GOOGLE officially ignores U.S. Memorial Day again

And let's consider WHO Google celebrates:

Rachel fucking Carson.


You're abandoning the premise of your own thread now?

Well considering how badly it was conceived I can't blame ya but you might wanna note that this particular tangent is already out there. And yeah I mean, "out there".

Actually it's kinda fun. Much handing of asses.

Holy mackerel are you dishonest. I'm not really surprised. You are basically just a dishonest twat. But I am disgusted by your ongoing and endless boundless willingness to just flat out lie as you do.

No, you plodding purveyor of intentional falsehoods. To note the DIFFERENCE in what the fucks at Google DO choose to celebrate with their artsy logo displays as compared against what they choose NOT to celebrate in that fashion is NOT abandoning the premise of my thread. (Also, you might take note of the word "And" before you drool on yourself even more, you useless clump of vaginal discharge. )

I said what I said (in full) in the original post. Of course I stand by that because I was and I remain quite totally correct about it.

As you know but would never have the manhood to admit.
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You're on. It's a bet. Show your figures.

We'll let the OP hold the kitty. He knows all about bets.

Before I enjoy taking your money [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION] -- perhaps you want to take a guess at the percentage of folks who don't know who we fought in WW2 ????

Lordy, Lordy -- another pile of leftist booty..

In too late, sorry, greener pastures elsewhere. Making a gushing thread into a Silent String, if you know what I mean. Defending a great conservative. Somebody's gotta do it.

What gives you the idea I'm a "leftist" anyway?

And who mentioned "money"?

Now your chart down there -- are those Googlers? Because that is the topic here... not that such table has anything to do with what your claim was...

Don't add devious and dishonest to leftist now there Wilbur..

A bet is a bet and there are WITNESSES.. Fork it over and stop whining..
You challenged me to back up the stat in my post and I did that plus extra credit.

My "associates" will shake you upside down at the door if you prefer... :eusa_whistle:
Before I enjoy taking your money [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION] -- perhaps you want to take a guess at the percentage of folks who don't know who we fought in WW2 ????

Lordy, Lordy -- another pile of leftist booty..

In too late, sorry, greener pastures elsewhere. Making a gushing thread into a Silent String, if you know what I mean. Defending a great conservative. Somebody's gotta do it.

What gives you the idea I'm a "leftist" anyway?

And who mentioned "money"?

Now your chart down there -- are those Googlers? Because that is the topic here... not that such table has anything to do with what your claim was...

Don't add devious and dishonest to leftist now there Wilbur..

A bet is a bet and there are WITNESSES.. Fork it over and stop whining..
You challenged me to back up the stat in my post and I did that plus extra credit.

My "associates" will shake you upside down at the door if you prefer... :eusa_whistle:

Your claim was, and still on the record, that "25% couldn't tell us the origins of Memorial Day". On a Google search page. I don't see any action on that. I see a link back to the beginning of this bastion of butthurt thread. Don't you know that's like taking a picture of a mirror? You could warp the space-time continuum doing that.

Do yourself a favor, just do it until you need glasses. :cool:

Base point remains: Google did indeed iconize Memorial Day, even though it chaps the proverbial hide of curmudgeons drunk on Welch's Grape Juice who wanted nothing less than a Sousa band to jump out of his screen screaming "USA! USA!" while firing cannon into the air, that they did so tastefully. And then they went on the next day to a more complex icon, obviously for a lesser-known entity, to memorialize an important American conservationist.

I for one don't mind if they highlight a good conservative rather than a socon. If that's your issue, well as I said, there's a thread for that. And as far as the bet of how many Googlers know Memorial Day versus how many know Rachel Carson -- game still on.
And let's consider WHO Google celebrates:

Rachel fucking Carson.


You're abandoning the premise of your own thread now?

Well considering how badly it was conceived I can't blame ya but you might wanna note that this particular tangent is already out there. And yeah I mean, "out there".

Actually it's kinda fun. Much handing of asses.

Holy mackerel are you dishonest. I'm not really surprised. You are basically just a dishonest twat. But I am disgusted by your ongoing and endless boundless willingness to just flat out lie as you do.

