Google searches on moving to Canada spiked 350% after Trump's Super Tuesday primary wins

No, it is anyone with a brain Googling how to move to Canada. No one really wants a clown as President.

That's odd... because
2000 - Americans elected a clown as President
2004 - Americans re-elected a clown as President
2008 - Americans elected an even BIGGER CLOWN as President
2012 - Americans re-elected the even BIGGER CLOWN as President

... it appears that Americans do in fact love clowns in the Oval Office and that we're looking to one-up the last clown in office by electing ever bigger, more inane clowns..... at this rate I predict Bart Simpson will be President by 2024.

Harlan K. Ullman, a shrewd American analyst, once noted that there used to be two parties in America – one had a conscience but no brains, and the other always had brains but no conscience. Now, Ullman notes, we have two completely identical parties with no brains and no conscience, and he questions the meaning of their existence.
America Forever?
No, it is anyone with a brain Googling how to move to Canada. No one really wants a clown as President.

Maybe the next President can offer Trump the position of Clown in Chief?

That position has been filled in November 2008 and reinforced in November 2012.
And the result was an unparalleled failure in American history

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