Google literally change the definition of fascism to attack conservatives

American conservatives are the only people in the world who think fascism is a leftist phenomena. I'm not even sure they actually think that for real but use it as cover.

Leftists—the lemmings of statist bootlickry, like occupied, and the elites of statist thuggery, like the leaders of the Democratic Party—are the only people in the world who deny that fascism proper is historically rooted in the European and American, socialist-progressive movements of the 1920s and '30s, that American progressives admired and praised Mussolini for his nationalistic approach to propagating socialism. Historically, etymologically and ideologically, fascism is an offshoot of Marxist theory. The historical precursors of the latter are Platonic utopianism, Hegelian historicism and Rousseaunean barbarism.

American conservatives and libertarians, of course, are generally constitutionalists, proponents of the classical liberalism of the Lockean tradition of natural law and the inalienable rights thereof: those of life, liberty and property.

A morally, historically and ideologically accurate spectrum would necessarily be a linear continuum and bottomed on individual liberty:



Then there's the historical revisionist version of the spectrum fancied by the state schools and popular culture, albeit, as contrasted with reality:


As Richard Larsen has observed: "Any attempts to describe the political spectrum as “circular,” rather than “linear,” are logically untenable. Any attempt to conflate fascism with the American right on the spectrum, is historically revisionist and wholly illogical. It only fits with an inane, and politically motivated model for casting aspersions, for it has no basis in historical, logical, or ideological fact."

As I alluded in the above, it's more likely that occupied is just another brainwashed lemming of the state schools and popular culture, but on the off chance that his blather is a "cover," he'd make Goebbels proud! But he's got nothin' on francoHFW.
The whole world outside your bubble of Bologna thanks you're crazy with that political Spectrum. The one the world agrees on differentiates between rightist capitalism and leftist socialism and communism. Otherwise it's right-wing is Utopia with unicorns and everything bad and totalitarian is left and liberal crazy stuff super duper. Every educated historian every history department in the world teaches the first one and Rush Limbaugh and God knows who teaches the second one. Poor America
Marion, the Leftists get HappyJoy out of frustrating the Right. Not worth it.

Talk with them accomplishes nothing.
Complaining time is over.
People need to start taking this seriously and getting together and making strategies.

Our time to actually do something meaningful is coming to an end. I see unbelievable censorship on the horizon. won't be long now that any talk against Leftists will be a serious crime imo.

At this time we are handing Communists our country because all that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

American conservatives are the only people in the world who think fascism is a leftist phenomena. I'm not even sure they actually think that for real but use it as cover.

Leftists—the lemmings of statist bootlickry, like occupied, and the elites of statist thuggery, like the leaders of the Democratic Party—are the only people in the world who deny that fascism proper is historically rooted in the European and American, socialist-progressive movements of the 1920s and '30s, that American progressives admired and praised Mussolini for his nationalistic approach to propagating socialism. Historically, etymologically and ideologically, fascism is an offshoot of Marxist theory. The historical precursors of the latter are Platonic utopianism, Hegelian historicism and Rousseaunean barbarism.

American conservatives and libertarians, of course, are generally constitutionalists, proponents of the classical liberalism of the Lockean tradition of natural law and the inalienable rights thereof: those of life, liberty and property.

A morally, historically and ideologically accurate spectrum would necessarily be a linear continuum and bottomed on individual liberty:



Then there's the historical revisionist version of the spectrum fancied by the state schools and popular culture, albeit, as contrasted with reality:


As Richard Larsen has observed: "Any attempts to describe the political spectrum as “circular,” rather than “linear,” are logically untenable. Any attempt to conflate fascism with the American right on the spectrum, is historically revisionist and wholly illogical. It only fits with an inane, and politically motivated model for casting aspersions, for it has no basis in historical, logical, or ideological fact."

As I alluded in the above, it's more likely that occupied is just another brainwashed lemming of the state schools and popular culture, but on the off chance that his blather is a "cover," he'd make Goebbels proud! But he's got nothin' on francoHFW.
The whole world outside your bubble of Bologna thanks you're crazy with that political Spectrum. The one the world agrees on differentiates between rightist capitalism and leftist socialism and communism. Otherwise it's right-wing is Utopia with unicorns and everything bad and totalitarian is left and liberal crazy stuff super duper. Every educated historian every history department in the world teaches the first one and Rush Limbaugh and God knows who teaches the second one. Poor America

Spoken like a proper leftist shill douche. :itsok:
Liberal indoctrination in our schools has been going on for quite some time, but it has increased drastically in the last 2 decades. Those running the social media companies are prodcuts of that indoctrination so it only makes sense that they now use their tools to push their agenda. I am not sure what the answer is for Conservatives. Kids are being brainwashed at such an early age and taught to absolutely NOT think for themselves, it almost seems hopeless. Virtually anyone who is capable of thinking for themseves and honestly evaluating facts would denounce today's liberals. Very few are able to break away from the mind meld, at least not while they are young(er).
Longer than 2 decades, it started in the 70s, but it's really ramped up.
Marion, the Leftists get HappyJoy out of frustrating the Right. Not worth it.

Talk with them accomplishes nothing.
Complaining time is over.
People need to start taking this seriously and getting together and making strategies.

Our time to actually do something meaningful is coming to an end. I see unbelievable censorship on the horizon. won't be long now that any talk against Leftists will be a serious crime imo.

At this time we are handing Communists our country because all that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

American conservatives are the only people in the world who think fascism is a leftist phenomena. I'm not even sure they actually think that for real but use it as cover.

