GOOGLE officially ignores U.S. Memorial Day again

I bet google fucks up 6/1/2014. I'll be around to report :thup:

Beat you to it --

GOOGLE officially promotes "nothing"
Google sucks ass.

They are such miserable pricks.

The fuckwads will endorse all manner of political and artistic claptrap, some good and some of no value. But today, June 1, their front page features nothing. No logo, no splash, no link. Not a sausage. Buggerall. Even though I know for a fact that today is the birthday of my second cousin's babysitter's mechanic.

Obviously Google is surreptitiously promoting Nothingism, the secular neo-dadaist vacuuism religion started by Zero Mostel, Sissy Space and Mel Blank. Clearly they believe and shamelessly promulgate its mantra:

"Nothing is Sacred"


The shameful Obliterists inaction​
I think I am going to boycott Google. Those bastards did nothing to show their awareness of the tragedy involving one of the most affluent Black communities in the US. Black Wall street was destroyed in Tulsa OK. by envious whites. Also know as Little Africa it was likened to Beverly Hills in the amount of affluent and successful Black businessmen. It was completley burned to the ground on June 1 1921.
I think I am going to boycott Google. Those bastards did nothing to show their awareness of the tragedy involving one of the most affluent Black communities in the US. Black Wall street was destroyed in Tulsa OK. by envious whites. Also know as Little Africa it was likened to Beverly Hills in the amount of affluent and successful Black businessmen. It was completley burned to the ground on June 1 1921.

That would have been appropriate, as too few seem to know about the incident or about that general period of our history, the nadir period of our own bigotry.

Tulsa Race Riots

191 businesses, a junior high school, several churches and both "black" (segregated) hospitals burned to the ground along with 1,256 houses and 215 looted, even attacks from the air - that's hard to ignore.

It's also a demonstration of the fallacy of the "good guy with a gun" mythology; here was a sheriff holding off a lynch mob, 30 armed blacks come by to support the sheriff's defense, a thousand armed whites arm up in reaction, and all hell breaks loose.
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I bet google fucks up 6/1/2014. I'll be around to report :thup:

Beat you to it --

GOOGLE officially promotes "nothing"
Google sucks ass.

They are such miserable pricks.

The fuckwads will endorse all manner of political and artistic claptrap, some good and some of no value. But today, June 1, their front page features nothing. No logo, no splash, no link. Not a sausage. Buggerall. Even though I know for a fact that today is the birthday of my second cousin's babysitter's mechanic.

Obviously Google is surreptitiously promoting Nothingism, the secular neo-dadaist vacuuism religion started by Zero Mostel, Sissy Space and Mel Blank. Clearly they believe and shamelessly promulgate its mantra:

"Nothing is Sacred"


The shameful Obliterists inaction​

^ Pogo compares Memorial Day to a non-event day. Noted.

For the sake of his "satire."

Fucking retarded OP as usual from a retarded poster. Dumbass clearly missed the flag being displayed in a subdued fashion and tried to save face. :lol:

Assclapius pretends that the addition of the tiny flag and ribbon well below the search box makes the "effort" of Google on Memorial Day the same as their effort for such important stuff as the birthday of the Rubik's Cube inventor.

Assclapius may be a racist piece of shit imbecile, but at least he has no point.
I bet google fucks up 6/1/2014. I'll be around to report :thup:

Beat you to it --

GOOGLE officially promotes "nothing"
Google sucks ass.

They are such miserable pricks.

The fuckwads will endorse all manner of political and artistic claptrap, some good and some of no value. But today, June 1, their front page features nothing. No logo, no splash, no link. Not a sausage. Buggerall. Even though I know for a fact that today is the birthday of my second cousin's babysitter's mechanic.

Obviously Google is surreptitiously promoting Nothingism, the secular neo-dadaist vacuuism religion started by Zero Mostel, Sissy Space and Mel Blank. Clearly they believe and shamelessly promulgate its mantra:

"Nothing is Sacred"


The shameful Obliterists inaction​

^ Pogo compares Memorial Day to a non-event day. Noted.

For the sake of his "satire."


"Satire" is correct; comparison, not so much.

Pogo posted a ridiculous concept to demonstrate the riducularity of the OP. In his defensiveness of his own failed concept, Cheerful Prints deliberately mischaracterizes said satire.

