GOOGLE officially ignores U.S. Memorial Day again

I have it from a trusted source that they did it to make IliarMyliar have a hissy fit.

He's a very sensitive guy. We have to support him in these moments of darkness.

*internet hug* :(



Yeah. That's an apt description. :cuckoo:

You and the girls have a coffee klatch, ponder the next big move in your attempted dog pile and I will continue to be bemused by your notable ineffectuality.
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Roflmao! The only sock around you is the one that catches your sicko..

Btw: thanks for the rent free livingn space I occupy in your otherwise empty skull.

Your hearty self congratulation is devoid of any basis in reality. I do find your delusions of adequacy amusing, to be candid, though.

However, as I previously noted, you are clearly held captive by my every post.

Now, go to spell check and see if you can figure out how and why your own very username constitutes a typo. [Your whining defense of your abject and obvious ignorance "hey man, I was using a phone" fails to persuade people that you are not just a fucking dope, by the way). :lol::lol:

Get Rabid to help you. At least that insipid liberal twat can spell. :thup:
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Hey notthegenius: bing (since you hate google) the dangrs of ddt. Youll see several things you can read. You cacn read, right? Clearly ddt is dangerous.

Hey, "voic" you blithering, blathering dim wit:

What is a "dangrs?" Is it anything like a "danger?"

Have you ever heard of an apostrophe? If not, your education has been sorely lacking.

I can read. What is "cacn?" Can you write? Are you capable of coherence?

DDT can indeed be dangerous and nobody has ever (to my knowledge) denied it. At least, I haven't.

But, Carson deliberately overstated the dangers of the proper and controlled use of limited amounts of the stuff.

The thickness of egg shells never warranted the hundreds of thousands of human deaths which could have easily been avoided but for the ridiculous reaction to her propaganda.

I, uh, "bet" you can elucidate this mythology too.

Not to worry, if you can't all you have to do is "leave the board"... no pressure.
Don't add devious and dishonest to leftist now there Wilbur..

A bet is a bet and there are WITNESSES.. Fork it over and stop whining..
You challenged me to back up the stat in my post and I did that plus extra credit.

My "associates" will shake you upside down at the door if you prefer... :eusa_whistle:

Your claim was, and still on the record, that "25% couldn't tell us the origins of Memorial Day". On a Google search page. I don't see any action on that. I see a link back to the beginning of this bastion of butthurt thread. Don't you know that's like taking a picture of a mirror? You could warp the space-time continuum doing that.

Do yourself a favor, just do it until you need glasses. :cool:

Base point remains: Google did indeed iconize Memorial Day, even though it chaps the proverbial hide of curmudgeons drunk on Welch's Grape Juice who wanted nothing less than a Sousa band to jump out of his screen screaming "USA! USA!" while firing cannon into the air, that they did so tastefully. And then they went on the next day to a more complex icon, obviously for a lesser-known entity, to memorialize an important American conservationist.

I for one don't mind if they highlight a good conservative rather than a socon. If that's your issue, well as I said, there's a thread for that. And as far as the bet of how many Googlers know Memorial Day versus how many know Rachel Carson -- game still on.

Pogo, Pogo, Pogo.. Read my tag line please. I've been at this public debate for awhile now and I don't post anything that I'd lose a bet on.. You were not clear on why you were gonna owe me money. But the odds were against you anyway..

As Memorial Day Observations Decline In Popularity, Powerful Lessons Remain

In a 2000 Gallup poll that asked Americans to define the holiday, the most recent survey on the topic, only 28 percent of people correctly said it was about remembering those who died while serving in the military. In many areas, Memorial Day may be better known for its sales and spikes in DUIs.

I am sad I was so far off and said 25%.. But you owe me the money you deviant leftist.
Pay up like the metrosexual that you are !!!!


In what universe is 28 less than 25, pray?

Be assured your "money" will be calculated using the same math. Postal money order if you don't mind because banks are bigoted about accepting Czechs.

And if you would, so I can keep track, please note on the bottom the reference the name of the poll* you link to: "Americans Have Not Forgotten Memorial Day's Purpose". It helps me laugh all the way to the bank. :thup:

*When the public is asked directly to explain in its own words why the holiday is celebrated, two-thirds generally get it right – mentioning those who died in war or honoring veterans, while only 17% of those asked give no response."

Street urchins in New Orleans accost tourists with "I bet I know where you got dem shoes". Me, I bet I know where you got dat betting rationalization method. And yes, kudos for that sigline :thup:

Do we have a poll for how many Googlers knew Rachel Carson then? I feel another bet coming on. Because judging by recent threads, even after a Google splash some are still drinking the Kool Aid (see my tagline). Apparently it tastes a lot like Welch's grape juice.
Last edited: is their global address, as well as the US one. They don't have to commemorate any event that doesn't occur in other nations on a day. is their global address, as well as the US one. They don't have to commemorate any event that doesn't occur in other nations on a day.