Leftists—the lemmings of statist bootlickry, like occupied, and the elites of statist thuggery, like the leaders of the Democratic Party—are the only people in the world who deny that fascism proper is historically rooted in the European and American, socialist-progressive movements of the 1920s and '30s, that American progressives admired and praised Mussolini for his nationalistic approach to propagating socialism. Historically, etymologically and ideologically, fascism is an offshoot of Marxist theory. The historical precursors of the latter are Platonic utopianism, Hegelian historicism and Rousseaunean barbarism.

American conservatives and libertarians, of course, are generally constitutionalists, proponents of the classical liberalism of the Lockean tradition of natural law and the inalienable rights thereof: those of life, liberty and property.

A morally, historically and ideologically accurate spectrum would necessarily be a linear continuum and bottomed on individual liberty:



Then there's the historical revisionist version of the spectrum fancied by the state schools and popular culture, albeit, as contrasted with reality:


As Richard Larsen has observed: "Any attempts to describe the political spectrum as “circular,” rather than “linear,” are logically untenable. Any attempt to conflate fascism with the American right on the spectrum, is historically revisionist and wholly illogical. It only fits with an inane, and politically motivated model for casting aspersions, for it has no basis in historical, logical, or ideological fact."

As I alluded in the above, it's more likely that occupied is just another brainwashed lemming of the state schools and popular culture, but on the off chance that his blather is a "cover," he'd make Goebbels proud! But he's got nothin' on francoHFW.
The whole world outside your bubble of Bologna thanks you're crazy with that political Spectrum. The one the world agrees on differentiates between rightist capitalism and leftist socialism and communism. Otherwise it's right-wing is Utopia with unicorns and everything bad and totalitarian is left and liberal crazy stuff super duper. Every educated historian every history department in the world teaches the first one and Rush Limbaugh and God knows who teaches the second one. Poor America

Spoken like a proper leftist shill douche. :itsok:
the greatest generation is spinning in their graves listening to your garbage propaganda. That's scary stuff Einstein.
So..who do I get to arrow in the head if this is in America n stuff?
Because fuck that, I'm ready to arrow these fucking traitors right in head with a broadhead n shit. Had enough of the crap.
View attachment 277740

Don’t believe me search google for the fascism.
We are living in tyrannical times , big government, ruling class are pumping out nazi like propaganda.

Get ready for the big fight

Goebbels Democrats are clicking their jackboots, no doubt... :lol:

View attachment 277749
Example of CRCs using the 1984 playbook.......

Give me 1 good reason why Bodey should still be stealing Oxygen.

Her benefit to society-?
Liberal indoctrination in our schools has been going on for quite some time, but it has increased drastically in the last 2 decades. Those running the social media companies are prodcuts of that indoctrination so it only makes sense that they now use their tools to push their agenda. I am not sure what the answer is for Conservatives. Kids are being brainwashed at such an early age and taught to absolutely NOT think for themselves, it almost seems hopeless. Virtually anyone who is capable of thinking for themseves and honestly evaluating facts would denounce today's liberals. Very few are able to break away from the mind meld, at least not while they are young(er).
Longer than 2 decades, it started in the 70s, but it's really ramped up.
Bologna, just the GOP propaganda about it has. LOL. Your problem is you believe a lot of ridiculous facts there are just pure propaganda.... Liberal fascism is a disgrace. Total misinformation
American conservatives are the only people in the world who think fascism is a leftist phenomena. I'm not even sure they actually think that for real but use it as cover.

Leftists—the lemmings of statist bootlickry, like occupied, and the elites of statist thuggery, like the leaders of the Democratic Party—are the only people in the world who deny that fascism proper is historically rooted in the European and American, socialist-progressive movements of the 1920s and '30s, that American progressives admired and praised Mussolini for his nationalistic approach to propagating socialism. Historically, etymologically and ideologically, fascism is an offshoot of Marxist theory. The historical precursors of the latter are Platonic utopianism, Hegelian historicism and Rousseaunean barbarism.

American conservatives and libertarians, of course, are generally constitutionalists, proponents of the classical liberalism of the Lockean tradition of natural law and the inalienable rights thereof: those of life, liberty and property.

A morally, historically and ideologically accurate spectrum would necessarily be a linear continuum and bottomed on individual liberty:



Then there's the historical revisionist version of the spectrum fancied by the state schools and popular culture, albeit, as contrasted with reality:


As Richard Larsen has observed: "Any attempts to describe the political spectrum as 'circular,' rather than 'linear,' are logically untenable. Any attempt to conflate fascism with the American right on the spectrum, is historically revisionist and wholly illogical. It only fits with an inane, and politically motivated model for casting aspersions, for it has no basis in historical, logical, or ideological fact."

As I alluded in the above, it's more likely that occupied is just another brainwashed lemming of the state schools and popular culture, but on the off chance that his blather is a "cover," he'd make Goebbels proud! But he's got nothin' on francoHFW.

This is one of the oldest trolls on the internet. You know all the Nazi/KKK/white supremacists in America are republicans and that the left hates them most of all and you still try to push this bullshit. Quit being stupid.
Here's the only definition you need, without talk of getting shot through the face with an arrow, even.

^straight jacket on aisle 9 please.

U mad because the prescription calls for you to have one, hmm?

Traitor? Check!
Perfect hater dupe for the greedy idiot GOP rich.
How so, Stupor Duper? Do elaborate.
So much hate based on so much misinformation.

Not much hate compared to the amount of misinformation you post, bitch.

Gimme some real stuff, Stupor Duper.

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