security that everyone was hacking?

Democrats and liberals are the real puppets of Putin.

ummm.... france & denmark found out that russia was attempting to hack into their elections too. putin isn't as smart as he should be. he was banking on trump to come thru for him with lifting sanctions... to start with. how did that work out for ol' vlad?
well that should tell you something, but you aren't smart enough to know what that is.
the powers that be at facebook, twitter & alphabet (google) are going to be testifying at a public hearing. should be quite enlightening.

Senate Intel asks Facebook, Twitter and Alphabet to public hearing
by Dylan Byers and Jeremy Herb @CNNMoney September 27, 2017: 6:00 PM ET

Warner wants a new law tracking political ads
The Senate Intelligence Committee has invited Facebook, Twitter and Google parent company Alphabet to testify at a public hearing on how foreign nationals used digital media platforms to influence American politics and the 2016 presidential election, three sources familiar with the matter told CNN.
The hearing, scheduled for November 1, follows Facebook's disclosure that it had sold about $100,000 in ads to Russian troll farms connected to about 470 inauthentic accounts. Representatives from Twitter will meet privately with Senate Intelligence Committee staff on Thursday and are expected to disclose similar findings.
The House intelligence committee also announced Wednesday it would hold a public hearing with tech companies next month "in order to better understand how Russia used online tools and platforms to sow discord in and influence our election."

Senate Intel asks Facebook, Twitter and Alphabet to public hearing
I predict a big fat nothing burger again. too funny.

how delicious it is going to be when it all comes down. tons sweeter than that spinach you been chokin' on.
hahahahaahahaha too stupid indeed. a man with a nothing burger pounding his chest. funny funny. let me give you a hint, if it ain't out yesterday, there ain't nothing there. oh well your christmas is ruined.
Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries and its total crickets, Russia buys $100k in ads attacking hildebeest and liberals freak out.
"Obama accepts millions in campaign contributions from foreign countries"

Shameless lie, though Trump's campaign was found to be soliciting illegal donations from foreign nationals.

Absolutely true you hack, he ducked under the reporting laws by keeping the donation amounts small.
I'm not sure any were accepted or donated, but soliciting them is illegal:
Donald Trump Is Illegally Soliciting Money from Foreign Nationals to Fund His Presidential Campaign

Donald Trump keeps asking foreign leaders for money. The latest: Vicente Fox.

Foreign Politicians to Donald Trump: Stop Begging Us for Money


why you guys allays talk about Hilary? was Google reporting that a gang of troll - criminals (like the fancy bear) use google platforms for pro- Hilary trolling?

Fancy Bear - Wikipedia
Fancy Bear - Wikipedia

Fancy Bear is a cyber espionage group. Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has said with a medium level of confidence that it is associated with the Russian military ...

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