Google literally change the definition of fascism to attack conservatives

Then what are they changing? They simply posted links. The reader chooses which to use. Are you saying you're unable to choose for yourself?
No idea what you are referring to.. we are talking about the only box that pops up on google with the definition.. not the links below it.. don’t you have other people to troll?
And Google isn't forcing you to accept that.
That "box" is the link to Wikipedia, dope.
Wikipedia formats it's page so the Google algorithm places it at the top of the page.
No idea what you are blabbering about

You have not provided what you consider to be the "correct" definition.
It’s in the fcuking picture! Lol

Which one is the correct one?
So let's look at the definition:


a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

1. Exalts nation and often race above the individual.

No, most conservatives, while they are very patriotic (some would call it nationalism), are geared toward individual liberty. They believe the people have rights and are the driving force behind the nation.

They are proud to be an American, but want government limited in their lives. This means they dont hold fealty to the government but rather the government should be working for them.

The left, however, generally want more control placed in the hands of government to be able to regulate virtually every aspect of our lives.

2. Centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader.

Again, the right believes in limited government. They believe the government has specific duties to serve the citizen, beyond that, the power resides with the state and the individual.

Again, the left seem to want to give more power to the government.

3. Severe economic and social regimentation.

The right believes a person should be able to make as much money as they want, without the government digging its hands into their pockets. They also believe that an individual should have the freedom to live as they choose as long as it doesnt interfere with the right and freedoms of their own lives.

The left believe the government should take any money it deems necessary when it feels like an individual has made too much.

3. Forcible suppression of opposition.

Well, this one can clearly be pointed toward antifa, whose main goal is the forcible suppression of opposition. It goes beyond that, however. The left also prefer the silencing of the opposition by removing them from social media platforms, and continually calling the support of conservative ideology, hate speech.

Fascism seems to have more in common with left wing ideology than it does the right.
"They are proud to be an American, but want government limited in their lives."


.... yeah, sure. Uh-huh.

Unless you're a woman who wants, or needs, to terminate her pregnancy.

Or unless you're gay and want to legally marry the person you're in love with.

Or unless you want to be a practicing muslim.

Or unless you're poor and can't afford to send your kids to private school.

Or unless you were born here in the United States but your mother was here illegally.

Or unless you're kept alive by machines and your closet legal guardian wants to pull the plug.

Unless you're a woman who wants, or needs, to terminate her pregnancy.

Abortion, especially late term abortion is murder. I know the left doesnt think so, but it's strange that every time I ask about the double homicide scenario, those on the left become strangely silent.

Aside from that, while there are those who would want a total ban, what you see from the right is either a late term abortion ban and removing taxpayer money from abortions. Not often do you see the right actively working on a total abortion ban.

Or unless you're gay and want to legally marry the person you're in love with.

Repubs believe in traditional marriage, but, have you seen any evidence of the right trying to ban homosexual marriage? I've not seen any legislation being proposed that would suggest that.

Or unless you want to be a practicing muslim.

Who's asking for government to prevent someone from being a muslim? Nobody as far as I can see. The right is surely pushing back on the Islamic goal of sharia law, but that goes back to individual liberty. You practice your religion, just dont try to make me do it.

If you are talking about the "muslim ban", that never happened. The left wing media did, and still does push that lie. There was never a ban on muslims. There was a ban on about 7 countries that were determined to be hotbeds of terrorism.

Or unless you're poor and can't afford to send your kids to private school.

What right wingers are asking for government to send their kids to private school?

Or unless you were born here in the United States but your mother was here illegally.

The constitution doesnt provide for birthright citizenship. If you actually read the text, you'll see they actually wrote it to make sure that didnt happen. It was further clarified by other documents written by the framers.

Then reason why birthright citizenship is common is because we've been doing it wrong for so long, people just go with it.

No Republican is against immigration, they are just against illegal immigration, and using loopholes to create a situation where one can illegally immigrate, and be allowed to side step the process. If someone wants to immigrate using the lawful means, then come on over, and be an American.

Or unless you're kept alive by machines and your closet legal guardian wants to pull the plug.

Ok, I'm not sure where this is coming from. Are there Republicans who are actively trying to prevent this? I honestly dont know. I've not heard any situations where this is the case. Please show me where this is an issue.
Anyone talking about forcible regimentation is talking about the left.

You mean like with gay marriage or transgendered using their own bathrooms? Or do you mean the authoritarians who want pot to be illegal?

What do you call all those people who want to start a violent revolution on this board by shooting people they disagree with politically? Or wish harm to minorities, simply for not falling in line with perceived white christian culture?
I call them “patriot” for standing up to the insane, racist, anti-white, communist, left wing.
So who else changed their definition of Fascism? My books on Ideologies still lists Fascism as rigaht wing. I wonder how many universities changed their lesson plans to fit Google? Maybe it was just Google that changed their definition of fascism, but not the world?
So who else changed their definition of Fascism? My books on Ideologies still lists Fascism as rigaht wing. I wonder how many universities changed their lesson plans to fit Google? Maybe it was just Google that changed their definition of fascism, but not the world?

