Google literally change the definition of fascism to attack conservatives

So let's look at the definition:


a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

1. Exalts nation and often race above the individual.

No, most conservatives, while they are very patriotic (some would call it nationalism), are geared toward individual liberty. They believe the people have rights and are the driving force behind the nation.

They are proud to be an American, but want government limited in their lives. This means they dont hold fealty to the government but rather the government should be working for them.

The left, however, generally want more control placed in the hands of government to be able to regulate virtually every aspect of our lives.

2. Centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader.

Again, the right believes in limited government. They believe the government has specific duties to serve the citizen, beyond that, the power resides with the state and the individual.

Again, the left seem to want to give more power to the government.

3. Severe economic and social regimentation.

The right believes a person should be able to make as much money as they want, without the government digging its hands into their pockets. They also believe that an individual should have the freedom to live as they choose as long as it doesnt interfere with the right and freedoms of their own lives.

The left believe the government should take any money it deems necessary when it feels like an individual has made too much.

3. Forcible suppression of opposition.

Well, this one can clearly be pointed toward antifa, whose main goal is the forcible suppression of opposition. It goes beyond that, however. The left also prefer the silencing of the opposition by removing them from social media platforms, and continually calling the support of conservative ideology, hate speech.

Fascism seems to have more in common with left wing ideology than it does the right.

That is totally wrong.

1. The right is totally nationalist, like promoting the invasion of Iraq and other wars that hurt individuals. Government is not the risk to individual freedom as much as corporate greed that wants to make us all slaves. But it is also the rights that threatens individual rights with things like the War on Drugs, which causes the US to have the highest incarceration rate in the world.

2. Limiting government so that corporations can control us completely, is not freedom but slavery. Without government protection, corporations use things like monopolies and unfair lending practices to destroy any possible freedom.

3. Fascists destroy unions or any sort of collective representation, so that wages can be assured to be as low as possible. It is the left that wants progressive taxation so that only those who profit from the system pay for it.

4. (which you incorrectly labeled 3 again), is silly because it is the right who controls all the media and the police, leaving the left with almost no means of expression at all. Antifa is about all that is left. And obviously Antifa can't silence anyone, and just barely is able to get any recognition itself.
The government is the Corporation, you just twisted this definition a thousand different ways to fit your narrative.. embarrassing
View attachment 277740

Don’t believe me search google for the fascism.
We are living in tyrannical times , big government, ruling class are pumping out nazi like propaganda.

Get ready for the big fight

That is the correct definition.

View attachment 277750

View attachment 277751
How about you go look at a real dictionary written before Trump was President. Fascism is Directly Linked to Socialism as in Democratic Socialists (DNC), I.E. Nazis in Germany.






Fascism has never ever been associated with the left in any way.
The National Socialists in Germany started before Hitler, as a socialist alternative to the more radical communists.
But not only did Hitler take over the National Socialists, but he had them all murdered.
Try learning some history before making false sweeping generalizations.
Hitler was the LEAST possible socialist leader that ever existed.
He was totally fascist, and was the choice of the industrialists, military, and aristocracy.
The only difference with the coalition that picked him and the Roman fascists, is that his did not include the religious leaders.

With Orwell, are you aware that while he was ridiculing the English Socialist Party, that he himself was a true socialist?
Why are you unable the give a genuine definition from a college-level acceptable source? All you are able to provide are partisan subjective opinion ramblings. Scholars have defined fascism and actually defined 17 levels or degrees of fascism (some claim 23 levels or degrees). All follow the tenets of definitions provided in this thread and which are found in a Google search.
View attachment 277740

Don’t believe me search google for the fascism.
We are living in tyrannical times , big government, ruling class are pumping out nazi like propaganda.

Get ready for the big fight

That is the correct definition.

View attachment 277750

View attachment 277751
How about you go look at a real dictionary written before Trump was President. Fascism is Directly Linked to Socialism as in Democratic Socialists (DNC), I.E. Nazis in Germany.
How about if you post a definition or link from a real dictionary written before Trump was President.

you spectrum is wrong. no matter how many times you post it, it is still wrong.
This is silly.
Fascism is not a modern term you can change around or has any sort of vague meaning.
It is an ancient term created by the Romans.
Facia were axe handles used as badges of office by Roman magistrates.
Bundled, they were a reminder of how there is greater strength in unity, and implies an alliance between the banks, religion, aristocracy, and military.
So fascism is and can only represent a right wing coalition.

A populist movement is the exact opposite, and is left wing.

The only thing that makes this even remotely relevant is that democrats have abandoned the working poor, and have gone over to the bankers instead.
So current democrats like the Clintons may have fascist leanings, but not the populist leftists like Bernie Sanders.
He is the exact opposite of fascist.
It is a Bernie Sanders play book , dictatorial control, severeeconomic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

In what possible way has Bernie Sanders ever suggested economic, social, or political suppression?
Socialism is not at all economic suppression, but essentially employee owned companies.
That is as close to maximum freedom as one will ever get.
View attachment 277740

Don’t believe me search google for the fascism.
We are living in tyrannical times , big government, ruling class are pumping out nazi like propaganda.