The point seems to have hit its target. :thup:
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This Ilar guy seriously needs to get laid. He allows himself to become angry at the dumbest of things, complaining about everything from Google to Julian Assange to his own reflection, as if its a life or death situation. He's like a monkey hurling feces around the forum every chance he gets.
Beat you to it --

GOOGLE officially promotes "nothing"
Google sucks ass.

They are such miserable pricks.

The fuckwads will endorse all manner of political and artistic claptrap, some good and some of no value. But today, June 1, their front page features nothing. No logo, no splash, no link. Not a sausage. Buggerall. Even though I know for a fact that today is the birthday of my second cousin's babysitter's mechanic.

Obviously Google is surreptitiously promoting Nothingism, the secular neo-dadaist vacuuism religion started by Zero Mostel, Sissy Space and Mel Blank. Clearly they believe and shamelessly promulgate its mantra:

"Nothing is Sacred"


The shameful Obliterists inaction​

^ Pogo compares Memorial Day to a non-event day. Noted.

For the sake of his "satire."


"Satire" is correct; comparison, not so much.

Pogo posted a ridiculous concept to demonstrate the riducularity of the OP. In his defensiveness of his own failed concept, Cheerful Prints deliberately mischaracterizes said satire.

The point seems to have hit its target. :thup:

Nah. There was no point to your posting effort. There rarely is.

Please define your made-up word "riducularity."

Your paltry weak-ass effort to be satirical is hardly the same thing as succeeding in it. :thup:

Thought you should know.

Furthermore, it would be impossible for your lame effort at "satire" not to have been premised in a form of comparison. That's kind of the point of satire. Words have meaning. Get to know them.
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Fucking retarded OP as usual from a retarded poster. Dumbass clearly missed the flag being displayed in a subdued fashion and tried to save face. :lol:

Assclapius pretends that the addition of the tiny flag and ribbon well below the search box makes the "effort" of Google on Memorial Day the same as their effort for such important stuff as the birthday of the Rubik's Cube inventor.

Assclapius may be a racist piece of shit imbecile, but at least he has no point.

Give it a rest Liarmeilyr. You got busted lying.....again.

GOOGLE officially ignores U.S. Memorial Day again

No they didnt ignore Memorial day. How can they ignore it if they put up the flag dumbass? :lol:

Your panties are in a bunch because they didnt move heaven and earth in an effort to satisfy you.
^ Pogo compares Memorial Day to a non-event day. Noted.

For the sake of his "satire."


"Satire" is correct; comparison, not so much.

Pogo posted a ridiculous concept to demonstrate the riducularity of the OP. In his defensiveness of his own failed concept, Cheerful Prints deliberately mischaracterizes said satire.

The point seems to have hit its target. :thup:

Nah. There was no point to your posting effort. There rarely is.

Please define your made-up word "riducularity."

Your paltry weak-ass effort to be satirical is hardly the same thing as succeeding in it. :thup:

Thought you should know.

You know, it's like dickularity or dickicity or even dipshittery but in this case involving ridiculosity rather than dickery.

What we have here is a satire lampooning the butthurtitude that birthed the OP, answered by further butthurtitude about having the original butthurtitude exposerated. Matter o' factoid, here comes another one: Your paltry weak-assified effort to swipe away the embarrassiness of being bustified for said butthurtitude by deliberately conflaterating the compariator itself puts the lie to the pretendified confuseration and reveals that the thrustimification was indeed rightfulistically accurated.

Thought you should knowify.
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Fucking retarded OP as usual from a retarded poster. Dumbass clearly missed the flag being displayed in a subdued fashion and tried to save face. :lol:

Assclapius pretends that the addition of the tiny flag and ribbon well below the search box makes the "effort" of Google on Memorial Day the same as their effort for such important stuff as the birthday of the Rubik's Cube inventor.

Assclapius may be a racist piece of shit imbecile, but at least he has no point.

Give it a rest Liarmeilyr. You got busted lying.....again.

GOOGLE officially ignores U.S. Memorial Day again

No they didnt ignore Memorial day. How can they ignore it if they put up the flag dumbass? :lol:

Your panties are in a bunch because they didnt move heaven and earth in an effort to satisfy you.

Assclapius, did you fart again or were you trying to communicate?