What sails over the OP's pointed little head is that a search engine isn't required to commemorate anything, anywhere, ever. He's basically cruising down a street, stopping at a random house and having one of his meltdowns on their lawn because he doesn't like the house's curtains.

:rolleyes: is their global address, as well as the US one. They don't have to commemorate any event that doesn't occur in other nations on a day.

What sails over the OP's pointed little head is that a search engine isn't required to commemorate anything, anywhere, ever. He's basically cruising down a street, stopping at a random house and having one of his meltdowns on their lawn because he doesn't like the house's curtains.


Wow, worse night than previously imagined. Settle down, some warm milk, maybe use Yahoo today instead of Google.
Your claim was, and still on the record, that "25% couldn't tell us the origins of Memorial Day". On a Google search page. I don't see any action on that. I see a link back to the beginning of this bastion of butthurt thread. Don't you know that's like taking a picture of a mirror? You could warp the space-time continuum doing that.

Do yourself a favor, just do it until you need glasses. :cool:

Base point remains: Google did indeed iconize Memorial Day, even though it chaps the proverbial hide of curmudgeons drunk on Welch's Grape Juice who wanted nothing less than a Sousa band to jump out of his screen screaming "USA! USA!" while firing cannon into the air, that they did so tastefully. And then they went on the next day to a more complex icon, obviously for a lesser-known entity, to memorialize an important American conservationist.

I for one don't mind if they highlight a good conservative rather than a socon. If that's your issue, well as I said, there's a thread for that. And as far as the bet of how many Googlers know Memorial Day versus how many know Rachel Carson -- game still on.

Pogo, Pogo, Pogo.. Read my tag line please. I've been at this public debate for awhile now and I don't post anything that I'd lose a bet on.. You were not clear on why you were gonna owe me money. But the odds were against you anyway..

As Memorial Day Observations Decline In Popularity, Powerful Lessons Remain

In a 2000 Gallup poll that asked Americans to define the holiday, the most recent survey on the topic, only 28 percent of people correctly said it was about remembering those who died while serving in the military. In many areas, Memorial Day may be better known for its sales and spikes in DUIs.

I am sad I was so far off and said 25%.. But you owe me the money you deviant leftist.
Pay up like the metrosexual that you are !!!!


In what universe is 28 less than 25, pray?

Be assured your "money" will be calculated using the same math. Postal money order if you don't mind because banks are bigoted about accepting Czechs.

And if you would, so I can keep track, please note on the bottom the reference the name of the poll* you link to: "Americans Have Not Forgotten Memorial Day's Purpose". It helps me laugh all the way to the bank. :thup:

*When the public is asked directly to explain in its own words why the holiday is celebrated, two-thirds generally get it right – mentioning those who died in war or honoring veterans, while only 17% of those asked give no response."

Street urchins in New Orleans accost tourists with "I bet I know where you got dem shoes". Me, I bet I know where you got dat betting rationalization method. And yes, kudos for that sigline :thup:

Do we have a poll for how many Googlers knew Rachel Carson then? I feel another bet coming on. Because judging by recent threads, even after a Google splash some are still drinking the Kool Aid (see my tagline). Apparently it tastes a lot like Welch's grape juice.

Holy shit -- your math and reading comprehension suck. But not quite as badly as the Leftist liberal arts students at the HUFFPO who MANGLED that Gallup poll result and INVERTED the math statistic. That's an epic fail of journalism. But I won -- you look like an ass and the money is due..

What I said -- "I'll bet that 25% of Americans couldn't tell us the origins of Memorial Day".

Gallup poll results --- 68% COULD do that -- meaning that 32% couldn't. Since 32% is LARGER than 25% --- (do I need to explain that part?) -- you should STFU and pay up..

And no 17% with no opinion doesn't count in this case. Because it's likely they couldn't even UNDERSTAND the question..

Poor HuffPo --- no wonder why their readers are so ignorant.. is their global address, as well as the US one. They don't have to commemorate any event that doesn't occur in other nations on a day.

What sails over the OP's pointed little head is that a search engine isn't required to commemorate anything, anywhere, ever. He's basically cruising down a street, stopping at a random house and having one of his meltdowns on their lawn because he doesn't like the house's curtains.


What doesn't sail over puke-o's intentionally obtuse head, but which he pretends not to see, is that Google does NOT "have" to commemorate" ANY day, but they CHOOSE to do so. Therefore, the rest of us are free to take note of the type of crap they choose to commemorate (that twat Rachel fucking Carson, for example) versus the days they CHOOSE not to commemorate.