Get ready for the big fight
Google literally change the definition of fascism to attack conservatives

Google doesn't control any definitions, dope.

Fascism has always been considered to be a tool of the right.

Your recent realization of this fact does not mark a sea change in the world order.
Give me an example of republicans being fascist.. and do it looking in the mirror lol

You didn't read your own posted definition?
American conservatives are the only people in the world who think fascism is a leftist phenomena. I'm not even sure they actually think that for real but use it as cover.
Fascism was created by a leftist totalitarian socialist that wanted to focus on the nation.
It isnt a left or right problem. It's a totalitarian problem

It is impossible for leftists to be totalitarian. It is inherently contradictory.
Socialism is defines as collaboration, so can't be totalitarian in any manner.
Forget the propaganda about Stalin.
He was not at all socialist, and was a pure capitalist.
So let's look at the definition:


a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

1. Exalts nation and often race above the individual.

No, most conservatives, while they are very patriotic (some would call it nationalism), are geared toward individual liberty. They believe the people have rights and are the driving force behind the nation.

They are proud to be an American, but want government limited in their lives. This means they dont hold fealty to the government but rather the government should be working for them.

The left, however, generally want more control placed in the hands of government to be able to regulate virtually every aspect of our lives.

2. Centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader.

Again, the right believes in limited government. They believe the government has specific duties to serve the citizen, beyond that, the power resides with the state and the individual.

Again, the left seem to want to give more power to the government.

3. Severe economic and social regimentation.

The right believes a person should be able to make as much money as they want, without the government digging its hands into their pockets. They also believe that an individual should have the freedom to live as they choose as long as it doesnt interfere with the right and freedoms of their own lives.

The left believe the government should take any money it deems necessary when it feels like an individual has made too much.

3. Forcible suppression of opposition.

Well, this one can clearly be pointed toward antifa, whose main goal is the forcible suppression of opposition. It goes beyond that, however. The left also prefer the silencing of the opposition by removing them from social media platforms, and continually calling the support of conservative ideology, hate speech.

Fascism seems to have more in common with left wing ideology than it does the right.

That is totally wrong.

1. The right is totally nationalist, like promoting the invasion of Iraq and other wars that hurt individuals. Government is not the risk to individual freedom as much as corporate greed that wants to make us all slaves. But it is also the rights that threatens individual rights with things like the War on Drugs, which causes the US to have the highest incarceration rate in the world.

2. Limiting government so that corporations can control us completely, is not freedom but slavery. Without government protection, corporations use things like monopolies and unfair lending practices to destroy any possible freedom.

3. Fascists destroy unions or any sort of collective representation, so that wages can be assured to be as low as possible. It is the left that wants progressive taxation so that only those who profit from the system pay for it.

4. (which you incorrectly labeled 3 again), is silly because it is the right who controls all the media and the police, leaving the left with almost no means of expression at all. Antifa is about all that is left. And obviously Antifa can't silence anyone, and just barely is able to get any recognition itself.
The government is the Corporation, you just twisted this definition a thousand different ways to fit your narrative.. em
View attachment 277740

Don’t believe me search google for the fascism.
We are living in tyrannical times , big government, ruling class are pumping out nazi like propaganda.

Get ready for the big fight

That is the correct definition.

View attachment 277750

View attachment 277751
How about you go look at a real dictionary written before Trump was President. Fascism is Directly Linked to Socialism as in Democratic Socialists (DNC), I.E. Nazis in Germany.






Fascism has never ever been associated with the left in any way.
The National Socialists in Germany started before Hitler, as a socialist alternative to the more radical communists.
But not only did Hitler take over the National Socialists, but he had them all murdered.
Try learning some history before making false sweeping generalizations.
Hitler was the LEAST possible socialist leader that ever existed.
He was totally fascist, and was the choice of the industrialists, military, and aristocracy.
The only difference with the coalition that picked him and the Roman fascists, is that his did not include the religious leaders.

With Orwell, are you aware that while he was ridiculing the English Socialist Party, that he himself was a true socialist?
you are the one that need to learn history, Hitler used the NAZI name which stand for national socialist workers party aka (unions)
Hitler killed many people, we are for limited government, there would be no corporations without the hand being held by GOVERNMENT. You can’t monopolize with out the government creating restrictions on the poor and ordinary.

Republicans aren’t dictators, we are for free market individualism, we are for everyone having guns and less regulation.. THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF THIS DEFINITION
This is silly.
Fascism is not a modern term you can change around or has any sort of vague meaning.
It is an ancient term created by the Romans.
Facia were axe handles used as badges of office by Roman magistrates.
Bundled, they were a reminder of how there is greater strength in unity, and implies an alliance between the banks, religion, aristocracy, and military.
So fascism is and can only represent a right wing coalition.

A populist movement is the exact opposite, and is left wing.

