GOP, AGAIN, Kicking The Proverbial Can Down The Road?

Concern about what the GOP plans to do to the health care of every America is not something anyone has to "dig up".
"Every American"? I think you will have to read more.
Every health care policy in America is ACA compliant, Medicare/Medicaid (which is affected by the ACA), or VA.

If the ACA is dumped, it will affect all but the VA - and those on VA end up not on VA.
Concern about what the GOP plans to do to the health care of every America is not something anyone has to "dig up".
"Every American"? I think you will have to read more.
Every health care policy in America is ACA compliant, Medicare/Medicaid (which is affected by the ACA), or VA.

If the ACA is dumped, it will affect all but the VA - and those on VA end up not on VA.
That's why people who liked their plan couldn't keep. The lie of the decade brought to you from Obama himself.

Obamacare is simply not viable. People want choice, not what the government tells them they have to choose.That is not choice.
Concern about what the GOP plans to do to the health care of every America is not something anyone has to "dig up".
"Every American"? I think you will have to read more.
Every health care policy in America is ACA compliant, Medicare/Medicaid (which is affected by the ACA), or VA.

If the ACA is dumped, it will affect all but the VA - and those on VA end up not on VA.
That's why people who liked their plan couldn't keep. The lie of the decade brought to you from Obama himself.

Obamacare is simply not viable. People want choice, not what the government tells them they have to choose.That is not choice.
Under the ACA, insurers could have continued existing policies while following ACA rules. In that sense, it was up to the insurance companies.

The ACA added regulations to the regulations that had previously been in place. Insurance companies may create and price policies as they wish as long as they follow the regulations that apply to all policies.

If you look at the polls you will find that people are wildly in favor of the regulations that were added, except for the requirement to be insured.

As you are probably aware, that requirement is in place, because insurance companies point out that they can not provide the features people like without there being far more people insured than there were before the ACA.

The main one is that insurance companies can not sustain having people buy insurance when they get sick while dropping insurance when they aren't sick. If we go back to that, then we're back to having insurance companies drop those who get sick, refuse to sell to those who have preexisting conditions, differentiate pricing based on age, gender, what they see when examining the medications and procedures you get, etc.
Concern about what the GOP plans to do to the health care of every America is not something anyone has to "dig up".
"Every American"? I think you will have to read more.
Every health care policy in America is ACA compliant, Medicare/Medicaid (which is affected by the ACA), or VA.

If the ACA is dumped, it will affect all but the VA - and those on VA end up not on VA.
That's why people who liked their plan couldn't keep. The lie of the decade brought to you from Obama himself.

Obamacare is simply not viable. People want choice, not what the government tells them they have to choose.That is not choice.
Under the ACA, insurers could have continued existing policies while following ACA rules. In that sense, it was up to the insurance companies.
Bull. the policies could not be continued as they were because they did not Obamacare minimal standards. Young men have to be insured (and pay) for mastectomies and gynecological care for example.

Even Bill Clinton said it was crazy, simply acknowledging what we all know:
It seems very difficult to change it now. 15 million added to Medicaid. 5 million others buying (subsidized?) through ACA? Very hidden and confusing.

Can't find any numbers on the cost? who is paying for these 20mil known? All paid out of the money "removed" from Medicare? I don't get it? If they are able to shuffle money around that easily? Why were not these 15mil already on medicaid? (~$32K income married joint is qualification level, ~$16K single). What if you make $40K married? buy ACA subsidized? If you don't get it at your employer (who now must provide if more than 50 employees?)

Can anyone explain?
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All anyone needs to know is that the ACA is a POS that never, ever should have been passed.

The ONLY winners are the people the rest of us are paying for.
Concern about what the GOP plans to do to the health care of every America is not something anyone has to "dig up".
"Every American"? I think you will have to read more.
Every health care policy in America is ACA compliant, Medicare/Medicaid (which is affected by the ACA), or VA.

If the ACA is dumped, it will affect all but the VA - and those on VA end up not on VA.
That's why people who liked their plan couldn't keep. The lie of the decade brought to you from Obama himself.

Obamacare is simply not viable. People want choice, not what the government tells them they have to choose.That is not choice.
Under the ACA, insurers could have continued existing policies while following ACA rules. In that sense, it was up to the insurance companies.
Bull. the policies could not be continued as they were because they did not Obamacare minimal standards. Young men have to be insured (and pay) for mastectomies and gynecological care for example.

Even Bill Clinton said it was crazy, simply acknowledging what we all know:

The primary issues with policies previous to the ACA had to do with who got to buy them and what they covered. Insurance companies didn't have to worry about the "who buys them" part, because the policies had already been purchased (obviously). All they would have had to do is cover more stuff and change the price - which they had always been doing from year to year anyway.

Or, did you think insurance companies hadn't previously changed policy prices from year to year??

As for Clinton's comment, I agree.

I'm not a fan of the ACA. It's better than what we had, but we're still not as good at delivering health care than EVERY other industrialized nation, even though we spend more on health care than any of them do.

So, for now, the thing the Republicans are doing that I don't agree with is that they plan to kill the ACA (affecting EVERY AMERICAN) without having a replacement.

And, THAT is grossly, even criminally, irresponsible.
It seems very difficult to change it now. 15 million added to Medicaid. 5 million others buying (subsidized?) through ACA? Very hidden and confusing.

Can't find any numbers on the cost? who is paying for these 20mil known? All paid out of the money "removed" from Medicare? I don't get it? If they are able to shuffle money around that easily? Why were not these 15mil already on medicaid? (~$32K income married joint is qualification level, ~$16K single). What if you make $40K married? buy ACA subsidized? If you don't get it at your employer (who now must provide if more than 50 employees?)

Can anyone explain?
Subsidies are not full payments of the cost - they are subsidies. Putting people on Medicaid is more than a subsidy. The idea is to help, not take over.

The ACA includes savings from different sources. I'm not an expert on what these all are, but one of them is that before the ACA we needed to subsidize hospitals, because they were the provider of last resort for those who could not pay. And, ER care is the most expensive care we have.

Hospitals distributed some of that ER cost to all who use the hospital - paid by anyone who ends up in the hospital, raising the cost of insurance, etc. And, the rest came from taxes and other sources directed to hospitals.

Also, the system as a whole is pushing us toward paying for outcomes rather than paying for individual procedures as we did before the ACA. That is well accepted as a cost savings.
Obamacare is essentially a pregnant woman aged well beyond her years who has no hope of delivering a live birth.

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