I didn't get busted for lying at all, much less "again," since I clearly did not lie at all. Your CLAIM is the lie, as you know but are too stupid and dishonest to admit.

And, as I noted in my OP, you dishonest stupid hack bitch racist fool, they did ignore Memorial Day in that they did NOT memorialize it the way they do for all the "important" shit they honor, like that **** Rachel Carson. You KNOW: Their search page logo artwork, not some unnoticeable tiny little flag and ribbon insert well below their search box. Pretend otherwise, but you know you;re a dishonest racist pigdog ****. We all know that about you.
Assclapius pretends that the addition of the tiny flag and ribbon well below the search box makes the "effort" of Google on Memorial Day the same as their effort for such important stuff as the birthday of the Rubik's Cube inventor.

Assclapius may be a racist piece of shit imbecile, but at least he has no point.

Give it a rest Liarmeilyr. You got busted lying.....again.

GOOGLE officially ignores U.S. Memorial Day again

No they didnt ignore Memorial day. How can they ignore it if they put up the flag dumbass? :lol:

Your panties are in a bunch because they didnt move heaven and earth in an effort to satisfy you.

Assclapius, did you fart again or were you trying to communicate?

I didn't get busted for lying at all, much less "again," since I clearly did not lie at all. Your CLAIM is the lie, as you know but are too stupid and dishonest to admit.

And, as I noted in my OP, you dishonest stupid hack bitch racist fool, they did ignore Memorial Day in that they did NOT memorialize it the way they do for all the "important" shit they honor, like that **** Rachel Carson. You KNOW: Their search page logo artwork, not some unnoticeable tiny little flag and ribbon insert well below their search box. Pretend otherwise, but you know you;re a dishonest racist pigdog ****. We all know that about you.

Putting up a splash that doesn't happen to fit your preference doesn't constitute "ignoring", whiny bitchoid.

What's your issue with Rachel Carson anyway?
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Give it a rest Liarmeilyr. You got busted lying.....again.

No they didnt ignore Memorial day. How can they ignore it if they put up the flag dumbass? :lol:

Your panties are in a bunch because they didnt move heaven and earth in an effort to satisfy you.

Assclapius, did you fart again or were you trying to communicate?

I didn't get busted for lying at all, much less "again," since I clearly did not lie at all. Your CLAIM is the lie, as you know but are too stupid and dishonest to admit.

And, as I noted in my OP, you dishonest stupid hack bitch racist fool, they did ignore Memorial Day in that they did NOT memorialize it the way they do for all the "important" shit they honor, like that **** Rachel Carson. You KNOW: Their search page logo artwork, not some unnoticeable tiny little flag and ribbon insert well below their search box. Pretend otherwise, but you know you;re a dishonest racist pigdog ****. We all know that about you.

Putting up a splash that doesn't happen to fit your preference doesn't constitute "ignoring", whiny bitchoid.

What's the deal with Rachel Carson anyway?

NOT putting up their "splash" logo artwork is what constitutes "ignoring," pogy. Adding an virtually unnoticeable little fluff flag and ribbon thingie well below their otherwise "splashy" logo I basically ignoring. And if you don't care for whiny bitchoids, then stop being one.

What's the deal with Carson?

She was a basically dishonest **** whose dishonest life's work has led to hundreds of thousand -- maybe millions -- of perfectly avoidable deaths of human beings.
Memorial Day is overrated. Really, who the hell gives a fuck if Google "ignored" it. My life was completely unaffected.

Ilar however seems to be suffering from a nervous breakdown over it.
Assclapius, did you fart again or were you trying to communicate?

I didn't get busted for lying at all, much less "again," since I clearly did not lie at all. Your CLAIM is the lie, as you know but are too stupid and dishonest to admit.

And, as I noted in my OP, you dishonest stupid hack bitch racist fool, they did ignore Memorial Day in that they did NOT memorialize it the way they do for all the "important" shit they honor, like that **** Rachel Carson. You KNOW: Their search page logo artwork, not some unnoticeable tiny little flag and ribbon insert well below their search box. Pretend otherwise, but you know you;re a dishonest racist pigdog ****. We all know that about you.

Putting up a splash that doesn't happen to fit your preference doesn't constitute "ignoring", whiny bitchoid.

What's the deal with Rachel Carson anyway?