The only thing that makes this even remotely relevant is that democrats have abandoned the working poor, and have gone over to the bankers instead.
So current democrats like the Clintons may have fascist leanings, but not the populist leftists like Bernie Sanders.
He is the exact opposite of fascist.
It is a Bernie Sanders play book , dictatorial control, severeeconomic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

In what possible way has Bernie Sanders ever suggested economic, social, or political suppression?
Socialism is not at all economic suppression, but essentially employee owned companies.
That is as close to maximum freedom as one will ever get.
Is this serious? He would control all production with the green new deal. HE WOULD control who works and who doesn't, he would put fly over country on complete welfare.
Are you even aware of today current events?
View attachment 277740

Don’t believe me search google for the fascism.
We are living in tyrannical times , big government, ruling class are pumping out nazi like propaganda.

Get ready for the big fight

That is the correct definition.

View attachment 277750

View attachment 277751
How about you go look at a real dictionary written before Trump was President. Fascism is Directly Linked to Socialism as in Democratic Socialists (DNC), I.E. Nazis in Germany.






Fascism has never ever been associated with the left in any way.
The National Socialists in Germany started before Hitler, as a socialist alternative to the more radical communists.
But not only did Hitler take over the National Socialists, but he had them all murdered.
Try learning some history before making false sweeping generalizations.
Hitler was the LEAST possible socialist leader that ever existed.
He was totally fascist, and was the choice of the industrialists, military, and aristocracy.
The only difference with the coalition that picked him and the Roman fascists, is that his did not include the religious leaders.

With Orwell, are you aware that while he was ridiculing the English Socialist Party, that he himself was a true socialist?
The Democratic Socialism in Germany was completely Left. The Government ran everything from education, to physical fitness, to banning firearms, to the police departments, to policies about child birth and child rearing.

There was NOTHING RIGHT at all about Nazism. It was Full Blown Democratic Socialism. That is where the term Nazi came from.

The Democrat Party is 100% in line with the Nazi Party beliefs of the 1930s, right down to their Anti-Semetic views.

Nazi Party

Alternative Titles: NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers’ Party, National-Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
Nazi Party, byname of National Socialist German Workers’ Party, German Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), political party of the mass movement known as National Socialism. Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, the party came to power in Germany in 1933 and governed by totalitarian methods until 1945.
View attachment 277740

Don’t believe me search google for the fascism.
We are living in tyrannical times , big government, ruling class are pumping out nazi like propaganda.

Get ready for the big fight
Google literally change the definition of fascism to attack conservatives

Google doesn't control any definitions, dope.

Fascism has always been considered to be a tool of the right.

Your recent realization of this fact does not mark a sea change in the world order.
Give me an example of republicans being fascist.. and do it looking in the mirror lol

You didn't read your own posted definition?
Is that all you have lol ..
If you don't care for Google's search result here is top result from DuckDuckGo:

Sounds like Bernie Sanders diary

Which parts? The "beligerant nationalism" or the "racism"?
If you don't care for Google's search result here is top result from DuckDuckGo:

Sounds like Bernie Sanders diary

Which parts? The "beligerant nationalism" or the "racism"?
we aren’t talking about googles fake definition lol pay attention
View attachment 277740

Don’t believe me search google for the fascism.
We are living in tyrannical times , big government, ruling class are pumping out nazi like propaganda.

Get ready for the big fight
Google literally change the definition of fascism to attack conservatives

Google doesn't control any definitions, dope.

Fascism has always been considered to be a tool of the right.

Your recent realization of this fact does not mark a sea change in the world order.
Give me an example of republicans being fascist.. and do it looking in the mirror lol

You didn't read your own posted definition?
Is that all you have lol ..

What do you have?
This is silly.
Fascism is not a modern term you can change around or has any sort of vague meaning.
It is an ancient term created by the Romans.
Facia were axe handles used as badges of office by Roman magistrates.
Bundled, they were a reminder of how there is greater strength in unity, and implies an alliance between the banks, religion, aristocracy, and military.
So fascism is and can only represent a right wing coalition.

A populist movement is the exact opposite, and is left wing.

The only thing that makes this even remotely relevant is that democrats have abandoned the working poor, and have gone over to the bankers instead.
So current democrats like the Clintons may have fascist leanings, but not the populist leftists like Bernie Sanders.
He is the exact opposite of fascist.
It is a Bernie Sanders play book , dictatorial control, severeeconomic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

In what possible way has Bernie Sanders ever suggested economic, social, or political suppression?
Socialism is not at all economic suppression, but essentially employee owned companies.
That is as close to maximum freedom as one will ever get.
Is this serious? He would control all production with the green new deal. HE WOULD control who works and who doesn't, he would put fly over country on complete welfare.
Are you even aware of today current events?
You are giving us subjective opinions based on anybody's guess, yet you are unable to understand or accept simple established definitions for words.
If you don't care for Google's search result here is top result from DuckDuckGo:

Sounds like Bernie Sanders diary

Which parts? The "beligerant nationalism" or the "racism"?
If you don't care for Google's search result here is top result from DuckDuckGo:

Sounds like Bernie Sanders diary

Which parts? The "beligerant nationalism" or the "racism"?
we aren’t talking about googles fake definition lol pay attention

I quoted the definition in question, dope.

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