GOP and DEM Senators express disgust at Tucker Carlson depiction of J6

Don't you really mean: SHUDDAP, SHUDDAP, SHUDDAP? Gee, it really SUCKS getting exposed for years and years of nothing but LIES to the public?!
Meh There ain't a fucking thing either of us can do about it, so you throw shade around like a little girl. Whine, whine, whine.
Maybe but it has nothing to do with my fully functional skepticism of right wingers claiming to have "the real truth".

For 7 years everything your cult leaders have told you has been proven to be wrong.
They keep lying
You keep falling for it.
You will never hold them accountable
They will never provide facts that don't support their narrative.
The Cult leaders told them what they saw and what they should think about it.

Seems to have grown to frightening, zombie-like sci-fi levels.

For 7 years everything your cult leaders have told you has been proven to be wrong.
They keep lying
You keep falling for it.
You will never hold them accountable
They will never provide facts that don't support their narrative.
Whatever. Save the silly rant for those who buy it.
The Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" all know what happened. Romney could hardly keep from laughing when he called for Pence to be installed. The 1/6 hate hoax is just the tip of the iceberg of the treason and corruption of the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" crowd. They all were long gold oil defense stocks and the long bond on 910

911 Truthers are 100% vindicated = Osama was Col Tom/Tim Os(s)man ...

What he said
Whatever the hell it was.

FAUX news should be ashamed that they are misleading and outright lying to their viewers. They are the most dishonest new channel.
Oh Stfu. You dishonest whining hack.

Most of the protest was absolutely peaceful.

Was there a riot of sorts? Yes.

But much of what was aired wasn’t violent.

And you hacks will grasp into anything to avoid the real story.

The real story is how the all but fully Democrat and otherwise still completely partisan Jan 6 fake committee hid evidence and distorted what was testified to in its predetermined biased as fuck conclusions.
Oh Stfu. You dishonest whining hack.

Most of the protest was absolutely peaceful.

Was there a riot of sorts? Yes.

But much of what was aired wasn’t violent.

And you hacks will grasp into anything to avoid the real story.

The real story is how the all but fully Democrat and otherwise still completely partisan Jan 6 fake committee hid evidence and distorted what was testified to in its predetermined biased as fuck conclusions.

But we knew that.
We knew that it was all fake from the beginning.
Oh Stfu. You dishonest whining hack.

Most of the protest was absolutely peaceful.

Was there a riot of sorts? Yes.

But much of what was aired wasn’t violent.

And you hacks will grasp into anything to avoid the real story.

The real story is how the all but fully Democrat and otherwise still completely partisan Jan 6 fake committee hid evidence and distorted what was testified to in its predetermined biased as fuck conclusions.
“Most of the protest was peaceful”

Big fucking deal. A shit load of it was VERY violent and it’s GOAL was to impede the workings of democracy

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