NOT putting up their "splash" logo artwork is what constitutes "ignoring," pogy. Adding an virtually unnoticeable little fluff flag and ribbon thingie well below their otherwise "splashy" logo I basically ignoring. And if you don't care for whiny bitchoids, then stop being one.

What's the deal with Carson?

She was a basically dishonest **** whose dishonest life's work has led to hundreds of thousand -- maybe millions -- of perfectly avoidable deaths of human beings.

You know that myth has been utterly debunked -- you know that, right?

I've been running the link in my sig line for days; I left it out of that last post on purpose. So you're completely full of shit. Guess it shows us what you fuel on.

And with that level of expertise, you wanna tell Google how to run its site. Based on of all things how big a splash is.

Memorial Day is overrated. Really, who the hell gives a fuck if Google "ignored" it. My life was completely unaffected.

Ilar however seems to be suffering from a nervous breakdown over it.

I do not seem to be suffering any such thing. Instead, an idiot like you and several other fubars of your tiny mental capacity make that completely baseless claim because you like to whine over things with which you happen to disagree.

As for your first sentence, a Godless Asshole like you may not give a damn about Memorial Day or its meaning. But that's no surprise. You are a rather self-absorbed and small minded little stanky twat.
Putting up a splash that doesn't happen to fit your preference doesn't constitute "ignoring", whiny bitchoid.

What's the deal with Rachel Carson anyway?

NOT putting up their "splash" logo artwork is what constitutes "ignoring," pogy. Adding an virtually unnoticeable little fluff flag and ribbon thingie well below their otherwise "splashy" logo I basically ignoring. And if you don't care for whiny bitchoids, then stop being one.

What's the deal with Carson?

She was a basically dishonest **** whose dishonest life's work has led to hundreds of thousand -- maybe millions -- of perfectly avoidable deaths of human beings.

You know that myth has been utterly debunked -- you know that, right?

I've been running the link in my sig line for days; I left it out of that last post on purpose. So you're completely full of shit. Guess it shows us what you fuel on.

And with that level of expertise, you wanna tell Google how to run its site. Based on of all things how big a splash is.


Actually, I know that it's not a myth and I know the account has not been debunked.

You should too.

As for having a right to object to what Google did, that's not telling them how to do what they do. It's noting my objection to the choice they clearly made.

If you don't like it, too bad. I don't care at all that you oppose my viewpoint. I just wish guys like you could be honest about it.
NOT putting up their "splash" logo artwork is what constitutes "ignoring," pogy. Adding an virtually unnoticeable little fluff flag and ribbon thingie well below their otherwise "splashy" logo I basically ignoring. And if you don't care for whiny bitchoids, then stop being one.

What's the deal with Carson?

She was a basically dishonest **** whose dishonest life's work has led to hundreds of thousand -- maybe millions -- of perfectly avoidable deaths of human beings.

You know that myth has been utterly debunked -- you know that, right?

I've been running the link in my sig line for days; I left it out of that last post on purpose. So you're completely full of shit. Guess it shows us what you fuel on.

And with that level of expertise, you wanna tell Google how to run its site. Based on of all things how big a splash is.


Actually, I know that it's not a myth and I know the account has not been debunked.

You should too.

Unfortunately the law of bullshittery sez you can't shoot a fact down by ipse dixit denials. My link goes to the debunkeration, and the thread where it was debunked. Your gainsaying goes to absolutely nothing except a bold font. Now if you know more than history, feel free to bring it to that thread where I've been challenging others to do so and have received nothing but crickets in response for five days.

Talk is cheap. You've been debunked, and until you put something up, debunked you stay.

As for having a right to object to what Google did, that's not telling them how to do what they do. It's noting my objection to the choice they clearly made.

If you don't like it, too bad. I don't care at all that you oppose my viewpoint. I just wish guys like you could be honest about it.

"Liking it" or not is irrelevant. Your OP here is a whine about Google not doing things the way you want. I don't "like" or "dislike" that; I just point out the ridicularity of the butthurtitude in the concept that an outside company floating an optional feature that has nothing to do with its mission anyway, doesn't meet your whine standards.

Which is what everybody else has been doing too.

Frankly I'd be more embarrassed about having bought the Rachel Carson snake oil than the Google butthurtitude, but that's just me.

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