No one changed anything. The OP is a thoroughgoing idiot.
View attachment 277740

Don’t believe me search google for the fascism.
We are living in tyrannical times , big government, ruling class are pumping out nazi like propaganda.

Get ready for the big fight

Goebbels Democrats are clicking their jackboots, no doubt... :lol:

View attachment 277749
The only people in the modern world with a garbage hateful phony Scandal propaganda machine are Republicans.... Breaking: Democrats are honest, the rich are getting away with murder on taxes for 35 years now and it is a screwjob for everyone else.... You are martial law away from being true fascists....

Nope .. and recall, you've made a habit of practically always being wrong, biased and completely oblivious of reality.. It's fun though.. :wink_2:
According to wikipedia:
Most scholars place fascism on the far right of the political spectrum.[4][5]

i'm not sure minarchists would be considered unbiased, and they might be on the right.

According to non-corruptible internet fly-bys, this is the definition of fascism:

As I said, The Fascists are The Democrats as they want complete control of The Economy.

All Opposition is Rigorously Suppressed.

Dead on!

You cannot even have a discussion with a Leftist or give a Public Speech without a Riot from them.

These people are worse than Brown Shirt Nazis, because The Nazis Knew They Were NAZIS!
Control the economy? You mean make it fair and give people some benefits for working? And a good safety net for everyone? That would be horrible horrible. And All by taxing the bloated rich no mistake about it, super duper.worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere in the modern world means something. Change the channel to get some fresh air OMG.
Democratic Fascism The Democrat Party is Selling is Marketed in Pretty Packages same as The Italian Fascists Nazi Fascists and Soviet Union Fascists all Marketed their Fascism to Their People.
Pure baloney, super duper. Soviet Union was Communist not right wing fascism. Nazis loved aristocrats as long as they weren't Jewish or in opposition. Democrats are not totalitarian at all. End the war on drugs. Jobs jobs jobs is what fascists say... Nazis are not socialists either. Your ideology and history is brand new right wing bologna. The book liberal fascism is pure drivel.

not authoritarian? your fucking idiot
all we have heard from these democrat candidates is ban this ban that regulates this regulate that confiscate this confiscate that
hell they have gone as far as telling us what we can and can't eat
So who else changed their definition of Fascism? My books on Ideologies still lists Fascism as rigaht wing. I wonder how many universities changed their lesson plans to fit Google? Maybe it was just Google that changed their definition of fascism, but not the world?

No one changed anything. The OP is a thoroughgoing idiot.
no, the fucking idiots are those that believe anarchy and fascism belong on the same side the right side of the political spectrum when they are polar opposites
So who else changed their definition of Fascism? My books on Ideologies still lists Fascism as rigaht wing. I wonder how many universities changed their lesson plans to fit Google? Maybe it was just Google that changed their definition of fascism, but not the world?
Of course fascism is right wing -they love those capitalists as long as they are not Jewish or in opposition. The theory that fascism is left-wing started in 2002 or something when liberal fascism the book was published. Absolute drivel. And no Nazis were not socialists, that was propaganda -they like the sound of it because they were promising jobs and a lot of benefits like socialists do. But that was it. Socialists are Democrats at least to quite an extent. Soviets were supposed to be democratic. Good joke. The modern definition of socialism is simply always democratic government with fair capitalism and a good safety net..."we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.
According to non-corruptible internet fly-bys, this is the definition of fascism:

As I said, The Fascists are The Democrats as they want complete control of The Economy.

All Opposition is Rigorously Suppressed.

Dead on!

You cannot even have a discussion with a Leftist or give a Public Speech without a Riot from them.

These people are worse than Brown Shirt Nazis, because The Nazis Knew They Were NAZIS!
Control the economy? You mean make it fair and give people some benefits for working? And a good safety net for everyone? That would be horrible horrible. And All by taxing the bloated rich no mistake about it, super duper.worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere in the modern world means something. Change the channel to get some fresh air OMG.
Democratic Fascism The Democrat Party is Selling is Marketed in Pretty Packages same as The Italian Fascists Nazi Fascists and Soviet Union Fascists all Marketed their Fascism to Their People.
Pure baloney, super duper. Soviet Union was Communist not right wing fascism. Nazis loved aristocrats as long as they weren't Jewish or in opposition. Democrats are not totalitarian at all. End the war on drugs. Jobs jobs jobs is what fascists say... Nazis are not socialists either. Your ideology and history is brand new right wing bologna. The book liberal fascism is pure drivel.

not authoritarian? your fucking idiot
all we have heard from these democrat candidates is ban this ban that regulates this regulate that confiscate this confiscate that
hell they have gone as far as telling us what we can and can't eat
Well in the real world that is not the case. Only on the propaganda machine. And I said totalitarian which is talking about the government not regulations on whatever.... And I'm damn glad they list the ingredients now. The country is desperate for Democrats to have real control for a while. We're dying for investment in our people for opportunity and in our infrastructure after 35 years of cutting back so the rich can pay the same percentage in taxes as everyone else does, a pure rip off. That most of You dupes don't even know about OMG.

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