And making a thread to note their objectionable behavior is not even remotely akin to having a melt-down. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

But pogo never permits such honest things to deter him from ranting his typically dishonest tripe.
Roflmao! The only sock around you is the one that catches your sicko..

Btw: thanks for the rent free livingn space I occupy in your otherwise empty skull.

Your hearty self congratulation is devoid of any basis in reality. I do find your delusions of adequacy amusing, to be candid, though.

However, as I previously noted, you are clearly held captive by my every post.

Now, go to spell ctheck and see if you can figure out how and why your own very username constitutes a typo. [Your whining defense of your abject and obvious ignorance "hey man, I was using a phone" fails to persuade people that you are not just a fucking dope, by the way). :lol::lol:

Get Rabid to help you. At least that insipid liberal twat can spell. :thup:
Still harping on typos. That means you aint got jack for shit else.

Bless yer widdle shrunken heart.

Need a hug? is their global address, as well as the US one. They don't have to commemorate any event that doesn't occur in other nations on a day.

What sails over the OP's pointed little head is that a search engine isn't required to commemorate anything, anywhere, ever. He's basically cruising down a street, stopping at a random house and having one of his meltdowns on their lawn because he doesn't like the house's curtains.


What doesn't sail over puke-o's intentionally obtuse head, but which he pretends not to see, is that Google does NOT "have" to commemorate" ANY day, but they CHOOSE to do so. Therefore, the rest of us are free to take note of the type of crap they choose to commemorate (that twat Rachel fucking Carson, for example) versus the days they CHOOSE not to commemorate.

And making a thread to note their objectionable behavior is not even remotely akin to having a melt-down.

Indeed it doesn't. You have the whole thread to do that, and it still continues.


But pogo never permits such honest things to deter him from ranting his typically dishonest tripe.

Yup, like that. Exactly.
Pogo, Pogo, Pogo.. Read my tag line please. I've been at this public debate for awhile now and I don't post anything that I'd lose a bet on.. You were not clear on why you were gonna owe me money. But the odds were against you anyway..

I am sad I was so far off and said 25%.. But you owe me the money you deviant leftist.
Pay up like the metrosexual that you are !!!!


In what universe is 28 less than 25, pray?

Be assured your "money" will be calculated using the same math. Postal money order if you don't mind because banks are bigoted about accepting Czechs.

And if you would, so I can keep track, please note on the bottom the reference the name of the poll* you link to: "Americans Have Not Forgotten Memorial Day's Purpose". It helps me laugh all the way to the bank. :thup:

*When the public is asked directly to explain in its own words why the holiday is celebrated, two-thirds generally get it right – mentioning those who died in war or honoring veterans, while only 17% of those asked give no response."

Street urchins in New Orleans accost tourists with "I bet I know where you got dem shoes". Me, I bet I know where you got dat betting rationalization method. And yes, kudos for that sigline :thup:

Do we have a poll for how many Googlers knew Rachel Carson then? I feel another bet coming on. Because judging by recent threads, even after a Google splash some are still drinking the Kool Aid (see my tagline). Apparently it tastes a lot like Welch's grape juice.

Holy shit -- your math and reading comprehension suck. But not quite as badly as the Leftist liberal arts students at the HUFFPO who MANGLED that Gallup poll result and INVERTED the math statistic. That's an epic fail of journalism. But I won -- you look like an ass and the money is due..

What I said -- "I'll bet that 25% of Americans couldn't tell us the origins of Memorial Day".

Gallup poll results --- 68% COULD do that -- meaning that 32% couldn't. Since 32% is LARGER than 25% --- (do I need to explain that part?) -- you should STFU and pay up..


I did think about. In a nation where 30 or 40% of the adult population can't TELL YOU who the US fought against in WW2 and even MORE cant' tell you when the Korean war happened, I'll bet you only 25% can tell you about the origins of Memorial Day.

1. and no one or nothing more besides; solely or exclusively.
"there are only a limited number of tickets available"
synonyms: at most, at best, (only) just, no/not more than; barely, scarcely, hardly, narrowly
"there was only enough for two"
exclusively, solely, to the exclusion of everything else
"she works only on one painting at a time"on·ly
1. and no one or nothing more besides; solely or exclusively.
"there are only a limited number of tickets available"
synonyms: at most, at best, (only) just, no/not more than; barely, scarcely, hardly, narrowly
"there was only enough for two"
exclusively, solely, to the exclusion of everything else
"she works only on one painting at a time"

You should read your own posts.


And no 17% with no opinion doesn't count in this case. Because it's likely they couldn't even UNDERSTAND the question..

Lotta that going around apparently.

