GOP Accused of Pushing Russian Narrative(?)! (Donald Trump(?)--Lying!?))


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Rep Nunes put the entire Republican Party into defensive mode for the upcoming 2020 elections--and clearly the impending trial of the President of United States. "Who's in Russia's Wallet?!" in all the back pockets: Is on the election agenda! "The Entire Republican Party," is now the known widespread response in the Red States, even already!

Out of the all the various reports of foreign interference in the 2016 election: Nunes picked the only one blaming Ukraine, instead of Russia--the one allegedly: The Bible-Complete Republican Party agenda, (aka report).

The fictional stuff is apparently everywhere: For some people!

Fiona Hill clashes with GOP over ‘fictional’ Ukraine claims

National Security issues are clearly an embarassment to the election of anyone Republican in 2020. . .Including one's for bear-catchers. "Here, Cuddly, Cuddly Bear!" "Here, Cuddly Cuddly Bears!" "Here, Cuddly, Cuddly Armed Russian Bear Interventions!"

It's not just cell-phone sport, for Republicans. They see it all as opposition(?). . .To the Democrats(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Usury Economics--Deut 23:19-20--Seen as major gift of Pharaoh--through Prince Moses--to all the nations then Pharaoh could further subjugate(?). Western Civilization, actually, would not only figure that out--but keep really, really quiet about it(?)!)
Among some people, the reports about Ukraine interference, not Russian: Are Everywhere!

Putin says 'thank God' as Republicans push his bogus conspiracy theory that Ukraine interfered in 2016

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(How Great Pharaoh got Prince Moses to fabricate an exile story, use stupid nameless-deity tribes to spread around the subjugating Usury Economics arithmetic: Easily far more interesting subject of great inquiry--starting in Matthew 25:14-30--against backdrop of Matthew 20: 1-16: And left to die there(?)!)
Actually, Manafort went to prison--through the ably conducted, pro-USA--Mueller investigation. The DNC Ukraine-lady connection has been debunked. So since 2017--the date of the article--matters have been clarified. The Trump GOP is all pro-Russia! From the article below. Subsequent 2017 then all kinds of matters were debunked, and in Manafort's case corroborated.

The Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafort’s resignation and advancing the narrative that Trump’s campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine’s foe to the east, Russia. But they were far less concerted or centrally directed than Russia’s alleged hacking and dissemination of Democratic emails.
That is coming out with lots of publicity all week!

Support of Manafort is probably a non-starter for 2020.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Moses fantasy about great deity, ordering subjugation of peoples,, and using Usury Economics--widely prayed to, even--if not always on Lands of Many Nations!)
Rep Nunes put the entire Republican Party into defensive mode for the upcoming 2020 elections--and clearly the impending trial of the President of United States. "Who's in Russia's Wallet?!" in all the back pockets: Is on the election agenda! "The Entire Republican Party," is now the known widespread response in the Red States, even already!

Out of the all the various reports of foreign interference in the 2016 election: Nunes picked the only one blaming Ukraine, instead of Russia--the one allegedly: The Bible-Complete Republican Party agenda, (aka report).

The fictional stuff is apparently everywhere: For some people!

Fiona Hill clashes with GOP over ‘fictional’ Ukraine claims

National Security issues are clearly an embarassment to the election of anyone Republican in 2020. . .Including one's for bear-catchers. "Here, Cuddly, Cuddly Bear!" "Here, Cuddly Cuddly Bears!" "Here, Cuddly, Cuddly Armed Russian Bear Interventions!"

It's not just cell-phone sport, for Republicans. They see it all as opposition(?). . .To the Democrats(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Usury Economics--Deut 23:19-20--Seen as major gift of Pharaoh--through Prince Moses--to all the nations then Pharaoh could further subjugate(?). Western Civilization, actually, would not only figure that out--but keep really, really quiet about it(?)!)
And the coup continues.
Look into the linked article in the Oddball post, from 2017: Then anyone sees what Nunes of the Trump GOP supports as "Fair" due process. Support of Russia and those tactics is easily what is better said of the Trump Administration GOP!
Chalupa left the DNC after the Democratic convention in late July to focus full time on her research into Manafort, Trump and Russia. She said she provided off-the-record information and guidance to “a lot of journalists” working on stories related to Manafort and Trump’s Russia connections, despite what she described as escalating harassment.

About a month-and-a-half after Chalupa first started receiving hacking alerts, someone broke into her car outside the Northwest Washington home where she lives with her husband and three young daughters, she said. They “rampaged it, basically, but didn’t take anything valuable — left money, sunglasses, $1,200 worth of golf clubs,” she said, explaining she didn’t file a police report after that incident because she didn’t connect it to her research and the hacking.

But by the time a similar vehicle break-in occurred involving two family cars, she was convinced that it was a Russia-linked intimidation campaign. The police report on the latter break-in noted that “both vehicles were unlocked by an unknown person and the interior was ransacked, with papers and the garage openers scattered throughout the cars. Nothing was taken from the vehicles.”

Then, early in the morning on another day, a woman “wearing white flowers in her hair” tried to break into her family’s home at 1:30 a.m., Chalupa said. Shulyar told Chalupa that the mysterious incident bore some of the hallmarks of intimidation campaigns used against foreigners in Russia, according to Chalupa.

“This is something that they do to U.S. diplomats, they do it to Ukrainians. Like, this is how they operate. They break into people’s homes. They harass people. They’re theatrical about it,” Chalupa said. “They must have seen when I was writing to the DNC staff, outlining who Manafort was, pulling articles, saying why it was significant, and painting the bigger picture.”

In a Yahoo News story naming Chalupa as one of 16 “ordinary people” who “shaped the 2016 election,” Isikoff wrote that after Chalupa left the DNC, FBI agents investigating the hacking questioned her and examined her laptop and smartphone.

Chalupa this month told Politico that, as her research and role in the election started becoming more public, she began receiving death threats, along with continued alerts of state-sponsored hacking. But she said, “None of this has scared me off.”

The Trump/Russia-Supportive GOP is all about especially putting women "Through some things," ASAP or later on.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Pharaoh put in Moses, The Prince of Egyptian-trained Egypt, (ACTS 7): Not widely noted as the source of the fictions, and the Usury Economics!)


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