No, you plodding purveyor of intentional falsehoods. To note the DIFFERENCE in what the fucks at Google DO choose to celebrate with their artsy logo displays as compared against what they choose NOT to celebrate in that fashion is NOT abandoning the premise of my thread. (Also, you might take note of the word "And" before you drool on yourself even more, you useless clump of vaginal discharge. )

I said what I said (in full) in the original post. Of course I stand by that because I was and I remain quite totally correct about it.

As you know but would never have the manhood to admit.


Diaper man might want to contemplate the distinction between "manhood" and "dickhood"...
You're abandoning the premise of your own thread now?

Well considering how badly it was conceived I can't blame ya but you might wanna note that this particular tangent is already out there. And yeah I mean, "out there".

Actually it's kinda fun. Much handing of asses.

Holy mackerel are you dishonest. I'm not really surprised. You are basically just a dishonest twat. But I am disgusted by your ongoing and endless boundless willingness to just flat out lie as you do.

No, you plodding purveyor of intentional falsehoods. To note the DIFFERENCE in what the fucks at Google DO choose to celebrate with their artsy logo displays as compared against what they choose NOT to celebrate in that fashion is NOT abandoning the premise of my thread. (Also, you might take note of the word "And" before you drool on yourself even more, you useless clump of vaginal discharge. )

I said what I said (in full) in the original post. Of course I stand by that because I was and I remain quite totally correct about it.

As you know but would never have the manhood to admit.


Diaper man might want to contemplate the distinction between "manhood" and "dickhood"...

Most of us have no interest in your reliance on "Depends," puke-o.

The difference between being a man and being a dick is clearly a difference you have never grasped.

You are lacking entirely in honor. The fact that you remain unwilling to admit the truth is proof enough of that.

Now hurry back with more of your wailing and braying.
DDT killed insects that once killed children.

DDT killed insects that once killed trees.

Enviro-whackos killed DDT so the killing of trees and children could resume.

Still, something for which we can be thankful:
Liberals so far haven't figured how to ABORT trees - just children.
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DDT killed insects that once killed children.

DDT killed insects that once killed trees.

Enviro-whackos killed DDT so the killing of trees and children could resume.

Still, something for which we can be thankful:
Liberals so far haven't figured how to ABORT trees - just children.

I'm sure your link to "enviro wackos killing DDT" will be welcome in that appropriate thread. Lord knows Pothead is dying in there. If you have actual evidence, why don't you present it there?

Come armed for battle or turn tail and run...

DDT killed insects that once killed children.

DDT killed insects that once killed trees.

Enviro-whackos killed DDT so the killing of trees and children could resume.

Still, something for which we can be thankful:
Liberals so far haven't figured how to ABORT trees - just children.

I'm sure your link to "enviro wackos killing DDT" will be welcome in that appropriate thread. Lord knows Pothead is dying in there. If you have actual evidence, why don't you present it there?

Come armed for battle or turn tail and run...



Somebody's gonna run report me to The Teacher! Childhood habits die hard, eh?
Hey notthegenius: bing (since you hate google) the dangrs of ddt. Youll see several things you can read. You cacn read, right? Clearly ddt is dangerous.

One says

Click it.
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Hey notthegenius: bing (since you hate google) the dangrs of ddt. Youll see several things you can read. You cacn read, right? Clearly ddt is dangerous.

Hey, "voic" you blithering, blathering dim wit:

What is a "dangrs?" Is it anything like a "danger?"

Have you ever heard of an apostrophe? If not, your education has been sorely lacking.

I can read. What is "cacn?" Can you write? Are you capable of coherence?

DDT can indeed be dangerous and nobody has ever (to my knowledge) denied it. At least, I haven't.

But, Carson deliberately overstated the dangers of the proper and controlled use of limited amounts of the stuff.

The thickness of egg shells never warranted the hundreds of thousands of human deaths which could have easily been avoided but for the ridiculous reaction to her propaganda.
My typos (from typing on a tiny phone) are miniscule errors compared to your drooling lunacy. Do your wards know you have internet access or are they assuming you are still cruisin' ghey websites?

As for your original dumbass whinefest: you do know that other search engines exist...however, like GOOGLE, they also don NOT give 2 shits what you think of their policies.

Need a hanky?
My typos (from typing on a tiny phone) are miniscule errors compared to your drooling lunacy. Do your wards know you have internet access or are they assuming you are still cruisin' ghey websites?