Watch him still try to squirm out of it...
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Arrrrrghhhh.. Now I have to apologize to the HUFFPO --- not to you [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION].. This is harder than a I thought. Probably because Google doesn't care to EDUCATE folks about the origins and PURPOSE of Memorial Day.. We are all guilty..

Memorial Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the men and women who died while serving in the country's armed forces.[1] The holiday, which is celebrated every year on the last Monday of May,[2] was formerly known as Decoration Day and originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the war. By the 20th century, Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who died while in the military service.

Memorial Day is not to be confused with Veterans Day; Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving, while Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans.[4]

SORRY HUFFPO -- you are apparently using the Gallup Poll results correctly...

Remembering/Honoring veterans --- 40%
Honor war dead ---- 28%

Tricky question eh? But Memorial Day is NOT Veteran's Day. There's a difference.
The HuffPo got it right. The numbers are OVERWHELMINGLY in my favor.. APPARENTLY
it is GALLUP that doesn't know the diff between Memorial Day and Veteran's Day..

You lose.. Don't be a poor sport.

And BTW --- I was going by what you SAID the bet was --- and didn't check my original comment.
You had it wrong in your last couple posts.

Total clusterfuck of ignorance --- all because Google doesn't give a shit about Memorial Day..
Arrrrrghhhh.. Now I have to apologize to the HUFFPO --- not to you [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION].. This is harder than a I thought. Probably because Google doesn't care to EDUCATE folks about the origins and PURPOSE of Memorial Day.. We are all guilty..

Memorial Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the men and women who died while serving in the country's armed forces.[1] The holiday, which is celebrated every year on the last Monday of May,[2] was formerly known as Decoration Day and originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the war. By the 20th century, Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who died while in the military service.

Memorial Day is not to be confused with Veterans Day; Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving, while Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans.[4]

SORRY HUFFPO -- you are apparently using the Gallup Poll results correctly...

Remembering/Honoring veterans --- 40%
Honor war dead ---- 28%

Tricky question eh? But Memorial Day is NOT Veteran's Day. There's a difference.
The HuffPo got it right. The numbers are OVERWHELMINGLY in my favor.. APPARENTLY
it is GALLUP that doesn't know the diff between Memorial Day and Veteran's Day..

You lose.. Don't be a poor sport.

And BTW --- I was going by what you SAID the bet was --- and didn't check my original comment.
You had it wrong in your last couple posts.

Total clusterfuck of ignorance --- all because Google doesn't give a shit about Memorial Day..

OMG .... should I say it?

Google is not Wikipedia. Nor is Gallup.

You know that, right?

Obviously the wager was on Memorial Day and not Vets Day. Simple glance at the calendar reminds us of that.

So your chosen squirm is to try to draw a distinction between "remembering" and "honoring", claim that Gallup must have been thinking of the wrong holiday, and blame them for your losing a bet.

That is indeed an impressive stretch. I'd like to sign up for your yoga class.
I'll bet Lie-ability wants to hire you to be his agent too.

See? Two new clients -- you're cleaning up anyway. Win-win. :eusa_dance:

But about that last line, which was where we started:
"Google doesn't give a shit about Memorial Day.."

It was noted way earlier, ON Memorial Day, that Google did indeed recognize the day. Therefore we can surmise that "give a shit" refers to degree.

How much money do you reckon Google could have made with a bigger Memorial Day splash on the backs of the fallen then? What kind of booty did they pass up by going with understated and tasteful?

We live in such a culture of advertising that we don't even recognize straightforward communication if there isn't a hard-sell sales pitch attached to it. Which is apparently what the OP was looking for -- superficiality.

"Not that there's anything wrong with that...."
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puke-o doesn't seem to grasp that there IS a difference between remembering and honoring.

How utterly unsurprising.
Now you're just squirming and making shit up. No one mentioned the difference between "honoring and remembering". The difference is between the MEANING of Memorial Day and Veteran's Day. And the HuffPo actually got that right when they reported that "only 28% correctly identified" the meaning of Memorial Day. It's NOT the day we honor all veterans. So 28% correctly said it's about memorializing our fallen defenders of the USA in the Gallup poll.

You can go and ATTEMPT to edit the Wiki.. But they will probably shun you for messing up the concise meaning and differences in their EXISTING description of Memorial Day..

Pay up useless tool...


I said 25% --- The Gallup poll says it's more like 70%.. Google should HAVE invested some effort.
puke-o doesn't seem to grasp that there IS a difference between remembering and honoring.

How utterly unsurprising.

In the case of the holidays there really isn't. But in other things, sure.

Like say for example you made a bet. You can "remember" that you made the bet. You could even start a thread about it. But even though it's "remembered" you could at the same time fail to "honor" it.

Don't you agree o cheerful prince? :eusa_angel:
What percentage of people in the Gallup poll correctly said that Memorial Day was to honor our war dead?

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