As for your original dumbass whinefest: you do know that other search engines exist...however, like GOOGLE, they also don NOT give 2 shits what you think of their policies.

Need a hanky?

Ah, the old "blame the tool" ploy.

Very manly of you.


I have not engaged in any lunacy, drooling or otherwise. Your perception is simply skewed by your tragic lack of intelligence.

And I didn't engage in a whinefest either, you foolish little twerp. I NOTED (correctly) that Google sucks ass.

You are free to disagree. In other words, you have a right to remain wrong and a right to remain a blathering dopey piece of shit. Tasks you perform adroitly.
LOL. Do you really in that teeny tiny brain of yours think that I or anyone else on this board gives a flying fuck what you think? We know by reading your claptrap that you have mental issues...that much is painfully obvious. It is pathetic really that you keep this rant up. It clearly shows how empty and stagnant your life is.

Your angry replies are diminished by my pity for you.

Oh and eta: betcha five bux google is worth more than you can even imagine.

Have as nice a day as you can.
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I have it from a trusted source that they did it to make IliarMyliar have a hissy fit.
In too late, sorry, greener pastures elsewhere. Making a gushing thread into a Silent String, if you know what I mean. Defending a great conservative. Somebody's gotta do it.

What gives you the idea I'm a "leftist" anyway?

And who mentioned "money"?

Now your chart down there -- are those Googlers? Because that is the topic here... not that such table has anything to do with what your claim was...

Don't add devious and dishonest to leftist now there Wilbur..

A bet is a bet and there are WITNESSES.. Fork it over and stop whining..
You challenged me to back up the stat in my post and I did that plus extra credit.

My "associates" will shake you upside down at the door if you prefer... :eusa_whistle:

Your claim was, and still on the record, that "25% couldn't tell us the origins of Memorial Day". On a Google search page. I don't see any action on that. I see a link back to the beginning of this bastion of butthurt thread. Don't you know that's like taking a picture of a mirror? You could warp the space-time continuum doing that.

Do yourself a favor, just do it until you need glasses. :cool:

Base point remains: Google did indeed iconize Memorial Day, even though it chaps the proverbial hide of curmudgeons drunk on Welch's Grape Juice who wanted nothing less than a Sousa band to jump out of his screen screaming "USA! USA!" while firing cannon into the air, that they did so tastefully. And then they went on the next day to a more complex icon, obviously for a lesser-known entity, to memorialize an important American conservationist.

I for one don't mind if they highlight a good conservative rather than a socon. If that's your issue, well as I said, there's a thread for that. And as far as the bet of how many Googlers know Memorial Day versus how many know Rachel Carson -- game still on.

Pogo, Pogo, Pogo.. Read my tag line please. I've been at this public debate for awhile now and I don't post anything that I'd lose a bet on.. You were not clear on why you were gonna owe me money. But the odds were against you anyway..

As Memorial Day Observations Decline In Popularity, Powerful Lessons Remain

In a 2000 Gallup poll that asked Americans to define the holiday, the most recent survey on the topic, only 28 percent of people correctly said it was about remembering those who died while serving in the military. In many areas, Memorial Day may be better known for its sales and spikes in DUIs.

I am sad I was so far off and said 25%.. But you owe me the money you deviant leftist.
Pay up like the metrosexual that you are !!!!

LOL. Do you really in that teeny tiny brain of yours think that I or anyone else on this board gives a flying fuck what you think? We know by reading your claptrap that you have mental issues...that much is painfully obvious. It is pathetic really that you keep this rant up. It clearly shows how empty and stagnant your life is.

Your angry replies are diminished by my pity for you.

Oh and eta: betcha five bux google is worth more than you can even imagine.

Have as nice a day as you can.

Yes "voic." Or whatever your username was before this new sock.

You DO in fact give a lot more than a flying fuck what I think.

I have gotten under your wickedly thin skin. And it shows.

Your fail is not yet complete however. Please keep posting so that your massive fail can be underscored, bolded, highlighted, etc. You may suck at this, but the fact that you keep swinging and missing is entertaining.
Roflmao! The only sock around you is the one that catches your sicko..

Btw: thanks for the rent free livingn space I occupy in your otherwise empty skull.

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